17 North Second Street 12th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101-1601 717-731-1970 Main 717-731-1985 Main Fax www.postschell.com Garrett P. Lent Associate [email protected] 717-612-6032 Direct 717-731-1979 Direct Fax File #: 174732 December 28, 2018 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Rosemary Chiavetta Secretary Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Commonwealth Keystone Building 400 North Street, 2nd Floor North P.O. Box 3265 Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265 Re: Joint Application of Aqua America, Inc., Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc., Aqua Pennsylvania Wastewater, Inc., Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC and Peoples Gas Company LLC for All of the Authority and the Necessary Certificates of Public Convenience to Approve a Change in Control of Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC and Peoples Gas Company LLC by Way of the Purchase of All of LDC Funding, LLC’s Membership Interests by Aqua America, Inc. Docket Nos. A-2018-300606L A-2018-3006062 and A-2018-3006063 Dear Secretary Chiavetta: Attached for filing are Proofs of Publication regarding the Legal Notice for the above-referenced proceedings. Pursuant to the directive in your November 19, 2018, letter, the notice was published one time in newspapers of general circulation in the area involved. Copies are being provided per the attached Certificate of Service. Sincerely, GPL/kls Enclosure Allentown Harrisburg Lancaster Philadelphia Pittsburgh Princeton Washington, D.C. A Pennsylvania Professional Corporation Rosemary Chiavetta December 28, 2018 Page 2 cc: Certificate of Service Sm ^Booig aJB saujipeai J|aem ;ad sAep / si sajnoj jje u> ■a|0|49A aiqajiaj cAsq jsi **»**■» PROOF OF PUB]|l«"Wii» SSST^STVlTOONA MIRROR I sPU9)(aa« uo iBuoijippa i! dub sisHp, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF BLAIR ____________ Ray Eckenrode _______ , being duly sworn says: That he is the General Manager of the ALTOONA MIRROR, a newspaper of general circulation, published at Number 301 Cayuga Avenue, Township of Logan, City of Altoona, County of Blair, and State of Pennsylvania. That said newspaper was established as a daily newspaper of general circulation on the Thirteenth Day of June 1874, since which date said newspaper has been published daily in the City of Altoona; that a copy of the printed notice, hereto attached, is exactly as the same was printed and published in the regular edition of the daily ALTOONA MIRROR published on the following date(s), viz: The affiant further deposes and declares that he is not interested in the subject matter of the aforesaid notice of publication and that all allegations in the foregoing statement as to time, place and character of publication are Lee Sworn to and subscribed before me the day of UL Debra D. Miller, Notary Pubh /Commonwealth of Pennsylvania My Commission expires "Notarial soal DEBRA D MILLER, Notary Publio ALTOONA CITY, BLAIR COUNTY My Commission Expires July 25,2021 PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF NOTICE IN ALTOONA MIRROR PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED Joint Application ol Aqua America, Inc. (or approval lo acquire ownership ol Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC, Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC-Equilable Division, and Peoples Gas Company LLC, through the purchase ol I.DC Funding LLC. LDC Fund.ng LLC is Ihe indirect parent ol Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC, Peoples Nalural Gas Company LLC-Equilable Division and Peoples Gas Company LLC. Under Ihe proposed transaction, I DC Funding LLC will become a direct subsidiary of Aqua America, Inc. Docket Numbers: A-2018-300B061 A-2018-3006062, and A-2018-3006063. Formal protests arid petitions to intervene must bn filed in accordance wilh Title 62 ol the Rsnnsylyaniii Code, on or before December 31, 2018. All tilings must bo made with the Secretary of the Pennsylvania STATE OF PENN! Public Utr'ily Commission, P. O. Box 3265, Harris­ burg, PA 17105-3265, with a copy served nil the Ap­ COUNTY OF plicant. Tho documenLs filed in support of Ihe Appli­ cation are available lor inspection and copying at tiro Olfice of Ihe Secretary bolwoon Ihe hours of 8:00 a.m. arid 430 p.m., Monday through Friday, o:i tho Ray Eel Commission’s website at www.puc.pa.gov. and at the sworn says: That he is the Applicant's business address. General Manager of t aper of general circulation, published at Number 31 Applicants: ia.n, City of Altoona, County of Blair, and State of Pc Aqua America, Inc. Peoples Natural Gas Company, LLC Peoples Nalural Gas Company, LLC-Equitable Division That said newsj Peoples Gas Company ILC spaper of general circulation on the Thirteenth Day c Through and By Counsel for: :wspaper has been published Michael W. Gang, Esquire daily in the City of Alt< Michael W. Hasseli, Esquire e, hereto attached, is exactly Garrett P. Lent, Esquire as the same was printc Post & Schell, PC on of the daily ALTOONA 17 North Second Street MIRROR published on 12lh Floor Harrisburg, PA I7101-1G01 BY THE COMMISSION Rusemary Chiavella Secretary The affiant ftj (>, 2018 hot interested in the subject matter of the aforesaid notice of publication and that all allegations in the foregoing statement as to time, place and character ol’publication arelmtf Sworn to and subscribed before me the day of , ’Debra D. Miller, Notary Pubji ^Commonwealth of Pennsylvania My Commission expires Notarial Seal DEBRA D MILLER, Notary Public ALTOONA CITY, BLAIR COUNTY My Commission Expires July 25,2021 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA) County of Cambria 1 SS On this 21st day of December A.D. 2018, before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Christine Marhefka, who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says as Sales Manager / Major Accounts of the Tribune- Democrat, Johnstown, PA, a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the “Newspaper Advertising Act”, a merger inqui'MMM September 8, 1952, of the Johnstown Tribune, established December 7, 1853; and of the Johnstown Democrat, established March 5,1863, published continuously at Johnstown Pa. in the County of Cambria, and Commomvealth of Pennsylvania and that the annexed is a true copy of a notice in the above matter published in said publication in the regular issues of The Johnstoivn Tribune-Democrat, Johnstown, PA, on December 14, 2018; and that the Affiant is not interested in the subject matter of said notice or advertising and that all of the allegations as to time, place and character of said publication are true. / j fj STATEMENT OF ADVERTISING Signed and sworn to before me on 21st day of December, 2018, by Christine Marhefka making the statement. 0.00 Lines @ $2.50 per line 0.00 8.5 Inches @ $25.00 per inch 212.50 Notary Fee 5.00 Clerical Fee 2.50 Total Cost 220.00 commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Notary; Vivian Ohs, Notary Public Cambria County To The Tribune-Democrat, Johnstown, PA My commission expires December6,2( For publishing the notice or publication __ Commissionnumber11230l7' Member, Pennsylvania Association of Notir' attached hereto on the above stated dates. PUBLISHER’S RECEIPT FOR ADVERTISING COSTS _____ _ for publisher of_______________________________ a newspaper of general circulation, hereby acknowledges receipt of the aforesaid and publication costs and certifies that the same has been duly paid. (Name of Newspaper) By. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA 'I County of Cambria C ss On this 21st day of December A.D. PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION 2018, before me, the subscriber, a NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED Notary Public in and for said Joint Application of Aqua America, Inc. (or approval to acquire ownership of Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC County and State, personally _ Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC-Equltable appeared Christine Marhefka, who Division, and Peoples Gas Company LLC, thrduqh the Plndirf sf °f LD.C «Fnndirl9 LL,C- LDCFunding LLC is the being duly sworn according to law, Indirect parent of Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC deposes and says as Sales Manager / Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC-Equltable Division ?,lP°^es 9?? Company LLC. Under the proposed Major Accounts of the Tribune- transaction, LDC Funding LLC will become a direct subsidiary of Aqua America, Inc. Docket Numbers: A- Democrat, Johnstown, PA, a 2018-3006061, A-2018-3006062 newspaper of general circulation as and A-2018-3006063. ’ Formal protests and petitions to Intervene must be filed In defined by the “Newspaper accordance with Title 52 of the Pennsylvania rvJdV™ n? Advertising Act”, a merger before Decembers1, 2018. All »gs must be made With p® ®f ,re arK °f n,he Pennsylvania Public Utility i September 8, 1952, of the Johnstown n?finmwifh°r' Pl °' Boa 3Z55' Harrisburg, PA 17106- ! Tribune, established eifS5’iW |h PJ se/v'Ld on ,he Applicant. The documents . n supp?rt 01.,he Application are available for i December 7, 1853; and of the inspection and copying at the Office of the Secretary Johnstown Democrat, established between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,'Friday, on 'the'thn _Oommiisto^'"lMte~innmmieeinn'o i.,«u„t»_ _• ;| LVlarch,March 0,5,1863, ItibS, publish awv^'pu®pa^Wi and al lfle Applicant's business address, jity of Cambria, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Applicants: that th.ttill ■\ ■ ^ 11,0 matter mlblisheA l.n cniA mihlirntinn in the mcatlar i,ri Aqua America, Inc. _ _ matter published in said publication in the regular issues of The, Peoples Natural Gas Company, LLC lA, on December 14, 2018; and that the Affiant is not Peoples Natural Gas Company, interest LLC-Equltable Division ertisingand thatja.ll of the allegations as to time, place and charac] Peoples Gas Company LLC Through and By Counsel for: Michael W. Gang, Esquire Michael W. Hassell, Esquire Garrett P. Lent, Esquire Post & Schell, PC STATEMENT OF ADVERTISINGIgOSTS 17 North Second Street 12th Floor Signed Harrisburg, PA 17101-1601 21st ds „ BY THE COMMISSION by Chi.
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