FOUNDED IN FAITH — 300 yEARS OF CATHOLIC SAN ANTONIO FOUNDED IN FAITH — 300 yEARS OF CathoLIC SAN ANTONIO 2 TODAY’S CATHOLIC • MAY 11, 2018 FOUNDED IN FAITH — 300 yEARS OF CATHOLIC SAN ANTONIO FOUNDED IN FAITH — 300 yEARS OF CathoLIC SAN ANTONIO A Catholic Senior Living Community • Independent Living VillaDeSanAntonio.com • Assisted Living • Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom options • Luxury Cottages • Daily Catholic Mass • Rosary Monday – Friday 78240 TX Antonio San Hollow, North 8103 • 24 hour Adoration • Utilities & expanded cable included • All day dining, scratch • Transportation 6 days a week -1311 201 • 24 hour concierge AL# 139746 License# 145940 • Pet friendly (210) (210) Call (210) 201-1311 to make Villa de San Antonio your new home! MAY 11, 2018 • TODAY’S CATHOLIC 3 FOUNDED IN FAITH — 300 yEARS OF CATHOLIC SAN ANTONIO FOUNDED IN FAITH — 300 yEARS OF CathoLIC SAN ANTONIO †from the† ARCHBISHOP Invocation. Tricentennial of the The stones with which San Let us celebrate today, addres- foundation of the Mission of San Antonio has been built are sing the giver of everything Antonio de Valero. May 1st, 2018. living stones; they are souls and the owner of our destiny San Pedro Springs Park created by God who have with the words with which decided to live with the endu- the foundation began: In the n the year of the Lord one ring joy that is passed on, and name of God, Father, Son and thousand seven hundred and which characterizes our city Holy Spirit. We thank you Ieighteen, the first day of May, and our archdiocese. It was Lord, from whom everything this mission was moved, due apostolic zeal – to announce proceeds, for the strength of to the lack of water that it had the good news that the Son of the faith, the hope and the love at the Point of San José, to God became man, died on of those men who gave in to that of San Antonio de the cross and rose again to nothing, in order to establish Valero, by order of take us to God – which what would become our city the Honorable Mr. moved people like and our archdiocese. Thank Marquis of Valero, Friar Antonio de you for building San Antonio Viceroy of New San Buenaventura founded on the firm rock of Spain, under the y Olivares, Friar your Son and with the immor- care of the Reverend Antonio Margil de tal stones of so many faithful Father Friar Antonio Jesús and many others, souls, who have passed on to us de San Buenaventura to establish the Mission of an inheritance of which we are y Olivares. And Sergeant San Antonio and the rest of proud. Thank you for giving us Major Mr. Martín de Alarcón, them, under the protection and a solid, vibrant, happy and in- Governor of these Provinces with support from political clusive identity, which is joyful of the Kingdom of the New authorities. They were faithful for its present. We pray to you, Philippines, gave possession of to the missionary mandate Almighty God, to keep our said post to the people that is to bring the good news to all hope alive and to strengthen made up of the nations of the peoples. Later on, adobe or our compassionate love for one margin…” stone buildings were built for another, so that you will grant With these words, inscribed in the use of the missions. Some us a bright future, worthy of the Record of Sacraments of continue to function and the legacy we have received. the mission, the foundation of others have become ruins or Grant us, through the interces- San Antonio was documented, monuments, but the mission sion of Our Lady of Guada- exactly today three hundred is still alive! And the firm rock lupe, Saint Anthony of Padua years ago. In that book of upon which our community and all the saints, that we may records, which goes from 1703 life, our past and our future be a people faithful to the love to 1783, before and after this are founded, is the Word of of God. All this we ask of you inscription one can read the God, in whom we have placed through Jesus names of many men and wo- our trust. It is that Word that Christ our men, native of this region, who allows us not only to live to- Lord. Amen accepted the Catholic faith, gether, but to edify each other received Baptism and the other with an invincible hope, thanks — Archbishop sacraments, and finally passed to the diversity of gifts that we Gustavo away in communion with the have received and which we García-Siller, Church. share. MSpS 4 TODAY’S CATHOLIC • MAY 11, 2018 FOUNDED IN FAITH — 300 yEARS OF CATHOLIC SAN ANTONIO FOUNDED IN FAITH — 300 yEARS OF CathoLIC SAN ANTONIO †from the† ARCHBISHOP We are are proud proud to be part to beof San part Antonio’s of San history! Antonio’s It was thirty history! years ago, 1987,It was that thirty parishioners years ago, of 1987, Our Ladythat parishioners of Perpetual ofHelp Our (Selma) Lady of held Perpetual the first ACTSHelp (Selma)Retreats held in the the hope first of renewingACTS Retreats parish in community.the hope of renewin ACTS Missions,g parish thecommunity. Catholic lay ACTS-led Missions, non-profit the organization Catholic lay-led began non-profit ten years laterorgan izationto care beganfor the ten integrity years andlater fidelity to care of for the the retreat integrity and andevangelize fidelity within of the andretreat beyond and theevangelize Archdiocese within of andSan beyondAntonio. the Today,Archdiocese through of San the Antonio.grace of Ttheoday, Holy Spirit,through ACTS the grace Retr eatsof the are Holy held Spirit, in more ACTS than Retreats 560 parishes are held in in 6 more countries. than Our560 parishesgreatest inpresence 6 countries. is at Ourhome greatest with morepresence than is at95 home parishes with inmore our thanarchdiocese 95 parishes offering in our retreats! archdiocese We pray offering for the retreats! fortitude We and pray perseverance for the for- titudein offering and perseverance a personal encounter in offering with a personal Jesus Christ encounter to Cat withholics Jesus and Christ non- Catholicsto Catholics throughout and non-Catholics San Antonio throughout and abroad San for Antonio many years and abroato come.d for many years to come. God is Good! All the time! Amen! God is Good! All the time! Amen! MAY 11, 2018 • TODAY’S CATHOLIC 5 FOUNDED IN FAITH — 300 yEARS OF CATHOLIC SAN ANTONIO FOUNDED IN FAITH — 300 yEARS OF CathoLIC SAN ANTONIO †del† ARZOBISPO Invocación. Tricentenario de la fun- Las piedras con las que ha recibido y que compartimos. dación de la Misión de San Antonio sido construido San Antonio Celebremos hoy, dirigiéndo- de Valero. 1º de mayo de 2018. San son piedras vivas; son almas nos al dador de todo y dueño Pedro Springs Park creadas por Dios que han de- de nuestro destino con las pa- cidido vivir con la alegría per- labras con las que inició la fun- n el año del Señor de mil durable que se contagia, y que dación: En el nombre de Dios, setecientos y diez y ocho, caracteriza a nuestra ciudad y Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Te Edía primero de mayo, se a nuestra arquidiócesis. Fue el damos gracias Señor, de quien mudó esta misión, por la celo apostólico por anunciar la todo procede, por la fuerza de inopia de agua que tenía en buena noticia de que el Hijo de la fe, la esperanza y el amor el Punto de San José, al de Dios se hizo hombre, murió de aquellos hombres que ante San Antonio de Valero, en la cruz y resucitó para nada se rindieron para fundar por orden del Exce- llevarnos a Dios, lo que lo que se convertiría en nuestra lentísimo Señor movió a personajes ciudad y nuestra arquidiócesis. Marqués de Va- como Fray Antonio Gracias por edificar San An- lero, Virrey de la de San Buenaven- tonio sobre la roca firme de tu Nueva España, tura y Olivares, Hijo y con las piedras inmor- al cuidado del Fray Antonio tales de tantas almas fieles, que R.P. Fray Antonio Margil de Jesús y mu- nos han legado una herencia de San Buenaventura chos otros, a establecer de la que nos sentimos or- y Olivares. Y dio el Sar- la misión de San Antonio y gullosos. Gracias por darnos gento Mayor Don Martín de las demás, bajo la protección y una identidad sólida, vibrante, Alarcón, Gobernador de estas con el apoyo de las autoridades alegre e incluyente, que goza de Provincias del Reino de las políticas. Ellos fueron fieles al su presente. Te rogamos, Dios Nuevas Filipinas, la posesión mandato misionero de llevar la todopoderoso, que mantengas de dicho puesto al pueblo que buena nueva a todos los pue- viva nuestra esperanza y que se compone de las naciones del blos. Después se construyeron fortalezcas nuestro amor com- margen…” edificios de adobe o de piedra pasivo de unos por otros, para Con estas palabras, inscritas para el uso de las misiones. que nos concedas un futuro en el registro de sacramentos Algunos siguen funcionando brillante, digno del legado que de la misión, se hizo constar y otros se han convertido en hemos recibido. Concédenos, la fundación de San Antonio, ruinas o en monumentos, por intercesión de Santa María exactamente hoy hace tres- ¡pero la misión sigue viva! Y de Guadalupe, de San Antonio cientos años. En ese libro de la roca firme sobre la que está de Padua y de todos los santos, registro, que va de 1703 hasta basada nuestra convivencia so- que seamos un pueblo fiel al 1783, pueden leerse, antes y cial, nuestro pasado y nuestro amor de Dios.
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