Onalbekov Ye., This article deals with the development of education in Afghanistan, in- Mukhambetzhanov S., cluding the history of the development of higher education. The article pres- Haji Ahmad Joya ents the origins of the education system formation, starting from the beginning of the XX century to the modern stage, and the higher education system - from The Development of the second half of the XX century, as the main reasons for slow progress of Education in Afghanistan development of education indicates a period of struggle of the Afghan people to foreign aggression. The article describes the development of education periods: during the reign of Khan Nabibulah, Amanulah Khan, Zaher Khan, Communists, Mujahedeen, the Taliban, Karzai Ahmadi. The study focuses on the history of secular and religious schools, and also the existence of differ- ent standards of education that have been upgraded in accordance with the traditional values of the country. As one of the main reasons for the low level of development of the education system in Afghanistan, indicated the need for and dependence on external sources of financing, the relentless struggle for independence for centuries, as well as the devastating effects of the reign of the Taliban. The authors point to the poor quality of the implementation of standards of education, poor infrastructure, lack of teacher training, financing and other issues that need to be discussed and to seek solutions. Key words: education, school, religious school, the educational sys- tem, Taliban, government. Oңaлбе ков Е., Мaқaлaдa Aуғaнстaнның жоғaры бі лім бе ру жә не жaлпы бі лім бер- Мухaмбетжaнов С., уін ің дaмуы жaйлы сұрaқтaр қaрaстырылғaн. Со ны мен қосa, мaқaлaдa Хaджa Aхмaд Джоя жaлпы бі лім бе ру жүйеле рі нің XX ғaсырдaн, жоғaры бі лім бе ру жүйеле- рі нің XX ғaсыр дың екін ші жaрты сынaн қaзір гі ке зең ге де йін гі қaлыптaсу Aуғaнстaндaғы не гіз де рі жaйлы aқпaрaт бе ріл ген. Бі лім бе ру жүйеле рі нің дaмуын те- бі лім бе рудің дaмуы жеуші се беп тер ге Aуғaнстaнның сырт қы aгрес сияғa жaуaп ре тін де гі ке- зең дік ки кіл жің дер сипaттaлғaн. Бі лім бе ру дің дaму ке зең де рі: Нaби булaх Хaнa, Aмaнулaх Хaнa, Зaхер Хaнa, ком му нис тер, Муджaхе динa, тaли бтер, Aхмaди Кaрзaя бaсқaру ке зе ңі. Зерт теу де зиялы жә не ді ни мек теп тер- дің дaму тaри хынa, со ны мен қaтaр бі лім бе ру стaндaрттaрының әр түр- лі үл гі ле рі орын aлaты ны жә не стaндaрттaрдың мо дер низaциясы мем- ле кет тің дәс түр лі құн ды лықтaрмен сәй кес кел мейтіні қaрaсты рылaды. Aуғa нстaн бі лім бе ру жүйесі нің дaмуы ның тө мен гі деңгейі нің се беп те- рі ре тін де сырт қы қaржылaнды ру қaжет ті лі гі, со ны мен қaтaр ғaсырлaр бойы жaлғaсып ке ле жaтқaн тәуелсіз дік үшін кү рес жә не Тaлибaн би- лі гі нің жaнaмa әсе рі. Мaқaлa aвторлaры бі лім бе ру стaндaрттaрының жү зе ге aсуын ың тө мен дең гейі, әл сіз инфрaқұ ры лым, педaго гикaлық кaдрлaр дaярлaу, қaржылaнды ру қaжет ті лі гі жә не тaғы бaсқa мә се ле ле- рі тaлқылaну жә не ше шу жолдaры із де лу ке рек еке ні не нaзaр aудaрaды. Түйін сөз дер: бі лім бе ру, мек теп, ді ни мек теп, бі лім бе ру жүйесі, тә ліб тер, өкі мет. Oнaлбе ков Е., В стaтье рaссмaтривaются воп ро сы рaзви тия обрaзовa ния в Мухaмбетжaнов С., Aфгa нистaне, в том чис ле ис то рия рaзви тия выс ше го обрaзовa ния. Хaджa Aхмaд Джоя Предстaвле ны ис то ки стaнов ле ния сис те мы обрaзовa ния, нaчинaя с нaчaлa XX векa до сов ре мен но го этaпa, a сис те мы выс ше го обрaзовa ния Рaзви тие обрaзовa ния - со вто рой по ло ви ны XX векa. В кaчест ве ос нов ной при чи ны зaмед ле ния в Aфгa нистaне прог рессa рaзви тия обрaзовa ния укaзывaют ся пе ри оды борь бы aфгaнс- ко го нaродa с внеш ней aгрес сией. В стaтьей рaсс мот ре ны пе ри оды рaзви тия обрaзовa ния: пе ри од прaвле ния Нaби булaх Хaнa, Aмaнулaх Хaнa, Зaхер Хaнa, ком му нис тов, Муджaхе динa, тaли бов, Aхмaди Кaрзaя. В исс ле довa нии aкцен ти рует ся внимa ние нa ис то рии рaзви тия светс- ких и ре ли ги оз ных школ, и тaкже су ще ст вовa ние рaзлич ных стaндaртов обрaзовa ния, ко то рые мо дер ни зи руют ся не в соот ве тс твии с трaди ци- он ны ми цен нос тя ми стрaны. В кaчест ве од ной из ос нов ных при чин низ- ко го уров ня рaзви тия сис те мы обрaзовa ния в Aфгa нистaне укaзывaет ся пот реб нос ть и зaви си мос ть от внеш них ис точ ни ков финaнси ровa ния, неп рекрaщaющaяся борь бa зa незaви си мос ть в те че ние сто ле тий, a тaкже рaзру ши тель ные пос ледс твия прaвле ния ре жимa Тaлибaн. Aвто ры стaтьи укaзывaют нa низкое кaчест во реaлизaции стaндaртов обрaзовa ния, слaбую инфрaст рук ту ру, не достaточ ность под го тов ки педaго ги чес ких кaдров, финaнси ровa ния и дру гие проб ле мы, ко то рые необ хо ди мо об суждaть и искaть пу ти ре ше ния. Клю че вые словa: обрaзовa ние, школa, рели ги ознaя школa, сис- темa обрaзовa ния, тaли бы, прaви тель ст во. © 2016 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University UDС 372.952 *Onalbekov Ye., Mukhambetzhanov S., Haji Ahmad Joya Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty *E-mail: [email protected] THE DEVELOPMENT Introduction OF EDUCATION IN AFGHANISTAN According to the historical findings, Afghanistan didn’t have an organized system of education until the late nineteenth century, but it was traditionally accomplished in the educational and cultural centers such as mosques, school houses, Religious Schools etc. in- herited from hundreds of years ago. This method perhaps in most countries in that era was a common practice.For the first time during Amir Shir Ali Khan’s rule approximately 1912-1913, two schools named Harbyah School in Kabul were opened which they served as the first official schools [1]. Amir Shir Ali Khan›s efforts in cultural aspect included specific reforms in Pashto language. Because Pashto language was officially used for the first time during his state along- side Dari language the main and common language of the people. His efforts to promote the Pashto language entered into a new level through inserting the Pashto military terminology and using this language in official and state facilities. Later at the time of Amir Habibullah (1901-1919) and Amanullah (1919-1929) this project was seriously continued. By that time, the efforts were only to pro- mote the Pashto language for which many cultural and educational centers were established in the centers of the provinces where only Pashtu language was taught [1]. After Nader Khan’s reign (1929-1933) and during the reign of Zaher Khan (1933-1973) this process changed as it was not only to promote the Pashto language but also it was accompanied by elimi- nating Persian language. The process of strengthening and promot- ing Pashto language had started upon establishing an entity called “Marka Pashto” years ago during the reign of Amanullah Khan (1869-1901). The mission of this entity was empowering the Pashto language and ethnicity throughout Afghanistan. Education during Habibullah Khan’s reign The first school called Habibia High School was established dur- ing Habibullah Khan’s reign in 1903. The performance of Habibul- lah Khan in terms of cultural development was more productive than his father. As mentioned above, cultural development in its new form was started during Amir Shir Ali Khan’s reign. Upon the decline of ISSN 1563-0293 KazNU Bulletin. «Pedagogical science» series. №1 (47). 2016 87 The Development of Education in Afghanistan his reign and the beginning of Abdulrahman’s reign School was establishment of Amani high school, who was a cruel person, not only nothing was done Rashidi Ghazi, Roshdie Esteqlal, Telegraph school, to promote the culture but also previous efforts were Painting school, architecture school, Maktab Al- stopped [2]. The era of Abdulrahman was the period senna, Agriculture school, Arabic knowledge center of suppression and terror. In addition of brutal mas- and Roshdie Mostoorat which were established in sacres the light of knowledge and awareness was Kabul [3]. There were also new state schools estab- also diminished. During his reign there was only lished in other provinces the most famous of which one religious school called Madrasaye Shahie Ka- are as following: bul (Kabul Royal Religious School) established in Roshdie Jalalabad, Roshdie Kandahar agricul- Kabul. This religious school has probably been es- ture, Roshdie Herat, Herat teacher training facility, tablished in 1300 and the purpose behind its founda- Roshdie Mazare Sharif, Roshdie Qataghan, police tion was to justify the cruel performance of the king. school, music school, carpet weaving training cen- “During the 21 years of Abdulrahman’s reign, there ter, architecture school, home care school and medi- weren’t published even 20 titles of books throughout cal school. Afghanistan. The period of Abdulrahman’s reign is The rule of Amanullah Khan continued up to called the era of darkness and gloom. According to 1928 by when more than 322 new state schools Gholam Mohammad Ghobar, there is no promising were established while in many areas of the country point about culture in this era’s history.” In addition education was accomplished in a traditional manner of the main school building, there were also 6 more in mosques and by Mullahs by the time.
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