p j o m T R o t T r - s n WEDNESDAY, MARCft 6, 1968 HanrhfBtrr Eorttins 1|m U i A y « r ^ Dafiy Net Press Ron For Hie Week Ended - The Weather . The Pellowcraft D eg^e will The fifth annual Children's . James C. Baker,'ward of Mrs. March 8, 1N6 be conferred when Friendship Lenten hOsston School, will be 'Styl'vla Ouza'vlch of 126 Walker d e a r tonight. Low in teens, Afiout Town Lodge of Masons meets tomor­ held tomorrow at 8 p.m. at St., recently completed Na-vy ’rnnoirrow aunny. Hlgta in low The ofne«ra and dlr««tora of row nlgd^tat 7;S0attheMasonic South Methodist Church. The basic training at the Naval 15,534 JHanrljPBtpr lEupnttig 40e. Omar Bhrina C9ub will meat at Temple, John L. Von Deck Jr., school Is sponsored by the Man- Training Center, -.Great Lakes, 8 ofdkxdt t OBlgltt a t the hotne of secretary and post master, will Chester Council of Churches. 111. How long yo(jVe had Manchester— A City of Village Charm the furealdent, Frank Sheldon, preside. After the meeting, re­ VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 133 n Meadow Lane. freshments will be served. Offi­ Study Group 1 of North Metho­ Pvt. Albert J. Spearot, son of (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1968 (Oleeemed Advertishig on Fag» $1) PRICE SEVEN CENTS cer dress is tuxedo. dist Church will meet tomorrow Mrs. Helen F. Spearot of 1826 Boy Scout Troop S63 will have dt 8 p.m. at the churchy and Tolland Tpke., recently com­ a rallu good DAND-AN) open enrollment for boys 11 Scandia Lodge, Order of Vasa, Study Group 2,will meet at 8:1S. pleted a chaplain enlisted as­ yean old as of May 16 at its will meet tomorrow at 8 pjn. sistant technician-course at the PLASTIC meeting tomorrow from 6:4S to at Odd Fellows Hall. Christian Airman Michael T. Young, son Army Chaplain School, Ft. Ham­ 0 p.m. at Buckley School. Johnson of Meriden, past dis­ of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Young ilton, N.Y. trict master, will speak on of 9 Oak PI., Is a member of a STRIPS Czech Return "Vikings In New England.” Re­ unit which has earned the U.S. The Mountain Laurel Chapter AM? SPECIAL AT PINBHORST freshments will be served .A Air Force Outstanding Unit Chorus of Sweet Adelines will M£g. suggreaita a 78c retail price for this size. 542 GIs Swedish class will be held' at Award. He is an administrative rehearse tomorrow at 8 p.m. I F)lBiCtas8 7, before the meeting. A youth specialist In the 6th Weather at the Russian American Na­ Shoe ReflBb^ club is being organized for chil­ Squadron, Tinker AFB, Okla. tional Center, 211 Wethersfield dren 6 to 14 years of age, of HIS wife, Donna, Is the daugh­ Ave., Hartford. The rehearsal Is Demanded I Of The Better 1 ^ 1 Scandinavian descent. Those te r of Mr. and Mrs. John Perot- Is open to women interested In QUALITY WORI Pinehursf Frozen Foods These Morrell E-Z Cut Hams Pinehuret has selected VIENNA (AP) — Czechoslo­ minister of defense and of the Interested may contact Mrs. ti of 84 S. Adams St. singing four-part barbershop- vakia announced today it Is de­ Interior should take a publio at­ Benson, Merrow Rd., Cov- style harmony. AT SPECIAL PRICES... for you have a wonderful tenderness, color and flavor Killed ot titude on the case.” entr^T'.^ Mrs. Robert Benson, manding the extradition of a REASONABLE Richard E. Holman, son of They said: "Those whom it 848 Wooctbrl^e St. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holman Mrs. John Costello of 378 . and they are already baked when you purchase Czech general who has defected PRICES! SEALTEIST 80c to the United States. concerns should make self-criti­ of 164 Highland St., recently fir­ Summit St. is serving as a PRES-nOE FRENCH them. No further cooking is required. If you want 'to cal ooncluslons after they have "Walttoy Jobs Are A public scrvfefr.^ prayer, ed expert with the M14, rifle member of a committee for an CTK, the officdal Czechoslo- quit their posts.” ■vak News Agency, reported: Our Spedalty!’' praise, and Bible stuilyvvirtll be near the completion of his basic Antique Show sponsored by the ICE CREAM Qt79c heat the ham in your oven it merely enhances the Their demand was published held tonlghit at 7:30 at^tHje Army training at Ft. Dlx, N.J. Italian Ladies’ Club of East “The Czechoslovak Foreign by C.T.K. Last W eek S A M YUYLES Church of the Naaarefic. ^ Ministry announced that on the tt OAK STREET Hartford Sunday from noon to taste and flavor of this fine ham. The ham is hock- It remained to be seen what SAIGON (AP) — A near- of towns and military posts in jsUan Growth Group 8 of 7 p.m. at the Italian American HOWARD JOHNSON’S NEW basis of a vaUd agreement on A few etepe from Main effect the Sejna case will have record 642 Americans were South Vietnam tapered off to- I North ^Mqmodlst Church will Home, 464 Tolland St., East less, shankless with the round half practically bone­ mutual extradition of criminals on Czechoslovak President An­ Establtabed 1911! A Lenten Service will be held between Czechoslovakia and the killed in combat Vn South Viet- day, with attacks by mortars tomorrow at 7 p.m. at Zfon meet tomortw^ at 8:30 p.m. at Hartford. The event is open to TUNA NOODLE tonin Novotny, the former party nam last week, only one less and rockets on ordy three points the church. \ the public. less. Buy a whole or half ham . we will gladJy cut United States, steps are being chief. Evangelical Lutheran Church. taken through the Czechoslovak than the highest weekly toll of reported. slices from the part you buy, giving you, 2 meals in A Prague newspaper has the war, the U.S. Command an- In the air war, U.S. Navy pl- CASSEROLE 49c Embassy in Washington to se­ linked him to Sejna. Without Grade 7 Methodist Youth cure the extradition of Jan Sej- nounoed today. lots made co o rd ^ted night at- Fellowship of South Methodist one. na.’ ’ naming him, the Journal Prace The toll continued this week, tacks Wednesday on sU targets ^3hurch will' discuss "Hostilities” HOWARD JOHNSON’S TENDER said it -was ‘‘thinking of the man “MaJ .Gen. Jan Sejna Is want­ who placed such confidence In with 24 Americans klUed In 1” the Hanol-Halphong area, In- at its' m ating Friday at 7 p.m. ed 111 Czechoslovakia for of­ grotmd fighting WeAiesday and eluding a battery plant seven at the chilrch. Sejna. How he Impressed on us FRIED CLA M S 59c fenses concerning property and all the need for watchfulness another 48 presumed dead In the miles south of Hanoi and a misuse of authority of a public crash of a C128 transport shot transshipment point hit several J^ovah's Witnesses will con­ and cla8a--vig;ilance . .. will he We have had good reports on this new 98c official,” It said. realize what he must do now?” down five miles from the U.S. times before. duct a Theocratic Ministry Sejna’s defection is expected Marine combat base at Khe Hanot claimed three U.S. School Friday at 7:30 p.m. at This was taken as a hint to to have far-reaching repercus­ Novotny to resign. Novotny, Sanh. But the U.S. Command planes were rfiot down, but Kingdom Hail, and a service CACKLEBIRD FRIED sions in Czechoslovakia . said Its troops killed at least 168 there was no report of any loas- meeting at 8:30. hoiwe-vw, was in trouble also on It may lead to the resignation other counts and the Sejna case Communists In the clashes es from the U.S. Command. CH ICKEN Special 79c of the mlnisetrs of defense and may Just hurry his complete Wednesday. ‘ The command's weekly report Sunset Rebekah Lodge , will the Interior. High-ranking mili­ downfall. The Viet Cong’s bombardment of casualties said 2,191 Amerl- sponsor a military whist and tary officers could aJso lose The defense minister, Bohu- ------------------------------------------cans were wounded last week, a setback party Friday at 8:16 FROM GREEN GIANT thedi- poslttons. Peas in Butter mir Lomsky is in Sofia as a relatively high number although p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. Pro­ Cut Sliced Green Beans In Butter The committee of Commu­ member of the Czechoslovak well'below the previous week’s ceeds will benefit the Connec­ (and Com If It arrives In tim e)............. 4 pkgs. $1.00 nists in the army held a plenary delega.tion to the Warsaw Pact 2,676. The U.S. death toll was k ticut Eye Bank. session to discuss the Sejna case State News exceeded only by that of the and demanded that “both the (See Page Sixteen) week of Feb. 11-17, at the height The Widows and Widowers SEALTEST 35c of the Communists’ lunar new Club ■will ha-ve a dance Satur­ year offensive. day at the American Legfion COHAGE Plot Trial The Americans said 3,849 Hall, Glastonbury. Earl Mitch Communist troops were killed ell’s orchestra -will play for CHEESE Special 29c Town Primary Averted last week, while South Viet­ dancing from 9 pm. to 1 a.m. Is Sent namese head(iuarters put ene­ % The event, which is sponsored my casualties at 6,681 killed and by the Glastonbury Poet, is And not frozen but strictly fresh 827 captured.
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