Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 4-11-1963 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1963). The George-Anne. 2491. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne/2491 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE HAPPY (George -Anne EASTER! Published By Students of Georgia Southern College VOLUME 36 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1963 NUMBER 23 *Art Festival Is Honors Day At Slated April 20 GSC Planned 'Old South Ball’ Slated May 4; At GSC’s Lake For May 13 Alpha Rho Tau will present the By HALLEY FENNELL Second Annual Art Festival on the Georgia Southern campus The annual Honors Day Con- vocation will be held on Monday, Tickets Sold Next Week At $3. Saturday, April 20, according to Miss Freida Gernant of the Art May 13, in McCroan Auditorium, Division. The Festival, which will according to Dr. Ralph K. Tyson, begin at 10:30, will be held by Dean of Students and chairman Long Beards, the lake. of the Honors committee. Anyone who qualifies accord- The purpose of this program is ing to the basic rules is eligible to recognize and commend stu- Southern Belles to enter a display in the Festival. dents meriting scholarship hon- Entry is not liimted to art stu- ors; senior students who have ex- Get Recognition dents. hibited constructive leadership in the advancement of the college Entry divisions include (1) By HOYT CANADY painting in all media; the paint- program or who have rendered ings may be framed or unframed; unselfish service in an outstand- Managing Editor (2) sculpture, which may be from ing manner during their college clay, wood, stone, metal, or experiences; and students who The “Old South Ball,” Georgia paper; (3) graphics (including have been designated as recipi- Southern’s spring quarter formal, textiles), block printing, stencil, ents of specified awards given for will be held on May 4 from 8:30 ^silk-screen; and (4) crafts, includ- participation in certain phases of till 12:30 p.m. at the National ing mosaics, creative stitchery, the college program. Guard Armory on highway 301 rug hooking, batik, and jewelry. Members of the Honors com- and will feature the “Top Hats” The basic requirements for en- mittee, which are selected by the from Valdosta, according to Don- try are as follows: The exhibitor president, are Dr. Burton J. Bogi- ald Westberry, Junior Class must be at least sixteen years of tsh, Dr. William McKenny, Miss president. age and must have completed and Hassie McElveen, Miss Jane Bar- returned an application form by row, Mr. Lloyd Joyner, and Dr. He stated that tickets for the April 7 to Alpha Rho Tau. All Ralph K. Tyson. affair will go on sale sometimes early next week at $3.00 per exhibitors must agree to abide by Nominations for the Leadership all the rules and regulations of couple and will be sold in the - Service awards are made by lobby of the student center. the Art Festival. All work must the administration and faculty of be original; no kits or molds will the divisional groups. The theme for this year’s “Old be accepted. The Festival re- The cumulative data on all South Ball” will be “Southern serves the right to eliminate any Ah, Such Pulchritude! nominees is reviewed by the Hon- Spring,” which is designed to work not of a sufficiently high portray a typical springtime in THE QUEEN AND COURT of last week’s “Miss Spring Blossom” ors committee and nominees are level of quality. screened for academic standing, the ante-bellum South, stated An entry fee of 25 cents for pageant make a lovely gathering. The beauties are, left to right: evidence of constructive leader- Westberry. each piece will be charged. This Billy ‘“Lily” Felder, first runner-up; Burl “Magnolia” Patterson, ship, and evidence of service to There was, at one time this fee must be included with the ap- “Miss Spring Blossom ’63;” and Doug “Dahlia” Geiger, second the college community. quarter, growing concern as to plication form. Each work must runner-up. The special awards are as fol- whether or not GSC’s annir have the name of the work, spring ball would be held; hov media, name and address of the lows: Alumni Association Schol- arship Award, Alpha Rho Tau ever, it was officially decided at artist clearly printed on the back. a special called meeting of the If the exhibitor wishes to sell his Award, Bulloch Herald Journalism Award, Business Award, Home junior class Tuesday night that works, the price must be clearly the dance would definitely be displayed in the fomt lower left Magnolia Chosen Economics Award, Masquers held. hand comer on masking tape. Award, Rockwell Merit Award, All work must be in the dis- Sigma Alpha Iota Award, States- Jerry Kight, publicity chairman play area by 9 a.m. and no work boro Music Club Award, Student for the junior class, stated that can be removed before 6 p.m. Council Outstanding Organization prizes would be given to the boy Saturday evening. All works will 1963 Queen Award, and the Marvin Pittman who possessed the longest and be retained no longer than one Scholarship Award. “most Southern” looking beard, To be eligible for the excellent In Remembrance Of Him . hour after the close of the Fes- Miss Burl “Magnolia” Patter- The Review was sponsored by and to the girl who best typifies tival. Each exhibitor is expected scholarship award, students must the “Southern Belle” look. son was crowned “Miss Spring the Wesley Foundation and The maintain a 3.5 average for five LOCAL WORSHIPPERS from GSC and the surrounding area will flock to this and other States- to secure his work by 7 p.m. Blossom of 1963” by Wayne “We would like to stress the The public is invited to attend. proceeds went for missionary consecutive quarters. boro churches as Easter Sunday dawns on 1963. Worship services will be held around the globe “Azelea” Ellis, the 1962 queen, in recognition of this—one of the most important of holidays. The picture above shows Saint Mat- beard-growing among the men, in the Reverse Beauty Review work and finances of the Wesley The Sunday preceding Honors stated Kight. “It is usually an Day is Parents Day, and the par- thews Catholic Church, Statesboro. The Gamma Sigma Upsilon that was held in McCroan Audi- Foundation. importan t feature of the ‘Old torium last Thursday. ents of all students are invited to South Ball.” hostesses for the week of April “Miss Magnolia” did a panto- visit the campus. 12-18 are Eola Creech, 106 mine of “A Good Man Is Hard Westberry added that pictures Cone Hall House would be taken of couples by Lewis, and Anita Ambrosen, To Find.” She was escorted by DR' MILLER Betty Jo Akins, and was sponsor- photographer Robert Manley of 207 Veaey. DR LANE ELECTED ‘May Day’ Program Augusta. The prices for the pic- ed by Kappa Phi Kappa. IS AUTHOR Director Retires tures are designated at $4.00 for Miss Billy “Lily” Felder was Dr. Betty Lane, Chairman of two color five by seven pic- Dr. Starr Miller, Chairman of first runner-up in the contest. the Home Economics Division at This Quarter tures in a plastic frame; plus two ’63 “Reflector” the Education Division, is pre- “She” was escorted by Ellen Neal GSC, was elected secretary of 2 inch by 3 inch colored wallet- sently engaged in proof-reading a and was sponsored by Sanford the adult Georgia Home Econom- sized photographs. ic Association at its recent meet- Mrs. Thelma D. Hartley, House On Agenda Next book, “Faculty Development Pro- Hall. Director of Cone Hall, will retire Will Arrive Late cedures in Small Colleges — A ing. “This is one of the best buys in June, immediately following that we have ever had on pic- Southern Survey,” of which he Miss Doug “Dahlia” Geiger The Georgia Home Economics was second runner-up, was spon- Spring Quarter, according to tures at this dance,” he said. Spring Quarter is senior author. Association is the professional or- Zach S. Henderson, President of sored by Veazey Hall and was ganization for all graduate home The ‘Top Hats” compose a Co-author with Dr. Miller was escorted by Paula Pergantis. GSC. Spring Quarter five-piece band, and besides ap- The 1963 edition of the “Re- Dr. Kenneth Wilson, a research economists in Georgia. Mrs. Hartley came to Cone The judges for the contest pearing at other college dr ces flector” is expected to arrive and associate of the Southern Region- The main objective of the as- Hall as House Director in 1956, this year they have recently mu c were Miss Freida Gernant, Miss In a joint meeting of the Stu- so that we could have competi- b# distributed on the Georgia al Education Board, which will sociation is to improve homes and has been there since. She an appearance at GSC at the an- Kirbylene Stephens, and Mr. dent Congress and the Student tion among the Freshmen, Sopho- Southern campus around the last publish the book. and families. succeeded Mrs. Sophie Johnson. nual homecoming dance. week of the Spring quarter, ac- James Dowdy, who are all mem- Personnel Advisory Council, a more, Junior and Senior classes The book deals with 214 small Among Dr.
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