Queste sono le rose che si possono ordinare tramite Email. Ogni rosa ha un costo di 14,00 € (iva inclusa) e i costi di spedizione sono 11,50 € (iva inclusa) ogni gruppo di 4 rose. Nel caso una varietà sia esaurita, vi contatteremo per la sostituzione con un'altra a vostra scelta. Il pagamento avviene tramite Paypal o Bonifico, seguendo le istruzioni che vi verranno indicate nella Email di conferma. L'Email al quale mandare gli ordini è: [email protected] Gruppo Sottogruppo Nome varietale Ibridatore shrub 100 Idées Jardin® JACbelgo Delbard David Austin A Shropshire Lad' tea hybrid A Whiter Shade of Pale (Peafanfare) PEARCE tea hybrid AachenerDom ®=Pink Panther Meilland rambler Abbandonata' (L.Davoust) tea hybrid Abbaye de Cluny Meilland tea hybrid Abbeyfield Rose Harkness Floribunda Abisco ™ POULSEN Floribunda Abracadabra Kordes David Austin Abraham Darby' Floribunda Absolutely Fabulous® WEEKS tea hybrid Acapella' TANTAU Floribunda Acropolis Meilland climbing Adam' bourbon Adam Messerich' rambler Adelaide d'Orleans' Canadian Adelaide Hoodless' rambler Aglaia rugosa Agnes' Floribunda Agnès Schilliger® Masasch Massad pimpinellifolia Aicha' rambler Aimee Vibert' Floribunda Airbrush (Korgetcali) Kordes Floribunda Alabaster' (Tantau) tantau Floribunda Alabaster'(White Marble) scarman Floribunda Palace Aladdin Palace ™ poulsen David Austin Alan Titchmarsh' climbing Alaska (Korjoslio) Kordes alba alba 'Maiden's Blush' alba alba 'Maxima' ground-cover Alba Meidiland Meilland ground-cover Alba Meidiland (Meiflopan) Meilland ground-cover Alba Meidiland ® Meilland alba alba 'Semi-Plena' climbing Alberic Barbier' minature 7 dwarfs series Alberich' climbing Albertine' tea hybrid Albrecht Dürrer' tantau Flower Carpet Alcantara' Noack climbing Alchemist' shrub AldenBiesen® Lens tea hybrid Alec's Red' shrub Alex.Princ.de Luxemburg' Kordes tea hybrid Alexander' (Harlex) Harkness Canadian Alexander Mackenzie' Gruppo Sottogruppo Nome varietale Ibridatore shrub Alexandra - PrincesseDe Luxembourg® Kordes Floribunda Alexandra Alicia' scarman rambler Alexandre Girault' moss Alfred de Dalmas shrub Persica Alissar Princess of Phoenicia Harkness rambler Alister Stella Gray' tea hybrid All my Loving Fryer climbing Allegro Meilland climbing Allen Chandler' Floribunda Allgold' Floribunda Allotria' climbing Aloha' (Kordes) Kordes climbing Aloha' (Boerner 1949) ground-cover Alpenglühen' tantau ground-cover Alpha Meidiland (Meirameca) Meilland pimpinellifolia Altaica'idänjuhannusruusu climbing Altissimo' climbing Amadeus' (Klettermaxe) Kordes shrub generosa AmandineChanel® Masamcha Massad tea hybrid Ambassador' Meilland Floribunda Amber Abundance (Harfizz) Harkness Floribunda Amber Queen' Harkness shrub Amber Sun' Kordes ground-cover AmberCover® poulsen tea hybrid Ambiente' Noack David Austin Ambridge Rose' Gallica Ambroise Paré Floribunda Amelia Renaissance ™ poulsen rambler American Pillar' tea hybrid Amour de Molene Nirp shrub Amstelveen (Meipopul) Meilland shrub Amstelveen ® Meilland Floribunda Amsterdam' minature Amulett' tantau pimpinellifolia Amy Robsart' tea hybrid Anastasia Nirp tea hybrid Andre le Notre Meilland Floribunda Flower Circus Angel Kordes shrub persica Angel Eyes'(CHEWdelight) warner shrub Angela' Kordes David Austin Ann Boleyn' Floribunda Ann Henderson Fryer minature Anna Ford Harkness tea hybrid Annapurna (Dorblan) Dorrieux tea hybrid Anne Vanderlove' (Nirp) Nirp Floribunda AnneBirnhak Fryer Floribunda Anneke Doorenbos' tea hybrid generosa Anne-Sophie Pic® Guigro1 Guillot tea hybrid AntiguaDensiflora® Interplant climbing Antike'89' (KORdalen) Kordes climbing Antique Rose' scarman shrub generosa AntoineDeCaunes® Guiande Guillot Gruppo Sottogruppo Nome varietale Ibridatore shrub Apache (Korcatempo) Kordes tea hybrid Aphrodite® tantau Gallica Apothecary's Rose=officinalis rambler Apple Blossom' shrub Apricot Meidiland (Meibridoux) Meilland Floribunda Apricot Nectar' Floribunda Apricot Queen Elizabeth' minature ApricotClementine® tantau Rigo-Kordes Aprikola' Kordes tea hybrid Aquarell' tantau rambler Arabella's Rambler' scarman shrub Artemis (Tansimetra) tantau Floribunda Arthur Bell' hybrid-perpetual Arthur de Sansal species-wild Arvensis tea hybrid Ascot® tantau shrub Ashamed Fairy tea hybrid Ashram' tantau shrub Aspirin Rose ® tantau shrub Aspirin-Rose' tantau tea hybrid Astrid Grf.von Hardenberg tantau Floribunda Astrid Lindgren' poulsen tea hybrid Athena (Korcripoco) Kordes tea hybrid Augusta Luise' tantau climbing Auguste Gervais' tea hybrid Auguste Renoir® Meilland David Austin Austin's Buttercup' David Austin Austin's Herbalist' ground-cover Austriana' tantau Damask Autumn Damask hmusk Autumn Delight tea hybrid Avec Amour ® tantau Floribunda Palace Avila ™ poulsen climbing Awakening' minature Baby Carnaval'(BabyMasqu) minature Baby Faurax' Rigo-Kordes Bad Birnbach' Kordes tea hybrid Bahama ® Interplant Floribunda Bailando® tantau climbing Bajazzo® Kordes shrub 7 Dwarfs-Series Balduin® Floribunda Ballade ® tantau hmusk Ballerina hmusk Ballerina' Floribunda Balmoral Palace' poulsen climbing Baltimore Belle Floribunda Palace Bangalore ™ poulsen rambler banksiae Alba Plena' rambler Banksiae Banksiae' rambler Banksiae Lutea' rambler Banksiae Lutescens' climbing Bantry Bay' Gruppo Sottogruppo Nome varietale Ibridatore tea hybrid BarbadosDensiflora® Interplant tea hybrid Barkarole' tantau climbing Barock' tantau hybrid-perpetual Baron Girod de L'Ain' hybrid-perpetual Baronne A.de Rothschild' tea hybrid Baronne E.de Rothschild' Kordes hybrid-perpetual Baronne Prevost' ground-cover Basic Cover® poulsen ground-cover Bassino' Kordes Floribunda Bayerngold' tantau shrub Beatrice Krismer'(Scarman scarman Gallica Beau Nacisse shrub Beauregard® Lens hmusk Belinda' climbing Belkanto' Noack Floribunda Bella Rosa' Kordes alba Belle Amour' Gallica Belle de Crecy' tea hybrid Belle Epoque' Fryer rambler-repeat flowering Belle Epoque Blanc Liane' Belle Epoque rambler-repeat flowering Belle Epoque's Y Rambler Belle Epoque Gallica Belle Isis' shrub Belle of the Ball Harkness rugosa Belle Poitevine' Gallica Belle Sans Flatterie' shrub generosa BelleDeDom® Masdomo Massad Floribunda Belmonte (Harpearl) Harkness Floribunda Belvedere' tantau Floribunda Bengali (Korbehati) Kordes David Austin Benjamin Britten' climbing Benvenuto' Meilland Floribunda Berleburg poulsen tea hybrid Bermuda Interplant tea hybrid Bernadette Lafont' Nirp shrub Bernensis' Meilland Floribunda Bernina' Floribunda Bernstein Rose' tantau shrub 7 Dwarfs-Series Bertram® tea hybrid Best Impression tantau Floribunda Betty Boop® weeks Floribunda Betty Harkness (Harette) Harkness Floribunda Betty Prior' tea hybrid Beverly' Kordes shrub generosa BicentenaireDe Guillot® Masbigui Massad tea hybrid Biedermeier' (Tantau) tantau shrub Bienenweide Apricot® tantau shrub Bienenweide Gelb® tantau shrub Bienenweide rot® tantau tea hybrid Big Purple' ground-cover Bingo Meidiland' Meilland ground-cover Bingo Meidiland (Meipotal) Meilland shrub Bingo Meidiland ® Meilland Gruppo Sottogruppo Nome varietale Ibridatore shrub Bischofsstadt Paderborn' tantau hmusk Bishop Darlington' tea hybrid Black Baccara' Meilland Floribunda Black Forest Rose' Kordes tea hybrid Black Magic (Tankalcig) tantau climbing Blairi No 2' Damask Blanc De Vibert rugosa Blanc Double de Coubert' rugosa BlancDoubleDeCoubert alba Blanche de Belgique moss Blanche Moreau' centifolia Blanchefleur' Floribunda Blarney Castle poulsen Floribunda Blauwestadroos' Interplant climbing Blaze Superior' tea hybrid Blessings' rambler Bleu Magenta' tea hybrid Bloom of Ruth Harkness shrub Bloomfield Abundance' climbing Blossomtime' shrub Blue Boy' Interplant Floribunda Blue for You' warner tea hybrid Blue Girl'(Sautari) Nirp tea hybrid Blue Moon' tantau Floribunda Blue Parfum' tantau tea hybrid Blue River' Kordes minature Bluenette climbing Countryard Blues ™ poulsen Damask Blush Damask rambler-repeat flowering Blush Noisette' rambler Blush Rambler rambler-repeat flowering Blushing Bride' (Scarman) scarman David Austin Blythe Spirit' rambler Bobbie James' tea hybrid Bolchoi Meilland shrub Bonica' (Meidomonac) Meilland shrub Bonica (Meidomonac) Meilland shrub Bonica 82 ® Meilland Floribunda Bonita Renaissance poulsen climbing Countryard Boogie-Woogie ™ poulsen Floribunda Bordeaux (Korelamba) Kordes shrub Border Queen' scarman Floribunda Botticelli (Meisylpho) Meilland bourbon Boule de Neige' hmusk Bouquet Parfait' Lens bourbon Bourbon Queen bourbon Bourbon Rose shrub Bourgogne' Interplant climbing Bournonville Courtyard poulsen Floribunda Castle Bradford ™ Poulsen tea hybrid Braveheart®=GordonsCollege Fryer climbing Breath of Life Harkness Gruppo Sottogruppo Nome varietale Ibridatore tea hybrid Breathtaking (Hargalore) Harkness Floribunda Bremer Stadtmusikanten Kordes rambler Brenda Colvin' rambler-repeat flowering Brewood Belle' scarman climbing Bridge of Sighs Harkness shrub persica Bright as aButton (=CHEwsumsighns) warner shrub Bright Meilove (Meikacedal) Meilland Floribunda Flower Circus Briljant Kordes Floribunda Brilliant Pink Iceberg® minature Brilliant S.Dream® Fryer Floribunda Britannia Fryer tea hybrid Broceliande' (Adarhuit) Nirp David Austin Brother Cadfael' Floribunda Brown Velvet (Macultra) shrub generosa Bruno Perpoint® Masbruper Massad rambler Brunonii' hmusk Buff Beauty' hmusk Bukavu® Lens centifolia Bullata' tea hybrid Burgund 81' Kordes Floribunda Burgundi Ice' rambler-repeat flowering Burgundy Rambler' scarman shrub 7 Dwarfs-Series Burkhardt® tea hybrid Burlesque Nirp Floribunda Castle Cadillac ™ Poulsen Floribunda Castle Caesarea
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