1 1 ISSN 0252–9742 Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS E A T C S Number 90 October 2006 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 C E A T C S P:G A I V P:M N D P S G T:D J B B E:V S U K L A I D P I W B G B R S J D´ S G R T N Z´ É H A S F G F. I I D S U K J-P J F Jˇ´ S C R J K¨ F A T P R E. L USA W T G J L T N I W G M M USA E W S E M I G W¨ T N C P F U Z I P P: M N (1972–1977)M P (1977–1979) A S (1979–1985)G R (1985–1994) W B (1994–1997)J D´ (1997–2002) M N (2002–2006) 3 3 4 4 EATCS C M Luca Aceto . [email protected] Giorgio Ausiello . [email protected] Wilfried Brauer . [email protected] Josep Díaz . [email protected] Zoltán Ésik . [email protected] Giuseppe F. Italiano . [email protected] Dirk Janssens . [email protected] Jean-Pierre Jouannaud . [email protected] Juhani Karhumäki . [email protected] Richard E. Ladner . [email protected] Jan van Leeuwen . [email protected] Eugenio Moggi . [email protected] Michael Mislove . [email protected] Mogens Nielsen . [email protected] Catuscia Palamidessi . [email protected] David Peleg . [email protected] Jiríˇ Sgall . [email protected] Branislav Rovan . [email protected] Grzegorz Rozenberg . [email protected] Arto Salomaa . [email protected] Don Sannella . [email protected] Vladimiro Sassone . [email protected] Paul Spirakis . [email protected] Andrzej Tarlecki . [email protected] Wolfgang Thomas . [email protected] Ingo Wegener . [email protected] Emo Welzl . [email protected] Gerhard Wöeginger . [email protected] Uri Zwick . [email protected] 4 4 5 5 Bulletin Editor: Vladimiro Sassone, Southampton, United Kingdom Cartoons: DADARA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands The bulletin is entirely typeset by TEX and CTEX in TX. The Ed- itor is grateful to Uffe H. Engberg, Hans Hagen, Marloes van der Nat, and Grzegorz Rozenberg for their support. All contributions are to be sent electronically to [email protected] and must be prepared in LATEX 2ε using the class beatcs.cls (a version of the standard LATEX 2ε article class). All sources, including figures, and a reference PDF version must be bundled in a ZIP file. Pictures are accepted in EPS, JPG, PNG, TIFF, MOV or, preferably, in PDF. Photographic reports from conferences must be arranged in ZIP files layed out according to the format described at the Bulletin’s web site. Please, consult http://www.eatcs.org/bulletin/howToSubmit.html. We regret we are unfortunately not able to accept submissions in other for- mats, or indeed submission not strictly adhering to the page and font layout set out in beatcs.cls. We shall also not be able to include contributions not typeset at camera-ready quality. The details can be found at http://www.eatcs.org/bulletin, including class files, their documentation, and guidelines to deal with things such as pictures and overfull boxes. When in doubt, email [email protected]. Deadlines for submissions of reports are January, May and September 15th, respectively for the February, June and October issues. Editorial decisions about submitted technical contributions will normally be made in 6/8 weeks. Accepted papers will appear in print as soon as possible thereafter. The Editor welcomes proposals for surveys, tutorials, and thematic issues of the Bulletin dedicated to currently hot topics, as well as suggestions for new regular sections. The EATCS home page is http://www.eatcs.org 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 T C EATCS MATTERS L P ...................................... L P .................................. L E ........................................ R EATCS G A ........................ EATCS A 2007 .......................................... EATCS NEWS T J C ......................................... N I, by M. Mukund ................................ N I, by A.K. Seda ............................... N L A, by A. Viola ............................ N N Z, by C.S. Calude ......................... THE EATCS COLUMNS T A C, by G. Woeginger S , , E-, by V.G. De˘ıneko and G. Woeginger .................. T C C, by J. Torán I D L-D P C C, by V. Guruswami ............................................. T C C, by L. Aceto N P F, by D. Varacca and H. Völzer ........ T D C C, by M. Mavronicolas E O P D C, by J. Aspnes, C. Bush, S. Dolev, P. Fatouroum, C. Georgiou, A. Shvartsman, P. Spirakis, and R. Wattenhofer ............................... T F L T C, by A. Salomaa T HDT0L , by J. Honkala ............................................ T F S C, by H. Ehrig R D B’ S E 1–3, by H. Ehrig .......................................... T L C S C, by Y. Gurevich i 7 7 8 8 E F M, by L. Libkin ......................... T N C C, by G. Rozenberg Z. P – P DNA C P G, by S. Marcus ................................... T P L C, by I. Mackie L C, by C. Palamidessi and F. Valencia .... TECHNICAL CONTRIBUTIONS T F P R (P I), by A. Born, C.A.J. Hurkens, and G.J. Woeginger ..................... S NP-C T, by L. Sek Su ............ MISCELLANEOUS J G (1941–2006), by K. Futatsugi, J.-P. Jouannaud, and J. Meseguer ............................................ Z P (1926–2006), by A. Ehrenfeucht, J.F. Peters, G. Rozenberg, and A. Skowron ................................ AMA............................................... REPORTS FROM CONFERENCES ICALP / PPDP / LOPSTR 2006 . ICE-TCS 2006 . BICI ...................................................... WG2006 .................................................. DLT2006 ................................................. DCM 2006 . MCBIC 2006 . GI T 2005 ......................................... ABSTRACTS OF PHD THESES . EATCS LEAFLET . ii 8 8 9 9 EATCS M E A T C S 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 Letter from the President Dear EATCS members, Last July, in Venice, the Council has elected me as new EATCS President for the next two years term. Although a little frightened at the beginning, I confess that I am now very pleased and honoured to have the chance to serve our Community and, more generally, to devote my experience to strengthen and expand the role of our Association for the benefit of theoretical computer science. To the former President Mogens Nielsen, who has dedicated so much effort to EATCS in the past four years and who has contributed so successfully to the growth of the Association, a warm thank from all of us. This year, ICALP has been, as usual, a very successfull event. Our flagship conference was accompanied by nine very interesting workshops and by three well-established conferences: PPDP, LOPSTR, CSFW, spanning from declarative programming to program synthesis, to formal aspects of security. More than four hundred participants attended the various scientific events and enjoyed the charming athmosphere and the colours of the Laguna. We wish to thank once more Michele Bugliesi and his team for the perfect organization and the program Chairs of the three Tracks: Ingo Wegener, Vladimiro Sassone and Bart Preneel, for having set up such an excellent scientific program. During the conference Mike Paterson has received the EATCS Distinguished Achievements Award in recognition of his outstanding scientific contributions to theoretical computer science. 3 11 11 12 12 BEATCS no 90 EATCS MATTERS The organization of the next ICALP in Wroclaw is proceeding well. Again in 2007 ICALP will be organized in three Tracks, as in Lisbon and Venice. Besides two important conferences will be co-located with ICALP: LICS and Logic Coloquium. If you wish to contribute with the organization of Satellite Workshops you should get in touch with Tomek Jurdzinski. For more information please consult the site http://icalp07.ii.uni.wroc.pl. Finally, let me announce you that in Venice it has also been decided that ICALP 2008 will be held in ReykjavŠk, Iceland. The organization is already making the first steps. In conclusion let me greet the new readers of our Bulletin that, starting with this issue, is freely accessible in the net. As it is explained in the Letter from the Bulletin Editor we are happy to deliver such a qualified scientific service to the theoretical computer science community worldwide and we hope to promote, in this way, the activities of our Association further. I wish to thank Vladimiro Sassone for the extra effort that the larger visibility of the Bulletin will require. Giorgio Ausiello, Rome September 2006 4 12 12 13 13 Letter from the past President Dear EATCS members, As you will see reported in this issue of the Bulletin from our EATCS meetings during ICALP 2006 in Venice, some of the EATCS Council members had expressed wishes to step down from their offices, including Jan van Leeuwen as Vice-President and myself as President. On behalf of Jan and myself I would like to thank everybody who has contributed to the development of EATCS over the past few years. It has been an exciting and challenging period, in which EATCS has continued its strategy towards playing an increasing role in a rapidly changing global research political environment. We were happy to see two very recent steps in this direction. First of all, the overwhelming approval by all our members in the recent voting on the proposed new statutes for EATCS, aimed precisely at modernizing our organization. Secondly, the decision by the EATCS Council to experiment with open access to the Bulletin for a one year period. We are confident that EATCS will continue to grow and to strengthen its role also in the future, in particular with Giorgio Ausiello, with his vast experience, devotion, and visions, taking over as President.
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