ASSOC. 11 R.~ t. JE\'i l"SH 11 I STOR I CAL 209 A!lG ELL ST• PROV_. b, R. 1. 02.QO& Israel Requests American Jews To Aid Cause With 5400 Million , NEW YORK - American thl-s year would amolDlt to Jews were asked this week to $546,571,428 and that Israel provid~ more than $400-milllon bonds would be required to toward a total "I-billion flDld to provide 75 per cent of this enable [s~ael to provide for amount through the $400-mllllon campaign. humanitarian and welfare needs THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH W EE KLY IN R. I. ANO SOUTHEAST MASS of new Immigrants as well as for Another $400-milllon Is to be the econ om I c development raised In this co\Dltry and other program. parts of ' the non-Commun! st VOLUME, LIV, NUMBER 43 FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1971 15c PERCOP"i 16 l'A<JES Sam ·-Ro th berg, general world by the United Jewish chairman of the Israel Bond Appeal. Organization. anno\DICE!d this 'The receipts of the Israel year's goal before more than 300 bonds wlll be utilized for tbe Jewish leaders from this co1D1try development of agriculture and R.I. Jewry To Hold .Mass Rally and Canada at a IIDlcheoh meeting water projects , , 1t1lnes and at the Commodore Hotel at which minerals, Indu s try, Deputy Premier Yigal Allon of transportation, housing, road Israel made a plea for an projects and public buildings. At Appearance Of Siberian Group Intensified sale of the bonds. In another major development, Ira Guilden, president of the Herman L, Weisman, president of A mass rally of the entire story of the Leningrad trials with performance, or those who wtll bond organization, In outlining the Jewish National Fund of Jewish commlDllty of Rhode their shocking miscarriage of be attending. The way to the details of the campaign, said that America, and Jacob Tsur, world Island will be held on Monday, Justice," according to Rabbi Saul theater wlll not be blocked In any Israel's development budget for chairman of the flDld In January 25, to bring to the Leeman of Temple Beth Torah, manner, Rabbi Leeman said. Jerusalem, outlined a attention of the public "the sad president of the Rhode Island 'The hour-long program will comprehensive plan, requiring a plight of Soviet Jewry and the Conference on Soviet Jewry which Include prayers for Soviet Jewry, Golda Meir Is Third on List commitment of $15-mllllon from Is sponsoring the rally. 'The s hort addresses and songs Of 10 Mo~t Popular Women American Jew s , for the group will meet at 7 p.m. on relating to the problem. The reclamation and settlement of Monday at the corner of Francis peaceful demonstration, which Is NEW YORK - The Prime lsraet•s Arava desert area. Who Is It? and Brownell Streets , at the planned to bring home the Minister of Israel, Golda Meir, Is Both spoke at the biennial Who Is the flnt Jewish Intersection near tlie Veterans meesage to the Soviet Union and the 3rd ranking favorite lady In national assembly of the fund at INby in Rhode imnd for Memorial Audi torium where the to rally the Rhode Island Jewish the United States among all the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The 1'7H n-e was one born on Siberian Dancers and Singers of community, will be held women of the world, according to flDld Is the land development arm Om sk wtll be appearing. The regardless of the weather. ~nu•y 1-but th.It w• In peaceful demonstration will last J olnlng the group wlll be a Gallup Poll which was taken in of the World Zionis t Organization MasHclusetts. The flnt Nby December 1970. Golda Is In Israel. for one hour until 8 p.m. members of the Rhode Island outranked only by Mamie Mr. Weisman said hi s we h.lwe he•d ol In Rhode According to Rabbi Leeman, Chapter of the ·students' Struggle Eisenhower, widow of the late organization's project called for !mnd was born on ~nu.y the organization will be utilizing for Sovtet Jewry which held Its 0-.S. General, President the preparation of sites for six 14. If thffe was a Jewish INby the occasion of · the appearance of first official meeting on Tuesday, Eisenhower, and Pat Nixon, new settlements in the Arava born here before that, please these members of the USSR to January 19. This group, made up • First Lady' of the land. Valley, three of which are let us know. bring to the attention of the public of high school and college-age Following Is a fllll list of the already In the advanced planning We h.lwe hospl­ the problems of the Jews tn the youth, has until now been an cA!led the Soviet Union. He said that tbey Informal association. The SSSJ Is 10 most popular women: Mamie s tage . Thi s Include s the tm and they seem to h.lwe ; Eisenhower, Pat Nixon, Golda reclamation of 10,000 acres of are tn no way condemning nor a non-violent protest group which 1 Me Ir, Mrs. Rose Kennedy off-season crops for export. no record ol•any, but - cld criticizing the artists or those d istributes literature, fact ! (mother cif' the late President ••Several thousand new receive a can from someone who are attendin g the sheets, bumper stickers, 1 burtons, John F. Kennedy), Jacqueline settlers wlll eventually be located who did not lean her name performance. The r ally Is being etc. The group wtll meet on Kennedy Onassis, Ladybird In the settlements ," he said. ilbout a Nby born ne- to held simply to point up the 'Tuesday, January 26 at 7:30 p.m., , Johnson, Mrs. Robert Kennedy Mr. Tsur explained that the the first ol the ye•. We element In the Sovtet Union to at the Jewish CommlDllty Center ( vi Id ow of the . assassinated Arava Valley stretched 115 miles would .,wed.ate your coop­ whom the same rights have been to elect officers. Mrs. Lawrence senator), Indira Gandhi, U.S. from the southern tip of the Dead eration In help!.. ut ID BIid denied. Goldberg and Professor Fred 'There will be no Interference Senator· Margaret Smith, and Sea to Elath on the Red Sea - out who the lint Jewish Nby Pollak are the adult advisors for Mrs. Coretta King (widow of the and "Is the lowest and driest with the perfo r m ers , the the group. ,l ol 1971 w• ~n Rhode !mnd. slain black leader). expanse-On t1,e face of the earth." Emigration Issue Intensifies· Defector's Appearance Causes ; l Soviet Absences in Symphony 1 Jewish Militants Induce Criticism PITTSBURGH , Pa. - "There Is no artistic freedom Vsevolod Lezhnev, a Russian In Russia," said the former defector and assistant principal Moscovlte who first played with c e 111 st o t the -Pittsburgh the St. Lollis Symphony before From Israel Against Terror ism Symphony, was on the stage of the coming to Pittsburgh. "The TEL AVIV - Militant Jewish Israel. anti-British terror that was later Syria Mosque for last week's direction of Russian politics has groups prompted criticism of Premier Golda Meir's cabinet credited with Inducing the British concerts . Two Russians l!eenthe same for 52 years," he their "acts of terrorism" from were said to have 1D1animously to give up their Palestinian scheduled to appear, one the _son said. ''It Is nothing new to me." the Israeli Government this week. approved the statement but mandate. of the famous Soviet composer Although be Is not Jewish, Mr. The acts criticized come as a Israeli public opinion was He debated with S, Zalman Dmitri Shostakovich, the other a Lezhnev, when asked about the result of the campaign to force apparently not that united. Abramov, a member of the Gaba! leading Soviet violinist, not, current wave of Soviet brntallty the Sovtet Union to allow Sovtet Shmuel Tamlr, an opposition party In the Knesset, or ostensibly because of the towards Jews, said If Russia Jews to emigrate to Israel. member of the Knesse_t parliament, and chairman of the presence of Lezhnev, according would suddenly allow all of Its to a front page -story In the three million Jews to emigrate, The statement, Issued after representing the Free Center Israeli Co1D1cil for Soviet Jewry. party, deno1D1ced the statement In Mr. Abramov said he favored Jewish Chronicle. "at least seven million people the weekly Cabinet meeting In " I appreciate the very would sign up," meaning, of Je;usalem, said the& Cabinet a radio debate. "lawful and respectable" action "Tile Soviet terror against against Rus~lans but that he d I g n It I e d response of the course, m.any people other than welcomed the awakenTog among Symphony Board of Directors and Jews would like to leave. Jewish youths and adults abroad, three million Jews Is feared fOUnterterror would 1D1precedented," he said. He antagonize American public Management In answering the He went on to say "only · as well as the response of managements of the Soviet bosses have decision-making governments and Influential termed 1D1seemly routine reaction opinion. "America Is tired of with meetings, slogans, violence," he said. artists," said Mr. Lezhnev. power In Russia, therefore, I am International bodies, to action for The c e 111 st f e It the 200 percent sure the Soviet the right of Soviet Jewry to newspaper articles and nothing Mr. Tamlr noted that the tense. Jewish Defense League had not managements• first Idea, having artists bad nothing to do with the emigrate to Israel." him remain on stage until the decision not to play." 0 Mr.
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