TEST INDEX 1996 -2011 Fifteen years of machinery tests in profi international 15 YEARS OF PROFI TESTS Dear Reader! There’s never a dull moment in the appropriate magazine. Of farm machinery testing. We’re course, not every reader will now up to around 12,000 have a complete 15-year back- published profi international catalogue. So, where this is the pages, featuring countless case, why not take advantage tractor tests, practical tests, of our online archive service? driving impressions, used Head to www.profi.com, click machinery reviews, technical through ‘Machine Tests’ and and machinery management then on to ‘Archive’ – to access articles, as well as industry a comprehensive collection news from around the world. of past profi wisdom. There’s As with our previous ten-year a charge for non-subscriber index, though, this booklet downloads, but for profi sub- only lists tractor tests (tt), long- scribers it’s absolutely free. term tests (lt), practical tests While on the website, make (pt), driving impressions (di) sure you take advantage of the and used machinery (um) other services on offer such articles, because these are the as the video library, buyers’ items most commonly request- guides and forums. As you’ll ed by readers when contacting no doubt now be aware, this us for equipment purchasing little booklet acts as the pass- advice. Simply look up the port to a continent of farm machine/model in question, machinery knowledge. We make a note of the issue date, hope you have a safe journey. and then rummage through your back copies to pick out The profi international team profi 1996/2011 3 www.profi.com 15 YEARS OF PROFI TESTS Tractors up to 50kW/68hp Manufacturer Model Output Section Issue Power measurement/ All makes PowerMix All outputs tt 03/04 Updated test All makes explained All outputs tt 04/06 Powermix test All makes updated All outputs tt 05/08 Case IH 3200/4200 38kW/52hp-66kW/90hp um 10/00 Case IH CX-series 39kW/53hp-75kW/102hp um 03/02 Kubota M and ME 48kW/66hp-79kW/108hp um 06/11 MF 362 46kW/62hp tt 05/97 profi 1996/2011 4 www.profi.com 1996 - 2011 MF 4200 38kW/52hp-81kW/110hp di 07/97 MF 4300 40kW/52hp-81kW/110hp di 02/02 MF 4200 38kW/52hp-81kW/110hp um 12/02 New Holland L/35 44kW/60hp-70kW/95hp di 09/96 New Holland L/35 44kW/60hp-70kW/95hp um 09/00 New Holland TL/TL-A 48kW/65hp-74kW/100hp um 01/11 Valmet 305-905 39kW/53hp-81kW/110hp um 11/09 Tractors from 51kW/68hp-65kW/88hp Manufacturer Model Output Section Issue Case IH C-70 52kW/70hp di 07/96 Case IH CX80 62kW/84hp tt 11/98 Case IH JX90U 65kW/88hp tt 04/04 Deutz-Fahr Agrotron 90 65kW/88hp tt 05/03 Doppstadt Trac 80 53kW/72hp di 08/01 Fendt 380 GTA Systems 59kW/80hp um 11/97 Fendt Farmer 300C 55kW/75hp-74kW/100hp di 03/02 Fiat 80-90 59kW/80hp um 04/98 Ford 6610 60kW/82hp um 03/96 John Deere 2040 53kW/71hp um 10/96 John Deere 3300 X 55kW/75hp tt 11/96 John Deere 5500 59kW/80hp tt 06/00 John Deere 6020 59kW/80hp-118kW/160hp di 10/01 John Deere 5020 52kW/72hp-65kW/88hp di 05/03 John Deere 6020 update 59kW/80hp-118kW/160hp di 02/04 John Deere 6010 59kW/80hp-103kW/140hp um 07/04 John Deere 5820 65kW/88hp tt 03/05 John Deere 6020 59kW/80hp-118kW/160hp um 03/06 Lamborghini R2.86 Stop & Go 61kW/83hp tt 7-8/08 profi 1996/2011 5 www.profi.com 15 YEARS OF PROFI TESTS Landini Vision 80 57kW/78hp di 11/04 McCormick CX 54kW/73hp-75kW/102hp um 01/06 MF 390/390T 59kW/80hp-66kW/90hp um 09/98 MF 6100-series 59kW/80hp-96kW/130hp um 12/00 MF 6200/8200 63kW/85hp-193kW/260hp di 04/01 MF 6200 63kW/85hp-100kW/135hp um 11/04 MF 5400-series 53kW/72hp-99kW/135hp um 12/10 New Holland L85/6635 63kW/85hp tt 12/97 New Holland TN90F 65kW/88hp di 01/98 New Holland TN75S 53kW/72hp tt 01/00 New Holland TS 59kW/80hp-85kW/115hp um 11/03 New Holland TN75 DA 56kW/76hp di 11/04 Renault Ares 63kW/85hp-121kW/165hp di 05/97 Renault Cergos 340 63kW/85hp tt 07/99 SAME Dorado 70 52kW/70hp tt 10/97 SAME Explorer 80 59kW/80hp um 05/98 Valtra 700 51kW/70hp tt 10/98 Zetor 8540 59kW/80hp tt 06/98 7341 Super and 8441 Zetor Proxima 62kW/84hp-65kW/88hp um 06/06 Tractors from 66kW/90hp-80kW/109hp Manufacturer Model Output Section Issue Belarus 952 66kW/90hp di 06/03 Case IH 955 66kW/90hp um 05/96 Case IH CX90 66kW/90hp di 02/98 Case IH Maxxum 66kW/90hp-92kW/125hp um 02/98 Case IH Maxxum MX100C 76kW/102hp lt 10/00 Case IH CS94 69kW/94hp tt 08/01 Case IH MXU Maxxum 74kW/100hp-100kW/136hp di 03/04 profi 1996/2011 6 www.profi.com 1996 - 2011 Case IH CS100 72kW/97hp di 06/07 Case IH MXU/Maxxum 74kW/100hp-104kW/141hp um 01/08 Claas Celtis 456 RX 74kW/100hp tt 12/04 Claas Ares 500, 600, 800 66kW/90hp-143kW/194hp um 04/09 Claas Axos 340 CX 74kW/99hp di 06/09 Deutz-Fahr Agrotron 4.95 70kW/95hp tt 03/96 Deutz-Fahr Agroplus 100 73kW/99hp tt 05/98 Deutz-Fahr Agroplus 95 68kW/94hp tt 05/99 Deutz-Fahr Agrotron 110 Mk3 77kW/105hp tt 05/02 Deutz-Fahr Agrotron 120 80kW/109hp lt 02/08 Deutz-Fahr Agrofarm 100 66kW/90hp di 12/08 Deutz-Fahr Agrofarm TTV 430 75kW/102hp di 03/11 Fendt Farmer 410 Vario 74kW/100hp di 05/00 Fendt Farmer 309 C 74kW/100hp tt 10/02 Fendt 211 Vario 74kW/100hp tt 05/11 John Deere 6400 70kW/95hp um 12/96 John Deere 6410 SE 77kW/105hp tt 03/99 John Deere 6030 74kW/100hp-114kW/155hp um 12/09 Kubota M105S 77kW/105hp di 07/05 Kubota M9540 71kW/95hp di 06/09 Landini Mythos DT100 72kW/97hp di 07/01 Landini Mythos DT100 72kW/97hp tt 06/02 Landini Powerfarm DT105 73kW/99hp di 06/05 Landini Powerfarm 95 67kW/92hp tt 11/08 McCormick CX95 XtraShift 66kW/90hp tt 07/04 Mercedes-Benz Unimog 70kW/95hp-159kW/214hp um 01/97 Mercedes-Benz MB-trac 900 66kW/90hp um 06/98 MF 3080 74kW/100hp um 11/96 MF 6150 70kW/95hp tt 02/97 MF 4255 70kW/95hp tt 02/98 profi 1996/2011 7 www.profi.com 15 YEARS OF PROFI TESTS MF 4355 70kW/95hp tt 01/03 MF 5445 66kW/90hp di 12/03 MF 5445 66kW/90hp tt 05/05 MF Dyna-6 66kW/90hp-107kW/145hp di 06/05 MF 6400 68kW/92hp-117kW/159hp um 10/09 MF 5445 70kW/95hp tt 06/10 MF 5440 73kW/99hp di 7-8/11 New Holland M/60 74kW/100hp-119kW/160hp di 03/96 New Holland 7740 SLE 70kW/95hp tt 08/97 New Holland 7635, M100 and TS110 74kW/100hp tt 02/99 New Holland 7840 74kW/100hp um 06/99 New Holland TM 78kW/105hp-120kW/160hp di 12/99 New Holland TS110 74kW/100hp lt 03/03 New Holland TS-A 74kW/100hp-100kW/136hp di 10/03 New Holland TS-A Fast Steer 74kW/100hp-100kW/136hp di 01/04 New Holland TL100A 74kW/100hp di 01/05 New Holland TM 78kW/105hp-114kW/155hp um 7-8/08 New Holland NH2 78kW/104hp di 06/09 Renault Ares 610-696 74kW/100hp-99kW/134hp um 02/04 SAME Silver 90 66kW/90hp tt 08/96 SAME Explorer 95 67kW/91hp di 12/05 12 tractor cabs in Selection comparison I 74kW/100hp tt 07/98 12 tractor cabs in Selection comparison II 74kW/100hp tt 08/98 Second-hand Selection tractors 74kW/100hp um 03/99 Cab suspension Selection concepts 74kW/100hp di 11/99 Comparing Selection linkages 74kW/100hp tt 02/01 Valtra 6550 HiTech 74kW/100hp tt 11/99 profi 1996/2011 8 www.profi.com 1996 - 2011 Valtra HiTech 6350 66kW/90hp tt 12/01 Zetor 10641 77kW/105hp di 12/02 Zetor Forterra 9641 73kW/99hp lt 09/07 Tractors from 81kW/110hp-100kW/136hp Manufacturer Model Output Section Issue AGCO RT120 100kW/135hp tt 11/05 Case IH 1255 XL 92kW/125hp um 06/97 Case IH Maxxum MX135 99kW/135hp di 08/97 Case IH Maxxum MX135 99kW/135hp tt 01/98 Case IH Maxxum MX135 99kW/135hp lt 06/99 Case IH CVX models 88kW/120hp-125kW/170hp di 03/00 Case IH MXM 91kW/124hp-142kW/194hp di 08/02 Case IH Maxxum MX135 99kW/135hp um 03/03 Case IH MXU110 Maxxum 85kW/116hp tt 07/05 Case IH MXU110 and 115 X-Line 85kW/116hp tt 05/07 Case IH CVX 88kW/120hp-144kW/196hp um 10/10 Claas Arion 530 and 620 92kW/125hp-96kW/130hp tt 10/09 Claas Arion 430 CIS 81kW/110hp tt 02/11 Deutz-Fahr Agrotron 6.20 85kW/115hp di 04/97 Suspension Deutz-Fahr systems 88kW/120hp di 04/98 Deutz-Fahr TTV 9 2kW/125hp-110kW/150hp di 07/00 Deutz-Fahr Agrotron 120 Mk3 88kW/120hp tt 11/00 Agrotron 130, Deutz-Fahr 150 and 150.7 93kW/127hp-110kW/150hp um 09/07 Agrotron K120 Deutz-Fahr ProfiLine 85kW/116hp tt 12/07 Agrotron K430 Deutz-Fahr ProfiLine 82kW/112hp tt 01/10 Eltrac E135 prototype 100kW/135hp di 12/99 profi 1996/2011 9 www.profi.com 15 YEARS OF PROFI TESTS Fendt Favorit 712 Vario 92kW/125hp tt 12/00 Fendt Farmer 411 Vario 81kW/110hp tt 05/01 Fendt 712 Vario TMS 92kW/125hp tt 06/05 Fendt 312 Vario 81kW/110hp di 09/06 Fendt 700 and 800 92kW/125hp-132kW/180hp um 7-8/07 Fendt 312 Vario 81kW/110hp tt 01/08 Fiat Wi nner F130 96kW/130hp um 07/98 Ford Series 30 97kW/132hp-137kW/186hp um 12/01 Hydrema MPV 900 90kW/123hp di 07/00 JCB Fastrac 1115 85kW/115hp di 04/96 JCB Fastrac 1135 Quadtronic 99kW/135hp di 11/96 JCB Fastrac 1135 100kW/135hp tt 03/97 JCB Fastrac 1135 100kW/135hp di 08/97 JCB Fastrac 2000/3000 85kW/115hp-125kW/170hp di 05/98 JCB Fastrac 100 – pt I 88kW/120hp-111kW/150hp um 10/99 JCB Fastrac 100 – pt II 88kW/120hp-111kW/150hp um 11/99 JCB Fastrac 2135 Smoothshift 100kW/135hp di 12/00 JCB Fastrac 2135 100kW/135hp tt 09/01 JCB Fastrac 2000-series 86kW/115hp-127kW/170hp um 11/11 John Deere 6810 92kW/125hp di 01/98 John Deere 6910 99kW/135hp tt 12/98 John Deere 6610 84kW/115hp lt 08/99 John Deere 7000 96kW/130hp-125kW/170hp um 05/00 John Deere 6610 (50km/hr) 84kW/115hp di 08/00 John Deere 6610 AutoPowr 84kW/115hp di 12/00 John Deere 6420 S 88kW/120hp tt 11/02 John Deere 6430 88kW/120hp di 10/06 John Deere 6830 99kW/130hp tt 06/08 Kubota M128X 94kW/128hp di 01/09 Kubota M128X 94kW/128hp tt 04/09 profi 1996/2011 10 www.profi.com 1996 - 2011 Lamborghini Champion 120 88kW/120hp di 08/99 McCormick MTX125 97kW/132hp di 05/02 McCormick MTX125 92kW/125hp tt 12/02 McCormick MC135 97kW/132hp di 01/04 McCormick MC120/MC135
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