Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Design Manual for Roads & Bridges Scheme Assessment Document: WP H004j/DMRB1 Version: 4 Volume 1: Stage 1 Assessment Report Perth & Kinross Council November 2011 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Design Manual for Roads & Bridges Scheme Assessment Volume 1: Stage 1 Assessment Report November 2011 Perth & Kinross Council Halcrow Group Limited City Park, 368 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow G31 3AU tel 0141 552 2000 fax 0141 552 2525 halcrow.com Halcrow Group Limited has prepared this report in accordance with the instructions of client Perth & Kinross Council for the client’s sole and specific use. Any other persons who use any information contained herein do so at their own risk. © Halcrow Group Limited 2012 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Volume 1: DMRB Stage 1 Assessment Report Document history Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Design Manual for Roads & Bridges Scheme Assessment Volume 1: Stage 1 Preliminary Assessment Report Perth & Kinross Council This document has been issued and amended as follows: Version Date Description Created by Verified by Approved by 1.0 Nov 11 Draft L Wilson P Marriott L Wilson 2.0 Dec 11 Minor amendments L Wilson L Wilson L Wilson 3.0 Dec 11 Preliminary Economics results G Blair L Wilson L Wilson 4.0 Jan 12 Traffic & Economics Text G Blair L Wilson L Wilson Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Volume 1: DMRB Stage 1 Assessment Report Contents 1 Executive Summary 1 1.1 Perth Traffic and Transport Issues STAG 1 1.2 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Strategic Environmental Assessment 1 1.3 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Strategy 1 1.4 Design Manual for Roads & Bridges Stage 1 Assessment Recommendations 2 2 Structure of the Report 4 3 Introduction 5 4 Existing Conditions 7 4.1 Existing Traffic Problems 7 4.2 Locality & Topography 8 4.3 Existing Roads and Structures 9 4.3.1 A9 Perth to Inverness Trunk Road 9 4.3.2 A93 10 4.3.3 A94 10 4.3.4 Dunkeld Road 11 4.3.5 Ruthvenfield Road 11 4.3.6 Bute Drive 11 4.3.7 Stormontfield Road 11 4.3.8 Perth Bridge (A85 West Bridge Street) 11 4.3.9 Queen’s Bridge (A93 South Street) 12 4.3.10 Existing River Crossing 13 4.3.11 Perth to Inverness Railway Line 13 4.3.12 Existing Utilities 13 4.4 Environmental 13 4.4.1 Existing Watercourses 15 4.5 Existing Constraints Summary 16 5 Description of Alternative Schemes 17 5.1 Part 1 Appraisal 20 5.1.1 Cross Tay Link Road 22 5.1.2 A9 / A85 Crieff Road Junction Improvements 22 5.1.3 Western Edge link 22 5.1.4 New M90/A912 junction at Friarton 22 5.2 Part 2 Appraisal 22 5.3 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Strategic Environmental Assessment 24 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Volume 1: DMRB Stage 1 Assessment Report 5.4 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Strategy 24 5.5 Design Manual for Roads & Bridges Stage 1 Preliminary Assessment 24 5.5.1 Do-Minimum 25 5.6 Corridor C 26 5.6.1 Corridor C2 26 5.7 Corridor E 27 5.7.1 Corridor E2 27 5.8 Corridor G 28 5.8.1 Western Edge Link 29 5.9 Preliminary Cost Estimate 29 6 Engineering Assessment 31 6.1 Geology and Geomorphology 31 6.2 Hydrology Drainage 33 6.3 Public Utilities 33 6.4 Corridor C1 33 6.4.1 River Almond Crossing 34 6.4.2 Bertha Loch 36 6.4.3 Corridor C1 - A9 Junction, Rail & River Tay Crossings 38 6.4.4 Corridor C2 - A9 Junction, Rail & River Tay Crossings 40 6.4.5 River Tay – A93 45 6.4.6 A93 – A94 46 6.5 Corridor E 47 6.5.1 River Almond Crossing 48 6.5.2 Bertha Loch 48 6.5.3 Corridor E1 - A9 Junction / Rail Crossing 48 6.5.4 Corridor E2 - A9 Junction / Rail Crossing 49 6.5.5 Corridors E1 & E2 - River Tay Crossing 54 6.5.6 Corridors E1 & E2 - River Tay to A93 56 6.5.7 Corridors E1 & E2 – 93 to A94 57 6.6 Corridor G 59 6.6.1 West Bank 60 6.6.2 East Bank 62 6.6.3 River Tay to A94 64 6.7 Western Edge Link 67 7 Environmental Assessments 68 7.1 Description of the Local Environment / Baseline Conditions 68 7.2 Assessment of Environmental Effects 68 7.2.1 Generic Impacts 68 7.2.2 Corridors C1 and C2 Impacts 70 7.2.3 Corridors E1 and E2 Impacts 72 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Volume 1: DMRB Stage 1 Assessment Report 7.2.4 Corridor G Impacts 74 7.3 Mitigation 75 7.3.1 Generic Mitigation Measures 75 7.3.2 Mitigation for the reduction of impacts to the River Tay special Area of conservation 78 7.3.3 Perth Traffic & Transport Issues STAG 82 7.3.4 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Strategy and SEA 82 7.3.5 Public Exhibitions 82 7.3.6 Stakeholder Workshop 83 7.3.7 Further Consultation 83 7.4 Statement of Determination 83 7.4.1 Characteristics of the scheme 84 7.4.2 Location of the scheme 84 7.4.3 Characteristics of potential impacts of the scheme 85 7.4.4 Corridors C1 and C2 Summary 85 7.4.5 Corridor E1 and E2 Summary 85 7.4.6 Corridor G Summary 86 8 Traffic and Economic Assessment 87 8.1 Existing Conditions 87 8.1.1 Introduction 87 8.1.2 Study Area 87 8.1.3 Base Model 87 8.1.4 Journey Times 89 8.1.5 Road Safety 90 8.2 Future Conditions 90 8.2.1 Introduction 90 8.2.2 Network Improvements 90 8.2.3 Future Traffic Demand 91 8.2.4 Journey Times 98 8.3 Effect of Options 101 8.3.1 Introduction 101 8.3.2 Route Corridors 101 8.3.3 Traffic Demand 101 8.3.4 Traffic Flows 101 8.3.5 Journey Times 126 8.3.6 Road Safety 133 8.4 Economic Appraisal 134 8.4.1 Introduction 134 8.4.2 Basis of the Economic Appraisal 134 8.4.3 PEARS Assessment 134 8.4.4 Accident & Non-Traffic Related Maintenance Assessments 137 8.4.5 Overall Economic Assessment 138 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Volume 1: DMRB Stage 1 Assessment Report 9 Recommendation 139 9.1 Corridor C1 139 9.2 Corridor C2 139 9.3 Corridor E1 140 9.4 Corridor E2 140 9.5 Corridor G 141 Appendix – Refer to Volume 2 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Volume 1: DMRB Stage 1 Assessment Report 1 Executive Summary 1.1 Perth Traffic and Transport Issues STAG Against a backdrop of continued population growth and economic development, Perth and Kinross Council (PKC) commissioned Halcrow Group Limited to assess the transport problems in and around Perth and consider potential solutions. Whilst current, economic conditions may seem somewhat different, it is fully expected that demand for development will return and the study looked at the transport problems in the context of Perth and its immediate surroundings, considering local and regional transport issues where appropriate. The study was completed in accordance with the Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) which provides a clear and robust framework to identify potential transport interventions. This study was also in progress in advance of the publication of the Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR) by Transport Scotland in December 2008 and it was therefore not possible to include proposals for the grade-separation of Inveralmond and Broxden at the option generation and testing stages. However, supplementary work was undertaken in the later stages of the study which takes into account STPR proposals for the Perth area, the findings of which were reported within the Perth Traffic and Transport Issues STAG Report (PTTI STAG). The recommendations from the PTTI STAG taken forward to further consideration as part of this Design Manual for Roads & Bridges Stage 1 Preliminary Assessment are the Cross Tay Link Road and the Western Edge Link. 1.2 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Strategic Environmental Assessment Perth & Kinross Council requested that a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the recommendations from the PTTI STAG was carried out with the Environmental Report being published in October 2010. Following consultation, an Addendum to the Environmental Report was published in 2011 and recommended that an amended CTLR Corridor option located between Option C and E which takes account of the environmental constraints identified in the environmental assessment is progressed to the DMRB stage and assessed against the original three route corridors. This amended corridor reflects the preferred corridor on environmental grounds, however the SEA reporting recognised that further assessment work is required as part of the DMRB study to assess this corridor against other factors such as engineering, traffic and economic impacts and constraints. 1.3 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Strategy This high level strategy document, published October 2010, brought together the findings from the previous studies into a single document to support the consultation process. Following publication of the Local Development Plan Main Issues Report, Oct 2010, and subsequent consultations (summarised in the Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Consultation Statement, November 2011) the finalised Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Strategy was published in November 2011. Doc no: 1 Version: 1 Date: 19 October 2011 Project code: TKPKFA Filename: CTLR DMRB Stage 1 Ver 4.0.doc 1 Shaping Perth’s Transport Future Volume 1: DMRB Stage 1 Assessment Report 1.4 Design Manual for Roads & Bridges Stage 1 Assessment Recommendations Figure 1.1: Recommended Corridor As outlined in Figure 1.1 and below, the following are recommended for further consideration as part of a future Design Manual for Roads & Bridges Stage 2 Route Option Assessment: • The Western Edge Link: forming part of all the corridors recommended for further study by the PTTI STAG and the DMRB Stage 1 Preliminary Assessment, did not highlight any impacts that precludes it from being taken forward • Corridor C: performed better than the other corridors for the following reasons: - Provides the greatest support to future development in and around Perth - Provides the greatest relief in removing traffic travelling through the centre of Perth - Provides
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