United States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 10,660,887 B2 Javitt (45 ) Date of Patent: *May 26 , 2020

United States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 10,660,887 B2 Javitt (45 ) Date of Patent: *May 26 , 2020

US010660887B2 United States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 10,660,887 B2 Javitt (45 ) Date of Patent : *May 26 , 2020 (54 ) COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR (56 ) References Cited TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION AND PSYCHOSIS IN HUMANS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,228,875 B1 5/2001 Tsai et al. ( 71 ) Applicant : Glytech , LLC , Ft. Lee , NJ (US ) 2004/0157926 A1 * 8/2004 Heresco - Levy A61K 31/198 514/561 (72 ) Inventor: Daniel C. Javitt , Ft. Lee , NJ (US ) 2005/0261340 Al 11/2005 Weiner 2006/0204486 Al 9/2006 Pyke et al . 2008/0194631 Al 8/2008 Trovero et al. ( 73 ) Assignee : GLYTECH , LLC , Ft. 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PSYCHOSIS IN HUMANS Current treatments for major depression consist primarily of older antidepressants , such as monoamine oxidase inhibi CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 tors (MAOI ) and tricyclic antidepressants ( TCAs ) (e.g. APPLICATIONS imipramine, amitryptiline, desipramine , clomipramine) that were first developed in the 1960's , and newer agents such as This is a continuation of co -pending U.S. patent applica tetracyclic antidepressants ( TeCAs) , e.g. amoxapine, setip tion Ser . No. 13 / 936,198 , filed Jul. 7 , 2013 , which claims the tiline , maprotiline , mianserin , mirtazapine ) , serotonin benefit of provisional application No.61 / 741,114 , filed Jul. 10 (SSRI ) and serotonin /norephinephrine (SNRT ) reuptake 12 , 2012 , and provisional application No. 61/ 741,115 , filed inhibitors ( e.g., fluoxetine , fluvoxamine, paroxetine, citalo Jul. 12 , 2012 , the contents of each of which are hereby pram , escitalopram , duloxetine , venlafaxine , dapoxetine, incorporated by reference . indalpine , valzodone ). These agents work by modulating BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 brain levels of monoamines , in particular norepinephrine and serotonin , and /or by blocking 5 -HT2A receptors . Schizophrenia is a clinical syndrome associated with MAOls and TCAs are considered “ broader spectrum ” agents psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations, as than SSRIs ; SNRIs that were developed subsequently well as a decline in function in such areas as work , social MAGI, TCAs , TeCAs, SSRIs . and SNRIs may collectively relation or self care . 20 be considered traditional antidepressants . Diagnosis of schizophrenia may be determined using Antipsychotics may also be effective in treatment of standard textbooks of the art , such as the Diagnostic and depression . Potentially beneficial antipsychotic medications Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -fourth edition include but are not limited to risperidone , olanzapine , que (DSM - IV ) published by the American Psychiatric Associa tiapine, aripiprazole , clozapine, iloperidone , sertindole , tion . Symptoms of schizophrenia are typically measured 25 asenapine, lurasidone , cariprazine . using rating scales such as the Positive and Negative Syn Other antipsychotics and antidepressants in development drome Scale (PANSS ) . include Valdoxan ( agomelatine , AG0178 ) ( Servier, Novar Symptoms of schizophrenia are treated with antipsychotic tis ), Lu AA21004 (Lundbeck , Takeda ), F2695 , levomil medications, which function primarily by blocking dop nacipran (Forest , Pierre Fabre) , SEP - 227162 (Sepracor ) , amine D2 receptors . 30 LUAA24530 (Lundbeck , Takeda ) . SEP - 225289 (Sepracor ) , Antipsychotics may be divided into typical ( e.g. chlorpro Epivanserine ( Sanofi - Aventis ), SR463 9 (Sanofi - Aventis ) . mazine, haloperidol. perphenazine) vs. atypical ( e.g. amisul LY12624803 , HY10275 (Lilly , Hypnion ) , TI- 301/ pride, aripiprazole , asenapine , bioanserin , bifeprunox , car LY156735 ( Tikvah Therapeutics) , Lonasen (bioanserin , iprazine, clotiapine , clozapine, iloperidone , lurasidone , Dainippon ) , LU -31-130 (Lundbeck ), SLV313 (Solvay ) .Edi mosaproamine , olanzapine, paliperidone, perospirone, que- 35 voxetine (LY2216684 , Lilly ) , OPC - 34712 (Otsuka / Lund tiapine , remoxipride , risperidone

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