'The forest with its beauty, grandeur, and mystery has always stirred my deepest feelings" Emory Smith, Hilltop Founder Thank You! Welcome Pines American Beech (Fagus grandifolia)---=- - Helping Hilltop Endure: Joins Friends Friends of Hilltop Arboretum, Inc. is an independent , -A de ciduous, graceful non-profit organization that works in partnership with LSU tr ee that holds its brown to preserve, protect , and enhance this natural wonder to leaves throughout winter ensure it forever benefits the Greater Baton Rouge Commu­ until satiny green leaves nity. Established in 1982 with thoughtful guidance from emerg e in the spring. Emory Smith, its office was located on site in 1991. Realiz­ Found in comb ination ing the positive impact Hilltop has on education, Friends of w ith Southern Magno lia Hilltop made a commitment to build a facility to accommo ­ Spruce Pine Longleaf Pine at Port hudson State Park. date programming in its outdoor classroom. The building design was created by Ted Flato, a vernacular architect with (Pinus glabra) (Pinus Palustris) Can be found alongside nationally recognized firm of Lake/ Flato Architects in San C.J.Brow n Sr. Footbridge Self prunes well. Open, irregular Tradit ional Antonio , Texas. The building respects the natural at LSU Hilltop Arboretum. Develops fairly form. The pine has lumber pine. landscape, is environmentally sensitive, and recognizes the straight trunk. twisted, wavy Reddish-brown legacy of the founder Emory Smith and the unique history LSU's HILLTOP needles that are 2 Somewhat open bark. Needle-like of the area. l /2 to 3 inches Average Size (HeightxSpr ead)- 60'x50' crown. Up to 9 leaves up to 15 long. Fast growth Bloom Season- Spring ARBORETUM inch yellow ­ inches long . If you enjoyed your time at Hilltop and would like to keep rate within the first Light -Moisture -(Sun-Part Shade) Well drained soil reen needles. five ears. Emory's dream alive and enhance the site, please consider Inside: join ing Friends of Hilltop at one of the follow ing levels: Average Size (HeightxSpread)- 60'x30' o Winter Plant Guide Bloom Season- March Violet $35 o Map and Self-Guide Tour Light-Moisture -(Sun). Loblolly needs well drained soil. Starbush (11/iciumfloridanum ) Azalea $50 o Details and descriptions of impor t ant plant s Giabra can tolerate wet soils and Long leaf needs sandy soil. Dogwood $100 Magnolia $250 Winter Honey suckle (Lonicera fragrantissima) Cypress $500 Open Daily Live Oak $1,000 -A semi-evergreen shrub with a round ed oval to Dawn to Dusk irregu lar shape. The dull ­ Name Free Admission green leaves are arrange d in Ad~re.~s pairs. The fl owe rs are City/St~te~ZiP.... .... ............... .. .. creamy w hite and high ly The Starbu sh is one of Emory Smith 's favorite plants. Ph<;m~_(h) . .... ... ..•........•.... (c)... fragrant , and bloom in The evergreen shrub grows very we ll beneath tr ees E-mail w inter before t he leaves Located at 11855 Highl and Road with high canop ies and filtered light. The g reen emerge. Vigor ous growth Visi!( .... ¥a ~ter <;:ard,( .. .J............ Exf?Di!te / .. (betwee n Bluebonnet and Seigen) star-shaped seed s split ope n in late fall or early allows for heavy cutting of Card # wint er. P.O. Box 82608 branches w ith flo wers to N~_~egf) s_~~d,... .. brin g indoors. Baton Rouge, LA 70884 Average Size (Height)- 8'-6' Average Size (HeightxSpread)- S'xS' Signature Bloom Season- Spring p. 225 767 6916 Bloom Season- Winter-Early Spring Pleasese nd this comp leted for m with eith er you r credit Light-Moisture -(Shade-Filtered Sunlight ) Fertile, f. 225 768 7740 Light -Moisture -(Sun-Shade). Tolerant of mo st poro us soil. card informat ion or check made payable to: www .lsu.edu/ hilltop growing conditions Friends of Hilltop Arboret um, P.O. Box 82608 hilltop @tigers.lsu.edu Baton Rouge, LA 70884 Visit~ for a complete list of activities , events, programs, and facility rental and professional photography fees. Welcome to LSU's Hilltop Arboretum! - Ravines L' Highlands L Highlands 1 0 Spruce Pine Winter Honeysuckle American Beech Begin your visit to the LSU Hilltop Arboretum in the High­ Pinus glabra Lonicera fragrantissima Fogus grandifolia lands, a histo rically significant escarpment of the Missis­ J -An evergreen, cone bearing t ree that oft en has an open, -A semi-evergreen shrub with an oval to irregular shape. -A deciduous, graceful tree, w it h sympod ial branching . sippi River at the entrance to th e 14-acre nature preserve at irregu lar form . The pine has tw isted, wavy needles t hat The dull-green leaves are arranged in pairs. The flowe rs Brown autumn fol iage persists on branches through Highland Road. During your brief drive to th e top of the hill are 2 1/2 to 3 inches long. The bark on the tr ee has are creamy white and highly frag rant, and smell like hon­ winter until new, satiny green leaves emerge in spring. narrow ridges like an oak. eysuckle. you will see a variety of Louisiana native shrubs like the Cow Oak Silverbell Tree Smooth Sumac ablaze w ith color in the fall and Groundsel 6 Long leaf Pine 0 Quercus michauxii Ha/esia diptera Pinus palus tris Bush flush w ith white flower s at the same time. Taller grow ­ -A deciduous tree wi th a compac t oval for m. The leaves -A deciduous tree w it h a rounded form, black bark -An evergreen, cone bearing tree that has an upr ight oval ing Tung Oil Trees and a variety of Southern pine species are 4 to 6 inches long, wit h each vein ending in a rounded exposed in w inter, and bell-shaped white flowers in early form with horizontal branching and clustered needl es 8 including the Long leaf, Loblolly and Spruce Pines frame the tooth. The leaves t urn a vivid red autu m n color. spring. Attr acts humm ing birds. A good substitute for to 15 inches long. shrub plantings. Found in thi s area is the hom e of Hilltop 's dogwood. donor Emory Smith built during World War II. In addit ion Sweet Bay Magnolia American Hop Hornbeam @ Loblolly Pine 0 you will find the Pineapple Quava, Java plant and Flowering Pinus taeda Magnolia virginiana Ostrya virginiana -A semi-everg reen tree tha t natu rally grows in a swamp Maple all planted by Mr. Smith years ago and still thriv ing -An everg reen, cone bearing tree that has a b road oval -A deciduous underused small nat ive t ree. The brown today. canopy wit h irregula r horizontal branc hing. The needles or bog area. A striking feature of the tree is the silver-gray shaggy bark is a striking characteris ti c exposed in win ter. are in bundles of 3 and are 6 to 9 inches long. color on the unde rside of the foliage. Ironwood ~ ~. ~ 1i) Carpinus caroliniana -A long-lived deciduous tree wit h an inte resti ng trunk tha t has the characteristic of rippled m uscles. Also exposed in the wi nte r is the zig-zag pattern of the branches. Starbush 11/iciumfloridanum -An evergreen shrub that thrives in shade. The star­ "'C shaped flowers are maroon in color. When crushed, the ,a leaves smell like the skin of an orange. 0 a: "'C c. ,a -.c C\ ·-:c m-1-----,.,_ Hodge Podge Nursery After your tour of the grounds visit the Hodge Podge Nursery for a great selection of native, adapted and pass-along plants grown by volunteers as a fundra iser for the Arboretum. Many of the plants found throughout th is brochu re can be found in the nursery collect ion.The Hilltop staff (Tuesday­ Friday from 9am-4:30pm) and nursery volunteers (Wednesdays from 9am- 11am) are always happy to help you make the best selection for your very own garden . We are keeping with Emory Smith 's tradition of growing plants for all to enjoy ! .
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