Vof. LXVI, No. TWENTY Vandalism could precipitate dramatic action Union moves to correct abuses By CATHERINE LANDIS 1:00. The change of hours opardy," Shaw comments. March 31. Smith and given a name tag if Editor could go into effect at any- The supervisor, however, If beer is dispensed approved. time. would cost the Union $45 a concert committee will patrol William Brown feels the The Union Board Executive The main reason for the day. They are working on to curb public drunkeness. "kid problem" will be solved Committee proposed four solu- change of hours proposal getting the funds now. It was Hill adds "We will also make enough to recognize anyone tions to the problems of alco- comes from consideration for proposed the Union take some sure no one brings anything who might disturb the Union holic abuse, vandalism and the deskmen. "If beer is sold of the funds out of program- beside themselves and perhaps or the students. theft in the Union. until 1:00," Bob Hill com- ming. a frisbee into the stadium. We Smith has solicited the sup- Their specific concerns have mented, "we can't close the Patrolling supervisor do not want pitchers or port of the U.B.E.C. members been the vandalism in the 2nd Union until at least 1:30, glasses." to enforce the rules. He told floor restroom, the breaking sometimes 2:00." The supervisor's job would Besides the drinking prob- them, "I don't think many of of state laws by bringing alco- The second proposal is to be to patrol the Union. He lem, U.B.E.C. addressed itself us have been willing to stick could be paged at anytime to the presence of children our necks out. I need your when needed. If he finds inside the Union, particularly support." someone abusing their privi- in the game room and snack He went on to say, "The 900 ledges he could first bar them bar. After much debate they Room works when students from the building for an decided to allow no children want it to work." extended period of time. If he into the Union unless accom- Drunk vs. disorderly finds the violator in the Union panied by a designated stu- U.B.E.C. seemed willing to during that time he would in dent. U.B.E.C. is prepared to take on the responsibility,- cooperation with the Dean's use name tags for this pur- especially about drinking office, charge them. If prose- pose. abuses. John Cravet said, "If cuted by the Dean's office the ID tags for children you get drunk, that's your violator could be charged up to business. If you get disor- $50. The tags would be given to derly, that's our business." One proposal the U.B.E.C. those children in the Step Smith and U.B.E.C. ex turned down was to close the Tutoring program and to any pressed the desire to avoid "I'M TIRED...of begging people to be decent. Begging Union or parts of the Union hasn't worked."—Union Director C. Shaw Smith others who have a designated drastic measures if possible. temporarily. Smith com- student with them. (Hunter Jennings) As Smith says, "The main ments, "We have to consider Faculty children would be thing we need to do is to get holic beverages outside the hire a night building supervis- those proposals. In the inter- considered individually by the attention of the campus." 900 Room and inside the Un- or to be on duty from 4 pm rim we want to put students ion,-theft of phones, raiding of until 1 am. William Brown, on the alert." Extended Studies unchanged candy machines, breaking of a assistant director of the Smith recognizes his actions ping pong table, unofficial use Union, compares the office to seem drastic but he says, "I'm of the elevator, smoking and a community center building tired of dealing with children, drinking in Love Auditorium, supervisor. C. Shaw Smith, EPC delays action of begging people to be decent. By AMANDA HALL an analysis of the independent and other incidences which Director of the Union hopes Begging hasn't worked." point to abuses ot Union Managing Editor studies program and may the supervisor will enforce the As to Spring Frolics week- The Educational Policy recommend changes in that privileges. 900 Room drinks rules and will end U.B.E.C. decided to dis- stop the public drunkeness. Committee (EPC) has not program. Close by midnight pense beer at the Saturday af- completed their study of Dav- But because the Veport of He feels that the strict ternoon concert. The final de- idson's academic program be- the E PC has yet to .appear, First they have proposed to enforcement of the rules will cision on their recommenda- decrease the amount of van- cause it has not met in over a Extended Studies Chairman change the hours beer will be tion is left to the Council on month. Hansford Epes has fijready sold in the 900 Room to dalism. "The violation of the Campus and Religious Life rules puts everyone in je- EPC Chairman, Academic- submitted his plans for the 8:00 — 12:00 instead of until who will meet Thursday, Vice-President Frontis W. Extended Studies next year. Johnston indicated Lo The "I have no reason Lo believe Golf-course mystery uncovered Davidsonian in January that Extended Studies I and II will the study would be submitted change at all (next, year)," said to the faculty for a vote in Kpes. Cartmill initiates constructioneither February or March. The KI'C report will prob- "The committee is waiting abl v he I no Ijit e I o alter By MARSHALL WADDELL in usable field space. explained the Council's action Tor a report that I am sup Kxt ended Studies next year. If completed, this area will in the matter. "The coucil posed to write a rough dralt Said Johnston, "I think and provide the golf team with a communicated with the Pres- for," said Johnston. nothing will he done about it practice hole. The team has ident our concerns about the He has not completed the (Extended Studies) at. all, I DENNIS McLAWHORN been practicing at the Char- golf course in light of priorities report because he has been think it is too late to do Sports Editors lotte Country Club and other established by the Goals Com- busy with admissions, exams, anything about it, lor next places. mittee. and "I am basically lazy," he year." The Council on Campus and $60,000 total cost "He indicated that he'll said. "I'm glad we'll have more Religious Life met recently respond to us about it," Terry The study of Davidson aca- time to think about Extended with Athletic Director Thomas Cartmill reported that the said. demics is expected to include Studies," Epes said. Cartmill to discuss the pro- cost of finishing the first hole posed three-hole golf course. and creating two additional FOCUS One hole has already been holes would be upwards of started, but as yet no funds $60,000. have been appropriated for its Cartmill said that the cost completion. of maintaining this three-hole Lack of pay sparks criticism Construction of the first complex could run as high as By ANNE WICKER of the tremendous influence advantage of the fact we don't hole was initiated in, order to $10,000 a year. Staff Writer the hall counselors have on the do it for the money." solve several problems. This maintenance cost Beginning in 1976 the hall freshmen. The hall counselor "They play up the fact that Cartmill explained, "We had would include one employee to counselors at Davidson Col- is usually a responsible person it's an honor and play down two small fields which had to look after the course. Cartmill lege no longer received the with positive attitudes and the fact that it is a job," said be replaced. Softball players did not rule out the possibility previous salary of 1100 a term. they transmit these attitudes one student. were constantly hitting balls of using present grounds per- Many of this year's hall coun- to the freshmen. The hall Several of the hall counse- into the firs. sonnel, who are employed on a selor staff have criticized the counselor is largely respons- lors contacted by The David-j "We also had a great deal of year-round basis, to tend the removal of pay. ible for helping the freshman sonian had individual situa- fill dirt and no place to put it." course. "It involves much more to adjust. Paying the hall tions which further complicate Cartmill solved the problem At present, the first hole than simple room depreciation counselors would be the mer- the matter. "I work eleven by removing a row of hedge stands uncompleted and will (broken furniture, soiled rugs) est token of appreciation." hours per week work study," trees and distributing the dirt remain so until funds are and use of your car," observed Another hall counselor ad- said one hall counselor. "It allocated for it. one hall counselor. "I think -"between the two fields* This ded, "We don't do our jobs to [see WORK, page 9] resulted in a four-fold increase Dean of Students Will Terry Dr. Spencer is not fully aware get paid but they seem to lake TheDavtdsonian April 1, 1977 Barrett rejuvenates Publications Board ByPAMCAMERRA not a decision-making author- StaffWritcr ity. It works in conjunction WDAV Station Manager with and makes recommenda- Sid Barrett, recently elected tions to the newly-formed President of the Publications Media Board.
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