8 - M i - n SOUTH Windsor- Newly MANCHESTER. "For listed. Lovely 3 bed­ summer fun and pic­ RIDING AAowtr, 25" with room Raised Ranch, nic's". Don't miss this cort. Brlgga and Strat­ ton motor. UnuMd two I!lt1c|tfaiis large country kitchen, beautiful 9 room, 4 Snooze or lose ytara. $175.6494)157. CLYDE Seventh win IVb baths, L-thaped bedroom, eat-ln kit­ CHEVROLBT-BUICK, INC. i family room, new car­ chen, living room with ^ 1 ^ / IfiTiMpFMB/ N ^ U ilN E O U S INECNEATIONAL ROUTE S3, VERNON V ^ Y Abe peting, large deck on bay window and fire­ CHILD CARE REMQOELINB - dentera Springs aulet cul-de-sac. Call place plus large fomlly M m 8ERVKE8 I EQUIPMENT •OCsfiluryA*. •2696 Doctor, why am.l so tired? Eagles walk away fo r details. $183,700. room, bright and beau­ iZ ChewsIMtw. •2496 LICENSED Daycare has R.J. Roofing. No lob too no place to go /3 Century 31 Epstein tiful leading to patio, openings In our Man­ C A R K Iim A ODD lobs. Trucking FDR Sole new hockey 84 Century LTD 4 *. •7396 Get a good night’s sleep /7 big or too small. Will with 8-3 victory /ll Realty, 647-8895.0 bar-b-aue and top of R EM O K U IN SERVICES Home repairs. You equipment. Used 84CIMIan4*. Cami chester home. Ihfants work 7 days, until lob •3996 Co v e n t r y - Excellent the line heated pool welcomed. Call 646- CompMe home rapalra and re- name It, we do It. Free twice. 8500 or best •SCm ltorx*. •8996 speoiallzal-------- In bath­ complete. 10 percent The business opportunity! I and hot tubi Only 4651. estimates. Insured. 643- offer. Coll 647-8155 af­ 88 C htvy C-IO p/ u . '6 9 9 6 rooms and khehens. SmaU aeale discount for senior citi­ 0304. nouncet Profitable autobody, $310,000. Century-31 ter 6:30pm. Atk for • 6 Olds Dells op«L •9996 Lindsey Real Estate. zens. Free estimates. camper repair and used-car Joe 649-9351. Paulo. • 8 Neve CL •5996 business; land - 3.7 649-4000.O 397 Pori ...........646-8166 THREE Speed bicycle. 87CuHeeet*. •10,995 acres; building; tools; 1 ^ LAWN CARE Conservative wav to HANDYMAN MANCHESTER. "Brand Hems ImerevsmanI - Polntlns Used once, too toll for • 7 Pent 6000 SIX 4 dr *14,996 The des wrecker and business new listing". Terrific Install or repair your roof - Bossmsnft nnlshsd - Tllino - It. 880. 643-2806. Camp Included. Come out to­ NEED your lawn mowed krrcHEN A BATii and savel Deal direct with UsM Carpentry. OOD JOBS - 67 Csveller tdr. •7996 expanded Cape, 8 •7 Pont Qrsnd Am •9995 three, t day and bring your rooms, 3 bedrooms, or raked? Any odd lobs roofer. Wood ond cedar INSUm O MUSICAL ST Bpeetrum 4 Or. Each 8 * checkbooklll den, office, formal din­ outside. 649-3104. Reas­ REMODELING shoke spectollstl Seal BARRY SCANLON •6496 $395,000.00 Klernan onable rotes. downs. 37 years ITEMS 87 Monte Cerlo •10,995 provide ing room, expanded From the smallest repair to experience. 644-2411 free sttlmatet Reolty. 649-1147. o basement, covered pa­ e o iK ir DraOSCAnNA the largest renovation, we 87 Bulok Regel 2 dr. *10,996 Sessic FREE. Upright piano. 67 Century 4 dr. *wvo vtRNON- Charming 3 tio, garage and conve­ ProfM onel Lewn will do a complete job. Start 871-7990. to 3 p.nn bedroom Ranch on cul- nient location on quiet Please telephone 644- Sessic Melntenence to finish. Free estimates. “RENMAftO MRRONS • mimoiis 3968. de-sac In quiet fam ily streetl Priced to sell at U09WfMfOltl« MssMsfiMii BrlgMsn up your home. iianrhpBtfr Ipralfi p.m. fre HOM mPROIflHINT 872-9111 CompM* HwMsotpIfM tfMlofi. OaH neighborhood. Large $153,000. Century-31 for your tfM aallmsAa. Heritage KHchen A Beaeenablypfloedk Sessic fireplaced living room Lindsey Real Estate. WlnPsws a Peers MISCELLANEOUS 646-4075 ( Bath Center Ne Jeb Tee Ms er Tee Smell referenoie, Inauiad. flexible ilerle and eat-ln kitchen. 649-4000. □ • Over M years experlenoe. FOB SALE v« 4 Come visit our showroom at: lex Senler Cmten DHceunI July 30 Fully finished base­ MANCHESTER. Newer 487-5670 162 W. Middle Tpke. Member ef me imemoNeael Con- ment. Central A/C. listing. Lovely 9 room ACCENT CLASS CO. FOR Sole. Complete set Appli< Tiony Manchester FIESTA 1980- Needs a Great starter home on Cape, 1st floor family LAWN Cell728-0781 647-0146 Encyclopedia Brltton- Thursday, April 28, 1988 office f< utlvo A Anytime little work. $200 or best Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm A child-safe streetl Coll 30 Cents room with skylights. 6 4 9 5 4 0 0 Ico. Assorted bike otter. Coll otter 5:00. 4:30 p.n turei today I $149,900. Kler- M O W IN G ports. Coll 647-8155 ot­ Completely new kit­ HAR ROOFING 649-4615. Volun con- nan Reolty. 649-1147. □ chen with bullt-lns, fin­ Oopendabla Service. POWER WASHING ter 6:30pm ask for nuch FARRAND REM0DELIN6 RaaManllal roofing of all lypaa. voluntei MANCHESTER- ished rec room with Call for Free Estimates. Room additions, dsoks, roofing, Inisitor a Bxlsrlor Paulo. SUBARU GL Hatchback 'lono FREE ESTIMATES. Malmsnanoe, Rsnovatlona 1986. Mint condition, Glastonbury line. Red­ wood stove. 30x40 In- Paul siding, windows and gutters. 10% Sanlor CHhan Olaeounl. ' Soto, 2 swivel rockers, ground pool. All for 646-6868 Baehhoe and bulldozer sen^ and Pointing. low mileage, 14,000. wood Farms. B room All Woih Oboranlaed. Insured • Senior DIeeounts approxim ately 12x16 J u n to Kim Colonial. 4 bedrooms, $173,900. U 8. R Realty. available. Call Bob Fonand, Jr. rug, pair end tables and Excellent shape Inside Gor- and out. See to believe. 3'/b baths, 3 cor att­ 643-3693. EASTERN 647-S2Se lamps. Floor lamp, an­ MancI loroe 6 u8. 647-8509 Renovatloiu/Plus $5700. 647-1924 or 647- Revaluation study ached garage. Fire- LAWNCARE Rai. 645-6849 tique smoke stand, also executii otht, placed family room, MANCHESTER. A good Offer/m a Full Lins of 646-2253 1264. »,000. P Lawn S Vsrd Ssrvicss small toot locker p.m. at sound Investment In P hardwood floors, eat- HEATW6/ PLYM OU TH Horizon TC- BOO. Momne. amdhig. neMtag t MorW trunk, men's Tokoro 10 May 19. ln kitchen, deck. By this 4-4 Duplex like new 868 Homi PATIO DOOR QUSS speed bike. Coll M ary 3 1980 tor sole. Stand­ FuSv Ineuied • Free ttHmelec PLUM6IN6 Colony ( e the owner. $339,900. 643- Inside and out, new • Senlo, enpen DIeoounIs Improvsmsnts 6 Repair 645-8709 otter 1pm. ard, good body, good ) thl> 8751. floors, ceilings, etc. Complete, home care. Speelii - <98e.cn Interior. Best otter. 646- and dim Cope 647-9910 Kendall Keyes tor regtseemenl (Stenaera tSiiTtl ONE Inch Copper tubing. OPEN House, Sunday 1- Oversized 3 car garage, "No Job .Too Small” R.A. DAVIDSON 100 toot coll, type "L". 3415. will foil 10x30 large lot, quiet street. • Ovor 20 ysors sxporlaneo. 4pm. 316 Autumn PlurnMna. Healing, Pump Setvioe Asking $150. Coll 646- OLDS Omega 1979. Excel­ not recommended are Ro; nino Asking $195,000. U 8< R Free Estimates Street. Lovely alumi­ Ngw Ingtillotlong, Rtpeirt, ACCENT GLASS CO. 0271. lent condition. Runs vice-pre il for Realty. 643-3693. LJS & SON Oialng Cltened, Bathroom a num sided Ranch 646-1143 647-0146 USED Antique bricks. great. Well Main­ By Andrew Yurkovsky Debbie klt- home. Move-In condi­ LandscapInB A Mowing KHohpn Rsmodsllng tained. 74,000 miles, not recommend a formal review well-prepared report before June ireo, Service Is Our Businsss Free tor the taking. Manchester Herald Hartz, c tion. $159,900. Evening CONDOMINIUMS Yard cleon-up, mowfns, full olr, AM-FM,$1200. Coll by the association. It has been 20 — and that gives you very little ower landscape service ottered. Need repairs around the Come and get 'em. appointments availa­ FOR SALE home? Coll on expert. Bus Phono 742-S3S2 Please telephone 646- between 5-7:30. 646- estimated the review would cost time to do anything with what we reof- ble. For sale by owner. Free Estimates. 5173. An independent assessor has $17,350. a flx- You'll find the help you PJ’8 Plumbing 6 Hasting CONCRETE 0271. recommend.” Guild 647-1015. MAZDA GLC 1981. A told the town his firm will likely The town has received state lork- MANCHESTER. Beacon 645-6412 Oaova mauoaa) need In Classified. 643- Boilers, pumps, hot Denne also said at the after­ ower THE Price Is right!! This HIII-FHA/CHFA ap­ 3711. TAB great little cor otter not be able to finish a review of permission to set aside its TheG water tanks, now and CPS CONCRETE 90K of TLC. $1500. 742- noon meeting of the subcommit­ I ap- fan tas tic c home Is proved. Completely Potloi, walks, tloors, drlvo- SALES the town’s troubled revaluation in problem-ridden 1987 revaluation tee that the computer program on Frid hese priced to sell at remodeled 3nd floor, 3 Liwn MswTri^ replacements. woyg, oddHIene a dccke; Jock 0209. enough time to ensure that Bloomfii Hommerino a low cutttne. but must have a new Grand List used to calculate assessments for IS of $146,900! Mint condi­ bedroom Condomi­ Edging, Hsdgs Trlminlng, I^PAINTINB/ FREE ESTIMATES MANCHESTER. April 30 recommendations can be adopted Whealor ',900. tion Inside and out- nium with a nice view lO D J p ---------- FREE ESTIMATES. reflecting the revaluation by Jan. residential properties in Man­ LlgM Trucking, ite. PAPERING 643-9640 / 228-9616 10% DMceunl for Senior atliene 8i M ay 1, 9-4.
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