THE WBATHBR Porfeeaat br 0. 8 .-WMiher Owiaaif N««r Hmr*m -■ -r Oenerallj fair toni^t and Satii^ day{ not much change iff teni^ri^- tnre. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN ^: CONQUEST OF ATOM NEAR; A Model Airport for New York Flyers k£BS THREATEN TO BLOCK TAX .1 IS BASIS OF EXISTENCE HALTS BILL II^SENATE U. S. Scientists Able to Pho­ NO MORE BABIES BILLS IN CONGRESS tograph and Chart Prog­ FOR CROMWELLS If Publicity Clause is Eliini- ress of Studies— May uated, Insurgent Bloc Will SCHWAB PREDICTS Hectic All N i^t S e s ^ Lead to Anything. Bridgeport Couple Recon­ Start a Filibuster, Leaders BEHER BUSINESS With a Short Recess at ciled— Wife Fears He Declare. Noon; Then BonUer Dam Washington, May 25.— Conquest of The atom— the very basis of all Dehate Is Resumed; Mean­ existence— is the objective of a re­ Has Lost His Job. "Washington, May 25. — Final Head of Steel Indnstry Com­ markable series of experiments, in enactment of the new compromise while Naval Bill and OApr progress at the U. S. Bureau of $223,000,000 tax bill was threaten­ plains, However, Over Bridgeport, Conn., Alay 25 — Standards in charge of Dr. William ed today by the action of Senate With tears streamin.g from his eyes, F. Meggers, internationally known conferees in agreeing to strike out Company’s Small Earning. Measures Are Being Side­ Edward Cromwell, 40, promised to­ physicist. the • provision forcing publicity on Science is putting the atom to day that he would not endanger the all income tax returns. tracked. work. Initial stages of this task-— life of his fragile wife by compel­ The greatest airport in the New York metropoli tan district, designed to accommodate many of the New York, May 25— Charles M. described as scientific discovery in transport lines that are springing up from the south and west, is being built at Newark, N. J. The photo This provisio. Inserted by the the making— embrace intricate ob­ ling her to bear more children. above shows the centrally grouped hangars and the circular field criss-crossed In every direction by land­ Senate, was one of the two major Schwab the new “ spokesman” of the "Washington,' May 25.— After servation from electrons, which He was released from jail yes­ ing avenues. tax issues raised by the Insurgent steel industry— having succeeded make up the atom, photographing terday where he was held on com­ Bloc which supported the adminis­ the late Elbert H. Gary as president paralyzing the Seventieth CongreM l>V the emitted light rays, a maze of ■<s> tration throughout its ta:x fight. plaint of his wife, Edith, who want­ FIRST LADY OP LAND of the American Iron and Steel in­ for more than 24 hours by blocking mathematical calculations and In­ The other was the successful fight all legislation in the Senate, a terpretations of the vagaries of ed authorities to compel him to SIMON PRESIDENT TAKES A BACK SEAT OUTLAW WAR NOTES to retain the existing federal in­ stitute— told members of "his organi­ atomic behavior. stop making her bring children into heritance taxes. With the publicity zation at its convention here today group of filibustering Senators at no noon today relaxed their battle long^ Once the atom is conquered the world. She has had 13, all but Northampton,imp I Mass., May 25. clause rejected by the conferees, the that there was "every justification” imagination is too vivid to prophesy] five of whom died. —I'When “ tne boy’s girl friend” Insurgent Bloc threatened to block for expecting that business in 1928 enough to permit adoption of-a con­ “ I love children and I want OF LOCAL CONCERN GO TO DOMINIONS the results. Describing what the re­ is along even the First Lady of final action on the bill by a Fili­ would exceed that of last year in ference report on the $100,000,000 search means to human progress. plenty of them,” he said. "But the Land has lo take a back seat buster. volume. Muscle Shoals project Dr. Meggers said: everybody seems to think that my in the automobile. “ I’ll say there’ll be a filibuster What It Means John .Coolidge was driving. At “ I do not think that this country The vote was 43 to 34. .U wife is not able to bear any more? if the Senate doesn’t keep the intends to demand the service we “ This is a story you cannot ex­ I’m going to take their advice and his side was Miss Florence Trum­ The filibuster however, was re­ Elected to Fill Vacancy Caus­ Canada, Ireland, Australia, publicity clause in the tax bill.” ob­ are rendering for the small return aggerate. Here and abroad men of just work to support my family bull, daughter of Connecticut’s served Senator Couzens, (R) of which the steel industry is current­ sumed immediately by opponents of science are learning to understand from now on.” governor, and owner of the sport the Boulder Dam bill Mich., who arranged the alliance ly receiving,” Schwab said. “ I do and control the changes in the Have Little Food ed by Death of Youngs­ roadster. Mrs. Calvin Coolidge India, South Africa and atom. and her friend, Mrs. R. B. Hill, between the Insurgents and the Ad­ not mean to imply that the steel in­ “ We don’t have enough food to ministration forces. ALL NIGHT SESSION “ When we master full control both wrapped in blankets, were dustry expects large returns. The Washington, May 25.— After a keep us going,” said Mrs. Cromwell, New Zealand to Reply. The final draft of the tax bill car­ we will aid the chemist in combin­ “ but if Ed behaves himself the way town, Ohio, Man. in the rumble seat. I industry generally has been adapt­ hectic all night session, the Senate ing atoms at will to produce forms After visiting Mrs. Coolidge’s ried no relief on normal income ing itself very well to narrower early today was vainly trying to he says he will I think we will get taxes, no relief on surtaxes, retain­ of matter having any desired prop­ along all right. If he sticks to it mother, Mrs. Lemira Goodhue, Washington, May 25.— The nego­ margins than heretofore but we break a desperate double-barreled erties. at Cooley-Dicklnson hospital, the j ed the existing federal inheritance have a right to expect and it is in filibuster aimed at defeating the "In the vast complexity of 1,100 I’ll be happy with him. Our only Scott H. Simon returned today tiations for the universal renuncia­ tax. provided a total of $225.29.5,- worry now is that he might have party enjoyed a brisk ride over public interest that we earn to pro­ $100,000,000 Muscle Shoals coie- ' rays emitted from the yttrium atom from Youngstown, Ohio, where the the country roads of Hampshire tion of war by treaty were extended 000 in reductions and $2,800,000 in vide for expansion, modernization ference report and the famous is a fascinating puzzle, one whose lost his job on account of my hav­ stockholders and directors of the county. Increases. The net reduction totall­ ing him arrested. today to all the dominions of the and development of our plants Swing-Jobnson Boulder Dam bill. solution will contribute to learning Carlyle Johnson Machine Co., on Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, who has ed $223,495,000. which the country’s ever-growing At seven o’clock this morning, the secret of atomic structure, “ When I look back at myself as been with her sick mother a i British empire. last Monday elected him president In identic notes to Canada, Ire­ Rates Adopted needs constantly require.” the Senate had been in continuous which may give us transmutation of a young girl IS years old and look week plans to leave for Wash- sessirtn for twenty hours. I land, Australia, India, South Africa The rates finally adopted includ­ Small Earnings the elements. Some think it may at myself now, I can’t believe my of the concern. Mr. Simon succeeds ington tomorrow. Her mother’s ' ed: The filibuster was so well orgaa- eyes. I was good looking and I was and New Zealand, Secretary of Schwab asserted that the steel unlock vast stores of energy with­ the late John Stambaugh as head condition remains about the | Corporation Tax— 12 per cent, a Industry was earning on its invest­ ized and functioned so smoothly. in the atom and yield undreamed of bright and smart and full of pep. State Kellogg formally invited those of the local machine company. The same. I reduction of $123,450,000. ment only a little more than inter­ that It blocked action not only on powers. “ I hate to say it but its the truth: officers are now: Scott H. Simon, -----------------------------------------S> governments to participate directly the two bills at which it 'was di­ “ In fact we could not safely deny Marriage has brought me ill health in the future correspondence on the Corporation Exemptions — $3,- est on savings bank deposits. One Manchester, president; R. C. 000. a reduction of $12,000,000. of the causes of this situation, he rected but on all other legislation any possibility ultimately linked and poverty. Bearing thirteen chil­ Steese, Youngstown, Ohio, vice- project. as well. The administration’s hew with the. full knowledge of atomic dren has just about ruined me. At Ottawa and Dublin, the notes Automobile Tax— Repealed, a explained, was waste due to cross president; John M. Miller, Man­ reduction of $66,000,000.
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