.6872 :coNGRESSIONAL RECORD~HOUSE AUGUST 17 Albert Kualii Brickwood Lyman KENTUCKY Mabel B. McConnico, Port Lavaca. •Tames Kirk Zaidee G. Neville, Arlington. Guy E. Warren, Refugio . J ames Kerr Crain Edward W. Cubbage, Clarkson. John A. Nicholson, Sanger. John Elliott Wood Ralph E. Vaughn, Greensburg. John T. Davis, Jr., Throckmorton. Herbert Daskum Gibson' Frances W. LyeJl, Hickory. Emma S. Vick, Valentine. Edmund Bower Sebree Dalph E. Creal, Hodgenville. Margaret E. Lasseter, Westbrook. Joseph Nicholas Dalton May K. Hall, Island. UTAH Anthony Clement McAuliffe Amelia B. Samuels, Lebanon Junction. Elbridge Gerry Chapman, Jr. Theophilus B. Terry, Sonora. Wells P. Starley, Fillmore. George Pierce Howell Homer B. Burks, Upton. WEST VIRGINIA Hugh Joseph Gaffey Reginald William Buzzell MARYLAND Leo B. Ott, Terra Alta. Jacob R . L. Wink, Manchester. Kenneth Frank Cramer WISCONSIN Henry Cotheal Evans Charles W. Carney, Mount Savage. Edwin Whiting Jones Malcolm F. Caplan, St. Michaels. Helen A. Tuttle, Balsam Lake. George Heiderer, Butternut. Alexander Gallatin Paxton MASSACHUSETTS Nat Smith Perrine George J. Armbruster, Cedarburg. Frances A. Rogers, Billerica. Leo J. Ford, Janesville. Ralph Clifford Tobin John R . McManus, Concord. Hanford MacNider Edward F. Smith, King. Charles L. Goodspeed, Dennis. Leo M. Meyer, Loyal. Joseph Wilson, Byron William J . Farley, Hanson. John Reed Kilpatrick Levy Williamson, Mineral Point. · Mary E. Sheehan, Hatfield. Albert Hansen, New Lisbon. IN THE NAVY Josephine R. McLaughlin, Hathorne. Frank·J. Horak, Oconto. TEMPORARY SERVICE Harry T. Swett, Manchester. Gregory C. Flatley, Oconto Falls. Gladys V. Crane, Merrimac. Richard S. Edwards to be a vice admiral in Meridan D. Anderson, Omro. Veronica Manning, Minot. Rudolph I. Baumann, Ph1llips. the Navy, for temporary service, to rank from William T . Martin, Monterey. August 15, 1942. John P. Pabst, Pittsville. Ephrem J. Dian, Northbridge. Ida M. Melchert, Saxon. IN THE MARINE CORPS James B. Logan, North Wilbraham. Henry A. Kirk, Spring Valley. Bennet Puryear, Jr., to be assistant quar­ Alexander John MacQuade, Osterville. William S. Wagner, Thorp. termaster with the rank of brigadier general James G. Cassidy, Sheffield. George W. Shenkenberg, Waterford. for temporary service. Charles A. McCarthy, Shirley. Irwin J. Rieck, Weyauwega. George M. Lynch, Somerset. Martin J. Wilaarns, Winneconne. TEMPORARY SERVICE Alice C. Redlon, South Duxbury. To be brigadier generals for general duty Harvey E. Lenon, Swansea. WYOMING Allen H. Turnage Alphonse DeCarre John J. Kent, Jr., West Bridgewater. Jesse B. Budd, Big Piney. Ralph J. Mitchell Samuel L. Howard Margaret E. Coughlin, West Concord. Allen T. Frans, Meeteetse. James L. Underhill DeWitt Peck NEW YORK Clyde M. Elbert, Ten Sleep. Keller E. Rockey Archie F. Howard Kenneth W. Hagadorn, Almond. To be brigadier general on the retired list Vincent L. Keenan, Churchville. Matthew H. Kingman Earl P. Talley, East Rochester. Archie C. Montanye, Esperance. POSTMASTERS Matthew F. Dixon, Hamilton. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ARIZONA Edith A. Moritz; Helmuth. · MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1942 Waltice B. Ham, Somerton. Edward J. McSweeney, Long Lake. CALIFORNIA Joseph T . Lockbaum, North Lawrence. Arthur B. Stiles, Owego. The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and John M. Gondring, Jr., Ceres. Elmer R . Chaffer, Point Pleasant. was called to order by the Speaker pro Charles L. Pierce, Clarksburg. Dennis T. Dillon, Jr., Raquette Lake. tempore, Mr. BULWINKLE. Alfred F. Seale, Cottonwood. Arthur W. Eaton, Rheims. Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., P.astor Dina M. Tobin, Cutler. Edith S. Bierman, St. Johnsville. of the Gunton Temple Memorial Pres­ William Francis Richmond, El Centro. Madge E. Mcintyre, Springwater. byterian Church, Wash'r~gton, D. C., of­ Lempi J. Kiviaho, Georgetown. Mary Gallagher, Witherbee. Ethel M. Strong, Lake Arrowhead. fered the following prayer: Ray W. Miner, Lincoln. NORTH CAROLINA 0 Thou God of all counsel and con­ Charles M. Jones, Lodi. Cornelius H. Julian, Franklinville. solation, we are coming unto Thee with Agnes McCausland, Ripon. Jennings M. Koontz, Kannapolis. Hugh M. McArn, Laurinburg. bamed minds and burdened hearts, pray­ CONNECTICUT Paul Green, Thomasvme. ing that we may find shelter and strength John E. Lynch, Hazardville. in the sanctuary of Thy wisdom and John Welsh, Killingly. OHIO compassion. FLORIDA Willard R. Hower, Doylestown. We confess with penitence that we are John E. Kassell, South Zanesville. Emma A. Laird, Greenville. continually sinning against 'i'hy com­ Jean A. Hopkins, Reddick. OREGON mandments by our disobedience and sel­ GEORGIA Clifford 0. Dougherty, Cloverdale. fishness. Help us to realize that when­ Tracy Savery, Dallas. Cleo H. Price, Adairsville. ever we sin we are not breaking "'hy Henry Alm, Silverton. laws, for they cannot be broken, but we Roy R. Powell, Arlington. Grace E. Neibert, Stayton. Harry B. Vickers, Brunswick. are breaking ourselv~s. destroying the William M. Denton, Dalton. PENNSYLVANIA peace of our souls and blighting them Nathaniel M. Hawley, Douglasville. Jesse C. Yoders, Clarksville. with fear and anguish. Stanley L. Morgan, Fayetteville. Marion S. Macomber, Delta. We pray that Thou wilt hear our pray­ Joseph W. Murphy, Menlo. A very S. Van Campen, Elmhurst. ers of intercession for suffering human­ Arthur B. Caldwell, Smyrna. Blanche Ritchie, Fairbank. Ferman F. Chapman, Summerville. Lewis M. Kachel, Mohnton. ity. Give us courage to believe that the Nettie H. Woolard, Sylvester. George G. Foley, Pocono Manor. world is in the agony of a new birth and Cecil F. Aultman, W.arwick. Caroline B. Warner, Trevose. that as, at the beginning, Thy Spirit DeWitt. P. Trulock, Whigham. Mae E. Ford, Twin Roc1.ts. created order out of chaos, so Thou wilt Swiler M. Zeigler, Wellsville. IDAHO again move upon the face of the earth Wando J . Andrasen, St. Anthony. TEXAS and fill it with righteousness and peace. Lowell H. Merrlem, Grace. James Curtis McKenzie. Alba. To Thy name, through Christ our Lord, Edward T. Gilroy, Kooskia. Hunter H. McWilliams, Atlanta. shall be all the praise. Amen. John B. Cato, Meridian. Grace B. Jones, Bivins. The Journal of the proceedings of Fred L. Cruikshank, Montpelier. Frederick M. Faust, Comfort. Henry G. Reiniger, Rathdrum. Gleason Frank Purdue, Groveton. Thursday, August 13, 1942, was read and Daisy P. Moody, Sandpoint. Baxter Orr, Idalou. approved. Rose J. Hamacher, Spirit Lake. Esther L. Berry, Joinerville. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Carl W. Amberg, La Grange. n.LJNOIS Georgia C. Wolfe, Lefors. A message from the Senate, by Mr. James E. Muckian, Calumet City. Alonzo P. Campbell, Lipan, Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced Arthur L. Larson, Des Plaines. Evlyn M. Berry, Mesquite. that the Senate had passed without 1942 CONGR'ESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 6873 amendment a concurrent resolution of years, and shall, moreover, be thereafter in­ Mr. RANKIN of Mississippi. Mr. the House of the following title: eligible to any office, or place of honor, profit, Speaker, the Senate is today considering or trust created by the Constitution or laws H. Con. Res. 80. Concurrent resolution au­ my bill for immediate payment of allow .. thorizing the printing of additional copies of the United States." ances to the dependents of men in our of House Report No. 2333, current session, on Whoever inspired, wrote, and caused to be circulated the letter reproduced below, vio­ armed forces. As you know, that meas­ the bill entitled "To provide revenue, and ure passed the House on last Thursday. for other purposes." lated the law here quoted, in my opinion. I intend to prosecute all parties to this con- . If it passes the Senate it will bring to a The message also announced that the spiracy to the limit of my ability. successful conclusion the second battle Vice President bad appointed Mr. BARK- ~ ELEANOR PATTERSON. that I have waged for the servicemen in LEY and Mr. BREWSTER members Of the BALTIMORE, Mo., August 10, 1942. the last few weeks, the other one being, Joint Select Committee on the part of the ADVERTISING MANAGER, • as you will recall, to raise their base pay Senate, as provided for in the act of to $50 per month. Washington, D. 0. I have no apology for having remained August 5, 1939, entitled "An act to pro­ DEAR Sm: The New York newspaper PM vide for the disposition of certain records has been exposing for some time the Axis , at my post of duty during these times of the United States Government," for line used by the publishers of the Chicago and exerting every possible effort on be­ the disposition of executive papers in the Dail}" Tribune, the New York News, and the half of these dependents who are in dire following department and agencies: Washington Times-Herald. PM has printed need of this relief at this time. Department of the Treasury. not witty little essays or theoretical fancies, I have done so because I know of the Federal Security Agency. but documented proof that a definite dan- · great hardships now being endured by gerous parallel propaganda of defeatism exists Federal Works Agency. between the editorial pages of these three · these dependent fathers, mothers, wives, National Housing Agency. papers and the official Axis propaganda em- · and children of our brave boys who are ADJOURNMENT OVER anating from Berlin and Tokyo. offering up their lives in this war. Newspapers, good and bad, exist mainly It has been surprising to note that Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. Speaker, I a.sk from advertising revenue. Advertising makes while I was here waging this fight in a unanimous consent that when the House the newspaper. Take away advertising and . just cause I was being attacked by those adjourns today it adjourn to meet on the paper becomes flaccid and impotent. As elements that want to destroy almost Thursday next. an important company which invests thou­ everything my people hold dear. The .SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there sands and thousands of dollars in advertising, your firm is in a position to do important That radical publication known a.s PM objection to the request of the gentleman harm to a newspaper by withdrawing its .
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