1 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Staff Report- Senior Pastor Anne J. Scalfaro__________________________________________________3 A Few of Anne’s Notable Pastor Letters in the E-News This Year______________________________8 Annual Enrollment Report _______________________________________________________________19 Staff Report - Dr. David Farwig___________________________________________________________21 Staff Report- Rev. Alice Horner Nelson____________________________________________________22 2020 Website Statistics__________________________________________________________________23 2020 YouTube Statistics________________________________________________________________ 24 Report from Staff Relations______________________________________________________________24 Building Updates________________________________________________________________________25 Report from Stewardship Committee______________________________________________________27 Report from the Co-Moderators of Council________________________________________________29 Staff Report- Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher____________________________________________________31 Faith Formation - Church School Classes__________________________________________________33 Caritas Explorers Ribbons Voyagers Koinonia Little Free Library Report_______________________________________________________________ 34 Staff Report- Angela Leonard____________________________________________________________35 Staff Report - Rev. Mary Hulst ___________________________________________________________37 Foot of the Cross Courtyard Report_______________________________________________________38 Small Groups Reports __________________________________________________________________39 Calvary Book Group Holy Envy Book Study Men’s Group Women’s Group Monday Night Pub Scrapbooking Tuesday Bible Study Tuesday Prayer & Study Over and Above Budgeted Missions Giving in 2020________________________________________43 Bootstraps & Blessings Report____________________________________________________________44 Family Promise Report___________________________________________________________________44 Habitat Helpers Report__________________________________________________________________44 Missions Committee Report _____________________________________________________________45 2021 Leadership Ballot__________________________________________________________________46 Calvary Staff Page______________________________________________________________________48 3 ling of significant celebrations or long-awaited travel, the inability to be with family – we have not been sep- arated from the love of Christ. As we have seen social and political turmoil unfold around us through the politization of safety measures and medical science, the deaths of more black lives and ongoing racial in- justice and inequities in all areas of society, a divisive presidential campaign and election that resulted in claims of election fraud and conspiracy theories – we have not been separated from the love of Christ. Yes, through “the thinkable and unthinkable” (mostly un- thinkable!) – we have not been separated from the love of Christ. While admittedly hard to feel at times, Christ’s love and presence with us in 2020 has been our sure and strong foundation. And we have felt the love of Christ through this our Calvary community. Calvary, we have allowed the Spirit of God to move within us and among us – even as we are spread across met- ro-Denver and the United States and beyond. Here From are a few examples of our adaptability and creativity: • We pivoted and adapted quickly to pre-record- Senior Pastor ed worship (gaining new skills each week on how to make this a more optimal experience) and Rev. Anne J. utilizing 200+ lay leaders these services! You all took the time to record yourselves and learn how to upload videos; amazing! Our worship experi- Scalfaro ences would not have been nearly as meaningful without seeing all your faces. Thank you! “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor • We moved our small group gatherings and com- angels, nor rulers, nor things present, mittee meetings to Zoom (how many times have nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor we said “you’re muted!” in last year!?). depth, nor anything else in all creation, • We worshipped (socially distanced, masked) will be able to separate us from the love of God in outside – creating a sacred space out of our Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 8:38-39 parking lot. • We created care teams to call our entire congre- While many of us have leaned on a variety of scrip- gation and keep in touch and delivered tokens of tures to help us weather the unpredictable and un- care to homes. precedented storms of 2020, if I had to pick just one • We started doing virtual pastoral care visits via to speak the truth of this year it would be Romans Facetime since we could not make hospital visits 8:38-39. In The Message Eugene Peterson para- for much of the year. phrases it this way: “None of this fazes us because Je- • We had drive-through donation opportunities sus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing— for mission partners (Thank you Men’s Group) nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or and raised a record amount of money to house tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—ab- families in hotels for Family Promise and to help solutely nothing can get between us and God’s love our own congregation members in need. because of the way that Jesus has embraced us.” • We created unique virtual opportunities for con- As we have been separated physically from one nection (Virtual Vacation Bible School, Virtual another through the long months of the coronavirus Thanksgiving Breakfast – Men’s Group, Virtual pandemic – we have not been separated from the love Christmas Card and Virtual Christmas Pageant). of Christ. As we have experienced personal griefs and losses through the death of loved ones, the inability The innovative and creative leadership of staff, to gather and mourn in traditional ways, the cancel- Council, the Stewardship Committee, the Men’s continued on next page 4 Group and Women’s Group, the Foot of the Cross • Jan. 29 – Annual Meeting Courtyard committee, our small group leaders, the • Jan. 30 – Memorial Service for Judy Kerlin, Janet Faith Formation Ministry Team, The Gathering, and Kerlin’s mother many other lay volunteers and teams allowed ministry • Feb. 22 – Meeting with the Ministerial Leadership at Calvary to not just survive in 2020 – but to thrive. Committee with the American Baptist Churches Thank you, thank you. If a pastor can be proud of her of the Rocky Mountains to discuss the “State- congregation, then Calvary, I could not be prouder of ment on Homosexuality” as part of the ongoing you and of our staff than I was this year. After twelve conversation Council is having with the Region years, I am so grateful that I continue to grow and around this statement learn with you; thank you for that privilege. • Feb. 26 – Ash Wednesday Service in Fireplace More specifically, this past year as Senior Pastor Room my attention has been focused on COVID-19 deci- sions, preaching and worship, staff and congrega- tional leadership, finances and stewardship, missions, pastoral care, and nurturing the partnership Calvary has with New Hope Baptist. You will find updates on some of these areas elsewhere in the Annual Report. Key dates/events/themes from 2020 include: • Jan. 5 – Continuing with our first year using the Narrative Lectionary in worship for our scriptures for preaching; this second half of the year fo- cused on the Gospel of Mark and Paul’s Letters (Jan – May) • Jan. 7 – Began study of The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr with Tuesday Prayer & Study Group • Mar. 3 – Habitat Helpers House Dedication/Rib- • Jan. 12 – Baby shower for Pastor Morgan & Ian bon Cutting Ceremony Fletcher • Mar. 8 – Memorial Service for Larry Hicks, Evan • Jan. 12 – Presentation by and meetings with Hick’s father ABC-USA Global Servants Joyce & David Reed • Mar. 11 – First meeting with (what would be- • Jan. 14 – Congregational Study on SABBATH come) the COVID-19 leadership team continues from Fall 2019 • Mar. 11 – First and only “in-person” Lenten Sup- • Jan. 23 – Delivered 240 diverse and inclusive per in Youth Lounge books to Stedman Elementary School that Calva- • Mar. 12 – Eblast/letter to congregation about ry members donated as part of our Calvary/New COVID-19 and immediate building closure Hope Baptist partnership and tutoring program • Mar. 15 – Livestreamed worship from sanctuary at Stedman with no congregation due to COVID-19 • Mar. 17 – First Virtual Zoom Staff Gathering/ Meeting (which would continue through 2020) • Jan. 26-28 – Attended Pastoral Resident Reunion at Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, TX continued on next page 5 • Mar. 17 – First Tuesday picking up the mail at the • April 21 – First Colorado Faith Leaders call (for post office (would become new weekly duty until updates on COVID-19) with Gov. Polis (would mid-fall) continue periodically throughout 2020) • Mar. 18 – First weekly run to take the deposit to • April 21 – Two hour Zoom call for my annual the bank (would become new weekly duty until MMBB Women Pastor’s Colloquium (normally a late summer) week long conference at a destination) • Mar. 18 – First Virtual Mid-week Gathering via • May 1 – Delivered May Day flowers to staff as a Zoom (started as Lenten series on Wednesdays “thank you” for all their hard work the previous and eventually moved to Tuesday evenings, and six weeks
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