Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-17-1963 The Ledger and Times, August 17, 1963 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 17, 1963" (1963). The Ledger & Times. 4280. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/4280 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper UGUST 18, 1983 Afternoon In The Daily Newspaper God For Murray We arid Trust Calloway County United Press International IR OUR Itits YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, August 17, 1963 MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 Vol. LXXXIV No. 195 !Work Underway On ite Stolen Car Widening Of Poplar Murray Hospitat rculosts. Previously, • CAMELS — Adult ------ 73 of a county's cattle Work was started this week on Census - Nursery --- 11 Snarl Developes- and Is Wrecked the BRT card the widening of Poplar Street from Ada], Beds 65 alid duplication in 11th to 12th. street. Emergency Beds 0 o. regardless of how ,The widening project involves Patients Admitted — -- 4 used for one farm's Last Night moving back the curb on the north Patients Distnissed - — 0 • Hammerrnetster Side of Poplar about three feet' New Citizens 0 In Settlement Of 'urt hermore, it us- A fifteen year old boy was ap- where it narrows the street at 11th. es testing of every Patients Admitted From Wednes- prehended last night about 10:00 City Street Superintendent Jim ry herd. o'clock and charged with stealing Billington Is in charge of the work. day 9:00 a. m. to Friday 9:00 a. m. only 14 states one of an automobile from Paducah. The Dirt is removed from behind the process machines Mrs. Clyde WoLford, Rt. 2, EiOver; a car is owned by Loretta Campbell present curb and cat down below Dispute Tenn.; Bernard C Harvey. 200 So. Railroad urns. No typewriters the level of the bottom of the club of Paducah. litha Mrs. Willie Dixon and baby the BRT card--the Murray Oily Police were called to and this is filled up with white rock address boy. Rt. 1, Dexter; Mrs. Joe Lynn • the names, 641 last night at 9:45, to the level of the bottom of the 1 block U.S. Edwards and baby boy, Rt. S. Bent- By JACK VANDENBERG t.st ablishei mn of a special congres- to halt a car which was being pur- curb. The curb is. then moved book United Freak international sional watchdog committee to over- Kentucky Is one of on; Mrs. Curtis McCuara 727 Joe sued from Benton. As the 1963 about three feet and the space WASHINGTON ,ups - Rail union collective bargaining sea- BRT Bryan Drive, Paducah: Jack Nors- see the he 14 using a Chevrolet driven Richard Patter- formerly occupied by the curb is by worthy. Coldwater Road; Mrs. Ethel leaders today called for negotiated 510153, o. which all tests are son, age 15 approached Murray from filled with white rock. Larnenda Osborn. Rt. 2, Hazel: W. T. settlement of the so-culled minor g W the herd mint- the north at high s-peed, it crashed After the project is completed, If no solution was reached on Keeling. Box 374. Calvert City; Mrs. issues of the railroad work rules dis- in front of the radio station tower the additional width of the street pute before submission of the two the secondary issues by Dec. lo, mely important that James Wynn, Rt. 7, Benton: Mrs. on the Benton highwity. will be paved. key issues to binding arbitration. the issues would be subjected to correct .mailing ad- 1Jimmie R. Thomasson. Rt. 7, Bent- The car was wrecked, however More adquate drainage is also In a joint letter to Congress, the federal mediation. the unions said. rd owners to enable on; Mrs Bernie Ray Latham, Rt. 1, young Patterson was not injured. being studied for the area where the fivr unions made their agree- The two main issues to be sub- BRT card to them," Almo: Mrs. Gussie Ann Dodds, He was placed in the delintion Poplar intersects 12th. street. ment 'riday to arbitration of the ject to arbitration, according to emphasized. Box 174. Benton, Daniel W Higgins, later room of the county jail and will be critics 'i's-men and crew make-up Labor Secretary W Willard Wirtz,, le cooperation of all Rt. 2. Golden Pond; Larry, Allen IN stismiss—Ths home of Billie Sol Estes, the onetime boy big business wonder who turned over to McCracken County issues contingent on prior agree- are: the Kentucky pro- Cook, Star Route. Mayfield: Donald • vound up ctsivicted of big fraud, Is "In business" In Pecos, Tex. You get to look around authorities. ment on the other remaining is- process Lee Burkeen, Rt. 1. Dexter; Carlton .The extent and speed of elim- mreciate this for 15, and for • double sawbuck you can make photographs. The stolen car was first seen in I.vnch. Kentucky sues. added Outland, College Farm Rd; Mrs. iating diesel engine firemen and ' he Marsht:ourity and a chase en- of the union's 's Up For Sale Clarence Wise. Lakeland Motel, Claiiii,ation posi- he preduresprocedures and help for these sued 1 police were called to strike Aurora; Mrs. Cornell Collins and tion in the -threatening dis- rt, men once they are jobless. block the highway at North Fourth Captain Forrest laa,by girl. Rt 1: Mrs. Bruce Garland pute came as the snarl appeared Accused Of Painting Sign and Chestnut streets while the chase on the verge of settlement with -The size of crews on trains. LE FACT Now Serving On LYNCH, Ky. ate - For Sale: One and baby girl, Rt. 5: Mrs. Carl was., underway. Friday's announcement that the un- town, used but still in good condi- Ellis and baby boy. 414 No. 8th; This is known as "crew consist" Officers reported that speeds up ions had accepted in principle Lab- Aircraft Carrie?. tion. includes houses, atilltles,,Mrs, Zeb Wilkinson. 509 Poplar; issue. • to 100 miles per hour were readied or Secretary IV. Willard Wittz's for Politics On State Time streets, prospective buyers please In- Mrs Jackie Lynn English and baby ,171) - Simultaneous during the chase and that the car proposal for arbitration. The issues which would be ne- quire at Lynch. girl, Rt 7. Benton: Mrs Eddie Reed- irring In a husband went through the four-say stop at A president fact-finding com- gotiated demands by the railroads: USS RANDOLF'H , FHTNCr -- , The Danherst Corporation, a er and baby boy, Rt. 1; Mrs. T. D. not uncorrunon. re- FRANKFORT, Ky ilJee - State for Thomas' dismissal Hardin at this speed. mission which made' an exhaustive was that de- Navy Captain Gaylord T Forrest, firm that bought Arent, Rt 6: Mrs. Daniel Herron, Interdivisional service, which Reference Service Highway COMM11.8104er Hariry Ward spie his long tenure. he had re- Shots fired by Marshall authori-1 PennsYlvarga study of the long dispute reported husband of the former Miss Mari- Lynch from the United States Steel Box 154. Kuttawa; Robert Eugene would require crews to extend their iotors appear to be Friday fired a department sign peatedly violated against ties struck the left door of the car. earlier this year that it did not be- warnings _Ishii C. Mason or Murray, is serving Corporation last month, is putting Johnson, Parkland Drive, Mrs. Al- runs beyond one railroad division. responsible for the painter amused of using state- own- practices issued to all employes over After Patterson wrecked the car, he lieve the issues aside from firemen aboard the antisubmarine warfare the town's 578 homes up for sale pha R. Ford. Lynn Grove; Mrs. -Road crews would be required Chicago couple de- ed materials to paint a political the past three years fled on foot. but Was apprehended and crew makeup would be difficult aircraft carnet USS Randolph cur- Monday Gerald Vaughn, Rt. 3, Paris, Tenn.; to do yard work and yard crews of baldness which sign on state time later. to settle by negotiation. • rently on a seven-week cruise in the Present residents will have first Mrs. Mary Harris, Rt. 5; Mrs. Wil- would be required to do rbad work defined bare sopt in Lester D. Thomas. of Bawling Breathitt said at his Louisville Both City and County police of The unions wrote the Senate and Caribbean as flagship of Task Group option on the houses. liam Duncan, Rt. 2. --Makeup of crews for self pro- enticed part of the Green, a Highway Department em- headquarters, "Neither my head- ficers set up the road block on the House commerce committees urging ALFA "We've already had a large ram- Mrs. Edwin York and baby girl. Rt. pelled machines. *Merits A psychiatric ploye for 17 years, was diarrassed quarters nor I had any knowledge highway Duties making the ar- He is a member of the staff of bre of inquiries about the residential 3, Benton: Lindsey Roberts, Rt. 4: eiled each was emo- Friday afternoon following his su- af this incident I do not approve rest were Joe Green and W. 0. Consnander Task Group ALFA, buildings." said Gerald Gs/broth, as- Mrs. Allen Poole 1306 Story: Mrs. -Adjustment of the basic pay lent on the other mad aapension earlier in the day by Dis- of this practice and I urge my sup- Spencer of Calloway County and Cool Front Is systera,' from the combina- Carrier Division 16 and Hunter Kil- aslant secretary of Danherst.
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