DIRECTORY.] LEICESTERSHIRE. BARROW-oN-SOAR. 33 Public Elementary School, erected, with master's house, in ICarriers.-Fredk. Weston, to & from Leicester, every wed. 1878, at a cost of £1,000: it will hold 220 children; & sat.; Joseph Weston, to & from Leicester, every wed. average attendance, 200; William Fell, master; Mrs. & sat. & John Grain, to & from Leicester every wed. Fell, infants' mistress I & sat PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dean William Spencer, farmer Petcher Thomas, farmer Bell Rev. William James [curate in chrge] Gibson John, fishmonger Shepherd Edith M. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Cuthbert J o:!eph IGoJfrey Elizh. & Sarah (Misses), farmers Smith Edward, blacksmith Hood Miss Grain John, farmer & carrier Starbuck Percy, cycle dealer Kirkman Wm. Christian J.P. Manor ho I Hextall Samuel, farmer, G .. rland's lane Starbuck WaIter, Old Red Lion P.R Palmer Rev. Charles Edward [Baptist] Jackson WiIliam, Three Tun~ P.R Thomp.on Sarah 01r3.), shopkeeper COl!}{ERCIAL. Kenton Albert, shopkeeper Webster William, butcher Blower Joseph, shopkeeper Kirk Joseph, shopkeeper Weston Arthur, insurance agent Blunt Joseph, farmor Kirkland William, shopkeeper We3ton Fre:!erick, carrier Boulter Edward, insurance agent Kirkman William C. farmer, Manor ho Weston Joseph, boot maker Bradbury Thomas, carpenter :-Ieale Frederick, tailor, & P03t office Weston Joseph, greengrocer & carrier Brown Joseph, shopkeeper Nutting Arthur James, boot & shoe ma We,ton Richard, grazier Cave Arthur, assistant overseer Pegg Richard, farmer Whitehead Jam"s, Old Jolly Toper P.R BARROW·ON-SOAR is a towllship, parish and Langley Hall, and the trustees of the Barrow Hospital are union town on the river Soar, which is navigable, and the principal landowners. T le soil is chiefly clay; subsoil affords water communication with all parts of the king· clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley ani beans. The dom, with a station on the Midland railway, 3 miles area of the township is 2,462 acrcs of lan:! and 35 of water; lIOuth'east from Loughborough, 10 north from J,eicester, rateable value, £16,729; the population in 1901 was, in 19! sout.h·east from Del·by, 17,i south from Nottingham the township, 2,409, and in the eccle,i,ntical parish, 2,438. and 1121 miles from London, in the Mid division of the Netherfield and The Nook are places in the parish. county, hundred of East Goscote, petty sessional divi· sion and county court district of Loughborough, rural Parish Clerk, William Ladkin. deanery of East Akeley, archdeaconry of Leicester and Post, M. O. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.­ diocese of Peterborough. The village is lighted with gas by Mrs. Annie Myatt,sub·postmistress. Letters arrive from the Quorn and Mountsorrel Gas Company and supplied Loughborough at 6.45 a.m. & 1.20 p.m.; dispatched at with water by the Corporation of Leicester from works in 8.55 R.m. & 1, 5.35 & 8.10 p.m. No sunday delivery the parish of Swithland. In 1884, by Local Government Wall Boxes.-Sileby road, cleared 8.25 a.m. & 12.35, 5.35 & Board Order, Mountsorrel North End was amalgamated 7.35 p.m.; Railway Station, cleared 8.50 a.m. & 12.55, with this parish. The church of the Holy Trinity is a 5.50 & 7.55 p.m.; Industry square, 8.30 a.m. & 12.40, building of granite and partly in the Early De­ 5.30 & 7.40 p.m.; Main street, 8.35 a.m. & 12.45, 5.40 corated style, but chiefly Perpendicular, and consisting & 7.45 p.m.; Cotes road, 8.40 a.m. & 12.50, 5.35 & 7.50 of chancel, nave, south porch, aisles and transepts and p.m.; Paw;!y, 8.45 a.m. & 5.5 p.m an embattled western tower containing a clock and 5 bells, dated 1642 (two), 1620, 1692 and 1832 and rehung BARROW·ON·SOAR RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. in 1870: there are memorial windows to William Went Comprising the parishes in Barrow·on·Soar union, except worth Heude M.D. Surgeon·Major H.M. Madras Army, erected in 1872, and to the Rev. Richard Gwatkin B.D. Quorndon & Thurmaston. The area is 46,469 acres; vicar 1832 to 1853, erected in 1911 by his son, the Rev. the population in 1911 was 23,740. Thomas Gwatkin: the stained east window, erected in Council meets at the Board Room, The Workhouse, Rothley. 1889 by Lieut.·Gen. Edward Chippindall C.B. is a on alternate m~n1ays at 12.30 p.m. memorial to Theophilus Cave, benefactor of the living Chairman, Cecn Ogden, Syston, Leicester (ob. 1656), Humphrey Babington, founder of the hospital Officials. (ob. 1669), and William Beveridge, bishop of St. Asaph, Clerk, Thomas Forward, Union offices, Mountqorrel who was born in this parish (ob. 1708): the armorial Treasurer, WaIter Wehb, Parr's Bank, Loughborough bearings of the above, together with those of St. John's Medical Officer of Health, John E,\ward O'Connor ll.B.. College, Cambridge, form part of the design: there are monuments in the chancel to Henry Cave, of Barrow, B.ch., D.P.R. White lodge, Kirby l\Iuxloe, Leicester dated 1600, who married Phillipa, daughter of Robert Highway SLU"veyor, George H. Lee, Syston Braham, of Barrow; also one to Theophilus Cave, gent. Sanitary Surveyors & Inspectors, George T. Dean, Rothley dated 1584: new oaken gates for the south porch & C. H. Wright, Syston were presented in 1898 by Lieut.-Gen. Chippindall: Canal Boats Inspector, J ames B. Morley, Mountsorrel the chancel was entirely rebuilt in 1862 by the trustees of Barrow Hospital, who are the lay impro­ BARROW-ON-SOAR UNION. priators; and the church was completely restored in The Barrow·on·Soar union comprises the following 1870, and re-opened 1 Nov. in that year: in 1907 the church parishes :-Anstey, Anstey Pastures, Barkby, Barkby was again restored and a new organ, organ chamber, Thorpe, Barrow·on·Soar, Beaumont Leys, Beeby, Bir­ vestries &c. added at a cost of £1,700; there are 500 stall, Cossington, Cropston, Croxton South, Gilroes, sittings. The register dates from the year 1563. The Leicester Frith, Mountsorrel, Newtown Linford, Queni· living is a vicarage, net yearly value £340, derived borough, Quorndon, Ratcliffe, Rearsby, Rothley, Sea· chiefly from 19(} acres of glebe, value £230, with residence, grave, SiIeby, Swithland, Syston, Thrussington, Thur­ in the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge, and held since caston, Thurma<t.on, Ulverscroft, Walton.on·the·Wolds, 1904 by the Rev. Thomas Stone M.A. of that College. The Wanlip & Woodhouse. The area of the union is 50,451 Catholic chapel, erecte;! in 1839, and de;licated to St. Alban, acres; rateable value Lady Day, 1911, £182,979; th" is served by the pri~st from Sileby; there is also a Baptist population in 1911 was 27,950. chapel, built in 1820 and seat,ing 300; and. Wesleyan and Board day, monday, fortnightly at 11 a.m. Primitive Methodist chapels. The cemetery, formed in Chairman of the Board of GU3rdiaIl'!, W. H. Wright, Sileby, 1893, covers half an acre of la 'Id : it has a mortuary chapel, Loughborough and is under the control of the Parish Council. Tbere are Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Thomas charities of £900 annual value, including hospitals or alms· Forward, Union offices, l\Iountsorrel houses for eleven aged men, each of whom receives 7s. a Treasurer, WaIter Webb, Parr's Bank, Loughborough week, and for eight aged women, each receiving 6s. a week. Collectors, Relieving & Vaccination OJlicers, Barrow dis­ The burning of lime, obtained from the lower lias formation trict, James Bingley Morley, l\Iountsorrel; Syston dis· which underlies a large pertion of the parish, is extenSively trict, J oseph North, Syston carried On here, and many intel·esting fossils have been Vaccination Officers, J. B. Morley, Mountsorrel; Israel found. This parish was the birthplace in 1637 or 1638 of Lovett, Sileby; J. North, Syston; E. Bradley, Rothley Wnliam Beveridge D.D. of St. John's College, Cambridge, Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Barrow-on·Soar prebendary of St. Paul's and Canterbury, and bishop of tlt. district, Waiter Benjamin Garvin L.R.C.P. & s.Edin. Asaph, 1704-8; his grandfather, father and brother were Sileby; Birstall district, Alfred Wilson E nm~ M.D.Durh. -successively vicars here, and he himself was for some Belgrave; Quorn district, James Arthur Unitt L.R.C.P. time vicar or Ealing and rector of St. Peter's, Cornhill; Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng.; Quorn Anstey district, George James be died in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey, 5 March, Hams L.R.c.p.LOnd., M.R.c.S.Eng. Amtey; Rothley 1708, and was buried in St. Paul's. Here are the kennels district, William Paulson L.R.c.p.LOnd. MountsorreI; Syston and stables of the celebrated Quorn Hunt, of which Capt. district, Harry Parker Dalley L.R.C.P. & s.Edin. Syston F. Forester is master; the pack hunts four times a week. The Workhouse, Rothley, is a structure of brick, holding Melton Mowbray and Leicester are convenient places for 300 imnates; Ernest W. Carter, master; Rev. Edward hunting visitors. Edward Handley Warner esq. of Quorn Lloyd Simpson M.A. chaplain; William Paulson LoR.Col'. Ball, who is lord of the manor; Geo. W. Peach ,sq. of Lond. medical officer; Mrs. E. W. Carter, matron LEIC::-. & HCT. 3 .
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