The Newsletter of the Term Limits Movement September 2000 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 8 SPECIAL ISSUE DEDICATED TO THE 2000 TERM LIMITS POSTER CHILD, CONGRESSMAN GEORGE NETHERCUTT THE WEASEL KING Hypocrisy and Opportunism: The George Nethercutt Story Rep. George Nethercutt (R-WA) spread criticism in the press. Re- started his first campaign for Con- gardless of the reasons Nethercutt gress with apparently good inten- claimed for trying to stay in office tions. Hed stay in office for three longer, it was clear that he had terms, he promised, and then leave. become what he successfully de- I am personally committed to feated in 1994 a power-hun- honoring the limits of Washington gry Washington insider. states 1992 term limits law by only When Nethercutts FEC reports serving six years as a Representa- were filed, it became even more tive, he wrote on his congressional obvious. His special interest web site before changing his mind fundraising for the 1999-2000 elec- and removing it in July, 1998. tion cycle so far is $507,137.10, a When Nethercutt announced total that represents an astound- that he would break his promise to ing 61% of his entire fundraising. the citizens of eastern Washing- This despite promising to limit PAC ton by running for another term funding to no more than a third of Rep. George Nethercutt in office, his betrayal sparked wide- his total campaign contributions. (R-WA) with the Weasel King. continued on page 2 Birds of a feather... INSIDEINSIDE INTERACTIVITY MessageMessage from Paul Jacob pagepage 2 USTL Debuts WeaselKing.org Nethercutt-Nethercutt- In a effort to educate voters Featuring articles, cartoons PinocchioPinocchio PosterPoster about George Nethercutts bro- and quotes, WeaselKing.org is pagepage 33 ken promises and continuing a valuable resource for voters CommonCommon SenseSense deception, U.S. Term Limits has who want to help hold pagepage 44 launched a new web site de- Nethercutts feet to the fire. voted to exposing his hypocrisy When visiting the site, leave IsIs ThereThere AnAn ExcuseExcuse ForFor WeaselKing.org. your email address so we can GeorgeGeorge Nethercutt?Nethercutt? The new site is a perfect in- keep you updated on new de- pagepage 55 troduction to Nethercutts lack velopments in the Spokane TheyThey SaidSaid ItIt of character, something to tell your race and the rest of the term pagepage 88 friends and neighbors about. limits movement. September 2000 Issue No Uncertain TERMS U.S. Term Limits 1 10 G St., NE Washington, DC 20002 http://www.ustermlimits.org MESSAGE FROM THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR The Ash Heap I'm beginning to feel sorry for When Rocky Mountain News columnist Peter Blake poor little ole George Nethercutt. reported Armstrongs change of heart, Nethercutts po- His case of Potomac Fever is litical handlers zipped off a quick e-mail berating the becoming critical. You remem- columnist: Check your facts. We have no record of ber Mr. Nethercutt of Washington state hes the Senator Armstrong ever contributing a dime to this cam- fellow who pledged to serve no more than three terms paign. Armstrong forthwith produced the canceled in Congress. That was three terms ago. check from 1994. Citizens were so inspired that they defeated 30-year Nethercutt should be embarrassed. But no, his cam- incumbent and House Speaker Tom Foley, sending paign launched another e-mail attack on the colum- Nethercutt to Washington in his place. But now nist. Flail away . no one reads your drivel in Nethercutt is breaking his word to the voters. Spokane . you and your writing will wind up on Republican officials have generally circled the wag- the ash heap of history. ons for their incumbent, but some put principle first. The ash heap of history, huh? Perhaps one day Mr. One is former U.S. Senator Bill Armstrong of Colo- Nethercutt might find a spot there. But then, how would rado. Armstrong honorably served two terms in the the world ever spin without him? Senate and then returned home. In 1994, Armstrong sent Nethercutt a $1,000 contri- bution. So this year when Nethercutt broke his pledge, Armstrong was not amused, saying Nethercutt betrayed the very principle that got him elected. continued from page 1 his campaign opponents in a debate. nominee, whoever it was. This self- After noting that his 1999 mid-year On March 22, 2000, Nethercutt serving alteration of a promise he had FEC filing showed a total of 91% of faxed an open letter to voters prom- made voluntarily shows how desper- his coming from PACs, the Seattle ising to debate his opponents after July ate he has become to avoid confronta- Times noted, He reported only three 28, when all serious candidates are tions with those who can expose him. contributions from people who actu- known. Several days after that tar- Nethercutt has proven his dishon- ally live in his Eastern Washington get date, Nethercutts opponent in the esty time and time again. "When district . this is an unusually high Republican primary, Richard Clear, you break your word as often as figure for a local politician. It is espe- and one of his Democratic opponents, George Nethercutt does, it must get cially striking because in his first cam- Tom Flynn, challenged him again to a very stressful, said U.T. Term Lim- paign, in 1994, Nethercutt got only debate. Waffling once again, Nethercutt its National Director Paul Jacob. I 9% of his financing from such groups. said he had now decided to debate the hope he can cope with the added Public opinion has turned against Democrats after the primary had strain in the weeks ahead, as his con- Nethercutt to such an extent that hes ended, and would debate clear only if stituents learn more and more about breaking another promise to face he agreed to endorse the Republican his record." BOARD OF DIRECTORS No Uncertain Terms is published 12 Peter Ackerman Travis Anderson times a year at an annual subscription price of $30. Third class postage paid, SEPTEMBER 2000 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 8 Steven Baer Terence Considine Washington, D.C. POSTMASTER: Send Edited by Eric D. Dixon Edward Crane Cora Fields address changes to U.S. Term Limits. A Publication of Mike Ford M. Blair Hull U.S. TERM LIMITS and Sally Reed Impastato Paul Jacob Term Limits On-Line! ERM IMITS OUNDATION Kenneth Langone Ronald Lauder U.S. T L F For the latest developments on term 10 G ST., NE, SUITE 410 Rob Mosbacher Paul Raynault limits across America, visit our web site WASHINGTON, D.C. 20002 Howard Rich Joseph Stilwell on the Internet at 1-800-733-6440 Donna Weaver Bill Wilson www.ustermlimits.org 2 No Uncertain TERMS U.S. Term Limits September 2000 Issue 10 G St., NE Washington, DC 20002 http://www.ustermlimits.org September 2000 Issue No Uncertain TERMS U.S. Term Limits 3 10 G St., NE Washington, DC 20002 http://www.ustermlimits.org THE WEEKLY RADIO COMMENTARY OF COMMON THE U.S. TERM LIMITS FOUNDATION SENSE by Paul Jacob My Party Card I got a call the other Republicans braved negative public opinion to day from a woman who impeach Mr. Clinton for lying under oath. Was it just wanted to know why I liked President because he was a Democrat? These same Republicans Clinton so much. Huh? It was news to me. In her are rushing to the defense of Mr. Nethercutt, who broke view, if I cant give Republican George Nethercutt a his oath. National Republicans are funding a $200,000 free pass for breaking his word to step down this year, ad blitz attacking, well . us! U.S. Term Limits. My I must be a Clinton-lover. group. What did we do? Well, we put the issue of Weird logic. We may be terrible, but the other party term limits and the issue of integrity dare I say it? is even worse. above party, either party, any party. George Nethercutt is the guy who defeated House Id rather be right than be Republican or Democrat. Speaker Tom Foley in 1994. Nethercutt is now As Rep. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma says, I don't want breaking his commitment to serve no more than three to be associated with people that tell Americans one terms. When the President admitted he had lied to thing and do another. the country about Monica whats-her-name, Nethercutt called for Clintons resignation saying, Your word is Does your local radio station carry COMMON SENSE? your bond, whether its your public life or private life. If not, ask them to call 1-800-733-6440 for a FREE subscription. The honorable thing for him to do is resign. Provided to radio stations three times a week. 4 No Uncertain TERMS U.S. Term Limits September 2000 Issue 10 G St., NE Washington, DC 20002 http://www.ustermlimits.org CREATURE OF D.C. Is There an Excuse For George Nethercutt? by Jonathan Rauch National Journal This November, the most important election in the Web site declared: Term limits was one of the defin- country will be the one between Al Gore and George ing issues of my 1994 campaign. W. Bush. The second most important will be you About a year ago, that statement disappeared from say Hillary vs. Rick for the open New York Senate the congressmans site. In June 1999, Nethercutt an- seat? Good guess, but no. The race that puts a funda- nounced he would run for a fourth term. mental principle most clearly at stake is the contest in In 1994, Nethercutt was a poster child for term limit Washingtons 5th Congressional District, which is rep- activists.
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