Public Document Pack Crawley Borough Council Overview and Scrutiny Commission Agenda for the Overview and Scrutiny Commission which will be held in Committee Room A & B - Town Hall, on Monday, 19 November 2018 at 7.00 pm Nightline Telephone No. 07881 500 227 Head of Legal and Democratic Services Membership: Councillors C A Cheshire (Chair), T G Belben (Vice-Chair), M L Ayling, R G Burgess, D Crow, F Guidera, I T Irvine, R A Lanzer, S Malik, A Pendlington, M W Pickett, K Sudan and L Willcock Please contact Democratic Services if you have any queries regarding this agenda. [email protected] Published 9 November 2018 Emergency procedure for meetings will be circulated to Councillors and visitors attending this meeting. Please familiarise yourself with these procedures and the location of fire exits. Switchboard: 01293 438000 Town Hall Main fax: 01293 511803 Town Hall The Boulevard Minicom: 01293 405202 DX: The Boulevard Crawley 57139 Crawley 1 Crawley West Sussex www.crawley.gov.uk West Sussex RH10 1UZ RH10 1UZ Page 1 The order of business may change at the Chair’s discretion Part A Business (Open to the Public) Pages 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Disclosures of Interest and Whipping Declarations In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, Councillors of the Council are reminded that it is a requirement to declare interests where appropriate. Councillors must also declare if they are subject to their party group whip in relation to any items under consideration. 3. Minutes 7 - 12 To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission held on 29 October 2018. 4. Public Question Time To answer any questions or hear brief statements from the public which are relevant to the items on this agenda. The period will end after 15 minutes or later at the Chair’s discretion. 5. Treasury Management Mid-Year Review 2018/2019 13 - 24 To consider report FIN/457 of the Head of Corporate Finance. 6. Abandoned Shopping Trolleys 25 - 34 To consider report HCS/10 of the Head of Community Services. 7. Station Gateway Programme Update 35 - 42 To consider report PES/307 of the Head of Economy and Planning. 8. Public Space Protection Order 43 - 60 To consider report CH/181 of the Head of Crawley Homes. 9. Cabinet Member Discussion with the Cabinet Member for 61 - 62 Public Protection and Community Engagement Councillor Brenda Smith has been invited to attend the Commission for a general discussion on the Public Protection and Community Engagement Portfolio and her duties. A copy of the Portfolio Holder’s responsibilities, as set out in the Council’s Constitution is attached. 10. Scrutiny Suggestions 63 - 66 Two further scrutiny suggestions have been received for the following topics: Page 2 Pages ‘Impact and Implementation of the Deregulation Act’ ‘Data Migration Project’ Details are attached for considered by the Commission. In accordance with the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the Commission is asked to consider the establishment of any Scrutiny Panels and should these be agreed, seek nominations (via Democratic Services) for the membership for these Panels, based in accordance with political proportionality and allow the Chair of each Panel to confirm the terms of reference for their review. The Commission in making its decisions needs to consider a number of factors including: Will a Scrutiny Panel duplicate other work? Is a Scrutiny Panel the most effective way to tackle the underlying issues, or can the work be achieved through other means? Is there sufficient public and Councillor interest in the proposed topic? What value would be likely to be achieved by establishing a Scrutiny Panel? Will the establishment of a Scrutiny Panel provide unreal expectations for residents and partners, compared to the likely Panel’s outcomes? Do Councillors and Officers have the capacity for undertaking such a Scrutiny Review? What are the parameters of the scope for such a Review including timescales? Recommendations can include: Propose that the review takes place either by a scrutiny panel or another committee Propose a “one off” report for the OSC instead of a review Propose that the review does not take place The careful selection and prioritisation of review work is essential if the scrutiny function is to be successful, achieve added value and retain credibility. The work programme should also be realistic, flexible and retain spare capacity so that additional matters raised during the year can be addressed. 11. Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee (HASC) To receive a brief update on the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee (HASC). The most recent meeting was 15 November. 12. Forward Plan - and Provisional List of Reports for the Commission's following Meetings To consider any requests for future items. Those highlighted items have been referred to the Commission. Page 3 Pages Notice Decision Title published due Local List of Planning Requirements 16/07/2018 21/11/2018 Review Abandoned trolleys 04/07/2018 21/11/2018 Treasury Management Mid-Year Review 14/02/2018 21/11/2018 2018-2019 Quarterly Monitoring 2018/19 Q2 14/02/2018 21/11/2018 Station Gateway Programme Update 01/10/2018 21/11/2018 Civil Engineering & Hard Landscaping 15/10/2018 21/11/2018 Minor Works Framework Contract Public Space Protection Order - Car 22/06/2018 21/11/2018 Cruising Allocating Monies Collected Through 06/09/2018 06/02/2019 Community Infrastructure Levy – Infrastructure Business Plan 2019/20 Three Bridges Station Improvement Final 10/04/2018 06/02/2019 Design Capital Strategy 2019/2020 08/11/2018 06/02/2019 Quarterly Monitoring 2018/19 Q3 14/02/2018 06/02/2019 Social Mobility Scrutiny Panel 05/10/2018 06/02/2019 Employment and Skills Plan Update 01/10/2018 06/02/2019 Treasury Management Strategy 14/02/2018 06/02/2019 2019/2020 Statement of Licensing Policy 2019 - 14/08/2018 27/02/2019 2024 Licensing Act 2003 Budget and Council Tax 2019-2020 14/02/2018 27/02/2019 Irrecoverable Debts 2018/2019 (Over 14/02/2018 13/03/2019 £50,000) Irrecoverable Debts 2018/2019 (Under 14/02/2018 13/03/2019 £50,000) Calculation of the Non-Domestic Rates 14/02/2018 Not before income for the year 2019/20 01/01/2019 Calculation of Council Tax Base - for the 14/02/2018 Not before purposes of setting the level of Council 01/12/2018 Tax for the year 2019/20 13. Supplemental Agenda Any urgent item(s) complying with Section 100(B) of the Local Government Act 1972. This information is available in different formats and languages. If you or someone you know would like help with understanding this document please contact the Democratic Services Team on 01293 438549 or email: [email protected] Page 4 Agenda Item 3 Overview and Scrutiny Commission (54) 29 October 2018 Crawley Borough Council Minutes of Overview and Scrutiny Commission Monday, 29 October 2018 at 7.00 pm Councillors Present: T G Belben (Vice Chair in the Chair) M L Ayling, R G Burgess, F Guidera, I T Irvine, R A Lanzer, S Malik, A Pendlington, M W Pickett, K Sudan and L Willcock Also in Attendance: Councillors B J Burgess, K L Jaggard, P K Lamb, B A Smith and G Thomas Officers Present: Natalie Brahma-Pearl Chief Executive Ian Duke Deputy Chief Executive Trish Emmans Community Safety Officer Heather Girling Democratic Services Officer Brett Hagen Sustainability Manager Chris Harris Head of Community Services Karen Hayes Head of Corporate Finance Nigel Sheehan Head of Projects and Commercial Services Victoria Wise Community Services Manager Apologies for Absence: Councillors C A Cheshire and D Crow 1. Disclosures of Interest and Whipping Declarations The following disclosures were made: Councillor Item and Minute Type and Nature of Disclosure Councillor District Heat Network Personal Interest – R A Lanzer (Minute 7) Member of WSCC 2. Minutes The minutes of the meeting of the Commission held on 3 September 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Vice Chair. Page 5 3 Agenda Item 3 Overview and Scrutiny Commission (55) 29 October 2018 3. Public Question Time No questions from the public were asked. 4. Safer Crawley Partnership Annual Review and Forthcoming Priorities The Commission received an update from Chief Inspector Ross, the Community Services Manager and the Head of Community Services, together with the Community Safety Officer and Chair of the Safer Crawley Partnership on the annual performance report of the Community Safer Partnership along with the future priorities. During the discussion, the following points were expressed: Recognition of the good partnership working within the council together with external partners, including Police, West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service, Probation Service, Crawley CCG, WSCC and a range of Voluntary Groups. Intelligence gathering would continue to assist in the Serious and Organised Crime (SOC) approach. It was important to work with agencies to raise awareness of what serious and organised crime involves whilst encouraging the public to report observations and concerns. Concerns were raised regarding a perceived lack of PCSO presence. Alternative methods of reporting were clarified to assist both residents and Members. Recognition of the current issues within the town and the actions being taken to address these. Acknowledgement of key achievements, including events with hoteliers and increased flexible communication plus shared information which unlocks barriers. Continued joint working in relation to tackling the issue of street homelessness, begging and street drinking. Promotion around the ‘diverted giving’ campaign had been a sensitive but successful approach. Recognition that reporting was key, particularly in relation to hate crime. Acceptance that further challenges still remained and priorities for 2018-2019 included serious and organised crime, street community and protecting vulnerable individuals.
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