Governing Body To be held on Thursday 4 July 2019 From 1pm until 4pm in the Boardroom, Sovereign House, Heavens Walk, Doncaster DN4 5HZ GOVERNING BODY To be held on Thursday, 4 July 2019 at 1pm In Boardroom, Sovereign House A G E N D A Ref Item Enclosure Led By Action Required 1. Apologies for Absence Verbal Chair For noting 2. Declarations of Interest Verbal All For noting 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2019 Enc A Chair For approval 4. Matters Arising not on the Agenda Verbal Chair For discussion 5. Notification of Any Other Business Verbal Chair For discussion 6. Questions from Members of the Public Verbal Chair For (See our website for how to submit questions – required in discussion advance) 7. Patient Story Verbal Chair For discussion Strategy 8. Joint Committee Clinical Commissioning Enc B Chair For Group Terms of Reference and Manual discussion Agreement and South Yorkshire and and approval Bassetlaw Joint Commissioning Plan Assurance 9. Quality & Performance Report Enc C Director of For noting Strategy & • Spotlight Report on Living Well Delivery and Chief Nurse 10. Finance Report Enc D Chief finance For noting Officer 11. Chair & Chief Officer Report Enc E Chief Officer & For noting Chair 12. Locality Feedback Verbal Locality Leads For noting Page 1 of 2 Ref Item Enclosure Led By Action Required Items to note/receipt of Minutes 13. Items to Note Enc F Chief Nurse For noting • Doncaster Safeguarding Children Partnership - Local safeguarding partnership arrangements to succeed Doncaster Safeguarding Children Board in response to Working Together 2018 14. Receipt of Minutes Enc G Chair For noting • Quality and Patient Safety Committee – Minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2019. • Primary Care Commissioning Committee – Minutes of the meeting held on 11 April 2019. • Joint Committee Clinical Commissioning Group – Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2019 15. Any Other Business Verbal Chair For discussion 16. Date and Time of Next Meeting For noting Thursday 1 August 2019 at 1pm Governing Body Quorum is 6 Members: Chair or Vice Chair, at least 3 Clinical Members and Chief Officer or Chief Finance Officer Page 2 of 2 Minutes of the Governing Body Held on Thursday 6 June 2019 at 1pm In the Boardroom, Sovereign House Members Dr Crichton NHS Doncaster CCG Chairman (Chair) Present: J Pederson Chief Officer H Tingle Chief Finance Officer L Tully Lay Member Mr Wilkin Lay Member A Russell Chief Nurse S Whittle Lay Member Dr Tupper Locality Lead, Central Locality Dr Bradley Locality Lead, East Locality Dr Pieri Locality Lead, North Locality Dr Suckling Director of Public Health L Devanney Associate Director of HR and Corporate Formal Services Attendees A Fitzgerald Director of Strategy and Delivery Present: D Hilditch Healthwatch Representative In J Satterthwaite PA to Chair and Chief Officer attendance: P Hemingway Head of Communications and Engagement L Golze Head of Strategic Commissioning & Transformation Learning Opportunities: Children & Young People, Doncaster Council (Item10) Action 1. Apologies Apologies were noted from: • Dr Jones, Secondary Care Doctor • Dr Singh, Locality Lead, South Locality • Dr Suckling, Director of Public Health • D Allen, Doncaster Council Representative 2. Declarations of Interest The Chair reminded committee members of their obligation to declare any interest they may have on any issues arising at committee meetings which might conflict with the business of NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning 1 Group (CCG). Declarations declared by members of the committee are listed in the CCG’s Register of Interests. The Register is available either via the secretary to the Governing Body or the CCG website at the following link: www.doncasterccg.nhs.uk The meeting was noted as not quorate but it was agreed to continue with the meeting as there were agenda items that require progressing. Declarations of interest from sub committees / working groups: None declared. Declarations of interest from today’s meeting: Dr Crichton stated that all GP Governing Body Members had a pecuniary conflict of interest in Item 9, Primary Care Networks (PCNs) Update as they are all part of a PCN. Dr Tupper has a direct conflict of interest as he is the Clinical Director of a PCN and Dr Bradley and indirect conflict of interest as a partner in his practice is also a Clinical Director of a PCN. Mrs Hilditch declared a pecuniary conflict of interest as she is working as an independent HR consultant through a company that has a contact with Primary Care Doncaster which included advice on contracts relating to PCNs. Dr Crichton stated that as the item is to update the Governing Body on the progress of PCNs all GP Governing Body Members and Mrs Hilditch would remain in the room and be part of the discussion. 3. Minutes From Previous Meeting held 2 May 2019 and the Extraordinary Governing Body meeting on 23 May 2019. The minutes of the meeting held on 2 May 2019 and the minutes of the Extraordinary Governing Body meeting on 23 May 2019 were approved as a correct record. 4. Matters Arising not on the Agenda Primary Care Strategy Mrs Hilditch forwarded the survey questions to Mrs Satterthwaite and they were subsequently circulated to the governing Body for information. The action to present a report to the Engagement and Experience Committee will be taken outside of this meeting. 2 CCG Joint Commissioning Committee Arrangements for 2019/2020 The Joint Committee of Clinical Commissioning Group Terms of Reference will be presented to the Governing Body for noting in July 2019. Quality and Performance Report The Looked After Children Report will be presented to the Governing Body in July 2019. 5. Notification of Any other Business Dr Crichton informed the Governing Body that Dr Singh has tendered his resignation as a GP Governing Body Member and will be discussed further in Item 13, Chair and Chief Officer Report. 6. Questions from Members of the Public There were no questions raised from Members of the Public. 7. Patient Story Dr Crichton stated that The Governing Body’s Patient Story is related to the Starting Well focus area. The meeting will be attended by two Young Advisors who are employed and co-ordinated by Doncaster Council. This group of young people are aged from 16-20 and their role is to work with organisations, decision makers and the community t bring expertise and knowledge about being young to influence the planning, decision making and marketing of services or young people. South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw ICS 2019/2020 System Operating Plan 8. Overview Mrs Pederson stated that the purpose of the report is to inform the Governing Body of the agreed ICS System Operating Plan. The plan provides the detail on delivery of the ambitions set out within the 2019/2020 planning guidance and forms the first year of the long term Plan for South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw (SYB). Significant progress has been secured during 2018/2019 in the five core programme areas: cancer, elective & diagnostics, mental health, primary care and urgent & emergency care. The report provides a summary in each programme area of: • Achievements in 2018/19, • Current delivery against key indicators, benchmarked against the other STPs in England, and • Planning priorities for 2019/20 3 The key priorities for 2019/2020 are: • Maternity • Transforming Care • Specialised Services The ICS submits the System Operating Plan to NHS North Region and quarterly review meetings are held. Mrs Pederson requested that the Governing Body note the South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw ICS 2019/2020 System Operating Plan. Dr Crichton advised that the data within the plan is taken from a point of time therefore is not reflective of the current state. He also referred to Slide 48, Place risk – commentary and commented that Doncaster and Bassetlaw are separate entities and it is referencing Doncaster and Bassetlaw as an Acute Trust and not as a place. Mr Fitzgerald highlighted Section 7 which relates to Efficiency and stated that it describes the work which is being undertaken by the ICS Efficiency Board which he attends with Mrs Tingle and Mr Russell. A number of business cases are in the process of being submitted for discussion and approval and our Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Programme Board will receive details of these in its meetings. Mrs Pederson informed the Governing Body that as part of the new governance arrangements for 2019/2020, there was a requirement to establish an Integrated Assurance Committee and the CCG was asked to nominate a non-executive or lay member from our Governing Body. Mrs Pederson announced that Mrs Whittle has been nominated and will attend future committee meetings. Dr Suckling queried if we are clear on what the ICS is implementing. Mrs Pederson advised that we will continue to deliver at place. Mr Wilkin asked if there are any implications for the ICS regarding risk. Mrs Tingle stated that the CCG will support the Acute Trust as much as possible however we have a requirement to meet our statutory duties and there may be instance where we have to look to the ICS to do. The Governing Body noted the South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw ICS 2019/2020 System Operating Plan Overview Primary Care Networks Update 9. The purpose of the report is to provide the Governing Body with an update on the registration of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in Doncaster and to outline the next steps prior to go live on 1 July 2019. In March 2019 the Governing Body was appraised of the Five year 4 framework for GP contract reform and in particular the introduction of the Network Contract Direct Enhanced Service (DES). All potential PCNs were required to submit a completed registration form to NHS Doncaster CCG by 15 May 2019 which included details of member practices, network list size, map of the network area and the initial network agreement as well as details of the practice/provider receiving funding and the named accountable clinical director.
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