UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA FACULTY OF LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES POLITICAL SCIENCES S PECIALIZATION & CENTER OF POST - COMMUNIST POLITICAL STUDIES (CESPO - CEPOS) REVISTA DE ŞTIINȚE POLITICE. REVUE DES SCIENCES POLITIQUES NO. 43 • 2014 1 2 U N I V E R S I T Y O F C R A I O V A F A C U L T Y O F L A W A N D S O C I A L S C I E N C E S P O L I T I C A L S C I E N C E S S P E C I A L I Z A T I O N & C E N T E R O F P O S T - C O M M U N I S T P O L I T I C A L S T U D I E S ( C E S P O - C E P O S ) Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques No. 43 • 2014 3 - EDITORIAL BOARD - Editor in chief: ANCA PARMENA OLIMID Deputy editor in chief: CĂTĂLINA MARIA GEORGESCU Managing editor: COSMIN LUCIAN GHERGHE Regular members: GEORGE GIRLEȘTEANU, MIHAI COSTESCU, DANIEL GHIȚĂ, AUREL PITURCĂ, CEZAR AVRAM, VLADIMIR OSIAC, MIRON ROMAN, DAN VALERIU VOINEA, MIHAI GHITULESCU, IONUȚ ȘERBAN - I N T E R N A T I O N A L A D V I S O R Y B O A R D - DAN CLAUDIU DĂNIŞOR JUNE TEUFEL DREYER Professor, University of Craiova, Faculty of Professor, Department of Political Law and Social Sciences, Romania Science, University of Miami, USA (Chairman of the International Advisory Board) HASAN JASHARI MIHAI CIMPOI Professor, South East European President of the Academy of the Republic University, Tetovo, Macedonia of Moldavia, Moldova JONUZ ABDULLAI YOHANAN MANOR Professor, South East European Professor, University of Jerusalem, Israel, University, Tetovo, Macedonia President, Center for Monitoring the Sonja BUNČIČ Impact of Peace (CMIP) Professor,University Union, Facult y JOZE PIRJEVEC of Law, Belgrade, Serbia Professor, University of Trieste, Italy HARUN ARIKAN PATRICIA GONZALEZ-ALDEA Professor, Cukurova University, Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Adana,Turkey Madrid, Spain ALI PAJAZITI OLIVER FRIGGIERI Professor, South East European Professor, University of Malta, Malta University, Tetovo, Macedonia CRISTINA BEJAN, KLAUS MÜLLER, Wadham College, Oxford, Great Britain Professor, AGH University of Science SLAVCO ALMĂJAN & Technology, Kraków, Poland Professor, University of Novi Sad, Serbia STEVEN D. ROPER NICU CIOBANU Professor, University of Illinois, USA President, „Libertatea” Publishing House, LILLIAN BARRIA Novi Sad, Serbia Professor, University of Illinois, USA SANDOR RICHTER FRANCESCO GUIDA Senior Economist, Vienna Institute for Professor, Universitá degli Studi Roma International Economic Studies (WIIW), Austria Tre, Rome, Italy CONTACT: REVISTA DE STIINTE POLITICE. REVUE DES SCIENCES POLITIQUES University of Craiova, 13th A. I. Cuza Street, Craiova, 200585, Dolj, Romania. Phone /Fax: +40251418515, Email: [email protected], [email protected]. Website:http://cis01.central.ucv.ro/revistadestiintepolitice/ © 2014 – All rights reserved to Universitaria Publishing House The Journal is published quarterly. (Online) - ISSN 2344 – 4452 ISSN–L 1584 – 224X 4 No. 43 • 2014 Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques 5 © 2014 – All rights reserved to Universitaria Publishing House. Copyright transfer Authors are fully responsible for the entire content of their papers. The articles published in Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques represent the personal opinion of the author(s). The procedure of the article submission for reviewing and publication implies that the work has never been published before (excepting published courses, academic lectures, academic thesis), that is or was not considered for reviewing and publication elsewhere (in English or in other language), that its publication is assumed by the author(s) and its possible acknowledgements were obtained with the consent of the authorities for publication. Photocopying Single photocopies of single/ multiple articles may be done for personal use under the provisions of the national copyright laws. Electronic storage of the articles contents Permission from the Editorial Board is required in case of electronic storage or use electronically of any material (article, editors’ notes, reviews etc.) contained in this journal (entirely or partially). NOTE of the EDITORIAL BOARD Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques is abstracted by / indexed in: EBSCO Political Sciences Complete ● Situation January-February 2014 http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/poh-coverage.pdf (page 43/ 50) ProQuest Central Proquest Title List, Accurate as of 19 April 2014 (position 17651) and also ProQuest Political Sciences, ● Professional Proquest Central ● Proquest Research Library ● ProQuest 5000 International ● Proquest Central K12 INDEX COPERNICUS http://jml2012.indexcopernicus.com/REVISTA+DE+STIINTE+POLITICE+R EVUE+DES+SCIENCES+POLITIQUES,p1331,3.html DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals http://doaj.org/toc/5bd3cf0f9a874a8e84ee7ba56818fda7 Intute: Social Sciences http://www.intute.ac.uk/cgi-bin/fullrecord.pl?handle=20081222-09114857 KVK Catalogue Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie http://primo.bibliothek.kit.edu/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?mode=Basic&vi d=KIT&vl%28freeText0%29=REVISTA+DE+STIINTE+POLITICE&vl%28freeText0%29=REVI STA+DE+STIINTE+POLITICE&fn=search&tab=kit&srt=date Gale Cengage Learning Report Generated 21 April 2014 (position 13456) 6 RSP • No.. 43 • 2014 Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques RSP • No. 43 • 2014 Special Issue: Compass of Politics: Systems and Regimes Synopsis CONTENTS EDITORS’ NOTE Anca Parmena OLIMID, Cătălina Maria GEORGESCU, Cosmin Lucian GHERGHE, 9 Note of the Editors of the Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques ORIGINAL PAPERS Lorena-Valeria STUPARU, The political power and the personal power. A philosophical view of a postcommunist 12 experience Martin ŠTEFEK, The Scope and Limits of Czechoslovak Perestroika: the Case of Party’s Programme 22 Florin NACU, The return to the democracy and the restitution of the land property 32 Veronica GHEORGHIŢĂ (ION), The relationship between the State and the Romanian Orthodox Church during the 43 communist period Alexandrina PĂDUREȚU, The restoration of religious monuments in post-communist Romania 55 Elena Tereza DANCIU, The Evolution of Romanian Civil Law in the Modern Times 66 Narcisa Maria MITU, The Romanian Crown Domain - six decades of existence 75 Mihaela Camelia ILIE, The Erasure of King Carol II's Name during the Communist Regime. Case Study – the 86 Church Saints Archangels from Craiova Marusia CÎRSTEA, Great Britain’s foreign policy as seen by Romanian diplomatic attachés in London 96 (1933-1939) 7 RSP • No.. 43 • 2014 Mihaela BĂRBIERU, The political diplomacy of Romania and Yugoslavia in the international context of the period between the two World Wars. Projects and Unions in this area 106 Victor OLARU, John Ruskin-Between Art and Social Justice 116 Ali PAJAZITI, Values and Academia: a Sociological-Empirical Approach 125 Mihaela CEANĂ, The occupational structure of the labour power in the South-West Oltenia Region 141 Costela IORDACHE, Cristiana VÎLCEA, The evolution of Romanian agriculture in the post-communist period 158 Alexandrina Mihaela POPESCU, Mihaela Aurelia ȘTEFAN, Training the Educator for Methodological Alternatives and Paradigm Changes in 171 Education Oana GHIŢĂ, Roxana Gabriela ALBĂSTROIU, Is the family of the 21st century based exclusively on the marriage between a man 183 and a woman? Cristina ILIE GOGA, The status quo of regional social policy in the European Union 194 Anca Parmena OLIMID, International Peace and Security Cause in UN Security Council Resolutions. A State 208 of Art Analysis (2012-2014) Cătălina Maria GEORGESCU, Europeanization Imagology, Historical Institutionalism and Integration: Comparative 222 Politics of Institutional Change in Governance RSP Manuscript Submission 235 8 Editors’ Note Editors’ Note Note of the Editors of the Revista de Ştiinţe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Anca Parmena Olimid*, Cătălina Maria Georgescu**, Cosmin Lucian Gherghe*** Welcome to the third issue of 2014 of the Revista de Ştiinte Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiqu/es (hereinafter RSP). The new covers and the concept of the journal provided since issue 41/ 2014 are dedicated to further the research and critical observance of the social sciences investigation. Due to recent polictical inconsistencies and contradictions in the region, RSP Editorial Board launched a new four issues series entitled as follows: East & West Post- Communist Encounters: Ideologies, Policies, Institutions Under Scrutiny (issue 41/ 2014); Citizenship, Elections and Security: An Analytical Puzzle (issue 41/ 2014); Compass of Politics: Systems and Regimes Synopsis (launched at the end of September 2014 and available online beginning with September 30, issue 43/ 2014). The content of issue 43/ 2014 is set out to compass the inconsistencies and undecisions of regional politics focusing on: the international peace and security cause on the United Nations agenda; the institutional governace and the system challenges; the political regime encounter in the mid-century Romania; the electoral provisions and contradictions in contemporary Romania; the restitution of land property; the religious mapping of the Eastern societies; the new kind of regional social policy in EU landscape; values and academia that have been fermenting in the region for the last twenty years. * Associate Professor, PhD, University of Craiova, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Political Sciences specialization, CEPOS Staff, Member of the Board of Directors of the CEPOS Conference 2014; Phone: 0040251418515, E-mail: [email protected] ** Lecturer,
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