Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 19/16 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-15. Oktober Die Themen dieser Ausgabe Beerdigung von Shimon Peres ................................................................................................................................. 1 UNESCO-Debakel .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Terror in Jerusalem ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Medienquerschnitt .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Beerdigung von Shimon Peres to Peres’s determined pursuit of peace, it was jarring Die Beisetzung von Israels früherem Staatspräsi- to observe the rejectionist front being represented, denten Shimon Peres, der Ende September den not just by a terrorist organization, but by a party of Folgen eines schweren Schlaganfalls erlag, ent- Israeli parliamentarians. Due to all of this, Abbas’s puppt sich rückblickend mehr und mehr als Politi- participation was an important step that should be kum. Mehrere Redner, darunter US-Präsident Ba- appreciated by Israel and the Netanyahu govern- rack Obama und der israelische Schriftsteller Amos ment. (…) Abbas took an important step on Friday, Oz, nutzen die Bühne zur Mahnung, das Erbe von especially considering the criticism that he faced Peres und sein langjähriges Streben nach Frieden from among his own people. His decision (…) sent a fortzusetzen. Palästinenserpräsident Mahmoud message (…) important as a step in changing Pales- Abbas, der der Zeremonie beiwohnte, und Israels tinian perception. Nevertheless, Abbas should know Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu, hatten Gele- this act alone will not be enough. He needs to take genheit zu einem ersten direkten Austausch, seit vor real steps to stop incitement, violence and educate gut zweieinhalb Jahren die Friedensverhandlungen his people to not hate Jews or Israelis. At the same ergebnislos abgebrochen worden waren. In den time, Netanyahu’s government – of which Bennett is Mittelpunkt der Kritik gerieten arabisch-israelische a senior member – has the responsibility to do what Politiker, die die Beerdigung von Peres boykottier- it can to end this longstanding conflict and can take ten. steps of its own to build up trust on both sides. (…) Editorial, JPO, 01.10.16 Abbas in Jerusalem (…) While Yasser Arafat did not attend Rabin’s In what country was Peres buried? funeral 21 years ago, the presence of Abbas on Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke at Friday signaled a curious split among Palestinians former Israeli President Shimon Peres' funeral and and Arab Israelis. (…) It was hardly surprising that watched him being buried in some sort of no man's the Hamas terrorist regime condemned Abbas for land. Not in Israel, it seems. The Obama White attending the funeral (…) What was indeed surpris- House issued a correction of its transcript of ing was the refusal by Arab members of the Knes- Obama's speech, striking out the word "Israel" after set’s Joint List to attend. Party leader MK Ayman "Jerusalem," after mistakenly listing the city as part Odeh stated that this was because of the “compli- of this country. The absurdity of this move is striking. cated” relationship the former president had with the The ceremony was at Mount Herzl, the national country’s Arab minority. Amid the numerous salutes cemetery in Jerusalem, where many of Israel's 1 greatest figures are buried (…). It lies in western man of fear (…). With the prime minister navigating Jerusalem, near the Yad Vashem Holocaust Muse- the ship of Zionism on its journey, seldom granted a um and the Jerusalem Forest, an area Palestinians prolonged rest from the inclement storms of the do not even claim when they claim a share of Jeru- Middle East, Zionism is not protected. So goes salem. Only those who seek to destroy Israel think Obama’s implication. On the contrary, Netanyahu is this place will ever be anything but a part of the sailing toward a wave which will inevitably engulf Jewish state. U.S. policy is that Jerusalem is a final- and capsize a dream which only a leader such as status issue, so the U.S. Embassy is in Tel Aviv. (…) Shimon Peres could have averted, thereby ensuring One wonders if Obama, speaking about the mean- its permanency. Here, Obama’s message is simple: ing of Peres' life for Israel, was actually thinking as Bibi, you don’t understand Zionism. You are leading he spoke those words that he was not standing in it down the path of failure. (…) Netanyahu’s ilk (…) Israel and that Peres was not being buried in Israel. had no part in the building of the Jewish state, but (…) rather are charting the course for its deconstruction. Elliot Abrams, IHY, 02.10.16 (…) One can agree that Netanyahu is a cynic en- slaved by fear and an obsession with the past, or Barack Obama's farewell to Shimon Peres one can believe otherwise. Whatever the truth may brought us back to the roots of Zionism be about the prime minister, the outgoing president (…) Obama touched on all the important influences of the United States made his opinions abundantly in Peres’ life: the Diaspora, the Holocaust, the kib- clear during the funeral of one of the founding fa- butz and the Haganah, politics and science, security thers of a country (…). While Obama is indeed a and peace. But more importantly, when he com- dreamer of what the world could be, Netanyahu pared Peres to Nelson Mandela he was hinting at an cannot be blamed for falling victim to the same fear uncompromising struggle for justice and equality. from which Peres himself suffered (…). And when he mentioned Queen Elizabeth II, he was Alexander J. Apfel, JED, 05.10.16 hinting at the decolonization process her empire underwent. The points of similarity with the Israeli- Eulogize Peres, not the peace process Palestinian conflict were clear. (…) Obama present- (…) the public interest in Shimon Peres’ death and ed himself and Peres as sharing not only a common the mourning it spawned abroad have been extraor- historical fate with the nations they have led, but dinary. (…) the mourning was (...) for Peres the also a similar worldview that favors optimism and eternal standard-bearer for peace, the indefatigable the pursuit of peace over sowing fear and intimida- optimist, the perpetual symbol of the peace process, tion. The coolness of Obama’s body language to- the man who left a singular legacy of a two-state ward Netanyahu reflected his distance from the vision.(…) Peres’ death forced us to acknowledge prime minister’s worldview. (…) Abbas’ standing in what we’ve felt for a while (…): The peace process the Palestinian community is on the wane, and that peaked in the 1990s is over. (…) The devastat- Obama will be leaving office in about 100 days. The ing feeling of being orphaned that has struck so chances for a resumption of the peace process much of the world is that much more painful be- appear slim. cause it quashes any illusion that something re- Editorial, HAA, 02.10.16 mains of the vision of a New Middle East. But some- times illusion is very dangerous because it can leave Obama's message to Netanyahu during Peres's us in a state of political and diplomatic stagnation, or funeral worse – intellectual and creative stagnation. There’s (…) The American orator, who rarely fails to strike nothing worse for a vital political process than for its the most sensitive emotions during some of the main player to be a 93-year-old. As long as Peres most significant moments in our history, once again was alive, we could close our eyes and take comfort delivered a speech so powerfully praising the former in the idea that the peace process was still moving, Israeli president that even those unfamiliar with his but this complacency was actually one of the main feats would also have conceivably “fallen prey to his reasons for the dulling of the people’s alertness to charms” (…). However, the president could not Israel’s most festering issue – the conflict with the refrain from taking the opportunity to slight Prime Palestinians. The peace process became something Minister Netanyahu no fewer than five times (…) in like the kindly grandfather everyone loves but rarely a series of attempts to juxtapose the outlooks of visits. So now the time has come to recognize that Peres—“the man of hope” and Netanyahu—“the this granddad is gone, and if we don’t infuse the 2 idea of peace with new blood, we’ll have neither The no-shows at Arafat’s funeral process nor a glimmer of peace. Peres’ death pre- On November 11, 2004, Palestinian Authority Presi- sents both an opportunity and an imperative – to dent Yasser Arafat died (…). It was an official fare- recruit new people, new ideas and new symbols for well that was less impressive than Shimon Peres’ the idea of peace. (…) Now it is incumbent upon us funeral, but still quite respectable for a president to write the next chapter, one relevant to our current without a country. The United States (…) sent a low- reality. (…). ranking representative (…). Israel, on the other Shir Nosatzki, HAA, 07.10.16 hand, gave it the finger. No Israeli representative, either high- or low-ranking, or even very low-ranking, After the Hadash snub of Peres' funeral, you can attended. (…) Not Shimon Peres, not Ehud Barak, count me out not Shlomo Ben-Ami and not even Uzi Baram
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