©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at HERPETOZOA 6 (1/2): 3-20 Wien, 30. Juli 1993 Two new all-female lizard species of the genus Leiolepis CUVIER, 1829 from Thailand and Vietnam (Squamata: Sauria: Uromastycinae) Zwei neue parthenogenetische Eidechsenarten der Gattung Leiolepis CUVIER, 1829 aus Thailand und Vietnam (Squamata: Sauria: Uromastycinae) ILYA S. DAREVSKY & LARISSA A. KUPRIYANOVA ABSTRACT The Butterfly Lizard genus Leiolepis CUVIER, 1829 includes four bisexual (L. belliana, L. guttata, L. reevesii, L. peguensis) and three unisexual (triploid - L. triploida, L. guentherpetersi; probably diploid - L. boehmei) forms. The two latter, originating from Vietnam and Thailand respectively, are described as new in this paper. Morphological, chorological and karyological analyses suggest that both triploid and probably diploid unisexual species originated from natural hybridization. The females of the triploid species display low fertility, some of them being totally sterile. It is supposed that reduced fertility in these females may be due to their hy- brid origin and, as a consequence, to meiotic disturbances in the course of oogenesis, as is probably true m some other hybrids. KURZFASSUNG Die Schmetterlingsagamen-Gattung Leiolepis CUVIER, 1829 umfaßt vier bisexuelle {L. belliana, L. guttata, L. reevesii, L. peguensis) und drei unisexuelle (triploid - L. triploida, L. guentherpetersi; wahrschein- lich diploid - L. boehmei) Formen. Die letzteren beiden stammen aus Vietnam bzw. Thailand und werden hier neu beschrieben. Morphologische, arealkundliche und karyologische Untersuchungen lassen vermuten, daß die triploiden Formen und auch die wahrscheinlich diploide unisexuelle Art durch natürliche Hybridisierung entstanden sind. Die Weibchen der triploiden Arten zeigen verminderte Fruchtbarkeit, wobei einige von ihnen völlig steril sind. Es wird vermutet, daß die verminderte Fertilität dieser Weibchen, wie dies wahrscheinlich auch für einige an- deren Hybridformen zutrifft, auf ihren Hybrid-Ursprung und in der Folge auf Störungen der Méiose während der Oogenese zurückzuführen ist. KEYWORDS Agamidae, Uromastycinae, Leiolepis, L. belliana, L. guttata, L. reevesii, L. peguensis, L. triploida, L. guentherpetersi sp. nov., L. boehmei sp. nov.; Vietnam, Thailand; new species, parthenogenesis, hybridiza- tion, sterility, fertility INTRODUCTION The Butterfly Lizard genus Leiolepis diploid karyotype in one of the bisexual CUVIER, 1829, widely distributed over ancestor forms, most probably L. belliana south-eastern Asia, was formerly claimed (GRAY, 1827). This was in particular de- monotypic (MERTENS 1961). However, duced from the fact, that there were no according to a major thorough revision by unisexual diploid species in the area of the PETERS (1971) this genus is represented Malayan Peninsula that could have con- by four bisexual species and one partheno- tributed to a possible hybrid origin of L. genetic triploid species, L. triploida PE- triploida. However, BÖHME later (1982) TERS, described from the south of the described a probably diploid unisexual Malayan Peninsula. PETERS presumed an population of Butterfly Lizards from autotriploid nature of the unisexual L. tri- Malaysia. He fancied that L. triploida ploida, which he thought, could have orig- could have originated from an interspecies inated from reorganization of the initial hybridization between diploid partheno- ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at I. S. DAREVSKY & L. A. KUPRIYANOVA genetic females and males of the sympatric Carrying out herpetological studies in bisexual L. belliana. A similar origin was different parts of Vietnam, we discovered supposed for the majority of the other new triploid unisexual populations of But- presently known triploid unisexual lizard terfly Lizards, and this required compara- species. BÖHME (1982) did not especially tive studies of both L. triploida PETERS deal with the taxonomy of the examined and the probably diploid parthenogenetic parthenogenetic population. However, he individuals described by BÓHME (1982). stressed its obvious morphological distinc- The results of our work and the description tiveness from the triploid species described of two hitherto unknown unisexual Leio- by PETERS (1971). lepis species are presented below. MATERIAL AND METHODS All in all, 58 individuals of the genus Description of scutellation and col- Leiolepis were studied which mainly origi- oration is largely based on the terminology nated from Vietnam and the Malayan suggested by MERTENS (1961) and PE- Peninsula. Different species of the genus TERS (1971). The method used for chro- from other parts of its range were exam- mosome preparation was published else- ined for comparison. where (DAREVSKY & al. 1984; KUP- Acronyms used: MCZ - Museum of Compar- RIYANOVA 1984). ative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; NHRM - The following meristic and morpho- Naturhistoriska Rilcsmuseet, Stockholm. ZFMK - Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum metric characters were used for compari- Alexander KOENIG, Bonn; ZISP - Zoological Insti- son (abbreviations used in table 1 in tute, Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg. parentheses): a) MCZ 104381-85, 103695-97, 101922-29, Snout-vent length (SVL), tail length 104376-80, 117552-77, 27 females, Malayan Penin- sula; no further data available. (TL), number of supralabials (SL), number b) NHRM BJO/1939.099.3008/1-17, 17 fe- of infralabials (IL), number of dorsal males, central Vietnam, Thuan Luu; leg. B. scales between the longitudinal dorsal BJORKENGEN, 4. II. - 2. IV. 1939. c) ZFMK 24650, 24651, 25486,-27446-48, 6 stripes (DSC), number of ventral scales females, S Thailand, Songkhla; leg. R. A. BRUCK- between the median line of the belly and NER, X.1978. d) ZISP 20326-29, 20331-34 (ZISP 20334 the small dorsal scales (VS), number of formerly ZFMK 52822), 8 females, central Vietnam, enlarged scales across the lower part of the Thuy Phu; leg. TRAN KIEN, II. 1988. tibia (TS), number of femoral pores (PF), e) ZISP 20330, 1 female, central Vietnam, Cu Lao Cham Island; leg. I. DAREVSKY, 29. IV. number of subdigital scales underneath 4th 1987. toe (SDS), number of oval spots in a f) ZISP 20336 (formerly ZFMK 24652), 1 female, S Thailand, Songkhla; leg. R. A. BRUCK- transversal row between the dorsal stripes NER, X.1978. (DSP). Leiolepis boehmei sp. nov. (fig. 1) Holotype: ZFMK 24651, adult following combination of characters: SVL female; South Thailand, Songkhla. R. A. up to 123 mm; 17-19 ventral scales be- BRUCKNER, October, 1978. tween the midline of the belly and the Paratypes: ZFMK 24650, body sides; 12-14 enlarged scales across 25486, 27446-48, same data as for the the lower part of the tibia; fourth toe with holotype; ZISP 20336 (formerly ZFMK 29 - 35 subdigital scales; 17-19 femoral 24652), same data as for the holotype. pores; 41-45 dorsal scales between the Diagnosis: Medium sized uni- longitudinal dorsolateral stripes; median sexual (probably diploid) species. Differs dorsal stripe absent; 6-7 light oval spots from all other species of Leiolepis in the disposed in transverse rows between the ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Fig. 1 : Dorsal pattern in the specimens of the type series of Leiolepis boehmei sp. nov. The dart indicates the holotype. Abb. 1 : Die Rückenzeichnung bei den Exemplaren der Typenserie von Leiolepis boehmei sp. nov. Der Pfeil bezeichnet den Holotypus. ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at I. S. DAREVSKY & L. A. KUPRIYANOVA -2 *-3 »-4 O-5 O-6 8 ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Two new all-female lizard species of the genus Leiolepis stripes produce a characteristic reticulum of the type series originate from Songkhla on dorsum. (province of Songkhla) situated at the Gulf Description of holotype: of Siam in southern Thailand. From its Rostral nearly three times as wide as high, external characters a female from Songkhla bordered by 2 labials and 7 smooth post- (Copenhagen University Zoological Mu- rostrals, followed by 10 feebly keeled seum: N 136130) also belongs to this scales. All other scales covering the snout species. According to PETERS (1971) this and interorbital area distinctly keeled; 6 specimen shows some characters which are rows of scales between supraoculars; 9 - intermediate between L. triploida and L. 11 supra-, 11-12 infralabials; 45 - 46 belliana (comp. map fig. 2). rows of scales between the light dorsolat- Etymology: The species is eral stripes when counted in the middle of named after Wolfgang BÖHME, author of the body; 43 - 46 rows of scales between numerous works on tropical lizards' tax- the median line of the belly and the small onomy and on the unisexual diploid popu- dorsal scales; 13 enlarged scales across the lation of Leiolepis in particular. lower part of tibia; series of 19/19 femoral Comments: BÖHMEs (1982) pores separated medially by 15 pubic investigations were based on 12 mature scales; fourth toe with 31 bicarinate sub- female individuals. Six out of them digital scales; 3 scales with enlarged trian- (deposited in the ZFMK collection) and gular "spurs" at the base of third toe. one (deposited in the ZISP collection) Snout-vent length 110 mm; tail make up the type series; one female from length 245 mm. Songkhla was
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