Board of Directors 28 October 2015 www.sussexpartnership.nhs.uk BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING IN PUBLIC To be held on 28 October 2015 at 13.30 Meeting Room A, Woodside Hellingly Centre, The Drive, Hellingly Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4EP AGENDA TBP44 /15 INTRODUCTION 13.30 TBP44 .1/15 Chair’s Welcome and Introduction Verbal 13.30 TBP44 .2/15 Apologies for Absence & Declaration of Interests Verbal Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held 30 September 13.31 TBP44 .3/15 A 2015 & Action Points (not covered on the agenda) 13.33 TBP44 .4/15 Questions from Members of the Public Verbal TBP45 /15 STRATEGY Eliminating Mixed Sex Accommodation/Maintaining Safety 13.35 TBP45 .1/15 Privacy and Dignity B (Dr Tim Ojo, Executive Medical Director) TBP46 /15 PERFORMANCE AND QUALITY Chief Executive Report 13.45 TBP46 .1/15 C (Colm Donaghy, Chief Executive) 13.50 TPB46 .2/15 Patient Story video To receive the Annual Patient Experience Report D 14.00 TBP46 .3/15 (Vincent Badu, Strategic Director of Social Care and Partnerships) To receive an update on CQC Action Plans E 14.10 TBP46 .4/15 (Helen Greatorex, Executive Director of Nursing & Quality) To receive the Quality & Performance Report F (Sally Flint, Executive Director of Finance & Performance; Helen Greatorex, Executive Director of Nursing & Quality; Managing Directors) To receive an update on Safe Staffing G (Helen Greatorex, Executive Director of Nursing and Quality) 14.20 TBP46 .5/15 To receive the performance against Business Objectives H (Sally Flint, Executive Director of Finance and Performance) To receive an update on Sign up to Safety I (Helen Greatorex, Executive Director of Nursing and Quality) To receive a report on the last meeting of the Finance and Investment Committee J (Richard Bayley, Non-Executive Director) 14.50 TBP46 .6/15 Financial Performance (Quality & Performance Report) K (Sally Flint, Executive Director of Finance & Performance) Please refer to Item TBP46.5/15, Attachment F for paper To receive the People Report 15.00 TBP46 .7/15 L (Sue Morris, Executive Director of Corporate Services TBP47 /15 GOVERNANCE To agree the Q2 in-year Governance Statement to Monitor / M 15.05 TBP47 .1/15 Update on changes to Monitor’s Risk Assessment Framework (Peter Lee, Head of Corporate Governance) To receive the quarterly notification of Sealed Documents N 15.10 TBP47 .2/15 (Peter Lee, Head of Corporate Governance) Board Members Action Points following the Council of O 15.15 TBP47 .3/15 Governors meeting held on 19 October 2015 (Caroline Armitage, Chair) 15.20 TBP48 /15 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Date and Venue for Next Meeting: 25 November 2015 Training Centre, Swandean 85 Arundel Road, Worthing West Sussex, BN13 3EP To adopt the motion: “That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting, having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest ” (Section 1(2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960) NB Those present at the meeting should be aware that their name will be issued in the notes of this meeting which may be released to members of the public on request Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Board of Directors: 28 October 2015 - Private Agenda Item TBP44 .3/15 Attachment: A For: Decision By: Rebecca Huth, Corporate Governance Administrator SUSSEX PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held in private on Wednesday 30 September 2015 at 10.00 in the Training Centre at Swandean, Arundel Road, Worthing Present: Caroline Armitage, Chair Colm Donaghy, Chief Executive Diana Marsland, Non-Executive Director Dr Tim Ojo, Executive Medical Director Helen Greatorex, Executive Director of Nursing and Quality Lorraine Reid, Managing Director of Adult Services Professor Gordon Ferns, Non-Executive Director Richard Bayley, Non-Executive Director Sally Flint, Executive Director of Finance and Performance Simone Button, Interim Managing Director of Specialist Services Sue Morris, Executive Director of Corporate Services Tim Masters, Non-Executive Director In Attendance Dr Kay Macdonald, Clinical Academic Director Sam Allen, Director of Strategy and Improvement Vincent Badu, Strategic Director of Social Care and Partnerships Peter Lee, Head of Corporate Governance Rebecca Huth, Corporate Governance Administrator (Minutes) Observers Dave West, Deputy Director of Performance & Information Elizabeth Hall, Governor Michael Decker, Governor Sue Esser, People Director 4 members of the public ITEM NO ITEM TBP31. 1/15 Chair’s Welcome and Introduction Caroline Armitage welcomed all members of the Board and the staff, governor and public 1 observers. TBP39 .2/15 Apologies for Absence & Declarations of Interest 2 None. TBP39 .3/15 Minutes and Action Points from 29 July 2015 3 Caroline Armitage confirmed that the Board minutes will be circulated within two weeks of the meeting and asked directors to confirm any amendments with the corporate governance office. Page 1 of 9 4 Helen Greatorex advised that she had an amendment to the wording of paragraph 62 and would forward her amendment to the corporate governance office. 5 Subject to this one amendment, the Board of Directors approved the minutes as an accurate record. All action points listed are either complete or on the agenda. There were no further matters arising. TBP39 .4/15 Questions from Members of the Public 6 Caroline Armitage noted that one question has been submitted by a member of the public; 7 “Is it unreasonable for a patient to wait in excess of three years to have the agreed amendments made to their care plan?” 8 Caroline advised that it is absolutely unreasonable and the Board of Directors has committed to helping to ensure such situations do not occur in future. 9 There were no additional questions. TBP40 .1/15 Gender Separation Strategy Update 10 Tim Ojo advised colleagues that the purpose of his verbal update is to inform the board of the progress prior to the final strategy being presented to the Board of Directors in October 2015. 11 Tim advised that this strategy eliminates mixed gender accommodation, where possible, and we are required by national guidance to sign up to this strategy. This requirement asks us to outline our process of elimination and provide a RAG rating of each ward that includes mixed gender accommodation. There is currently some dementia wards which are RAG rated red and we’re looking at ways of mitigation. 12 Gordon Ferns queried whether this will impact on capital resources and Richard Bayley advised that this information should be included in the final strategy presented in October. Tim Ojo confirmed that any impact on capital will be included in the final paper. 13 Colm Donaghy added that our commitment is to ensure we have gender separation, however noted that this may cause some issues around service delivery and capital resources which will be thoroughly looked at to mitigate any risk. TBP40.2/15 To receive the Suicide Prevention Strategy 14 Caroline Armitage noted the importance of this next item, following the CQC inspection feedback. 15 Tim Ojo confirmed that the CQCs concerns related to our connection and partnership with local stakeholders in collaboratively preventing suicide and ensuring suicide safer communities. 16 In relation to learning from incidents, the CQC addressed issues such as suicide, death within 3 days of admission and 7 days of discharge. Tim advised that these issues will be addressed in the strategy and he is working very closely with the Care Delivery Services (CDSs) to ensure this strategy is implemented and our learning happens in good time. 17 Gordon Ferns queried our integrated working with partners and how this will happen. Tim Ojo advised that he has been working closely with local CCGs throughout the development of the strategy. 18 Colm Donaghy wished to add that our focus needs to be on the prevention of suicide and a community wide response. Gordon Ferns agreed and stated that we need to ensure we hold our partner agencies to account and monitor KPIs. 19 Helen Greatorex gave an example of partnership working with Sussex Transport where each railway station has a large poster at the end of each platform with Samaritans’ contact details. Page 2 of 9 20 Richard Bayley queried in comparison with other Trusts with a zero suicide ambition, whether we have the right suicide target rate. Colm Donaghy advised that their commitment relates to zero tolerance to suicide and this was discussed at our Clinical Senate, where our clinicians felt that zero tolerance to suicide can become confusing, and advised that it’s more effective to adopt a safer suicide strategy rather than zero suicides. 21 Tim Ojo advised that the next step following the strategy being approved by the Board in October is to develop robust action plans by CDS and these will be shared with the board in April 2016. Action: Suicide Prevention Strategy CDS Action Plans to be presented to the Board of Directors in April 2016. TBP41 .1/15 Chief Executives Report 22 Colm Donaghy highlighted the following areas: Shoreham Airshow 23 Colm updated members on the Trust’s initial response to this tragic incident. He explained that our immediate response was difficult and we’re now in the recovery stage. We’ve been working with West Sussex County Council who is identifying a timeline for the future when this may impact other people. Colm also wished to pay respects to Tony Brightwell, an extremely valued member of staff from our Brighton Community Service who was tragically taken in this incident. 24 Diana Marsland advised in relation to the Shoreham Airshow incident that she was extremely pleased to see our immediate action and resources, however queried what implication there will be on our resources and funding.
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