"■££»* e cBt&eze Mfc e tf* Vol. LI Madison College. Harrisonburg. Va.. Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Summer No. 8 » Madison Designated Bicentennial College Madison College has been designated a Bicentennial College by the American Revolution Bicentennial Ad- ministration of the federal government. College President Ronald E. Carrier was notified of the designation.by U.S. Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr. To qualify as a Bicentennial College. Madison has scheduled activities in three categories related to the 200th birthday of the United States: "Heritage 1776," "Festival I S A." and "Horizons '76."' Under the guidelines of "Heritage 1776." the college is planning a series of programs and lectures on "The World of James and Dolley Madison." (Continued on Page 2) ^ 'Just in Time': U.S. Collection Has New Home By DEBBY TODD The ultrafiche requires It has a home now. and it special viewing equipment has been catalogued just in which the library received as time for the beginning of the part of the gift. Bolgiano said. 'Pursuit' Bicentennial celebration at Information contained in .Max I hi istnuinn (Charlie Pascale), a young Kirkland (Larry Bennet) looks on. The scene Madison College. the LAC covers a variety of Hessian officer who has deserted the British is from Madison College's summer production. It is the Library of topics, such as the history of army, is held at bay by family servant Beechie "The Pursuit of Happiness." which ended its American Civilization (LAC), science, military, political (Susan Powel). while her master Aaron four-day run Sunday night. a collection of materials on and social sciences, and the IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIimillllllllllllHMMIUMUilMHIMMI microfilm relating to the arts, according to Bolgiano. history of America. The collection will serve as The information, in the an important reference tool form of approximately 12,000 for students and faculty alike, Valley Baseball League microfiches, is taken from a she said. Persons involved in variety of books, periodicals the American studies and pamphlets which date program may find the LAC an from America's beginnings to invaluable aid, she said, as I Oldest in the Nation 1914. according to Chris will those tho have become By MARY RICHARDSON The league has an interesting and varied Bolgiano. assistant catalog infected with bicentennial Shenandoah Valley residents may think history, undergoing many major changes librarian. fever. first of turkeys, but the valley is also the home between 1922 and 1962, when it received NCAA A microfiche is a small The LAC collection and of what may be the oldest summer baseball sanction. card-shaped piece of viewers will be housed near league in the country-the Valley Baseball In 1922. the league consisted of seven teams, photographic film on which the government documents in League. Winchester. Strasburg, ML Jackson, New information can be printed in the second floor reading room. The league, in existence since 1922, is one of Market. Luray, Harrisonburg, and Front reduced form, said Bolgiano. There will be cards for the six summer leagues in the United States Royal, all made up of local players. Opening The LAC is in a form known as collection, which is filed sanctioned by the National Collegiate Athletic games were preceded by a parade down Main ultrafiche, which means the numerically, in the card Assoc. (NCAA), and supported by major Street, and a band concert, and city employees information can be reduced in catalog in the library lobby, league baseball. were given the day off to attend the game. size up to 90 times. (Continued on Page 2) Night baseball was instituted in 1934, with Harrisonburg having the second lighted ball Lord Fairfax President 'I Can't Play park in the state. Also in the 1930s, the make-up of the league changed to four teams -Harrisonburg, To Speak at Graduation Against These Guys' Charlottesville. Culpeper and Fredricksburg- Dr. William H. McCoy, school opened in 1970. By MARY RICHARDSON and the Harrisonburg team played in both the president of Lord Fairfax Lord Fairfax has an •'When I first came here. I Valley and the neighboring Augusta leagues. Community College, Mid- enrollment of just over 1,000, thought to myself. I can't play The league went professional in 1937, when dletown, will be the com- and serves the counties of against these guys.-' said Billy it became a Class D Rookie league, consisting mencement speaker Friday at Clarke. Frederick, Page, Sample. But the Madison of teams in Salem, Newport news, Lynchburg, Madison College's Summer Rappahannock. Shenandoah, College outfielder has proven Pulaski. and Harrisonburg. Found to be too School graduation Warren and Fauquier and the himself wrong. expensive unless subsidized by a major league ceremonies. City of Winchester. In the Valley baseball team, however, this plan was abandoned after Degrees will be awarded to A native of Florida, Dr. league, composed of some of the 1938 season. about 290 students - 175 McCoy was special assistant the Ix'tter college players in After the World Wars, the league operated receiving bachelor's degrees to the president at the I he country. Sample is now on a semi-pro basis with local talent, many of and 115 receiving master's University of Florida before ball inn -:W4. an average whom were returning GIs. The good players degrees. accepting the position as Lord bcUered by only one other became fewer and fewer, however, until The ceremony will begin at Fairfax's first president. He player in the league. He is League President Claude C. Michael changed 7 p.m. on the quadrangle in had formerly been on the also leading the league in the direction of the league once again by front of Wilson Hall. In event University of Florida faculty number of hits, and in making it a collegiate league. of rain, the ceremony will be and an administrator at doubles Since then, the league has improved every held in Wilson Hall Jacksonville University. < M her Madison players are year, according to League publicity director Auditorium. Dr. McCoy has his (Continued on Page :!> and Harrisonburg Turks General Manager Dr. McCoy has been the bachelor's, master's and Jim Lineweaver. with more applicants this president of Lord Fairfax doctoral degrees from the (MHnillMMIIMIirillllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIMmilllllHMHIMMN^MtMm , ,.,,,', (Continued on Page 3) Community College since the University of Florida. I'age _'. TlfK BKEEZE.,,,.;„. Wednesday. August <;. 1975 Library Plans Open House KB NATIONAL ADVmTUHNG »Y By DKBBY TODI) collodions and procedures, periodicals. books and National Educational Adrcrtiung Serried, Inc. Madison College faculty said I la ban Tours will be pamphlets from its beginnings members will have an op- conducted of various library through 1*04. according to SUMMER STAFF portunity to inspect materials departments with ex- Chris Bolgiano of the John Allen and learn about available planations ol what goes on cataloging department. Sue Mallow .. library services when the there, she said. \ case in the main lobby of Frank Broum Nancy Rotigers Madison Memorial Library the library, will be used to HulId in boards and holds an open house Aug. 29. display materials related to ( imli Carney. displays of new materials will Debby Todd The purpose of the open James Madison that are in the house is to acquaint college be a part of the open house. library's special collections Mi mi Conroy Steve. Wilson < )ne display will be that of a faculty and staff members area. Haban said. with the types of materials newly acquired microfiche Placards will be placed Richard Frey and services that are collection, the Library of around the library to explain available to them, according American Civilization <LAC>. the function and use of such Adviser Alan Neckowitz to Dr. Mary Haban. dean of A gift to the college from materials as the government libraries and learning the Madison College Foun-. documents collection and the resources. da!ion. the LAC contains, in I'ASTCAT system: a -rtiethod Library staff members will microform, information for making new material * Bicentennial College be available to explain relating to America from available quickly, which main people still don't un- 1 Continued from Page I) derstand, according to Haban. Festival ISA" at Madison will include a series of Career Day Oct. 4 The division of the card American plays and dance programs produced on campus. catalog into author-title and Plans lor "Horizons 76" include the construction of a JUy STEVE WILSON searching skills, according to subject sections has recently permanent campus monument to James Madison. The Office of Career Nardi. been completed, and an ex- >• A ceremony designating Madison as a Bicentennial'College Planning and Placement will In the spring the placement planation of its use will be \\ ill be held here in about Mi days, according to Dr. Raymond again sponsor a career day office sets up a meeting with provided for those who are I lingledine head of the history department and of the college's this fall, according to Thomas the junior class. There. Nardi interested, she said bicentennial committee. Nardi. assistant director for said, the students are given a A new library handbook The ceremony will include the presentalion of an official non-teaching placement. placement file, a data sheet. has also been prepared for American Revolution Bicentennial Administration flag and Nardi said that "Career- and an explanation of the distribution. The handbook certificate, Dingledine said design 75" will be held Oct. 4, placement offices services. will be available to students in Specific programs scheduled during Madison's bicentennial on Parents Day. this fall. At this time, the students also the fall. celebration appeared in a BREEZE article of July 23. -On career day students can register for placement ser- The old handbook was first talk with representatives vices.
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