ISSN - International (Online) 1994-6961 ISSN - United States (Online) 1938-7806 OCLC & World Cat # 145980807 Library of Congress Catalogue # 2007212183 International Journal of Architectural Research An international refereed journal published three times a year http://www.archnet.org http://www.archnetijaronline.org/ Archived and Indexed by Architecture Archnet Planning Built Environment Studies Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals From Susannah Dickinson, March 2013 DOAJ-Directory of Open Access Chief Editor Journals Ashraf M. Salama EBSCO Current Abstracts-Art and Collaborating Editor Architecture Remah Y. Gharib Elsevier Scopus Volume (7) - Issue (1) - March 2013 (7) - Issue (1) March Volume Intute Arts and Humanities Includes Regular Refereed Papers ProQuest Review and Trigger Articles Copyright © 2013 Archnet-IJAR, Archnet, MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology Archnet-IJAR is published and archived by ARCHNET, the most comprehensive online community for architects, planners, urban designers, interior designers, landscape architects, and scholars working in these fields, developed at the MIT School of Architecture and Planning in close cooperation with, and with the full support of The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, an agency of the Aga Khan Develop- ment Network. Copyright Permission Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) Users are free to copy, distribute, or display the work for non-commercial purposes only, but must credit the copyright holder (author, photographer, etc.). Derivatives are not permitted. ISSN - International (Online) 1994-6961 ISSN - United States (Online) 1938-7806 OCLC & World Cat # 145980807 Library of Congress Catalogue # 2007212183 International Journal of Architectural Research An international refereed journal published three times a year http://www.archnet.org http://www.archnetijaronline.org/ Archived and Indexed by Architecture Archnet Planning Built Environment Studies Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals Volume (7) - Issue (1) - March 2013 DOAJ-Directory of Open Access Chief Editor Journals Ashraf M. Salama EBSCO Current Abstracts-Art and Collaborating Editor Architecture Remah Y. Gharib Elsevier Scopus Intute Arts and Humanities Includes Regular Refereed Papers ProQuest Review and Trigger Articles All contributors granted Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”) worldwide rights and permission to reproduce, distribute, publicly display, and publicly perform the following Work in electronic format on the ArchNet Internet web site at URL http://archnet.org. Views, opinions, and research results are the responsibility of the contributors. Images and figures are provided by the contributors. Copyright © 2013 Archnet-IJAR, Archnet, MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology Archnet-IJAR is published and archived by ARCHNET, the most comprehensive online community for architects, planners, urban designers, interior designers, landscape architects, and scholars working in these fields, developed at the MIT School of Architecture and Planning in close cooperation with, and with the full support of The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, an agency of the Aga Khan Develop- ment Network. Copyright Permission Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) Users are free to copy, distribute, or display the work for non-commercial purposes only, but must credit the copyright holder (author, photographer, etc.). Derivatives are not permitted. ISSN - International (Online) 1994-6961 ISSN - United States (Online) 1938-7806 OCLC & World Cat # 145980807 Library of Congress Catalogue # 2007212183 International Journal of Architectural Research An international refereed journal published three times a year http://www.archnet.org http://www.archnetijaronline.org/ Architecture Planning Built Environment Studies Volume (7) - Issue (1) - March 2013 Chief Editor Ashraf M. Salama Collaborating Editor Remah Y. Gharib Advisory Board Attilio Petruccioli, Besim S. Hakim, Hashim Sarkis, Henry Sanoff, Jamel Akbar, Michael J. Crosbie, Mohamad Al-Asad, Nasser Rabbat, Nicholas Wilkinson, Nikos A. Salingaros, Peter Rowe, Suha Ozkan. Editorial Board Ahmed Elseragy, Akhtar Chauhan, Aleya Abel- Hadi, Ali Cengizkan, Amer Moustafa, Amira Elnokaly, Anne Beamish, Budi Sukada, Chengzhi Peng, Dalila Al-Kerdani, Donatella Mazzoleni, Ebru Cubukcu, Eman El-Nachar, Fuad Mallick, Hisham Elkadi, Hulya Turgut, Ihab Elzeyadi, M. Alaa Mandour, Malika Bose, Magda Sibley, Mashary Al-Naim, Mirjana Lozanovska, Nada Al Nafea, Peter Kellett, Rabee Reffat, Sonja Nebel, Yasser El-Shehstawy, Yasser Mahgoub. Copyright © 2013 Archnet-IJAR, MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology ISSN - International (Online) 1994-6961 ISSN - United States (Online) 1938-7806 OCLC & World Cat # 145980807 Library of Congress Catalogue # 2007212183 International Journal of Architectural Research An international refereed journal published three times a year http://www.archnet.org http://www.archnetijaronline.org/ ArchNet International Journal of Architectural tectural technology and sustainable design; design Research – Archnet-IJAR is the first of its kind; an methods and architectural theories; design and interdisciplinary comprehensive scholarly journal project programming; environment-behavior stud- of architecture, planning, and built environment ies; information technology; Islamic architecture; studies, that is blind reviewed and published on the computer applications and virtual environments; World Wide Web three times a year. post occupancy and facility performance evalua- tion; and social and cultural factors in design. Objectives Archnet-IJAR objective is to establish a bridge be- Urban and Built Environment Studies: tween theory and practice in the fields of archi- Topics include --but not limited to: administrative tectural and design research, and urban planning and political factors contributing to the shaping of and built environment studies. It reports on the lat- communities, cities and urban regions, community est research findings and innovative approaches planning; sustainable urban conservation; environ- for creating responsive environments, with special mental planning and eco development; housing focus on architecture and planning in developing policy, planning, and design; new urbanism; sustain- countries. able development; space syntax and GIS applica- tions; and way-finding and signage systems. Archnet-IJAR is truly international and aims at strengthening ties between scholars from differ- Critical Essays on Architectural and Planning ent parts of the world with contributors and read- Projects: ers reaching across geography, boundaries, and Essays that cover the above topics; critically dis- cultures. cussing projects in use; after they have been de- signed, built and occupied. Articles are preferred Archnet-IJAR articles come from architects, interior to utilize the case study approach as a critical designers, planners, and landscape architects, and method in built environment research. from those working in these fields in academic in- stitutions, universities, research centers, government agencies, and private practice. Advisory and Editorial Boards The Chief Editor is in charge of developing journal issues, seeking out resources and articles, establish- Reader ing publishing strategies, coordinating the review Archnet-IJAR addresses academics, practitioners, process, and posting each issue and its articles on- and students of archi-tecture, planning and interior line. Archnet-IJAR has two boards; advisory and design. It addresses those who are interested in de- editorial. The range of expertise of the boards that veloping their understanding and enhancing their include the panel of referees –academics and pro- knowledge about how environments are designed, fessionals-- ensures high quality scholarly papers created, and used in physical, social, cultural, eco- and allows for a comprehensive academic review nomic, and aesthetic terms. Archnet-IJAR content of contributions that span wide spectrum of issues, keeps readers up-to-date on the latest ideas, designs, methods, theoretical approaches, and profession- and developments in built environment related fields. al practice. Archnet-JAR publishes research studies, criticisms Copyrights and evaluation studies, and critical analyses about Authors must manage reproduction rights to any the creation, use, and evaluation of different types third party. The submission of an article to Archnet- of environments at the macro and micro scales. The IJAR implies that the author(s) certifies that neither journal includes original empirical research papers, the article nor any portion of it is copyrighted. It analytical case studies, and high quality position is expected that all submissions are original and papers. Three major areas are covered by Archnet- have not been published before, and are not cur- IJAR: rently under review for any journal or conference. However, papers previously presented at confer- Architectural and Design Research: ences can be submitted for possible publication Topics include –but not limited to: architectural ped- provided that a written permission from the confer- agogy and design studio teaching practices; archi- ence organizers is submitted before publishing. Copyright © 2013 Archnet-IJAR, MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology ISSN - International (Online) 1994-6961 ISSN - United States (Online) 1938-7806 OCLC & World Cat # 145980807 Library of Congress Catalogue # 2007212183 International Journal of Architectural Research An international
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