FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho www.macaudailytimes.com.mo FRIDAY T. 25º/ 32º Air Quality Good MOP 8.00 3388 “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” N.º 04 Oct 2019 HKD 10.00 MACAU’S TOP COURT BACKED A POLICE GROSS GAMING REVENUE PORTUGAL’S SOCIALIST PARTY BAN ON HK-RELATED GATHERINGS IN HAS FILED A COMPLAINT AGAINST A RULING DEEMED BY LAWYERS TO BE TOUCHES LOWEST LAWMAKER PEREIRA COUTINHO OVER A ‘POOR IN JUSTIFICATION’ LEVEL IN A YEAR SUSPECTED ELECTORAL VIOLATION P2 P4 P7 China-Australia Australia’s ban on Chinese telecoms giant Huawei’s AP PHOTO involvement in its future 5G networks and its crackdown on foreign covert interference are testing Beijing’s efforts to project its power overseas. More on p11 AP PHOTO MASK BANHK IS PREPARING Taiwan Investigators P3 yesterday were examining TO ENACT A RARE possible structural problems surrounding a bridge that collapsed EMERGENCY RULE in northeastern Taiwan, P8-9 killing six people. AP PHOTO Japan Tokyo Olympic organizers and two government bodies building venues for next year’s games have until the end of the month to agree to outside inspections on construction sites. AP PHOTO India Dozens of journalists in Indian- controlled Kashmir held a sit-in protest yesterday against an ongoing communication blackout in the disputed Himalayan region, describing the blockade of the internet and mobile phones as a government-imposed gag. China marked its National AP PHOTO Day with COURTESY MACAUNEWS.MO COURTESY Diocese a massive parade through upset over the center South Korea A powerful projection of Beijing typhoon has lashed showing-off its southern South Korea, with authorities saying of political military might yesterday that the storm symbols to the world left nine people dead and and Hong five others missing and knocked out power to tens Kong of thousands of homes. More on backpage P3 page 2 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo MACAU 澳聞 04.10.2019 fri MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER COURTS sembly legal advisor, Cardinal, as well as those made by the higher court judge, Lima, which are in- cluded in the statement. TUI ruling is ‘unworthy of the According to Chao, the deci- sion is a very concerning one, highest court,’ legal expert says since it establishes a precedent. “From then on, Macau citi- RENATO MARQUES zens could be arbitrarily prohi- bited from organizing a demons- HE Court of Final Appeal tration or an assembly about an T(TUI) ruling on a series of opinion not officially recognized blocked public assemblies plan- by the government,” Chao says, ned for the past month is “not adding that the TUI ignored the worthy of a high court” and rai- arguments presented by the or- ses pertinent “questions about ganizers through a series of twel- the role of the courts in the Ma- ve legal arguments that were no- cau SAR’s political system,” says ted in the submission, basing the legal expert Paulo Cardinal, who response on only three of such was interviewed on the case by arguments. TDM Radio. “The ruling deviates from the For the legal expert, the justi- jurisprudence on freedom of ex- fication given by the TUI to back pression, freedom of assembly the prohibition of any of the as- and prohibition of torture of hi- semblies is “poor in terms of jus- ghly respected international and tification” and “marks a sad and regional courts,” Chao noted. worrying day for the values and Such actions put “Macau’s ju- structural principles that shou- diciary system further away from ld guide the judiciary powers in those of the civilized world,” ar- Macau.” gued the political activist and The collective of judges from constitute a “blatant violation of the TUI had ruled in favor of the fundamental rights.” decision taken by the local police To the Times, Chao also clari- authorities that deemed such as- fied that the ruling from the TUI semblies illegal due to the motifs is related to the last of the three expressed by them. The assem- requests made for public assem- blies had sought to draw atten- blies, the one that should take tion to the disproportionate use Concurrently, the organizers dispute aside, we believe that proclamations a prerequisite for place today but that comes as of force by the Hong Kong police of the assemblies have also ex- speaking against torture and the people’s exercise of freedom part of a sequence of two other during the months-long protests pressed their opinions on the police brutality is a matter of of assembly,” echoing the ini- requests made in mid-Septem- in the city. topic through a statement by the conscience rather than political tial police authorities’ argument ber with the same justification. On the case, the TUI ruled last political activist Jason Chao, who orientation,” the organizers no- that “no public authority in Hong Chao also clarified that these Monday with two votes in favor said he represents them. ted in the statement, referring Kong has found that the actions public assemblies have “nothing of the blocking by the president “The organizing team of the that the topic has recently been of the police amount to [torture to do with the one planned for Sam Hou Fai and Judge Song Man Macau Rally against Police Bru- raised by the United Nations Hu- or other cruel, inhuman or degra- Senado Square […] last August Lei and one vote against by Judge tality in Hong Kong is against the man Rights High Commissioner ding treatment or punishment] 19.” Viriato de Lima. On the same day decision by the Court of Final and Amnesty International as as charged by the applicants.” Nevertheless, at the time, and a vote declaration statement was Appeal (TUI) of Macau to uphold well as several other internatio- Although made at an early sta- regarding such assembly, Car- released in which de Lima stated the police’s unlawful ban on the nal organizations. ge, the statements of Chao in the dinal also expressed that, “I said that, in his opinion, the decision assembly,” the statement from According to Chao, “the most name of the organizers, backed that in any competent and inde- taken by the collective was la- Jason Chao said. dangerous part of the ruling is the statements from the legal pendent court, the police deci- cking in legal fundamentals. “Putting the ongoing political that the TUI has made official expert and former Legislative As- sion would be overturned.” CRIME Dead chips scheme leads to HKD18 million in losses RENATO MARQUES vember 2013, the broker account in a VIP room of a ney. On September 26 this counts, appeared to back they cannot be exchanged and his friend had run a local casino in order for it year, the suspect was in- the allegations made by the directly for cash. Even so, 61-year-old “dead dead chips brokerage bu- to be used for the business tercepted and detained by victim. they can be used for pla- Achips” broker from siness in Macau since 2010. purposes. the police authorities while The suspect is now cing new bets and in this the mainland has reported Since the broker cou- On November 4, 2013, trying to reenter Macau. being accused of the crime way return to their issuer. losses of HKD18.25 million ld not come to Macau too the victim asked the sus- Questioned by the PJ, of “breach of trust” and the There are schemes at from a scheme in Macau often, he had asked his pect to withdraw a total of the 40-year-old man de- case has been forwarded some casinos that pay out organized with a friend friend to receive the clien- HKD18.25 million from the nied all the accusations to the Public Prosecutions commission to people who from the mainland, the ts coming from China. He account and deposit it into but the PJ’s investigation, Office. find and return these chips. Judiciary Police (PJ) infor- also told the PJ that he also a different account. Howe- which included interviews Dead chips are casino Both junkets and indivi- med. requested the friend, now ver, after withdrawing it with staff members of the chips that have been taken duals are involved in the According to the report a suspect in the case, to successfully, the suspect VIP room and review of the out of circulation by the dead chip brokerage busi- from the victim back in No- use his name to open an allegedly fled with the mo- statements from the ac- operating entity and so ness in Macau. www.macaudailytimes.com.mo EDITOR-IN-CHIEF (DIRECTOR)_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Daniel Beitler [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Anthony Lam, Emilie Tran, Irene Sam, OFFICE MANAGER Juliana Cheang [email protected] PER MONTH Ivo Carneiro de Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Julie Zhu, Juliet ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Risdon, Linda Kennedy, Lynzy Valles, Paulo Cordeiro de Sousa, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Viviana Seguí MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 DESIGNERS_Eva Bucho, Miguel Bandeira | ASSOCIATE CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MdME Lawyers, Advertisement [email protected] Thank You! PokerStars, Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +13,000 like us on facebook.com/mdtimes SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] SEND NEWSWORTHY INFORMATION AND PRESS RELEASES TO: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO www.macaudailytimes.com.mo page 3 fri 04.10.2019 澳聞 MACAU MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER RUINS OF ST.
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