1 ••-• ; I W. •' Second! -ClaM Postage Paid 3 Sections,-2-2 Pages- -CRANFORD,.NEW.JERSEYJ_THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1969 Cranford, New Jersey, 07019 15 CENTS Vol. LXXVT. No. 19. r . .—.—.— — Refuse Collectors Raise Rates Zoning change Westinghouse Cancels Building Plans For Myrtle Street Is Voted Bxmn In notices distributed to residents during the past week, refuse collectors advised that By a 4 to 1 vote, Township Comrnittee monthly charges will be increased 55 cents Tuesday night turned down an amendment to $3.75, effective June 1. The last increase to the zoning code to rezojnje _the northerly was January 1, 1968, when the monthly 'Small-Minded Minority'Criticized Crissey Guilt £ " side of^MyrtleSt.^betweeh Bryant-and Bal- charge went from $2.75 to $3.20. timore Aves. from R-3 to,O-B 2. Pointing out that residents now get more X Mayor Edward K. Gill" revealed at ref use-pr6ducing material because of modern Upheld on Appeal; Recommended by the Planning Board, Tuesday night's township Committee meeting packaging, "the notice advised that Cranford Mayor Edward Gill explained that the pro- " i ' • '* • that Westinghouse 'Electric Corp. had' de- produces twice as much refuse as a decade posed change, would provide a "buffer" zone cided not to go ahead with construction of a • ago. This has. doubled costs for the refuse between the industrial and residential areas. .$3 million elevator division headquarters collector, it was explained. Suspension Pared MeritorialDay Rites Slated He outlined the type of two story structures building in the_ township's O-B^ zone at The collectors also distributed a card Union County District -Court- Judge Birchwood and Cranford Axes. permitted, including business and profes- listing "standardized policies" in which reg- Ralph DeVita found suspended Patrolman The mayor's announcement was conr ular services are speiied"~?snt~as~" well—as- "William F. Crissey guilty uf Violating six —aiiftnal_nffifpg) slimy rooms and data PrOCeS- -jfaaned=yesterdayiJby C. F. Obermesser, di- additional services available at additional ' departmental- regulations but cut., eight sing.center — all with off-street parking facilities. vision general manager, who explained that fees, months off the two-year suspension ordered the companyls timetable for its.off ice- HPhe—proposed—increase- was-jnentianed_ -by -thpU jt_Miy_i__ research facility required that construction at Tuesday night's Township* Committee ,, Judge DeVita, . who heard' Patrolman O QW a five-division parade starting meeting. and Mayor Edward Crill explained, Crissey's appeal without a jury, directedihaV located' in the "area—contended-thatilie res- -^ v5 ; "Recent postponements of the hearings idents were -entitled-to-a_jnore^specific, rea- Walnut Avenue School, fok that the ScaWn]rejT3eTvice-~tere-is^^rivate- -ths~suspension~end—on- July 15 -this -year ~ by services in-honor-of-the - uired^focajmrijce_qnested variances now operation, licensed by the township. He instead "of next March 16. He said, following son. He asserted the township has a moral make this schedule inaptacticaV' Mr. Ober- pointed out that the township does not set obligation to Uiejresidents since only a few township's war dead at Memorial Park, . four days of testimony, that Crissey, 412- Springfield Ave, and Riverside Dr. messer said. • prices. He advised any residents not:satisfied year-old father of six, who has served 18 years ago WheriTthe area across the street with services to contact the Board of Health yejjrs on the local police force, received his was changed to industrial these people were In the event of rain, the parade will'be . "We had hoped to locate in Cranford, for an investigation. punishment when the case was aired publicly told that the character of their neighborhood- called off and the exercises Will be held which was our first choice after more than would not be changed; in the community room of the Municipal a yefar's search of the northern New Jersey before Township Committee last year. area. It is centrally located and offers the The jurist said any sentence which he . : The attorney said that to pull out a Building at 10 o'clock. * small area for rezoning because the township best combination of residential areas and could imposed cOjjftT do no greater damage. Those participating in the parade will educational facilities for our employes.. We In handing out the penalty, he said he was owns most of the land would be construed assemble at 8:30 a.m. in the Walnut Avenue as "spot" zoning and'he asserted that if the regret that the project must be terminated," No Local Contests considering Crissey's many years of'service. School yard and start marching at 9 a.m. the general manager's statement concluded. Judge DeVita found Crissey guilty of ordinance was adopted the matter would Joseph P. Heuer will be" grand marshal. be litigated in Superior Court. He urged the Board of Adjustment had twice post- conduct unbecoming a police officer and The marchers will proceed north on poned a public hearing on the company's gentleman, being absent from his post with- • governing body to make certain that the In Primary Here township had a good case before spending Walnut Ave. to North Ave., swing west to application,. Opposition developed to a 132- out justification, leaving his post without Eastman St., north on Eastman St. to Cen- foot research tower, a part of the proposed • > just cause and not properly patrolling his taxpayers'* money in defense of a suit. The mayor replied that the township's attorney tral Ave., east, on Central Ave. to Spring- building. Neighboring residents and others post on December 23, 1967, and March 16, field Ave., turn north on Springfield Ave. had contended in a petition that this would 1968. and planning director had assured the com- Next Tuesday mittee that it had a good case.' and then east and south on Riverside Dr. be the equivalent of 12 stories, or* 10 stories There will be no local contests in either The judge, on a motion by Francis X. All divisions after passing the reviewing highejQKjpigis permissable for buildings in fth^^puWieaBr«?hjBej^^AWc primary_ofl- Moore, Crissey's attorney; agreed to reopen, A petition was presented opposing the • higher1 than is permissible for buildings in Tuesday. eeas e "if "Mrs- Susan - tHiiiing, gflj t c_theiacea,under the zoning•_od " UUnopposed for the Republican nomina- Roselle Park, returns here from Califorhia to a park or playfield for the more than 60 and disperse. Each unit" wilTtHen proceed to The Municipal Building meeting cham- tions for the two Township Committee offices testify. Mrs. Fulling, 19, reportedly was in- its assigned place f6r the exercises. ber was filled for Tuesday night's three- to be QJled at the General Election in No- volved in both the December and March in- children along the street. ... Conrfmissioner Malcolm Pringle' re- Gold!Star Mothers-are Invited to be hour session and included many residents vember are John Pfeiffer of 108 Ridge St. , cidents with Crissey but did not testify dur- living near the proposed site of the Westing- . and John J. Vassallo of 111 Besler Ave. ing i his appeal. She claimed at hearings ported an area at the end of Hory St. has seated on the reviewing stand. CHARLES W.JTRIPP been earmarked as a ball field type of rec- . ' Commander Thomas Senk of Capt. New- house building along with their attorney, The Democratic candidates for the local before the Township Committee, that the Seymour Margulies of Springfield. "offices' are Warren T. Praster of 25 Madison patrolman had made advances toward her reation facility. ell Rodney Fiske Post 335, VFW, will be master of ceremonies for the services at the The mayor's announcement, whidx was Ave. and Burton S. Goodman o£6I4 Riverside while she was in his patrol-car,. - One Myrtle St. resident contended that greeted by applause, caught most of the audi- Dr. ..... • ., • Moore told Judge DeVita that Mrs. about 20 tractor trailers now travel over memorial tablets. Invocation will be by Rey. ence .by surprise and some asked for Terms, expiring this, year are those of Fulling has agreed to come here to testify the street daily and another said it appears Jthn Dexheimer of Cranlord United Meth- Tripp Honored ing in writing'' before they withdrew - 'MkyorlJdward-K. Gill and Public SafetyCom; if all of her expenses, including an attorney's that the township is trying to drive residents odist Church.v ; away>from the street — as if the-noise from. missioner Irwin I. Kent)'neither of, whom is fee, are paid.y~< ••"'"'"• "' • Marc.Mandel of Cub Pack-t76 will lead elusion .of the -lengthy ses- seeking reelection. • '• •': . • _the pries has not , j. pi jg nf tn, thft caused residents enough headaches. Q< ft By ServiceUlft Local voters also will be called upon to Crissey guilty' $n May 14, "1968, following audience will sing "The Star Spangled Ban- Pringle issued a statement in--wftichire~as- indicate their preference, in their respec- several evenings of public testimony and A resident of Hory St. contended resi- ner" led by Lt. John E. Havlland of the serted that' "it is indeed unfortunate that the tive primaries, among five candidates for the suspended him for two years, retroactive to dents of nearby streets also are living "in Cranford Fire Department and accompanied, March 16, 1968. '. > _ fear of what will happen in their areas" if On 95th Birthday shortsighted self-interest of.a very small Republican nomination for governor and six by the Cranford High School Band. 1 vocal minority has been responsible for candidates for the Democratic gubernatorial The township was represented by Roger the township rezones the Myrtle St.' tract. Charles "W. Tripp of 24 Springfield Ave., Westinghouse not coming to Cranford." Conant and Township Attorney Donald R.
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