/ \ computer notes Votume3 )ssue7 @1978 PERTEC COMPUTER CORPORAHON 20630 Nordhoff Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 (213) 998-1800 Editor: Marsha Sutton Voiume 3, issue 7, January/ February 1978 Products or services, other than those of PERTEC COMPUTER CORPORATION, advertised in Computer Notes magazine are not necessarily endorsed by PERTEC COMPUTER CORPORATION, thereby relieving itself of all legal responsibility. Computer Notes Jan/Feb 1978 !n This issue The Latest with CN System Timing Modification for the M!TS/Altair88-DCDD Floppy Disk. 4 by Tom Durston A. Copy/Rewrite Procedure 4 Computer Notes is changing. by Gale Schonfeld The top news for this issue is to announce the compietion B. Single Drive BASIC Diskette Rewrite Procedure 5 of the eventfui reiocation of the Computer Notes editoriai by Charles Vertrees office. The office has been moved from MiTS @ in C. Single Drive DOS Diskette Rewrite Procedure 6 Aibuquerque to PERTEC COMPUTER CORPORATiON in byDrewEinhorn California. And to occupy this newiy located office is a completely new editoriai staff — mysetf. My name is Marsha D. Easy Floppy Disk Alignment Check 6 by Tom Durston Sutton, and I am the new editor of Computer Notes. The address of the new office can be found on the inside front Mce on the KCACR 7 cover. by Doug Jones Severai further changes wit! be forthcoming, of which you Union County Career Center, Update 1977 9 byJamesGupton.Jr. should take note. Computer Notes will continue to sell for 50% a copy, but it wiil be published every other month, MITS/Altair CPU Modification 11 rather than monthiy. Subscriptions wiii now be $2.50 a year byDarreiVanBuer and $5.00 for two years. Those of you who are current Demonstration Program 14 subscribers wiii have your expiration date advanced to byKenKnecht provide you with the number of issues for which you have A BASIC Memory Test 15 paid ($5.00 buys 12 issues). by Dave Culbertson To establish better channels of communication among the readers is one of CN s primary functions, and this can be FDOS-III: The Latest from Pertec Computer Corporation 16 accomplished by utiiizing the magazine to reiay interesting Tic Tac Toe Modification 17 by John Trautschold and pertinent information. Rest assured i wii! do my utmost in organizing and compiiing Computer Notes; but to pubiish Practical Programming, Part I! 18 a magazine composed of quaiity material property, i need by Gary Runyan your input...reguiariy! i encourage and appreciate any and Modifying MITS BASIC for ASCIII/O 20 aii stories, photographs, suggestions, and ietters that you by John Palmer can offer. Send anything you have to my attention at the new MITS Newest Business System .21 address; all articles wii) be warmly received. Piease don't hesitate to contact me on any issue, inctuding problems or Book Review 22 questions — i iove mait, and it's aiways nice to be reminded 10,000 Visit MiNI/MICRO 77 24 that peopte are really out there! by Marsha Sutton Please adhere to the submittal specifications given on the Introducing the Compact Attach^ Computer 26 inside front cover, as it will make my job much easier. Aiso, for aii articies submitted in the future, please be sure to Machine Language to BASIC Converter 27 by Richard Ranger enclose a brief history of yourself each time, even if you have contributed articles to the magazine in the past. A new policy has been established regarding payment for Submitta) Specifications articies for outside contributors. Authors wiil be paid approximately $35 per page for articies accepted, but this Articies submitted to Computer Notes must be typed, pay rate is subject to change, depending upon the degree of doubie-spaced, with the author's name, address, and the technica) content, accuracy, neatness, journaiistic style, date in the upper ieft corner of each numbered page. Authors amount of editing required, and the reguiarity with which the shouid also inciude a brief autobiographical statement about author submits articies to the magazine. Also, equipment or their job, professionai title, and previous eiectronic and/or other unusuai means of payment are no longer negotiabte computer experience on a separate sheet of paper. Authors items — payments will be made by check only. shouid retain a copy of each articie submitted. That's about aii for "The Latest". Again, i wouid like to All iiiustrations, diagrams, schematics, and other graphic re-emphasize the extent to which i depend upon the materia) shouid be submitted in biack ink on smooth white contributions of a)) of you CN readers to produce the paper. Prints and PMTs are acceptabie. No pencil drawings, magazine. )t is essentia) that I hear from you with whatever uniess property "fixed", and no halftone or wash drawings you may have to say, particulariy with quality articles that can be accepted. there is a demand to publish. And besides, where eise could AH artwork should be mailed flat, never foided. Unless you get the thrill of seeing your name in lights (weil, in print requested, graphics are not returned. Sketches, roughs, and at least) before the proverbiai pubiic?! "idea" drawings are generaily not used. Thanks for your past support, and ) hope to be hearing Photos, charts, programs, and figures shouid be clearly from you soon. iabeled and referred to by number within the text of the manuscript. Marsha Sutton Only ciear, glossy, biack and white photos (no Poiaroid Editor pictures) are acceptabie. Photos shouid be taken with uniform iighting and sharp focus. P S. ) would tike to express my speciai thanks to Tom Program iistings should be recorded with the darkest Antreasian and Susan Blumentha) for hetping me get my ribbon possible on biank white paper. A paper tape for each "bit" together in this — my first issue as Editor of Computer program submitted must aiso be included. Notes. Computer Notes Jan/ Feb 1976 3 System Timing Modification for the MiTS^Aitair^ 88-DCDD Fioppy Disk By Tom Durston To increase diskette interchangeabiiity i. PARTS REQUiRED (inciuded in the from drive to drive and to minimize FDSK Modification Kit) disk I/O errors, two time constants on the 88-DCDD Controiier Board #1 have 2 each 74LS221 iC MiTS Part #101466 (F1,F4) been re-evaluated. The effect of this 1 each 6.65K 1 % resistor MiTS Part #102225 (R5) timing change is to center the data leach 12.1K1% resistor MiTS Part #102226 (R12) within the sector. This aiiows a greater 1 each 4.32K 1 % resistor MiTS Part #102227 (R11) toterance of disk drive misalignment. 1 each 8.45K 1 % resistor MiTS Part #102228 (R6) A diskette written with the new write delay shouid be marked "NWD" for identification purposes. Ail BASiC and DOS diskettes shipped from MiTsO after August 31, 1977 are il. MODiFICATiON PROCEDURE is not mandatory, due to the timing written with this new write deiay and (Controller Board #1 Only) predictability of the 74LS221. The are marked "NWD". These diskettes puise width shouid be in the range of are compatibie with unmodified 195ps to 230}js (214)js NOM ±10%) systems. A. Change the Write Clear one shot when the drive is enabled and a To utilize the new write delay, the timing from 280]js to 389)js. diskette is instaiied. Read Ciear Timing must be changed 1. Remove R11 and R12. as indicated later in this articie. if a 2. tnstati a4.32K, 1% resistor in D. Change schematic notation to system does not require diskette the R11 position, and a 12.1 K, 1% coincide with the modification. interchange capabilities and if there resistor in the R12 position. has been no difficulty with disk i/O 3. Remove )C F4, and instaii a errors, the complete modification is 74LS221 in its place. not necessary. However, it is advised 4. if avaiiabie, use an oscilio- that the write delay be changed as scope to measure the positive puise For step 3 in parts A and C, if iCs F1 described in step HA. The modifica- width at TP8 (iC F4, pin 5). This step is and F4 are not socketed, remove the tion is strongiy recommended for not mandatory, due to the timing soidered iCs by cutting aii the pins. multipie drive systems or single drive predictability of 74LS221. The puise Carefuliy remove each pin one by one. systems where diskette interchange is width shouid be in the range of 355iJS Ciean the hoies by using soider wick required. to 425ps (389psNOM±10%) when the or a soider removing tooi. Do not A modification kit (MITS Part drive is enabied and a diskette is remove the piated portion of the hoie. #103678) is avaiiable at no charge to instalied. When soldering the new tCs in piace, owners of MITS/AttairTM 88-DCDD soider each pin on both sides of the Floppy Disk Systems, if an owner PC board to ensure proper feed- does not have the facilities for per- B. Copy all diskettes using the pro- through connection. forming the modification, Controiier cedure listed in Articie C that foltows. Board #1 can be returned for compiete If the Read Timing is not being modification at no charge. However, changed, it is not necessary to copy R5, the Read Ciear one shot timing the diskettes. resistor, wilt not be repiaced, but the correct resistor for R5 wiii be returned A. Copy/Rewrite with the board and should be instailed C. Change the Read Clear one shot Procedure upon compietion of re-writing or timing from 140^js to 214ps. copying the diskettes, as indicated in 1. Remove R5 and R6. By Gaie Schonfetd step i)C of the modification procedure.
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