Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1985 Daily Egyptian 1985 9-30-1985 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 30, 1985 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1985 Volume 71, Issue 29 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 30, 1985." (Sep 1985). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1985 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1985 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Shultz says weapons cut may end stalemate WASHINGTON CU P)) - stumbling block in U.S.-Soviet percent cut in nuclea r EU U,\ RU S HEV,\RD- project as a condition for Secretary 01 State George negotiations. but Shultz said a wea pons. but said it is " clear " NAUZE. the Soviet foreign progress in I"e Geneva talks. Shultz. whil~ insisting the shift in Moscow's stance may the Soviets " will bring lorlh a minister. previewed the which are mvided into three United States will not give up open "a way of getting around pr 'jl~sal dealing with 01- proposal for Reagan during a areas - strategic. or long· it s "Star Wars" program. said the preconditions." lensive missiles .... They'lI put meeting at the White House range. weapons; int~rmediate Sunday a Soviet proposal to cut some counterproposals on the Friday. after which the range, and space weapons. superpower nuclear arsenals SIIUI.TZ W'\S questioned on table and we welcome that.·· president reiterated his in­ may end the arms talks NBC 's " Meet the Press" about Suggesting new hope lor tention to press ahead with OuUining the American view stalemate. a proposal Moscow is expected movement in the talks. Shultz research and development on of the course of the talks. The issue of President to present this week at the said. " Really. for the first the missile-defense program Shultz was skeptical about the Reagan's Strategic Defense arms talks in Geneva. Swit· time. the Soviets are talking nicknamed "Star Wars." Soviets' use of a percentage Initiative project to create a zerland. He declined to con· about genuine reductions. figure. saying. "The point s hield against nuclear firm specifically reports that /IOow. we'lI have to see - in!rst~e tl:st'U~::o';ta~: about percentage reductions weapons has been a major Moscow will suggest a 50 reduetionsofwhat?" scrap the multibillion-dollar is. what do they apply to?" Daily Egyptian Monday, September 30, 1985, Vol. 71, No. 29 Women, men join in march to protest sexual vioience By Susan Sarllauskas Staff Writer Azevedo. who was found heterosexual and homosexual. black. wh ite. male and lema Ie. :~~~;~~din ~fI~i~ . 11~~'v~c; They were welcomed by More tha n 200 women. men was found innocent of charges Ca rbondale Mayor He len and children turned out on a of arranging her death. He was Wes tberg. who said that cool ni ght to demonstra te their found dead "~ riday rnfJfning in domestic violence .. touches a ll opposition to domestic a nd his car. of our lives," societal sexual violence. at the The marc h was alse fourth annual " Take Back the dedicated to women who daily ONE SPE,\KER urged the Night" march and rally suffer violence. including the crowd to personally protest the t"riday in Carbondale. women in Central America. images being presented in the They walked quickly north. media - that women enjoy down the sidewalk along South "TillS M,\RCII represents sexual violence. that they often JIIinoi. Avenue. beginning at t.he breakdown of women's deserve to be raped or bealen. Grand Avenue. Mar.;hals kept isolation: ' Ward said. There especially if they go out alone the marchers in line .•nd led has been a "conspiracy of at night. the chants : " Women. unite ; silence" between survivors of "We're tired of brutality: Take Back the Night," " Hey. violence. she said. and this wc're tired of triviality." she hey. ho. ho: Rape and V,olence silence has perpetuated myths said heatedly. " Yes. we do Got to Go" and " Wom~n united about the survivors and the 'know our place:' irs in the can never be defeated." violence. streets, the orrices, our hom"" among others. " Let's be safe. Iet's be - anywherewewant tobe." Many marchers carried strong; Rape and violence are She and the crowd laughed, candles, and some wore sashes wrong, .. marchers yelled as however. at the answer sup­ that identified them as sur· they moved south along plied by one youngster: " 'n the vivors, of rape. sexual University Avenue. toilet!" harassment. battery or incest. The march ended at the Woody lIall courtyard, where FILMM ,\KER LORI TilEY CHANTED "No more the rally took place. MEEKER. who Tuesday pornography" at the Varsity presented the film s Theater. which has been ,\ TRIO of singers. " For " Remember the Witches." s howing several X·rated Healing Purposes Only". got "Night Without Fear." and a movies. the crowd warmed up with' a documentary about Chinese As thev marched. thev were l e w songs. including footbinding. said that movies met wiui a few stares: a few " Imagine" by the lale John tha t present women as sex shouts of encouragement. and Le nnon. Songs heets were objects. virgins or whores a few hecklers. most 01 which ha nded out . a nd the crowd don't speak to women's lives or ca me when the marchers stood arm in a rm. swaying. experiences. crossed University Ave. singing " We are a genUe. She asked the pertinent Adle C.Il.han, 5, .nd he, mother. Oebble C.Il.hln, listen to spe."e, Kathy Wa rd. ' a sociology angry people. and we are question. though : " What about K.thy W.,d before the l.ke Back the Night m.,ch Friday .t the corner prolessor. a nnounced that the singing, singing for our lives." tomorrow1 What will we do1 " of South Illinois and Grind lVenues. The C.n.h.ns hail f,om CIf· march was dedicated to the expressing the unity of the bondol • . spir it of the la te Marie protest. young and old people, See MARCH, Pog. 12 Students protest clean-up of campus canno~ By DI.ld Sh.. ls Parading around the burial Organization East Side Museum. Gus Bode ~ Slaff Wrilel plot Friday afternoon was a senator. " The people who Sigma Phi Epsilon is the f.. i handful of students. armed moved it should have gone fraternity that removed the 1. Z Soil was piled near the foot of with pencils, petitions and a through the proper channels." cannon from its Old Main ~ ' . the flagpole a t the north end of cause. The cannon, a landmark for residence. 'r "",' Old Main Mall. A " tomb­ " We're out here to get good-natured graffiti at SIU-C Remy Billups, Sigma Phi • ' stone," inscribed with a support from the student for nearly half a century, was Epsilon vice president, said QUI _. IIoe _ ..... __ memorium to the Cannon of population to bring the cannon pried from its moorings at the relocation idea took shape II ...... Epe _ ..., Many Colors. was stuck into back," said Dan Sheridan. daybreak Wed!lesday for dldn'I"""" or IIoe __ _ the soil. Undergraduate Student restoralion by the Universily _CANNON,P_12 ....l This Moming Businessme·n demand apartheid abolition JOHANNESBURG, South and another was seriously vertisements in Afrikaans-and panies including Eastman Ratt COncert Africa <UPJ) -' Almost 100 injured in an attack by a mob English·language lIeIO'SpRpets Kodak, General Motors and rocks Arena leading businessmen, con· of young blacks in Durban's Sunday, demanding an end to the BMW auto company. tending "there is a better UmlazilownshipSunday. the while-minority govern- the ref - Page6 way," published newspaper menl's policy of apartheid, or "WE BELiEVE onn advertisements Sunday to ON SATURDAY, six people racial segregation. process ~bould be acc:eleraled demand peace talks with South died in fierce clashes between by : abohsh!ng stalulory race Salukis ground African black leaders and the moderate Zulu tribesmen and " We believe there is a betler discrtmlnatton . wherever . It Eastern abolition ofapartheid. radical black youths near way for South Afriea and we exists, negotlahng wllh Durban. support equal opportunily, acknowledged black leaders - Sports 20 The calls came on the eve of respect for the individual, about power sharing, granting a major policy address A group of 91 business freedom of enterprise and full South African citizenship freedom or movement," said to all our peoples, restoring el.. , . wllh h"h. around 70. scheduled by President Pieter leaders, including mining Botha and as police reported a magnate Harry Oppenheimer, tbe businessmen, including top and entrenching the rule of black man was burned to death signed full · page ad· executives of foreign com· law," the ads stated. :----------------f?jji----~l : From1lO. 126or135 I BORT'S ewswrap. I Color Film Processed J 1 New Service in our lob I -WE DELIVER- : 3 ho~:~':.~~:~',':tng 12 .",." ••......••• 2... I 7am-l0:JOam I 100 W. Walnut IS ••,.. D........... 3.71 I "oneloy-Frlelay nation/world I 20 ••,. ............. 4.51 I ~~~~~~------------------­ Try our B... k",.t Spedal I Carbondale,lL 24 ••,. ............. 5.24 I I 549.3800 36 ••,. ...... .. ..... 7.'7 I I NO LIMIT ON NUMBER I Official Mexican death toll I OFFER EXPIRES 10 7185 OF ROllS PER COUPON I ~----------------- - --------~ ~~~==;;;;;;;;==~ II ~~~!o ~~?~,? -~'I~~i C ~~!:~ i~ ~~co's two killer ear thquakes climbed past 5.200 Sunday and U.S Embassy officials said they believed 24 missing Americans died in hotels th at collapsed. President Miguel de la Madrid said he soon would announce a reconstructiun program expected to include a pl an for moving factories a nd offices out of the heavily congested Mexico City 3rea.
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