10348 13 Conversations About One Thing 2832 Abe Lincoln in Illinois

10348 13 Conversations About One Thing 2832 Abe Lincoln in Illinois

10348 13 Conversations About One Thing 2832 Abe Lincoln in Illinois (B&W) 8819 Affliction 155 African Queen 9219 After Life (Japanese/Subtitled) 5987 Age of Innocence 3733 Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (German/Subtitled) 950 Alice Doesn’t Live Here Any More 156 All About Eve (B&W) 9177 All About My Mother (Spanish/Subtitled) 1048 All the King’s Men (B&W) 246 All the President’s Men 10801 All the Real Girls 9444 Almost Famous (2000) 502 Amadeus 7858 Amarcord (Italian/Subtitled) 9066 American Beauty 2409 American Short Story: Barn Burning (William Faulkner) 2480 American Short Story: Bernice Bobs Her Hair (F. Scott Fitzgerald) (1976) 2441 American Short Story: D.P. (Kurt Vonnegut Jr.) 2491 American Short Story: Displaced Person (Flannery O’Connor) 2442 American Short Story: Golden Honeymoon (Ring Lardner) 2428 American Short Story: Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg (Mark Twain) 2429 American Short Story: Music School (John Updike) & Parker Adderson, Philosopher (Ambrose Bierce) 2504 American Short Story: Sky is Grey (Ernest J. Gaines) 2433 American Short Story: Soldier’s Home (Ernest Hemingway) 10800 American Splendor 6869 Anastasia (1956) 9336 Andrei Rublev (B&W Russian/Subtitled) 230 E. North St. 4936 Angel at My Table Sidney, Ohio 45365 3735 Anna Christie (B&W) (937) 492-8354 3736 Anna Karenina (1935 B&W) 10305 Born on the Fourth of July (widescreen) 7821 Apocalypse Now (remastered widescreen) 7685 Bound 6947 Apollo 13 (widescreen) 9031 Boys Don’t Cry 8235 Apostle 4713 Boyz N the Hood 3568 As the Wind Rocks the Wagon (pioneer diaries) 390 Breaker Morant 4134 Ashpet: An American Cinderella 622 Breaking Away (Brothers Grimm) 7786 Breaking the Waves 3740 Assault (Dutch Dubbed in English) 833 Brian’s Song 2380 Au Revoir Les Enfants (French/Subtitled) 7652 Brides of Christ vol.1: Diane & Frances 10477 Auto Focus 7653 Brides of Christ vol.2: Ambose & Rosemary 2047 Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman 7654 Brides of Christ vol.3: Paul & Catherine 8817 Autumn Tale (French/Subtitled) 160 Bridge on the River Kwai 4570 Awakenings 1660 Brief Encounter (B&W) 9738 Baby Boy 9065 Bringing Out the Dead 6394 Badlands 1976 Broadcast News 893 Bang the Drum Slowly 7714 Broken Blossoms (Silent B&W) 1733 Barfly 8836 Bronx Tale (widescreen) 10171 Beautiful Mind 4779 Bugsy 4985 Beauty and the Beast 6979 Burnt by the Sun (Russian/Subtitled) (1946 French/Subtitled B&W) 433 Cabaret 9 Becket 249 Caine Mutiny 6962 Before the Rain (1994 Macedonian and 3758 Camille (B&W) Albanian/Subtitled) 1441 Candidate 6980 Belle De Jour (French/Subtitled) 9433 Carlito’s Way (widescreen) 6295 Belle Epoque (Spanish/Subtitled) 6772 Carmen Jones 8534 Beloved 7158 Carrington 8143 Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ 250 Casablanca (B&W) (B&W 1926 Silent) 7165 Casino 8398 Best Intentions (1992) (Swedish/Subtitled) 5244 Cavalcade (B&W) 614 Best Years of Our Lives (B&W) 1445 Chalk Garden 4810 Bicycle Thief (Italian/Subtitled B&W) 8294 Character (Dutch/Subtitled) 2582 Big Parade (Silent B&W) 17 Chariots of Fire 2883 Birdy 6712 Cheat (B&W Silent) 1067 Birth of a Nation (Silent B&W) 10649 Chicago (2002) 10155 Black Hawk Down 1203 Children of a Lesser God 4584 Black Orpheus (Portuguese/Subtitled) 8592 Children of Heaven (Iran/Subtitled) 6626 Blood of Jesus (B&W) 8932 Children of Paradise (B&W restored) 388 Blow-up (French/Subtitled) 6348 Blue (1993 French/Subtitled) 310 China Syndrome 6001 Blue Angel (B&W Restored) 9875 China Syndrome (widescreen) (German/Subtitled) 3072 Chocolat (French/Subtitled) 8918 Blue Collar 3073 Cimarron (1931 B&W) 7759 Blue Kite (Chinese/Subtitled) 4039 Cinema Paradiso (Italian/Subtitled) 1659 Body and Soul (B&W) 165 Citizen Kane (B&W) 620 Body Heat 1070 City Lights (Silent B&W) 965 Bonnie and Clyde 7099 City of Hope 9436 Boogie Nights (widescreen) 3769 Closely Watched Trains 621 Born Free (Czechoslovakian/Subtitled B&W) 9401 Colonel Redl (German/Subtitled) 9405 Fantasticks (1995) 1266 Color Purple 10526 Far from Heaven 393 Coming Home 6164 Farewell My Concubine (Chinese/Subtitled) 1158 Conversation 7417 Fargo 973 Cool Hand Luke 10433 Fast Runner (Inuktitut/Subtitled) 6543 Corner in Wheat & Selected 9435 Fatal Attraction Biograph Shorts (B&W Silent) (director’s edition widescreen) 6619 Cries and Whispers (Swedish/Subtitled) 3041 Field of Dreams 3261 Crimes and Misdemeanors 6874 Films of Kenneth Anger: 6779 Crowd (B&W Silent) Eaux d’Artifice...(1953) 5455 Crying Game 7000 Films of Thomas Edison (B&W Silent 1889) 4645 Cyrano De Bergerac (French/Subtitled) 9515 Five Easy Pieces 5489 Damage 6100 Five Heartbeats 9476 Dancer in the Dark 5580 Flirting 2585 Danton (French/Subtitled) 7723 Forbidden Games (B&W French/Subtitled) 6528 Danzon (Spanish/Subtitled) 6757 Force of Evil (B&W) 900 David Copperfield (B&W) 6569 Forrest Gump 6542 David Holtzman’s Diary (B&W) 9607 Forrest Gump (widescreen) 3778 Day For Night (French Dubbed in English) 2139 Four Feathers 438 Day the Earth Stood Still (B&W) 7545 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 1909 Days of Heaven (Silent B&W) 2190 Dead 4213 Fox and his Friends (German/Subtitled) 7170 Dead Man Walking 36 French Lieutenant’s Woman 1160 Deer Hunter 6531 Fresh 6762 Detour (B&W) 7774 Friendly Persuasion (1956) 3038 Distant Voices Still Lives 4759 From Here to Eternity (1953 B&W) 2906 Do the Right Thing 5928 Fugitive (1993) 9671 Doctor Zhivago (widescreen) 7339 Fury (B&W) 633 Dodsworth (B&W) 37 Gandhi 10391 Door to Door 4215 Garden of Finzi-Continis 439 Dresser (Italian/Subtitled) 3560 Driving Miss Daisy 446 Gaslight (B&W) 3263 Drugstore Cowboy 7862 Gate Of Hell (Japanese/Subtitled) 10286 E.T. the Extra Terrestrial (2002 version) 5265 Gentleman’s Agreement (B&W) 398 East of Eden 7820 Get On the Bus 440 Easy Rider 9920 Ghost World 9176 Eel (Japanese/Subtitled) 1404 Giant (restored) 635 El Norte (Spanish/Subtitled) 3689 Girl of the Limberlost (WonderWorks) 781 Elephant Man (B&W) 9478 Girlfight 8957 Emperor Jones (1933 B&W) & 9299 Gladiator Paul Robeson: Tribute to an Artist (1979) 5398 Glengarry Glen Ross 7898 English Patient 785 Godfather 9753 Eternity and a Day (Greek/Subtitled) 4300 Godfather 1902-1959: The Complete Epic 8081 Eve’s Bayou 2197 Godfather part 2 7953 Evita 1352 Going My Way (B&W) 6952 Exotica 9332 Golden Age (L’Age D’Or) 169 Fanny and Alexander (B&W French/Subtitled) (Swedish Dubbed in English) 2655 Gone With the Wind (1939 - 50th anniversary edition) 8311 Gone With the Wind (remastered) 4227 I, Claudius part 06: Some Justice 314 Good Earth (B&W) 4228 I, Claudius part 07: Queen of Heaven 4369 Goodfellas 4229 I, Claudius part 08: Reign of Terror 10173 Gosford Park 4230 I, Claudius part 09: Zeus, by Jove 3925 Gospel According to St. Matthew 4231 I, Claudius part 10: Hail Who? (Italian/English Subtitled B&W) 4232 I, Claudius part 11: Fool’s Luck 449 Graduate 4233 I, Claudius part 12: A God in Colchester 4780 Grand Canyon 4234 I, Claudius part 13: Old King Log 2198 Grand Hotel (B&W) 8172 Ice Storm 3519 Grand Illusion (French/Subtitled B&W) 6150 If... 224 Grapes of Wrath (B&W) 851 In Cold Blood (B&W) 1084 Great Dictator (B&W) 10213 In the Bedroom 1665 Great Expectations (1946 B&W) 280 In the Heat of the Night 2553 Great Santini (aka Ace) 5899 Indochine (French/Subtitled) 6974 Great Train Robbery & Other Primary Works 6694 Informer (B&W) (Silent 1896-1907) 177 Inherit the Wind (B&W) 3031 Great Ziegfeld (B&W) 10365 Innocence 404 Greatest Show on Earth 3012 Interiors ,2978 Greed (Silent with Music Soundtrack B&W) 6272 Intolerance (B&W Silent) 732 Grey Fox 6761 Italian (B&W Silent) 10476 Grey Zone 1099 It’s a Wonderful Life (B&W) 4302 Grifters 4015 Ivan the Terrible part 1 907 Hair (Russian/Subtitled B&W) 1666 Hamlet (1948 B&W) 4016 Ivan the Terrible part 2 5669 Hamlet (1992 animated) (Russian/Subtitled B&W) 7845 Hamlet (1996) 6208 Jazz Singer (B&W 1927) 8550 Happiness 2074 Jean De Florette (French/Subtitled) 6612 Heavenly Creatures 9254 Jerry and Tom 6817 Heiress (1949 B&W) 5887 Jewel in the Crown vol.1: Crossing the River 6533 Hell’s Hinges (B&W Silent) 5888 Jewel in the Crown vol.2: 1667 Henry V (1944) Bibighar Gardens & Questions... 4448 Henry V (1990) 5889 Jewel in the Crown vol.3: 451 Here Comes Mr. Jordan (B&W) Incidents... & Regimental... 1386 Hoosiers 5890 Jewel in the Crown vol.4: 6894 Hospital (1971) Ordeal... & Daughters... 1721 House of Games 5891 Jewel in the Crown vol.5: 5264 How Green Was My Valley (B&W) Day... & Towers... 735 How the West Was Won 5892 Jewel in the Crown vol.6: 5421 Howards End Evening... & Traveling... 1359 Hud (B&W) 5893 Jewel in the Crown vol.7: 4371 Hustler (B&W) Moghul Room & Pandora’s Box 6777 I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (B&W) 5894 Jewel in the Crown vol.8: 4222 I, Claudius part 01: A Touch of Murder Division of the Spoils 4223 I, Claudius part 02: Family Affairs 4781 JFK 4224 I, Claudius part 03: Waiting in the Wings 4937 Journey of Hope (4 languages/Subtitled) 4225 I, Claudius part 04: What Shall We 5993 Joy Luck Club do About Claudius? 51 Judgment at Nuremberg (B&W) 4226 I, Claudius part 05: Poison is Queen 2203 Julia 555 Karate Kid 2081 Long Good Friday 1498 Kent State 5457 Lorenzo’s Oil 511 Killing Fields 1937 Lost Horizon (1937 B&W) 7019 King of the Hill 10815 Lost in Translation 2849 King Solomon’s Mines (1950) 1938 Lost Weekend (B&W) 658 Kings Row (B&W) 5913 Love Story 8062 Knute Rockne, All American (B&W) 10353 Lovely and Amazing 7980 Kolya (Czech/Subtitled) 2851 Lust for Life 55 Kramer Vs.

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