All-in-One Tree of Earle Scott Bushnell Francis Busshenell Busshenell Joan William Busshenell Joan Died: 1564 William Bushenell Alice Bushenell Joan Bushenell Elizabeth Bushenell John Bushenell John Bushenell Alice Died: Abt. 20 Oct 1585 William Bushnell John Bushnell Richard Bushnell Isabel Agnes Bushnell Margaret Bushnell William Bushnell Richard Bushnell Alice Bushnell William Bushnell Richard Bushnell Died: 07 Jun 1618 Nicholas Bushnell Elizabeth Died: 1593 Francis Bushnell Marjory Died: 1625 Henry Quenell Beatrice Carter Francis Bushnell II Ferris Quenall Born: 1580 Born: 17 Apr 1587 Died: 1646 Died: 10 Mar 1626/27 John Bushnell Sarah Bushnell Rev. Hoadley Rebecca Bushnell Mathew Marvin Thomas Grombridge Anne Ive Edmond Bushnell Stephen Bushnell Mary Bushnell Thomas Leffingwell Thomas Bushnell Elizabeth Bushnell Ruth Bushnell Born: 23 Apr 1615 Born: 1625 Born: 15 Apr 1621 Born: 27 Apr 1606 Born: 31 Jan 1611/12 Born: 25 Dec 1618 Born: 1617 Born: 08 Mar 1626/27 Born: 1612 Died: 05 Aug 1667 Died: 23 Mar 1635/36 Died: 12 Mar 1643/44 Died: 02 Mar 1627/28 John Bushnell Francis Bushnell III Marie M. Grombridge Born: 08 Jan 1607/08 Born: 07 Jan 1605/06 Died: 04 Dec 1681 William Bushnell Thomas Jones Mary Unknown Richard Smith Rebecca Buswell Elizabeth Bushnell Samuel Bushnell Ruth Sanford Mary Bushnell I Sarah Bushnell John Bushnell Hannah Bushnell Born: 02 Feb 1633/34 Born: Unknown Born: 20 Apr 1632 Born: 1639 Born: 1640 Born: 1645 Died: Dec 1689 Died: 17 Jun 1634 Died: 14 Jan 1688/89 Died: 1686 William Bushnell Mary Bushnell II Samuel Jones Martha Bushnell Jonathon Smith John Bushnell Born: 1642 Born: 1641 Born: 1634 Born: 1635 Died: 1727 Died: 1705 Died: 24 Apr 1711 Alexander Bushnell Francis Bushnell John I. Bushnell Lemuel Bushnell Daniel Bushnell Sterling Bushnell Thomas Bushnell William Bushnell Alexander Bushnell Augustus Bushnell Lemuel Bushnell Lewis Bushnell Daniel M. Bushnell Elijah Bushnell Collins Bushnell William Bushnell Homer Bushnell Thomas Bushnell Wilson Bushnell Daniel Bushnell Jackson Bushnell Taylor Bushnell Lewis Bushnell Hiram Bushnell Levi Bushnell Eunice Bushnell Johnson Sterling Bushnell Martin Bushnell Wells Bushnell Martin Bushnell John Bushnell Robert Bushnell Sarah Bushnell Warden Oliver J. Bushnell Fredrick Bushnell George Bushnell Newton Bushnell Alma Bushnell Phillips Ernest Johnson Burrus Bushnell William Bushnell Charles Bushnell Grant Bushnell Wilson Bushnell Henry Bushnell Douglas Bushnell Herbert Warden Mildred G. Bushnell Jerome Bushnell Almon Bushnell Francis L. Bushnell Ray Bushnell George Phillips Allen Johnson Elbert Bushnell Martin Bushnell Mary Bushnell Baker Watrous Bushnell Mart Bushnell Francis Bushnell Robert G. Bushnell Edward Bushnell Thera Bushnell Paul Bushnell Dorothy J. Bushnell Burden Guerdon Bushnell Robert Bushnell Dorothy Bushnell Nancy Bushnell Foster John Bushnell Grant A. Bushnell Mart Bushnell Robert G. Bushnell Lois Bushnell Mckinney Richard Bushnell Mary Marvin E. T. Mckinney Jane Mckinney Tait Born: 20 Apr 1623 Died: 17 Jul 1660 Robert Chapman Joseph Bushnell Mary Leffingwell Richard Bushnell Elizabeth Adgate Mary Bushnell Thomas Leffingwell Marcie Bushnell Born: May 1651 Born: Sep 1652 Born: Jan 1653/54 Born: Mar 1656/57 Died: 1747 Nathan Bushnell Johnathon Bushnell Mary Bushnell Brainard Caleb Bushnell Benajah Bushnell Anne Bushnell Elizabeth Bushnell Born: 26 May 1679 Died: 18 Feb 1723/24 Nathan Bushnell Ebenezer Bushnell Joseph Bushnell David Bushnell Johnathon Bushnell Jabez Brainard Phineas Brainard Aaron Bushnell Ebenezer Bushnell Ezekial Bushnell Jason Bushnell John Bushnell Johnathon Bushnell Daniel Brainard Mary Brainard Hurd Tracy Bushnell Joshua Bushnell Hezekia Bushnell Leonard Bushnell Thomas Bushnell Jedediah Bushnell Daniel Bushnell James Bushnell Martin Bushnell Betsey Brainard Arnold Anson F. Hurd Harvey Bushnell Joshua Bushnell Lucius Bushnell Albert Bushnell Leonard Bushnell Thomas Bushnell Gurdon A. Bushnell Asa Bushnell Eleazer Bushnell John Bushnell Elizabeth Arnold Alfred O. Blackmar Huldah A. Hurd Hardman Lucius Bushnell Harvey O. Bushnell Issac Bushnell Ann Bushnell Horace A. Bushnell David Bushnell William Bushnell Dwight Bushnell John Bushnell Henry Bushnell Cyrus Bushnell Chester Bushnell Alfred O. Blackmar Clarence E. Hardman Amon Bushnell Eleanor Bushnell Thyne Ada Bushnell Baker Salisbury Parker George Bushnell Lucius Bushnell Francis Bushnell Charles R. Bushnell Thomas Bushnell Hurbert A. Bushnell Asa Bushnell Suzanne Bushnell Ida Bushnell Bentley George Bushnell John Bushnell Savannah Blackmar Edge Newton F. Hardman Ruth Bushnell Childers Richard A. Thyne Electa Baker Galey James C. Baker Winifred Baker McMurphy Edward Baker Edward Parker Elsie Parker Dean Alvin W. Bushnell Mamie Bushnell Bunz Leroy Bushnell Miriam E. Bushnell Jeffrey W. Bushnell Robert A. Bushnell Asa Bushnell Barbara Bushnell Leonard Judy Bentley Drake George Bushnell Raymond Bushnell Dexter Edge Ralph W. Hardman Robert Chapman Rebbeca (Unknown) Jaes W. Galey Kathy S. Baker Davis Maria L. McMurphy Clayton E. Parker Rebecca Dean Burch Mary E. Bunz Becker Edward Bunz Juanita E. Bushnell Robert A. Bushnell William Bushnell Rebeccah Chapman Rebbeca Chapman Born: 03 Feb 1609/10 Born: 1617 Born: 1617 Died: 12 Nov 1683 Died: 14 May 1703 Died: 14 May 1703 Samuel Bushnell Patience Rudd William Bushnell Rebecca Stratton Rebecca Bushnell John Hand Stephen Bushnell Thomas Bushnell Judith Bushnell Abigail Bushnell Lydia Bushnell Caleb Seward Daniel Bushnell Francis Bushnell Hannah Seymour [14] Abigail Bushnell Born: 15 Sep 1645 Born: 15 Feb 1647/48 Born: 05 Oct 1646 Born: 04 Jun 1653 Born: 1653 Born: 1655 Born: 1659 Born: 1661 Born: 1657 Born: 06 Jan 1648/49 Born: Feb 1659/60 Died: 09 Dec 1711 Died: 1713 Died: Aug 1727 Died: 1683 Died: Oct 1697 Died: 30 Jun 1750 Guillaume d. St. Maur Aremburge ? William o. Scotland t: King William I of Scotland Wido d. St. Maur ?? Died: 1086 William d. St. Maur Died: 1080 Roger d. St. Maur ?? Bartholomew d. St Maur Died: 1170 William d. St. Maur ?? Milo d. St. Maur John Marshall Died: 1217 William t. Marshall Isabel de Clare Born: 1146 Died: 14 May 1219 t: Earle of Pembroke John Plantagenant Richard Marshall Gervase le Dinant Maud Marshall Gilbert Marshall Marjorie o. Scotland t: King John I of Born: 1191 Born: 1192 Died: 27 Jun 1241 England Died: 16 Apr 1234 t: 3rd Earl of Pembroke William Marshall Alice de Betun Eleanor Plantagenet Born: 1190 Died: 06 Apr 1231 t: 2nd Earl of Pembroke William d. St. Maur [10] Eva Marshall [10] Eva Marshall William de Braose Died: 1240 t: Lord of Abergaveny Roger d. St. Maur ?? Born: 1230 Died: 1300 Roger d. St. Maur ?? Born: 1258 Roger St. Maur Joan Dameral Born: 1284 Died: 08 Oct 1361 Anne Seymour Nicholas Dawnay John Beauchamp Margaret St. John t: Sir Roger St. Maur Cecily de Beauchamp Born: 1314 t: Sir Knight Lettice Seymour Gilbert Gamage Born: 1343 William Seymour Margaret De Born: 1342 Brookbury Died: 25 Aug 1391 Roger Seymour Maud Esturmi Born: 1370 John Seymour Isabel Williams Born: 1400 Died: 20 Dec 1464 Margaret Seymour Born: 1428 John Seymour Elizabeth Croker Born: 1425 t: Sheriff of Wiltshire Humphrey Seymour Elizabeth Winslowe Alexander Seymour Born: 1453 Died: 1501 George Darrell Margaret Stourton t: Sir John Seymour Elizabeth Darrell Born: 1450 Died: 1491 William Seymour Elizabeth Byconnyll Jane Seymour John Huddlestone Elizabeth Seymour John Croft Margaret Seymour Nicolas Wadham Born: 1478 Born: 1469 Born: 1471 Born: 1468 John Wentworth Richard de Clare Rollo Poppa Died: 1461 Born: 846 Died: 931 William I Sprota Died: 942 Richard I Emma o. France Died: 996 Died: 1052 Robert Emma Mauger Died: 1037 Died: 1052 Died: 1033 Richard II Judith de Rennes Died: 1026 Died: 1017 Richard III William Died: 1027 Died: 1025 Robert I. Normandy [2] Herleve [2] Herleve Herluin Died: 1035 Died: 1050 Died: 1050 Odo Robert Died: 1097 Died: 1095 Ecgberht Died: 780 Ealhmund Died: 785 Egbert Died: 839 Ethelwulf Died: 858 Alfred Great" Ealhswitha Born: 849 Died: 26 Oct 899 Edward Elder" Eadgifu Born: 875 Died: 961 Died: 924 Edmund Magnificent" St. Alfgifu Born: 920 Died: 946 Edgar Peaceful" Elfrida Born: 943 Born: 945 Died: 975 Died: 1000 Aethelred I. Redeless" Alfflaed Born: 968 Died: 23 Apr 1016 Edmond "Ironside" Ealgyth Born: 989 Died: 30 Nov 1016 Edward Atheling" Agatha o. Hungary Died: 1057 Margaret Malcom I. Canmore Born: 1045 Born: 1031 Died: 16 Nov 1093 Died: 13 Nov 1093 [1] Matilda o. Scotland Born: 1079 Died: 01 May 1118 Baldwin II Alfthryth Born: 865 Died: 929 Died: 918 Arnulf I Adela de Vermandois Born: 890 Born: 910 Died: 964 Died: 960 Baldwin III Matilda Billung Died: 962 Died: 1008 Arnulf II Rosela o. Ivrea Born: 961 Born: 950 Died: 987 Died: 1004 Baldwin I. de Lille Otgive o. Luxemburg Born: 980 Born: 995 Died: 1036 Died: 1030 Marcomir De Toxandrie Born: 220 Died: 281 Gonobaud De Toxandrie Born: 245 Died: 289 Ragaise De Toxandrie Born: 270 Died: 307 Malaric De Toxandrie Born: 295 Died: 360 Mellobaude De Toxandrie Born: 320 Died: 376 Rechemir Ascyla Born: 350 Born: 352 Died: 384 Theodemir Magnus Valentina Justina Born: 370 Died: 414 Died: 414 Clovis t. Ripuarian Ildegonde Born: 398 Born: 399 Died: 448 Died: 450 Childebert o. Cologne Amalberge Born: 430 Born: 435 Died: 483 Died: 478 Siegbert t. Lame Died: 509 Cloderic o. Cologne Born: 477 Died: 509 Munderic Arthenia Born: 500 Born: 500 Died: 532 Bodegisel I Paltina Bodegisel II Oda o. Suevian Died: 588 Arnulf o. Metz Born: 582 Died: 640 Hugh o. Austrasia Died: 623 Pippin I Born: 580 Died: 640 Anselgisel Begga Born: 612 Died: 693 Died: 662 Pepin I. Heristal Alpais Born: 635 Died: 714 Charles Martel Born: 686 Died: 741 Carloman I Born: 706 Died: 754 Charlemagne Born: 747 Died: 812 Pepin I. Italy Born: 773 Died: 810 Pepin Born: 817 Died: 840 Herbert I Born: 840 Died: 902 RobertI, King of Beatrice FranceI Born: 880 Born: 866 Died: 923 Hugh M. France Born: 895 Died: 943 Hugh Capet, King of France Born: 941 Died: 996 King R. France Born: 972 Died: 1031 Baldwin V. Flanders Adelaide o.
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