Transcripts of: ALAN WATT "CUTTING THROUGH THE MATRIX" LIVE ON RBN #101 - 125 April 14, 2008 – June 9, 2008 Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes and Callers' Comments) Alan Watt's Official Websites: WWW.CUTTINGTHROUGHTHEMATRIX.COM www.alanwattsentientsentinel.eu "While Inflicting Torture and Pain, Our Masters "All That Was must Pass Away" Make Hay for Financial Gain - May 12, 2008 #113 The End of Morality in the New Corporate Feudal System" - April 14, 2008 #101 "Your Neighbourhood Snoopers are Such Party Poopers" - May 14, 2008 #114 "Crisis Cry-Sis from the Boys at the Top" April 16, 2008 #102 "The Web it said Will Soon be Dead" May 16, 2008 #115 "The Nation-State is now Transcendent, You are now Global Slaves and Interdependent - Analysis "Freedom of Mind for He Who Chooses, Is of Gordon Brown Speech at Kennedy Center" Known by Controllers Who Study The Muses" April 18, 2008 #103 May 19, 2008 #116 "Gorge and Binge to go Out of Fashion" "The Chessboard's Set, The Pawns are in Place, April 21, 2008 #104 As They Move Toward The Humanimal Race" May 21, 2008 #117 "The New Autism ain't What It used to Be - Comparative Studies within Amish Community" "The Mass-Man Moves toward Integration, The April 23, 2008 #105 Few with Spirit toward Separation" May 23, 2008 #118 "Big Brother's Coming Door-to-Door to Enquire about Your Sex Life - "Con of the Carbon Life-form" Strictly For Statistical Reasons, of course" May 26, 2008 #119 April 25, 2008 #106 "For 'Trekkie' fans, It's 'Red Alert!', "Shortly, Food Supplements to Keep As Captain Kirk tries to Assert" You Healthy will be Prescription-Only May 28, 2008 #120 and for the Wealthy" April 28, 2008 #107 "The Military Boys have the Answer to Time - Downloading Directly into Your Mind" "Farmers Go Annually for their Need May 30, 2008 #121 to Acquire Monsanto's Terminator Seed" April 30, 2008 #108 "So Much Media-Created Panic, It Would Fill the Old Titanic" "ORDO AB CHAO - June 2, 2008 #122 The 'Big Idea' is Becoming Clear" May 2, 2008 #109 "Blackwater, that Mean Slaughtering Machine, will be Coming Home to You" "The New "American" Century June 4, 2008 #123 and The New Man" - May 5, 2008 #110 "Cor Blimey! as Nations are Pulled Asunder" "If Living were a Thing that Money Could Buy, June 6, 2008 #124 You Know the Rich Would Live and the Poor Would Die (from song, "All My Trials")" "The Only Way to Save the Nation is to Replace May 7, 2008 #111 Education with Natzi-Soviet Indoctrination" June 9, 2008 #125 "Rockefellers: From Lycanthropy to Philanthropy - How Image Makers Turned Robber Barons into Benevolent Concerned Citizenry (on paper, that is)" - May 9, 2008 #112 April 14, 2008 (#101) ALAN WATT "CUTTING THROUGH THE MATRIX" LIVE ON RBN Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 14, 2008: "WHILE INFLICTING TORTURE AND PAIN, OUR MASTERS MAKE HAY FOR FINANCIAL GAIN – THE END OF MORALITY IN THE NEW CORPORATE FEUDAL SYSTEM" © Alan Watt April 14, 2008 Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 14, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes and Callers' Comments) WWW.CUTTINGTHROUGHTHEMATRIX.COM www.alanwattsentientsentinel.eu "Code of Silence" by Bruce Springsteen There's a code of silence that we don't dare speak There's a wall between us and a river so deep And we keep pretending that there's nothing wrong But there's a code of silence and it can't go on Is the truth so elusive, so elusive as you can see that it ain't enough baby To bridge the distance between you and me There's a list of grievance 100 miles long There's a code of silence and it can't go on I'm Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on April 14th, 2008. I hope I'm on the air because we've had two false starts here and all I had was phones ringing once the studio hook-up came, so I hope I'm on the air and I'll continue as though I were. Newcomers look into alanwattsentientsentinel.eu for the transcripts you can get from the various languages of Europe. Some people have been working hard trying to get transcripts up there and there's more coming in. You can download them, print them up and pass them around and also look into cuttingthroughthematrix.com and download lots of the previous shows which have lots of information, which help to tie this massive jigsaw puzzle together. The pieces are scattered and that's how you've been taught to see them, in bits and pieces all over the place, unrelated, but it's all from the same jigsaw board. It's been cut up and we have the illusion of it being scattered. It's all very coordinated in reality. We're living through the greatest changes in history probably, because never before have so many sciences come together quite a long time ago and become a sort of dominant elite – a new type of religion where their theories become the gospel truth and they're treated as that by those in the top. All these theories come together and you have a big technocratic elite at the top, too, working with big institutions, big foundations and the elite above government, the supra-elite. The people may have been in politics, not all of them, but some have been in politics, even prime ministers and presidents, who create up this parallel government as Margaret Thatcher called it and they all interact with each other creating this. Hi folks. I'm Alan Watt and we're back with Cutting Through the Matrix. There's odd things happening at the studio when I go on because the phone seems to be going in a loop somehow and we've had odd things happen before when everybody ends up talking like Donald Duck and I don't know what causes it. I don't think they can find out either, but who knows. Maybe there's bigger powers playing games on some server or something. I'd like to talk about what happened not long ago with the torture incident we were all filled with in the news, and this is from Strut online. It's part of the Detroit Free Press. Also I think it comes under Freep.com and this was April 12th, 2008 it was written. It says: "What torture? We went shopping." Alan: It's well worth reading, by Leonard Pitts, Jr. It says: "The Iraqi prison was the epicenter of an international scandal in 2004 when it was revealed that U.S. soldiers were mistreating detainees, forcing them to stand in stress positions, sexually humiliating them, menacing them with dogs, denying them clothes, dragging them on leashes, threatening them with electrocution. All of it was captured in photos that shocked the world. One of the most memorable showed then-21-year-old Army private Lynndie England, cigarette poking from an idiotic grin, index fingers cocked like guns as she pointed to the genitals of a naked Iraqi man. We stared at those images and asked how this could have happened, how American soldiers could have become so degraded and undisciplined, could have wandered so far afield from the moorings of simple, human decency. Many answers were proffered. Mob mentality. Dehumanizing conditions. Lack of oversight. But as the years have passed, a truer answer has coalesced. Where did these young soldiers get the idea that the rules were suspended, that free rein was given, that they could do whatever they wanted to the men in their custody? It came from the top. The latest proof: a recently declassified 2003 memo from John Yoo, then a Justice Department lawyer. The memo, eventually rescinded by Justice, authorized torture as a means of interrogation, a finding that carried the force of law. Much of the media coverage of the 81-page document has focused on the -- and this word is unavoidably ironic -- bloodless legalese in which Yoo contemplates the permissibility of putting a prisoner's eyes out, slitting his tongue, scalding him with water, dosing him with mind-altering drugs, disfiguring him with acid. But what is also appalling is Yoo's contention, repeatedly restated in the memo, that the president in times of war…" Alan: The president. "…in times of war enjoys virtually unfettered authority over, is accountable to no one for, the treatment of prisoners. Legal scholars have accused Yoo of sloppy reasoning. Eugene Fidell, who teaches military justice at Yale and American universities, told the International Herald Tribune the document was a monument to the "imperial presidency." Yoo disagrees. He calls the memo a "boilerplate" defense of presidential authority." Alan: It's like something out of the Middle Ages really, isn't it? And we forget for all our sciences and our so-called advancement and technology that the human mind, especially with those who crave power, has never changed at all. To continue: "Your humble correspondent doesn't know from legal scholarship. He does know this: Seven years ago, when the nation was attacked and Americans wanted to pitch in, wanted to help, wanted to sacrifice, our leaders told us to go shopping." Alan: Now do you remember that? That came out the next day in Canada, Britain and the U.S. The tops of certain departments in Canada, with Allan Rock who was the Justice Minister at that time, told us to go out and be patriotic and shop. Just shop, shop, shop and keep the economy going.
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