Fritz GEBAUER, Grenadier (Pvt.) A ?e - I S1 j ~e. "<'"' .I"\ d-N R e siJ.ervce : Ulld sdor-r Rifleman S.S 5 ro"" I S A ~1- I </'fJ./ 1 ~ 2. '(l>e c . fq'I'/. 4th Pl., 11th Pz. Gr. Co., 3rd Bn., 2nd Pz. Gr. Regt., LSSAH The prosecution expects to prove that this accused: 1. On or about 18 December 1944 at La Gleize, Belgium, fired on prisoners of war. 2. On or about 18 December 1944 near Cheneux, Belgium, fi red on prisoners of war. \ F, Al" d.. , N9 s : ~ u ; /-t 'j SeN fetVc e .' L e ~ , Do~ble. gun shot wound ou ·r~ar of ~s:3-d ~\ triocit , c ase near :C. t av e l ot, 8-$.1. .., ,• '* .a· bo,v·1 --C' ~ -. 19 Dec. 1941+ # o. /lo 19 I - .. '.B c dy of Myrl ti. Gion, 37463481 ;t,/o , 17 Heinz GOEDICKE, Grenadier (Pvt.) A 7 e -1 &; @er /'1 0N ·. R e siJeN c e : FveA/s-fe /lv Radioman SS 5r o"" I S Auf 19111/ To eNd. 1st Pl., 11th Pz. Gr. Co., 3rd Bn., 2nd Pz. Gr. Regt., LSSAH J.un· shot The prosecution expects to prove that this accused: ......-1n_; thru his · At~ocity 6ai ¼~~~ 1. On or about 18 December 1944 at La Gleize, Belgium, fi red on pr isoners of war. - -------- Body Qf M.yrl M. h~d /N'7 s: @ vi ff 'j S e tvfe N c.e. : L t Ernst GOLDSCHMIDT, Rottenfuehrer (Cpl.) A1e - .i 1o; ~e.r/\1\d,v' , . Re.s /J. e N C@ : B o es-feJ. Slesw,c. h- J.lolneJ~. SPW Driver S S 5 ro "" Io A j, ,-~I I 'l'fo To<!! /Vd. 2nd Pl., 3rd Pz. Pi. Co., 1st Pioneer Bn., LSSAH The prosecution expects to prove that this accused: ' . 1. On or about 17 December 1944 at Honsfeld, Belgium, fi red on prisoners of war. .., 2. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crossroads south of Ma.lmedy, Bel­ Gun shot wound at · -.r n etrating right f orehead . gium, fired on prisoners of war. Atrocity c se nea r .t av .. 19 Dec . 1941k 3. On or about 19 December 1944 at Stoumont, Belgium, fi red on prisoners of war. Body of C~1 H . F/,-vd /,v1s: G- u i ItJ s<e ,A/ j e /VC e. .' wound o.. 1i,S A r case near , t~~el ot , 19 ec_. ~ •,,.. ;'"4 ,, .... -,,,- /. • B ;d-J of H~rry A. Cz_a .,·1'.'.L:lusJd..,_ shots on about ~ans GRUHLE, Hauptsturmluehrer (Capt.) A <f e - :l lo). (;e Y--1'1 oJV Res ,'d.e Nce : E.lleMdt.r7- ///r #vrNbe r1 ------ -- -- - --- - Adjutant J SS ~ r o M .:l Oc.1. /'f 3 ~ Tb e ...., cl . 1st SS Pz. Regt., LSSAH The prosecution expects to prove that this accused: 1. On or about 15 December 1944 aided and abetted in the transmission of the Regimental order that no prisoners of war were to be taken. 2. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crossroads south of Malmedy , Belgium, permitted prisoners of war to be shot. 3. On or about 22 December 1944 at La Gleize, Belgium, aided and abetted in the shooting of prisoners of war. 4. Was responsible for the shootings of prisoners of war and allied civilians by men of the 1st SS Pz. Regt. between 16 December 1944 and 13 J anuary , 1945. ' ', gun . s"hot. 'wo.un~~-'pene'tr,at:1-ng ~~ _· ·. , . some emerging . At.r,:0city c ase rt©"& --~- .- F/"" J / ,,.., I s : C5:-,., i Ifj l ot, Bel gium, abo1-1-t 19 :)ec . 194J+ · SeNfeNC e. : ( i • ---- - Max HAMMERER, Rottenfueh~er (Cpl.) Aqe - 2 1j (;e v-M AN Boo.:,. of - ~ M.essenger ff es i'J..e N c e ·. fit o N ,' e, h SS S r e,N\ A.f r ; / l'l'f3 To 21/Dec. J'f&ft./, 2nd Pl., 3rd Pz. Pi. Co., 1st Pioneer Bn., LSSAH The prosecution expects to prove that this accused: 1. On or about 17 December 1944 at Honsfeld, Belgium, fired on prisoners of war. 2. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crossroads south of Malmedy, Bel­ gium, fired on prisoners of war. I 3. On or about 19 Decembet1 1944 at Stoumont, Belgium, fired on prisoners of war. I 4. On or about 20 December 1944 at Stoumont, Belgium, fired on prisoners of war. 5. On or about 21 December 1944 at La Gleize, Belgium, fired on prisoners . of fcce of war. 0;yre on n@-se . Note : on l s-f t hand . 6. On or about 22 'December 1944 at La Gleize, Belgium, fired on prisoners 1.., oc i t-~ .case of war. · el t~ Belgi . hoL 1 e~c 1 ~~-........-----..... .,. ;· .. , ..... / ... ;,/ -· - (}, n. sot WO nds ... left temp le enetra t ing rfg: t te1.1~e . •..tro city c·ase n e a r t a v elr- , Be g i 1,un about 19 Dec. 19lµ+ ;11t>. 2/ Armin HECHT, Rottenfuehrer (Cpl.) A</e - 2./ j Ce. rM6/V' SPW Driver Resi J.. eNc. e. : ,/VJ j /fii"-z.. S 5 5 .- 1> "'\ 3 o CJ cl. 11J./ ¥ 'l-o e Al-1..... • 1st Pl., 1lth Pz. Gr. Co., 3rd Bn., 2nd Pz. Gr. Regt., LSSAH The prosecution expects to prove that this accused: 1. On or about 18 December 1944 at La Gleize, Belgium, fired on prisoners of war. F/N'd.. 1 N1 s: ~ui ft,j Sel\,rf e ,vc.e ,' I- 1 La~:ll e~e, . 1 !um Eight Ame r can pw ,s. were murdered by this Church wall. Heinz HENDEL, Hauptscharfuehrer (M/ Sgt.) O · A1e - 3 1 ~er~ o Al' Platoon Leader !fe.s i.deNce :Fr,eJeA1fhdl ,Ve4,r Berh',v S$ £ ~ O /"\ I j_ P'I 4 j IC, '3 4 f t> e 1\1 d . 2nd Pl., 11th Pz. Gr. Co., 3rd Bn., 2nd Pz. Gr. Regt., LSSAH The prosecution expects to prove that this accused: 1. On or about 15 December 1944 in a talk to his platoon ordered that no prisoners were to be taken and that civilians who showed themselves should be shot. • 2. Was responsible for the shooti~gs of prisoner of war and allied ·civilians I by men of his platoon between 16 December 1944 and 13, January 1945. school-hou~e in the rear. Lasliez~.LE~lgiu.­ wall in front cf church where many pw •s we~c F1#d ;A/ 1s: e;u; ltj Se ,,.;-/e Al ee. : murdered, ,01 j ,·· ' on Lne ri0 n.t • La ., llcze, ....... ~)- • .. j.. > - Hans HENNECKE, Untersturmfuehrer (2nd Lt.) /:/ 1e _- ,13; ,Q.e.-r~ d. IV Re s 1J e # C re..v.-v.-:se le.v i> e Y-cf Platoon Leader e : Wc1 l<'f SS .5 r 6 .N\ / ~ N " v. I 9' 3 ,- :To e ,vd,_ 1st Pl., 1st Pz. Co., 1st Bn., 1st SS Pz. Regt., LSSAH The prosecution expects to prove that this accused: The spot where 150 to 200 pw t s were killed l. On or about 15 DecEmber 1944 in a speech to his platoon ordered that no prisoners of war were to be taken. 2. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crossroads south of Malmedy, Bel­ gium, permitted a crew member of his tank to fire on prisoners of war. 3. On or about 18 December 1944 near Stavelot, Belgium, permitted his tank to fire on allied civilians. 4. On or about 19 December 1944 at Stoumont, Belgium, permitted men under his command to fire on prisoners of war. 5. On or about 22 December 1944 in La Gleize, Belgium, furnished a detail to shoot prisoners of war. 6. Was responsible for the shootings of prisoners of war and allied civilians by men of his platoon between 16 December 1944 und 13 January 1945. F/NcL ;IV 9s: ~ LJ i {t j SeN'fe N'c e : 1 ( in back of t h e Sc ool-house, 1aalleze, Belgium ' The r~ar of D~. :obinaon, s house antl seerte Hans HILLIG, Unterscharfuehrer (Sgt.) lt7e - 2 J./; G;e '</\'\ dN SPW Driver Reside /V ee. : Dce6el~ SoxoN:J S$ -5 r•""' I P C! 6.1 ~ .flo -/ b I S ~ ,6 ~; / 1 c;aJS Communications Pl., HQS Co., 1st SS Pz. Regt., LSSAH The prosecution expects to prove that this accused: 1. On or about 17 December 1944 at the crossroads south of Malmedy, Bel­ gium, fired on prisoners of war. 2. On or about 19 December 1944 at Stoumont, Belgium, fired on prisoners of war. h ~J.. itv9s : @u il~ SeNie N c@ ·. of the HILLI G :nurder, stoumont, Belgium Near R•R• station, stoumont, BOlgi"'Jm /Vo. - 2.S- Heinz HOFMANN, Rottenfuehrer (Cpl.) Acje - ~;..)· ~e.Y--/'? d 'r/ 1 Gunner fi'e$id e NC e : B oN"N' i>ctee,.v, /-le s si d.. on-e of the ou.t / . SS 5 ,.. 6" ~ /'1d ,v: 1743 Tt> e ,vd.- 2nd Pl., 2nd Pz. Co., 1st Bn., 1st SS Pz. Regt., LSSAH The prosecution expects to prove that this accused: 1. On or about 19 December 1944 at Stoumont, Belgium, fi red on prisoners of war. £ N'di N''7s : Csu ilfj Se Nie Nee .' ' \ a.t art~1est po nt of' t..dva.nce , stoumont, Belgium Joachim HOFMANN, Sturmrnann (Pfc.) A9e - I 9j ~e.v--M dN SPW Driver Re.s ide /\/c-e : O.sf,d.v S :ft- o M // Oc/.
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