PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND STATE LIBRARY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Transcript of an interview with Hon. Wendy Duncan b. 1954 - STATE LIBRARY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA - ORAL HISTORY COLLECTION DATE OF INTERVIEW: 2017-2019 INTERVIEWER: ANNE YARDLEY TRANSCRIBER: HANSARDS – PARLIAMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. DURATION: 16 hours REFERENCE NUMBER: OH4338 COPYRIGHT: Parliament of Western Australia and the State Library of Western Australia. NOTE TO READER Readers of this oral history memoir should bear in mind that it is a verbatim transcript of the spoken word and reflects the informal, conversational style that is inherent in such historical sources. The Parliament and the State Library are not responsible for the factual accuracy of the memoir, nor for the views expressed therein; these are for the reader to judge. Bold type face indicates a difference between transcript and recording, as a result of corrections made to the transcript only, usually at the request of the person interviewed. FULL CAPITALS in the text indicate a word or words emphasised by the person interviewed. Square brackets [ ] are used for insertions not in the original tape. DUNCAN INTERVIEW CONTENTS Introduction 1 - 2 Interview - 1 3 - 21 Family history. Menangina Station. Aboriginal playmates and workers. Childhood memories and activities. Traditional Aboriginal lifestyle. Farm work when child. Schooling by mother, school of the air Kalgoorlie. Christmas play. Family interest in politics. Non-judgemental attitude. Interaction with Aboriginals. Father’s knowledge of Aboriginal language and customs. Skills and diets of Aboriginals. Boarding school. Religion. Rotary exchange to South Africa. Shock of apartheid. Appreciation of Australian democracy. Involvement in Evangelical group. Rock climbing in South Africa. Travels in Africa. Decision to enrol in political studies on return to Australia. Arts degree history and political science, anthropology. Gough Whitlam free education opportunity for women. Post-graduate course Canberra. First job National Farmers Federation. Australian Woolgrowers and Graziers Council. David Trebeck’s Executive Assistant. Meeting procedure skills. Interview - 2 22 - 38 Study at Canberra College Advanced Education. Backpacking in Europe. Study tour China. MBA studies. Impact economic rationalism. Impact of FBT. Outdoor activities. Work with solicitors Kalgoorlie. Engagement, marriage. Return to Menangina. Isolation, fear of Aboriginals. Post-natal depression. Purchase of Esperance farm. Work law firm. Community activities. Four children. Driving forces. Family political background. Pub nights to combat isolation. Lack of understanding of regions. Anti-Labor sentiment. Wool price plummets. Killing sheep. Becoming unwell. Planting Tasmanian blue gums. Husband regional manager Integrated Tree Cropping. Interview - 3 39 - 58 Voting history. Environmental issues. Recherche Advisory Group. Work with Shire of Esperance, Industrial Park, foreshore planning. Personal financial difficulties. EO Esperance Wool Exporters. Soccer club. Finance Officer aged care facility. Work with Ross Ainsworth MP. Job sharing. Electorate issues. Lack of understanding regional Australia. Poor infrastructure/services in regions. Joining National Party 2001. Party finances. Esperance Branch National Party. State presidency. Brendon Grylls. Book “Blood Nose Politics”. Impact One Nation. Creating centre-right party. Recognition Aboriginal people. Support of Alan Holmes. Monty House’s Rural Leadership Program. Ability to chair meetings. State Conferences debates. Young Nationals. Leadership style. Party finances. Corporate support. Len Buckeridge. Interview - 4 59 - 76 i DUNCAN INTERVIEW Hendy Cowan leadership. Hilda Turnbull member Collie. Nationals philosophy. Relationship with Chinese. Achievements of Hendy Cowan and Monty House. Telecentres. Tensions between Liberals and Nationals. Debate over amalgamation v independence. Impact of One Nation, gun laws. Farmers’ generational changes. Disarray in party. Loss of members to One Nation. 500 Club fund raising. Max Trenorden. Influence of Doug Cunningham. Darren Moir President Young Nats. One vote one value legislation. Decision to be stand-alone independent party and reaction. Extensive travel attending meetings, talking to members. Increase in membership. Balance of power ad. Building communities focus. Commitment to due process in party. Redistribution of seats. Submission to Electoral Commission on boundaries. Changes in political advertising. Interview - 5 77 - 93 Joined Nationals 2001. Murray Criddle. Vote transfer from lower to upper house. Member of executive and State President. Contest for seat of Roe. Jane Coole. Standing for Agricultural Region. Advice from Mick Cotter. Pre-selection second after Murray Criddle. Importance of upper house and preference negotiation. Dr Graham Jacobs’ campaign. Driving 1,300 kms distributing flyers. Grant Woodhams. Changes to campaigning. Decision not to preference One Nation. Labor preferences to Nationals. Preferences to Greens in metropolitan areas. 2007 stood for Senate. Tony Crook President Royal Flying Doctor Service won Federal seat of O’Connor 2010. Nationals’ Strategic Plan. Support for Nationals. Strong team with Brendon Grylls. Max Trenorden’s resignation. Terry Waldron deputy leader. Resolution that Nationals would be independent stand-alone party. Focus on policy development. Brendon Grylls’ announcement of 25% of Royalties for Regions. Interview - 6 94 - 107 48-11 Strategy, message on balance of power. Marketing strategy. Lack of government expenditure on regions. Development of Royalties for Regions. Lack of support from Labor and Liberals. Involvement of political analysts, Professor Dean Jaensch. Meetings with David Black, Harry Phillips, Peter van Onselen, Peter Kennedy. Campaign focus on voting for Legislative Council. Winning balance of power in both houses. Labor and Liberal difficulties. Winning Mining and Pastoral seat. Colin Holt won South West Region. Seats won in lower and upper houses. Interview - 7 108 - 131 Came into Parliament 2008 as upper house member Agricultural Region. Retirement of Murray Criddle. Relationship between Max Trenorden and Brendon Grylls. Stumpy’s agreement. Challenges of Agricultural Region. Office Esperance. Parliamentary induction process. Helen Morton mentor. Respect for Giz Watson. Office space in Parliament House. Murray Criddle Minister for Transport achievements. Committee work. Winning Mining and Pastoral Region. Day light saving debate. Health services in regions. Negotiations with Labor and Liberal Parties on Royalties for Regions. Involvement of ii DUNCAN INTERVIEW Karlene Maywald from South Australia. Choosing between Liberal and Labor. Doug Cunningham, Brendon Grylls’ chief of staff. Conflict with Liberals on claiming credit for projects. Mia Davies background and working relationship. Speaking in parliament, 1st and 2nd maiden speeches. Colin Holt elected State President. Role of Parliamentary Secretary. Vince Catania defection to Nationals. Interview - 8 132 - 154 Vince Catania move to Nationals, campaigning skills. Royalties for Regions impact on Esperance. Alannah MacTiernan. Lead clean up Esperance. Esperance water. Lack of unskilled labour, potential to give work to Timorese. Relationship with police union. Lack of regional accommodation for public servants. Power sharing arrangement with Barnett government. Legislation for CHOGM conference. Royalties for Regions bill debate in Legislative Council. Basis of 25% of royalties allocated for Regions. Scepticism prior to success of bill. Regional strategic plans. Impact on indigenous people. Influence of Andrew Forrest. Ord Stage 2. Support for Indigenous people to enter workforce. Brendon Grylls’ negotiations with Indigenous communities. Importance of meeting with Aboriginal elders. Funding for Royal Flying Doctor Service, purchase of jet. Interview - 9 155 - 176 BHP-Nickel West Ravensthorpe nickel mine closure 2009. Government investment in mine. Impact of closure. Regional attitudes to day light saving. Day light saving trial, referendum 2009. Introduction of Country Age Pension Fuel Card and taxi fares. Extension of card to other groups, negotiating with Federal government. Predation by wild dogs in pastoral industry. Replacement of doggers by aerial baiting. Rangelands reform program. Pastoralists and Graziers Association lack of support. Sandalwood industry sustainability. Mt Romance. Illegal activities. Death threats. Amendments to Biodiversity Conservation Act. Reorganising sandalwood contracts, indigenous involvement. Agreement between Federal and State Governments on tracking system. Ian Keeley Dept of Conservation and Land Management Order of Australia. Dignitary protection. Local Government amalgamations. Max Trenorden regional councils bill. Dilemma of representing vast areas. Reasons for objection to extension of trading hours. Regulations extended trading hours in tourist and mining areas. Interview - 10 177 - 193 Review of grain transport networks. Concern over closure of railway lines in Wheatbelt. Royalties for Regions funds upgraded wheatbelt roads. Opposition to Brendon Grylls within Nationals, subsequent move to Pilbara. Conflict over multi-peril crop insurance. Standing for Kalgoorlie seat. Infrastructure issues in electorate. Differences in campaigning for lower house seat versus upper house seat. Tony Crook federal member. Liberals preselection of Rick Wilson. Impact of workload on Brendon Grylls. Reactions to accusations of
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