Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 5-1-1954 The Kentucky High School Athlete, May 1954 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, May 1954" (1954). The Athlete. Book 555. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/555 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hiqh Ichool Alii/eft ST. XAVIER HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING TEAM KENTUCKY CLASS "A" CHAMPION"" 1954 (Left to Right) Front Row: G. F. Russman, Martin O'Toole, Terry Sullivan, Jerry Gramig, James Riehl. Second Row: Don Lococo, John Remmers, Capt. Buddy Hubbuch, David Mussellman, John Conti. Third Row: Bro. Wendel, Coach, Don Gregg, Charles Hughes, John Hubbuch, Joe Roehrig, Vic DiOrio, Mgr. J ohn George. Official Organ of the KEN TUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSN. MAY - 1954 and center with a thorough familiarity of lhigh U.K. Coaching Clinic school techniques from several years in the field. Collier himself brings to the Clinic program a comprehensive technical knowledge of football based on sixteen years as a high school coach at Paris, Ky., and eight seasons with the professional Cleve­ land Browns. The quiet-mannered naHve Kentuck­ ian is regarded as a keen student of the game and brilliant diagnostician. He is solid in gridiron fun­ damentals, meticulous in technique, and perfection in play execution is his major goal. As backfield coach of the ,Browns, he was credited with devising many of the team's successful pass-defense patterns. COACH BLANTON COLLIER Kentucky University of Kentucky's annual free school foT high school coaches will be held in Lexington August 12-14 as a fundamentals clinic featuring· detailed instructions· on coaching techniques by the school's new football staff and veteran ca·ge coaching team. Athletic Director Bernie A. Shively of the Univer­ sity said that the clinic would depart from the usual plan of having guest lecturers in the persons of out-of-state "name" coaches, and would cater more closely to the interests of the football and basketball coaches of the state. COACH ADOLPH RUPP Kentucky The complete schedule for the U. K. Fundamental Football and Basketball Clinic, as it is to be known, The . basketball part of the coaching school will will be announced at a later date, Shi'Vely added. lay equal stress on fundamental tips designed to A high-Ji,ght of the clinic will be the annual East­ materially assist the high school mentor. Words of West All-1Star Games in both football and basket­ advice in this field will come from fabulously­ ball on Saturday night, August 14. successful Ado1ph Rupp, coach of the national champion Wildcat basketball team which went un­ New Wildcat football c'hief Kentucky Blanton defeated in twenty-five contests against major com­ Collier, who will change from his one-time role of petition last winter, and his assistant, Harry Lan­ Kentucky high school coach-participant in the clinic caster, a native son who has turned down attractive to instructor, explained that the football phase of offers of head coaching positions from numerous top the coaching school will be tailored to meet the schools to remain at his home-state University. needs expressed by coaches of the state through the Kentucky High School Association at the recent Coach Rupp, the nation's winningest cage coach K.E.A. meeting. He said that he and members of and widely-sought after as a lecturer at· coaching his staff would devote their discussions to stress­ ing the basic fundamentals ·of various phases of schools throughout the country, will explain details coaching as requested by the state's grid mentors. of his controlled fast break offensive patterns and Methods of teaching specific drills in practice will other hardwood tactics. Lancaster is expected to be explained in detail, according to the way they enlarge on this subject, bring out time-proven sug­ are used at the University, and motion picture ex­ cerpts will be screened to illustrate how these drills gestions regarding defensive play ·and indi'Vidual are carried out under game conditions. assignments, and cketch methods used in analyzing o•pponents' weakness. Assisting Coach Collier in the football part of the clini'c ,program will be Backfield Coach Erma! Al­ The annual U. of K. Fundamental Football and len, Line Coach Clarence Underwood; Bill Arsparger, Basketball Clinic again will be open to all high former Ohio State aide who works with the Wild­ school coaches free of charge. However, coaches are cats' offensive line; Matt Lair, ex-Kentucky guard who has a back,ground of five years' high school advised to write for reservations to allow plans to coaching experience in Alabama and Kentucky; and be made for rooming space and arrangement of End Coach Charlie Bradshaw, one-time UK end sessions to benefit the greates t number. The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. XVI-NO. 10 MAY, 1954 $1.00 Per Year MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING The thirty-seventh annual meeting of the Solomon, that Proposal III, providing that Kentucky High School Athletic Association district and regional tournament sites shall was held at the Kentucky Hotel, Louisville, be determined by the Commissioner, be on Friday afternoon, April 23, 1954. tabled. The motion was carried. President Carlos Oakley called the meeting K. M. Winston moved, seconded by Cecil to order at 2 :00, and asked Commissioner Reid, that Proposal IV, providing that the Theo. A. Sanford to eall the roll of delegates. Commissioner shall assign officials for the Fifty-three regularly elected delegates or al­ regional basketball tournaments, be tabled. ternates answered the roll. call. The following The vote on this motion was a 27-27 tie. delegates were seated, in the absence of the Joe Duke moved, seconded by Earle Jones, delegates or alternates from their respeetive that Proposal IV be adopted. The motion was districts: Joe Duke, D. 4; Harold Hunter, lost. D. 18; Randall Grider, D. 20; Robert B. J. D. Rayburn moved, seconded by James Clem, D. 25; Roy Dorsey, D. 29; Ollie Leath­ Pursifull, that Proposal V, providing that ers, D. 41 and H. D. House, D. 44. The mo­ no member school of the K.H.S.A.A. be per­ tion to seat the delegates was made by J. D. mitted to play a football game until the first Rayburn and seconded by Earle Jones. Friday following Labor Day in September, Julian Cunni111gham moved, seconded by be tabled. The motion was lost. John Heber Joe Duke, that the minutes of the 1953 an­ moved. seconded by Ollie Leathers, that Pro­ nual meeting of the Association, which had posal V be adopted. This motion failed to been sent previously to all member schools, carry by the necessary two-thirds vote. be approved without being read. The motion 0. M. Lassiter moved, seconded by Bow­ was carried unanimously. man Davenport. that Pronosal VI, providing Commissioner Sanford then gave a report that in the State Track Meet the 440 yard on the activities of the Association during dash and the first leg of the mile relav be the 1953-54 school vear. John Heber moved, staggered at the start in lanes for the first seconded by Clayto.n Hood, that the report curve only, be adopted. The motion was of the Commissioner be accepted. The motion carried. was carried unanimously. Oran Teater moved. seconded by James President Oakley stated that consideration Bazzell, that Pronosal VII, providing for a of the proposals was the next order of busi­ new system of dassifving high schools for ness. basketball, track and baseball tournaments, John Heber moved, seconded by Paul be tabled. The motion was carried unanim­ Phillips, that Proposal I, providing that a ously. first team competitor who changes schools Cecil Reid moved, seconded by 0. P. Hurt, without a corres.ponding change in the resi­ that Proposal VIII. providing that no mem­ dence of his parents shall be ineligible for ber school shall take part in a tournament thirty-six school weeks, be adopted. The mo­ from which rany outside organization derives tion was carried. a profit. financial or otherwise, be adopted. William Shannon moved, seconded by Paul The motion was carried. Coop, that Proposal II, providing for the re­ President Oaklev then asked for any pro­ duction in the number of basketball games posals from the floor, explaining that such which may be played by a team representing proposals could only be considered by a two­ a member school in any season, be tabled. thirds vote of the delegates. The motion was lost. W. A. Threlkeld moved, Joe Duke submitted the followilllg proposal seconded by Cecil Purdom, that Proposal II for consideration: "that the rules be amend­ be adopted. The motion was lost. ed to provide that the Board of Control be Cecil Reid moved, seconded by James (Continued on Page Twelve) Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR MAY, 1954 MAY, 1954 VOL. XVI-NO. 10 One hundred forty-four officials took the Published monthly, except June and July, by the Kentuck, basketball examination, with fourteen being High School Athletic Association. added to the "Certified" list, and seventy­ Office of Publication, lJenderson, Ky. Entered as second-class matter in the post office at Henderson four receiving the "Approved" rating. Kentucky under the act of March 3, 1879.
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