![Clark & Kaul: Chusquea Montisylvicola](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
J. Amer. Bamboo Soc. 30: 6‒11 ISSN 0197-3789 Chusquea montisylvicola '(oaceae: Bambusoideae)* a new species endemic to the Andes of southern -cuador .&nn /. 0lar11 and Andre+ 2. 3aul2 1 2epartmen$ o, -colo4&* -5olu$ion* and 6rganismal Biolo4&* Io+a S$a$e 7ni5ersi$&* 251 Besse& 9all* Ames* Io+a* 7.S.A. 2 :issouri Bo$anical /arden* 4344 Sha+ Bl5d.* S$. .ouis* :issouri* 7.S.A. email: l4clark<ias$a$e.edu* andre+d1aul<4mail.com =i$h an es$ima$ed 191 species* $he Neo$ropical woody bamboo 4enus Chusquea has cen$ers of species richness in bo$h $he Andes and in Bra>il. ?hir$&-one species o, Chusquea are documen$ed for -cuador, and o, these 11 are considered endemic. =e re5ie+ed collec$ions of narrow-lea5ed species of Chusquea from sou$hern Ecuador, and de$ermined $ha$ se5eral of these represen$ a ne+ species morpholo4icall& similar $o C. leonardiorum* ano$her species endemic $o $his re4ion. =e here describe and illus$ra$e Chusquea montisylvicola* named ,or i$s usual occurrence in mon$ane ,ores$s* and compare i$ $o C. leonardiorum. Chusquea montisylvicola is dis$in4uished based on $he combina$ion o, a number o, 5e4e$a$i5e and reproducti5e fea$ures, includin4: in$ernodes s$ron4l& sulca$e ,or the full len4$h@ culm lea5es basall& glabrous and ± reachin4 $he neB$ node@ subsidiar& branches 35–80 per node@ ,olia4e lea, shea$hs wi$h summi$ eB$ensions 0.2–1 mm on bo$h sides@ ,olia4e lea, blades wi$h re4ularl& serrula$e mar4ins wi$h $ee$h 4–6/mm@ spi1ele$s wi$h 4lumes I and II de5eloped; 4lumes III and IE subula$e +i$h a prominen$ mid-ner5e@ and 4lume IE 2D3 $o eFualin4 $he spi1ele$ len4$h. The ne+ species is classified wi$hin Chusquea sect. Chusquea. IN?G6270?I6N species o, Chusquea from sou$hern -cuador resemblin4 C. leonardiorum ..G. 0lar1 '0lar1* 1996). Al$hou4h $hese =i$h $hree publica$ions ,rom 2019 describin4 ne+ species $wo species share eB$ra5a4inal branchin4* a $rian4ular o, $he Neo$ropical +oody bamboo Chusquea 3un$h '0lar1 cen$ral bud, a prominen$ supranodal rid4e and man& % :ason 2019; HadriFue e$ al. 2019; /uerreiro e$ al. subsidiar& branches per node in addi$ion $o narro+ folia4e 2019), $he 4enus comprises an es$ima$ed 191 species lea, blades* $he& differ in a number o, o$her 5e4e$a$i5e and 'includin4 C. dombeyana 3un$h* from (eru). 0lar1 % reproducti5e characters. :oreo5er* whereas C. :ason (2019) no$ed $he species richness o, Chusquea in leonardiorum $ends $o inhabi$ el,in fores$s and pIramo* $he bo$h $he Andes and Bra>il* and ,ocused in par$icular on o$her species is primaril& ,ound in some+ha$ lo+er -cuador* for +hich 31 species are con,irmed, o, which 11 ele5a$ional communi$ies* includin4 upper mon$ane fores$s* are endemic. Al$hou4h 0lar1 % :ason (2019) indica$ed bu$ occasionall& eB$ends in$o elfin fores$s or subpIramo. $ha$ -cuador shares fi5e species wi$h (eru* $he $wo The morpholo4ical and ecolo4ical differen$ia$ion o, $he coun$ries actuall& share siB species 'C. falcata ..G. 0lar1* mon$ane ,ores$ en$i$& is sufficien$ $o warran$ reco4ni>in4 i$ C. fimbriligulata ..G. 0lar1* C. exasperata ..G. 0lar1* C. as a ne+ species* which +e here describe and illus$ra$e. neurophylla ..G. 0lar1* C. scandens 3un$h and C. tovarii =i$h $his species* -cuador is no+ con,irmed $o ha5e 32 ..G. 0lar1) and possibl& se5en* i, C. uniflora S$eud. is species of Chusquea, 12 of them bein4 endemic. confirmed $o occur in (eru. Specimens from sou$hern -cuador ha5e been anno$a$ed as Chusquea dombeyana '0lar1* pers. obs.), bu$ 4i5en $he uncer$ain$& in $he ?AJ6N6:I0 ?G-A?:-N? applica$ion o, $his name* +e here eBclude i$ from considera$ion. I$ seems li1el& $ha$ C. polyclados (il4er* Chusquea montisylvicola ../. 0lar1 % A.2. 3aul* sp. curren$l& 1no+n onl& from nor$hern (eru* will also occur no5. ?K(-: -07A26G. .oLa: (arFue Nacional in sou$hern -cuador* bu$ $his remains $o be con,irmed. C. (odocarpus* 0aLanuma* Sendero al :irador* 04º05NS, serrulata (il4er is eBpected in nor$hern -cuador* bu$ has 79º10N=* 2900 m* 1 Jun 1992 ',l)* L.G. Clark* S. Laegaard no$ been confirmed as occurrin4 ou$side of Colombia. & M.J. Stern !!"# '9olo$&pe: O0AP 2 shee$s@ Iso$&pes: AA7* ISC). As par$ o, on4oin4 wor1 on a $rea$men$ of $he bamboos o, -cuador* +e re5ie+ed collec$ions o, a narrow-lea5ed 6 # 2020 Au$hors % American Bamboo Socie$& 0lar1 & Kaul: Chusquea montisylvicola, new species published online 30 Sep 2020 2ia4nosis. Chusquea montisylvicola is mos$ similar $o C. be$+een $he midrib and $he narrow-side mar4in* no$ leonardiorum bu$ di,,ers b& $he follo+in4 combina$ion o, $essella$e* abaBiall& 4labrous bu$ $he ner5es +i$h fine ,ea$ures: in$ernodes s$ron4l& sulca$e ,or $he full len4$h@ prickles alon4 $heir full len4$h* no$ $essella$e or +ea1l& so* supranodal ridge prominen$* swollen@ culm lea5es basall& usuall& somewha$ 4laucous* $he ner5es proLectin4 on bo$h 4labrous and A reachin4 $he neB$ node@ subsidiar& buds sur,aces* wi$h $he midrib some+ha$ more prominen$ $han (20C) 30–60 per node in 1–2 cons$ella$e rows@ subsidiar& $he res$* $he base a$$enua$e* $he mar4ins re4ularl& serrula$e branches 35C80 per node@ folia4e lea, shea$hs +i$h summi$ wi$h 4–6 $ee$hDmm* $he apeB $aperin4* subula$e. eB$ensions 0.2–1 mm on bo$h sides@ folia4e leaf blades 0.2C S&n,lorescences (3.5C) 6C13 'C15) cm lon4* panicula$e* 0.4 'C0.6) cm wide +i$h .:W Q ' C) 10C41 'C61) and narro+* the base re$ained wi$hin the subtendin4 leaf shea$h@ re4ularl& serrula$e mar4ins wi$h $ee$h ;–6Dmm@ rachis an4ular* 4labrous@ branches an4ular* 4labrous* $he s&nflorescences (3.5C) 6C13 'C15) cm lon4* narro+@ basal-mos$ branch subtended (and $he rachis encircled) b& spi1ele$s 8C" mm lon4 wi$h 4lumes I and II de5eloped a 4labrous paper& bract. Spi1ele$s 8C" mm lon4* 1.3–1.5 [collecti5el& 0.2C1.2 'C2) mm lon4S@ 4lumes III and IE mm +ide* la$erall& compressed; 4lume I 0.2–0.7 'C1) mm subula$e +i$h a prominen$ mid-ner5e; and 4lume IE 2/3 $o lon4* 4lume II (0.4C) 0.7–1.2 'C2) mm lon4@ 4lumes III eFualin4 the spi1ele$ len4$h. and IE subula$e, sli4h$l& na5icular* abaBiall& 4labrous* 3- or 5-ner5ed, $he midner5e prominen$@ 4lume III 3.1C5.5 mm 2escrip$ion. 0ulms (0.6C) 2C; 'C8) m $all* 0.8C2 cm lon4* 1D2C2/3 $he spi1ele$ len4$h@ 4lume IE 3.8C5.9 mm diam., erect a$ $he base and archin4 or scramblin4 $o lon4* 2/3 $o eFualin4 $he spi1ele$ len4$h@ lemma 5.2C7.1 scanden$ abo5e@ in$ernodes ;C12 'C19) cm lon4* A deepl& mm lon4* shor$l& subula$e or mucrona$e* na5icular* ! sulca$e ,or $he full len4$h bu$ o,$en becomin4 shallo+er ner5ed, $he ner5es eFual* becomin4 more prominen$ $oward $he neB$ node* 4labrous* +i$h a +hi$e waB& band $oward $he apeB@ palea 4.6C6.7 mm lon4* bimucronula$e* belo+ $he node when &oun4. 0ulm lea5es (7.8–) 11–17 'C ;! ner5ed, $he cen$ral 2 ner5es more prominen$* dis$inctl& 19.5) cm lon4* A reachin4 $he neB$ node* rarel& surpassin4 sulca$e toward the apeB. Lodicules 3. S$amens 3; an$hers ca. i$* loosel& wrapped around $he culm* char$aceous $o A 3 mm lon4. Ma$ure frui$ un1nown. coriaceous* $he Luncture o, $he shea$h and blade an in5er$ed TEU* abaBiall& obscure@ shea$hs 6–13 (–16.7) cm -$&molo4&. This species is named for $he upper mon$ane lon4, (2.4–) 3–6 cm wide, 0.6–4 (–6) times lon4er than the fores$ habi$a$ in which i$ usuall& grows. blade* abaBiall& re$rorsel& scabrous bu$ 4labrous $oward $he 2is$ribu$ion and 9abi$a$. Chusquea montisylvicola is summi$ and base* $he mar4ins sli4h$l& scarious* 4labrous* endemic $o sou$hern -cuador in $he pro5inces o, .oLa and no$ fused a$ $he base@ 4irdle 0.5–1 mm lon4* 4labrous@ Vamora!0hinchipe a$ ele5a$ions from 2600 $o 3125 m inner li4ule 0.5C3 mm lon4* lon4es$ in $he cen$er* usuall& in upper mon$ane ,ores$s bu$ some$imes also el,in char$aceous* mar4inall& cilia$e@ blades (2–) 3–8 (–10.8) cm fores$s and subpIramo* includin4 in dis$urbed areas on lon4* erect* persis$en$* abaBiall& 4labrous* $rian4ular* linear pa$hs, roads and eBposed ridges. $o sli4h$l& corda$e a$ $he base* no median ner5e 5isible* $he mar4ins scarious* apeB usuall& lon4 a$$enua$e. Nodes a$ (henolo4&. Se5en flo+erin4 collec$ions ha5e been mid-culm wi$h one $rian4ular cen$ral bud subtended b& eBamined from $he &ears 1985, 1990, 1992, 1996, and (20C) 30C60 smaller subsidiar& buds in 1C2 cons$ella$e 1998. ?here +ere $wo collections each in 1985 and 1992 rows@ nodal line nearl& hori>on$al* dippin4 onl& sli4h$l& and $here +ere also 5e4e$a$i5e collec$ions in each o, $hese belo+ $he bud/branch complemen$@ supranodal ridge &ears eBcep$ ,or 1992. Hlo+erin4 collec$ions from $he swollen* prominen$. Branchin4 eB$ra5a4inal@ cen$ral 0aLanuma sec$or o, (odocarpus Na$ional (ar1 +ere made branch o,$en de5elopin4 bu$ onl& a,$er $he subsidiaries@ in 1990, 1992 and 1998, +hereas flo+erin4 collections lea,& subsidiar& branches 35C80 per node* 0.5C1 mm from $he Kan4ana!0erro ?oledo sector +ere made in 1985 diam., o,$en 4enicula$e near $he base bu$ $hen s$rai4h$* and 1996.
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