United States National Museum, Under diiiectiox ok the Smitiisoni.w Institution, Washinf/tov, 'July 1, 189S. Sir: I have the honor to submit lierewith a report upon the ])reseiit eoiulition of the United States National ^luseuin, and upon the work accomplished in its various departments during the tiscal year ending- June 30, 1898. Very respectfully, Charles D. Wal(U)tt, Actinf/ Assistant Sevretary^ in eharye of U. ^S. National I^^u.sculll. Mr. S. r. Langlev, Secretary Smithsonian Institution. vu OOi^TElSrTS. Vase. Subjects V Lettkh ok tkansmittal VII Contents IX List of illustrations XI PART I. Report of the Acting Asslstant Secketaky, in chahge of the National Museum. general considerations. Organization 3 Galleries 7 Accessions 7 Atteiulauce - 7 Administration 8 Conditions ;iud needs 8 Sjtace 9 Increase in the scientific staff 10 Purchasing and collecting fund . 10 Distriltntion of specimens 11 A new Museum building 11 future development OF the NATIONAL MCSEIAL Reports of Head Curators. Report on the department of anthropology for the year 1897-98 19 General administrative work 19 Acquirement of Museum materials 20 Preservation of collections 24 Classification and research 24 Installation 25 The geographical or ethnographical arrangement 25 The developmental arrangement 26 Special assemblage—chronological, cyclopedical, comparative 27 Placement of exhibits 27 Anthropological e.Khibit of the U. S. National Museum at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition 30 Report on the department of biology for the year 1897-98 35 Report on the department of geology for the year 1897-98 45 SUMMARY ()! THE OPERATIONS OF THE YEAR. The Museum sta tf 51 Ap]»ropiiations and expenditures 51 IX . X CONTENTS. Page. Buildings 54 Accessions and registration 55 Distribntion and exchanges 57 La))els --- 59 Visitors fiO 8tnd<'nts and investigators 61 Cooj)erati<iu of the Kxefutive Departments of the Government ()7 Ideutifieation of specimens and information fnrnished 68 P(ibli( atioiis 68 Library ^.- 70 Ex])lorations 70 Taxidermy and osteology 74 Photography 76 Expositions 76 APPENDICES. I. The Musenm staff" 79 II. List of accessions dnring the year ending ,Inne 30, 1898 81 III. Statement of the <listribntion of specimens (Inringtlie year ending. I iiue 30, 1898 121 l\ . liibliography of the IT. S. National Museum lor the year ending .June 30, 1898 129 V. Papers published in separate form during the year ending .June 30, 1898. 148 PART II. The Crocodilians, Lizards, and Snakes of North America. By Edward Drinker Cope 153 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIOIsrS. PLATES. The Croc ODiLiANs, Li/.akds, and Snakes ok Nohtii America. Ry Edward Drinker Cotk. Facinjr page. 1. flyoicl Jiones of Siinii;i Kbiptoglossa ami Acrodonta 1270 2. llyoicl Boues of Sauri.i Ij^uania and 1 Jiploj'lossa 1270 3. Hyoid Bones of Sauria Diploglossa, Thecaglossa, and Leptoglossa 1270 4. Hyoid Bones of Sauria Leptogloesa and Annnlati 1270 5. Color variations of Cnemidopboius tessellatus and of Cuemidophorus gulaiis 1270 6. Viscera of Typlilops liberlensis Hallowell . > 1270 7. Viscera of Charina bottie Blainville ... 1270 8. Viscera of Cbersydrus grauubitns Merreni 1270 9. Viscera of Coluber qnadrivittatus Holbrook 1270 10. Viscera of Heterodon ])latyrbinus Ijatreille 1270 11. Viscera of Crotalus conflueutus Say 1270 12. Henji})enes of representative types 1270 13. Hemipenes of Peropoda, Acrocbordidic, and ( 'alauiarina' 1270 14-l!S. Hemipenes of Colnbriua' 1270 19. Hemipenes of Colnbrina- and Natricina- 1270 20. Hemipenes of Natricinn' 1270 21. Hemipenes of Natricina' and Homalopsinai 1270 22. Hemi])enes of Lycodontinte 1270 23. Hemipenes of Droniiclna' and Leptognatbinn' 1270 24. Hemipenes of Xenodontma' and Dromicina' 1270 25. Hemipenes of Xenodontina', Dromicina", and Scytalina^ 1270 26. Hemipenes of Erytbrolamprina- and Scytalina> 1270 27. Hemipenes of Dromicina', Leptognatbina', Erytbrolamprin;i', and Dipsa- dina' 1270 28. Hemipenes of Dipsadina* 1270 29. Heiiiii)enes of Proteroglypba and Platycerca 1270 30. Hemi])enes of Proteroglypba, Platycerca, and Solenoglypba 1270 31. Hemipenes of Solenoglypba 1270 32-36. Variations in Marking on Snakes 1270 XI . XII LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. TEXT FiraiRES. Tni<: Ckocodilians, I^izards, Axn Snakes of North America. By Edward Drinker Cope. Page. 169 1. Alligator inissisaippiensis Dandiu - - 2. Crocodilus americanus Lanrenti 174 3. Details of Emneiccs (luiutjiieliueatus Linnji'us (female) 177 4. Details of Osceola doliata sy8pila Cope 177 Vk Diagram of peritoneum of Sauria, with all the folds displayed by a trims- verse section near tbe middle of the liver 1!'7 6. Iguaniuii'. Basiliscus plumifrons Cope 214 7. Ignanid;c. Iguana tnberculata Linna-ns 214 8. Igiiauida'. Phymaturus palluma Molina 214 9. Ignauidai. Phrynosoma cornutnm Harlan 214 10. AgamidiP. Lophnra amboineusis Schlosser 215 11. Agamidie. Physignathus mentager Giinther 215 12. Agamidie. Uromastix spinipes Daudin 215 13. Agamida^. Moloch horridns Gray 215 14. Iguanida?. Crotaphytus wisllzenii Baird and (Jirard 216 15. Agamidie. Liolepis bellii Gray 217 16. Anolis carolinensis Cnvier 233 17. Ctenosaura bemilopha Cope. La Paz, Lower California 239 \X. Dipsosaurns dorsalis Baird and Girard. Fort Ynma, Arizona 243 19. Crotajihytus collaris Say. Lake Valley, New Mexico 248 20. Crotaphytus reticnlatus Baird. Ringgold Barracks, Texas 254 21. Ciotaphytus wislizenii Baird and Girard. San Bernardino, California 256 22. Saurouialus hispidus Stejneger. Angel Island, Gulf of California 264 23. Saurouialus ater Dumeril. Yauqjai Valley, Arizona 266 24. Callisaurus draconoides draconoides Blainville. Cape San Lncas, Lower California 270 25. Callisaurns draconoides ventralis Hallowell. Mojave Desert, California.. 275 26. Ptenopus garrulus Smith 277 27. Uma uotata Baird. Arizona 278 28. Uma rnfopuuctata Cope. Arizona 280 29. Uma scoparia Cope. Tucson, Arizona 282 30. Holbrookia texana. Troschel. El Paso, Texas 286 31. Holbrookia propiucpia Baird and Girard 290 32. Holbrookia macnlata lacerata Cope 292 33. Holbrookia macnlata macnlata Baird and (Jirard. Fort Kearny to Laramie, Wyoming 294 34. Holbrookia macnlata tlavilenta Cope. Lake Valley, New Mexico 298 35. Uta tlialassina Cope. La Paz, Lower California 302 36. Uta repens Van Denbnrgh. Lower California 303 37. I Tta mearnsii Stejneger. Southern C!alifornia 304 38. Uta stansbnriana Baird and Girard. Between Nogales and Rio Grande . 307 39. Uta palmerii Stejneger. San Pedro Martir Island, Gulf of California 313 40. Uta levis Stejneger. Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico 314 41. Uta ornata Baird and Girard. San Pedro 315 42. Uta symmetrica Baird 318 43. Uta bicarinata Dnnn^ril. Chihuahua, Mexico 321 44. Uta nigricauda Cope. La Paz, Lower California 323 45. Uta parviscntata Van Denburgh. Lower California 324 46. Uta graciosa Hallowell. Southern California 326 47. Lysoptychns lateralis Cope. San I )iego, Texas 329 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XIII Page. 48. Sceloporus oniatus Baird. Coahuila 844 49. Sceloporus janovii 'Jopt\ Arizona H46 50. Sceloporus torcjuatus Peale and Greene 348 51. Sceloporus torquatus poinsettii Baird and Giiard. Texas 350 52. Sceloporus orcuttii Stejneger. Southern California 355 53. Scelo])oru8 zosteronius Cope. Lower California 357 54. Sceloporus clarkii Biiird and Cirard. Arizona 358 55. Sceloporus spinosus Wieguiann. Texas 364 56. Sceloporus spinosus Wiegmaun. Pensacola, Florida 366 57. Scelo])orus undulatus Latreille. Alabama 369 58. Scelojjorus undulatus undulatus Laticille. California 372 59. Scclopiu'us undulatus tristichus Cope. New Mexico 376 60. Sceloporus undulatus cousobrinus Baird and (>iraid 378 61. Sctdojtorns l)iseriatu8 Hallowell. Utah 382 62. Sceloporus thayerii Baird and Girard. Texas 385 63. Sceloporus graciosus Baird and Girard. Oiegon 387 64. Sceloporus vandenburgianus Cope. San Diego County, California 390 65. Sceloporus gramniicus Wiegmaun. Tehuantepec 393 66. Sceloporus couchii Baird. Nnevo Lcow 395 67. Sceloporus variabilis Wiegmaun 399 68. Sceloporus scalaris Wiegmaun 402 69. Phrynosoma douglassii douglassii Bell. Fort Walla Walla 412 70. Phrynosoma douglassii hernaudesi (lirard. Arizona 413 71. Phrynosoma douglassii ornatissimum Girard. New Mexico 416 72. Phrynosoma oibiculare var. ty]iicum Wiegmann. Jalapa, Mexico 418 73. Phrynosoma solare Gray. Arizona 421 74. Phrynosoma blainvillei Gray. San Bernardino 424 75. Phrynosoma cerroense Stejneger. Cerros Island, Lower California 428 76. Phrynosoma coronatum Blainville. San Diego, California 431 77. Phrynosoma cornutum Harlan. West Texas 433 78. Anota modesta Girard. Mexican boundary 437 79. Anota calidiarum Cope. Death Valley, California 440" 80. Anota goodei Stejneger. Sonora 442 81. Anota platyrhina Girard. Utah 444 82. Anota maccallii Hallowell. Desert of Gila and Colorado 448 83. Phyllodactylus tuberculosus Wiegmaun. La Paz, Lower California 459 84. Phyllodactylus unctus Cope. Triunfo, Lower Calilornia 461 85. Sphicrodactylus notatus Baird. Florida 463 86. Eublejtharis variegatus Baird. Helotes, Texas 467 87. Heloderma suspectum Cope. Arizona 477 88. 0])hisaurus ventralis ventralis Linna'us 495 89. Oi)hisaurus ventralis Linnjeus, young, type of O. v. sulcatus Cope. Dallas, Texas 498 90. ( )phisaurus ventralis compressus Cope. South Carolina 501 91. Gerrhouotus lioceiihalus infernalis Baird. Texas 517 92. Gerrhouotus nobilis Baird and Girard. Arizona 519 93. (Jerrhonotus multicarinatus Blainville. California 522 94. Gerrhouotus buruettii Gray. California 527 95. (ierrhonotus priucipis Baird and Girard 530 96. Barrissia levicollis Stejneger 535 97. Xantusia
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