Board to meet tonight about Baker’s contract BY BRUCE MILLS legal advice during the executive and two attorneys representing the [email protected] session. After returning to open school district — Vernie Williams session, the board will take any ac- and Connie Jackson, partners with Sumter School District Board of tion as appropriate related to the Halligan, Mahoney and Williams Trustees has called a special meet- executive session, according to the of Columbia. TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2017 75 CENTS ing for 6 p.m. today at the district agenda. After about 2 1/2 hours, the SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 office to discuss Superintendent The board’s last meeting was board returned to open session, but Frank Baker’s contract, according also a special called meeting three it took no action or vote and then 2 SECTIONS, 16 PAGES | VOL. 122, NO. 196 to an agenda sent out Monday eve- weeks ago on June 27. At that dismissed. ning. meeting, the trustees immediately The district has faced numerous The discussion of Baker’s con- went into executive session behind issues in the last eight months since NATION tract by the board will be held in closed doors to discuss an employ- the revelation in December of a fi- executive session behind closed ee’s contract, per the agenda. Ac- nancial crisis with the release of doors, according to the meeting companying the board into execu- agenda. The board will also receive tive session that day were Baker SEE BOARD, PAGE A6 Scene of the crime ‘It’s raining needles’ Addicts are leaving discarded needles in parks, on beaches, in dugouts and more — and children are finding them A5 HEALTH Food labels won’t give you the whole story A3 DEATHS, B3 Arthur Bavosi Mary Mickens Mae Frances C. Bradshaw Jamie G. Shirley Sandra Conyers Lawrence B. Scott Lewis A. Powell Sr. Vivian M. McElveen JIM HILLEY / THE SUMTER ITEM According to Austin Jenkins, University of South Carolina Sumter senior instructor of biology, this is the golden silk spider, WEATHER, A10 sometimes called the banana spider. The color of its web is why it has the common name of golden silk spider. The scien- tific name is Nephila clavipes. This is most likely a healthy female, Jenkins said, as males are skinnier and much smaller. MORE CHANCES FOR STORMS The males are best differentiated by what are called pedipalps, which are sperm-holding organs on the tips of the append- A stray afternoon thunderstorm is possible; ages coming off the head that look like boxing gloves. Jenkins said he could not tell if the exoskeleton hanging from the partly cloudy and humid tonight web is that of the male, which the female may have cannibalized, or if it was shed by the female. Jenkins said the canni- HIGH 89, LOW 72 balism does not happen as much as people think — even with black widows. Until it’s time to mate, the male usually occu- pies its own web adjacent to the female. INSIDE CONTACT US Classifieds B5 Info: 774-1200 Young will be chief deputy attorney general Comics A9 Advertising: 774-1237 Opinion A8 Classifieds: 774-1200 ney General Alan Wil- Young was a circuit court judge Television A4 Delivery: 774-1258 Sumter resident, former son. at-large from February 2009 until Sports B1 News and Sports: judge starts job Aug. 1 “As someone who his retirement earlier this year. He 774-1226 has legislated in the served as a family court judge from BY JIM HILLEY House, ruled from the 2004 until 2009, according to the re- [email protected] bench and served in a lease. YOUNG combat zone, Judge Third Judicial Circuit Solicitor VISIT US ONLINE AT the .com Sumter resident and former Cir- Young has a passion Ernest “Chip” Finney III said he cuit Court Judge Jeffrey “Jeff” for public service that has worked with Young for many Young has been named chief depu- has me excited about the work years, both as an attorney and as a ty attorney general, effective Aug. we’ll be able to do together to serve judge. 1, according to a Monday news re- the people of South Carolina,” Wil- lease from South Carolina Attor- son said. SEE YOUNG, PAGE A6 Crisis can include more than bill payments for some families BY ADRIENNE SARVIS she said. She said the mother told the inter- rick said. [email protected] Recently, the viewer she had not been able to work She said the ministry was able to ministry inter- since 2015 because she had been car- pay the woman’s electric bill and pro- At Sumter United Ministries, clients viewed a young ing for her little boy, who had been vide referrals that could be helpful to come in requesting financial assis- mother seeking suffering from leukemia. Her son her, including one to grief counseling tance for utility bills or rent, said min- help with her passed away in April. He was 2 years through Palmetto Health Tuomey’s istry Office Manager Diane Garrick. electric bill. old. chaplaincy. Every so often, during the course of When asked The young mother had to spend The young mother needed more an interview, volunteers discover that how much $1,000 for the funeral and was trying than just financial assistance that day, something tragic has touched the life money she had to stay strong for her other son, who is Garrick said. of a client, sometimes beyond the to go toward the bill, she said she had 4 years old. “usual” crises that they see most days, nothing, Garrick said. “Her story broke our hearts,” Gar- SEE CARING, PAGE A6 A2 | TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2017 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: [email protected] Anything Paper LLC opens on Broad Street BY IVY MOORE Community members [email protected] arrived on Saturday for the double grand Somera Samuels thinks that "Any- opening of Kingdom thing seen in a vision can be put on International Manage- paper." In fact, that's the motto of her ment and Anything new business, Anything Paper LLC. Paper LLC. While the ribbon cutting and grand opening for the store at 640 Broad St. was held Saturday, Samuels said she's CAITLAN WALZER / been open part-time since Feb. 1 with THE SUMTER ITEM renovations ongoing, and she's now open full time, ready to show off her new headquarters, not just for Anything Paper, but also for her 501(c)3 nonprofit, Kingdom International Management, housed in the same building. Neither business is a franchise, Sam- uels pointed out; Anything Paper is her for-profit limited liability company, while KIM is a compliance organization, through which Samuels provides free services to the community. The services include training business owners and store), but with a whole new flair." this building, God said he wanted us to employees — especially faith-based or- ‘We don’t sell paper; we sell Also part of the business are a pho- open here." ganizations — to remain compliant with tography department, a recording stu- Members of her nonprofit board for laws governing nonprofits, record-keep- what’s on the paper.’ dio, computer repair services, screen KIM, friends, godchildren and her ing, bookkeeping, internal auditing and printing, binding and embroidery. daughter "all chipped in" to do the ex- more. Samuels said she has also com- SOMERA SAMUELS "We have covered everything for tensive renovations to the former drug- pleted thousands of tax returns for indi- paper marketing under one roof," she screening building. viduals at four locations, all at no cost to Graphic designer, owner said. "You don't have to go all over "Schools, politicians, businesses, both them. of Anything Paper LLC and town." profit and nonprofit, have been coming Anything Paper is an apt name, Sam- In her showroom, Samuels has ex- through the door with inquiring minds," uels said, listing many of the items the Kingdom International amples of much of her work, from Samuels said. "They want to know what company prints. paper items to printed T-shirts, hats, we can do for them." "We do obituaries that go in funeral Management sneakers and aprons. Anything Paper LLC and Kingdom programs, resumes, business cards, bro- "People love aprons," she said. International Management, 640 Broad chures, postcards, banners, invitations After 20 years doing graphic design St., Sumter, are open from 9 a.m. to 6 for birthdays, weddings, graduations, "We don't sell paper; we sell what's on and having a growing number of cus- p.m. Monday through Friday, and from social events — we actually cater to ev- the paper," she said. "Nothing has any- tomers referred to her, Samuels said 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Contact Som- erything customers want on them," thing pre-printed on it. I even design she thought she was ready to expand. era Samuels at info@anythingpaperkim. Samuels said. "I'm a graphic designer, borders for cards, invitations and so "I said, 'God, what do you want me to com, call (803) 883-5483 or (803) 240-8355, so I not only help them write, I design forth. Everything is original. We're simi- do?' Last year, God said it was time for a or visit the website anythingpaperkim. items. We create anything from scratch. lar to (a local printing and electronics building,'" she said. "When we looked at com. tional amendment in Novem- LOCAL & ber 2012 to have the governor Sumter Item seeks help in locating and lieutenant governor run STATE BRIEFS on the same ticket. But the ballot question specified the FROM STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS changes wouldn't start until missing 85-year-old Florida man the 2018 election.
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