Dr. A. V, Smith, who has· prac· tlced In Mason since 1937, and Dr. Milton C. Bergeon have formed a partnership, effective July 1, Dr. Bergeon Is now completing his In· tarnshlp at St. Lawrence hospital In Lanr;lng, He Is thus returning to his home town to practice, He Officials Draw waR graduated from Mnson high school In l!l16, Mte1· 4 years of service in navy aviation, ns n Jurors'· Names Final Senior Trip pilot, he complf!tcd work on a bachelor's rlegrce at Mlchlg-nn Fifty men nnd women have Uu State and then entered the Unl· opportunity to serve as jurors at , vcrslty of Mlchlgnn incdkal the May term of circuit court il ~dwol, HC! was ~,:rnrluatcd ·last ~Attracts Only 27 Mason. Their names were drawt .T11nc. lie Is a snn of Mr. and Mrs. ''"""""'••··"' by Jot at Mason Wednesday How arc you goln' to lteep 'em tha l this senior trip will J. C. Berg-r>on, Diamond roml. Sheriff Willnrd P. Barnes, Count) prob­ Dr. and Mrs, Bet•gC!on rC!ccn tly llown on the farm? That's out. ably be lhe last for awhile. C!erlt C. Ross Hilliard and Jus modcd, Now they don't want to hoi1ght tllC! Wllllnm Reeser resl· tlces of the Peace Roy W. Adam: "This Isn't a senior trip when· lienee, 302 S. StC!elc. They hnvc go, Only 27 of Mason's 98 seniors and Gcon~e J, Hutter of Lansin1 less than a thh'fl of the c!ll:~s 3 chllrlrcn, Cheryl, 4; Michael, 3; have signed up for the final sen· conducted the drawing, lor trip. goes," said l"orrest Rinehart, and Kathy, 2. The family now re· principal, "H becomes merely n 1'1w 1\luy term of cOUI't Is sirlrs in L;lnslng, Lncl1 of interest helped make It handful of seniors on a lrlp.'' schcduh!!l fm· 1\lasnn. Jt. wltl Dr. Smith was graduated from llnul. While Mason school board Dr. 1\lllron C. Be1·geon 12, Senior~ wore t{) voro 'l'itw'lr the University or Midllgan mcdl· OIJ!ln 1\fonday, 1\fllY ,flii'Ol'S members will vote on it later, ''ai school in 1030, He lntcl'llcd Mason In 1937, Dr. and Mrs. are to l'eJIOI't U1e next tlay. day on whether m· 1:out to can· they agreed Wednesday night ctll th!l :i·dny t.riiJ to New a nrl server! as resident physician Smith reside on Jacl>son road, Cl)osen for jury duty are Mrs. at Christ hospital, Cincinnati, south of town. Virginia McBride and William A Yorlc and replum It with elt.lwr not.lting or d~e a duy'• Ullin, from 1030 to Hl33, He was D1·. Smith and Dr. Bergeon will Bergin, Mason; Walnta Gafne1 oul.tug to some pluco neamr. in genera I pmcli<'c In Ohio occupy the present ofi!ces of Dr. and Jerome K. Barry, Williams Board Begins before establishing a practice In Smith, llG W .. Sycamore. ton; Raymond H. Biggs and Nor Rinehart tolrl the board that ma G. Cowan, East Lansing; the lack or enthusiasm this year Beverly Fruin, John Angell Millage Split l'cflccts !he c!Janglng scene. A Alaiedon; Henry Anderson, Rus few years lmck, there wns an edu· cational vnluc Ia senior trips, the ~ell Rowe, Aurelius; Bert Schcrt· Six Ingham townships marl·3 zing, Et·ma M.arsh, Buni>er Hill; principal pointed out. People Chairmen Lay Plans for their bids for extra millage at didn't have the opportunity to see Aletha Holmes, HC!ni'Y Siegrist, the ol'gnnizational meeting of the Delhi; Mrs. Iva Cticl\ner, Jeanette distant pia cps·, Now t rnnsporta. Ingham tax allocation board lion a ml eomm unicatlon have Witt, Ingham; Vera L, Meyer, Monday. M.ichigan Week Program Ralph Toaz, Lansing township; marie it so that almost anybody Glenn Roesel', Mildred O'Dell, Le Deihl township requested the can visit eillcs such as Nt!W Yorlt Councilman Abc Cohn Is be· queen. Polly Diamond, Luanne roy; biggest slice, 1.1 mills, nne! Washington without the rol5e of an c,Yr!hrow, eomlng enthusiastic over the Birney, Betty Knight and .Judy Sam Churchill, ,J. H. Chmnbcr· Olhet• townships and !he mill· plans bC!Inr~ mupped for local ob· Plakl\c arc members of her lain, Leslie; Joseph M. Speers, age asked for arc: Ingham, 0.8; Lnck or money may be reason scrvancc or Michigan Wee!<, The court. Patty will he eligible io Wesley Pinc!mey, Locl,e; Neva P. Lansing, 1.7729; Leroy, 1; Meriel· for some not going, but school weclt is from .May ·1 to 10. talw part in !he Mackinac bridge Fulton, Genevieve V. Buri>e, ian, 2; and Stocl<bridge, 2. o[ficinls agreed that disinterest Is Rev. Clarence Rodd of Mason dedication celebration this sum· Meridian; IIany Wilson, Chancey the biggest rnclor, Lyle 'l'horbuh1, 'l'he tax allot•atiou bourd president of the school board, Dapt ist church is chairman of the mer, Nea1·, Onondag'i1; Floyd Miller, church committee. Pastors will Mrs. Hugh J, Bartley, Roy Janice Cornish, Stocltbridgc; Mrs. will sl.udy l.l1e budgets 1utd said he was gmcluntecl from Holt be aslwrl to mention the program Arlams nml Vernon J, Brawn are Fern Diamond, Mrs. l<'lorcnce rcquesl4' of the county, t.own· dul'lng the depression, but man·, In ciiUI'ch bulletins and from the worldng on plans for cllsplays of Slusser, Vevay; Mrs, Gertrude shillS an!l school liistl'iets agcrl to scrape llJl enough tor th~J pulpits. old pictures nnd antiques in Ma· Hills, Mrs. Agnes Beach, WIJeat· und J'r!ConumHul how lug·. ~eniol' !rip to Niagara Falls. son store windows, Friday is flclcl; Marjorie Osborne, Laura ham's tnx money will be S!llit.. Harold Bell, sccretat·y, said hln F'rJlllll Gmwrim·o lms bl'A!Il heritage day. Pickett, White Oak; Carolyn Monday's meeting was for senior class picked out a vacation Stllt!el.r•d us mushll' of CCJ'e· PRAYER convinced Douglas 1\fartiu that he shouldn't shoot himself o1· anyone else. Robert Tear and Warner I\ean Lightioot, Helen C. Jones, Wil­ 1 orgamzu. t'1ona 1 p lll" p o s c 8 . 'file 'spot, closm· to .homc----Jacl>son, UHllliPs J'm· the M11y 5 lunch· of the Chamber of Commerce are liamstown; After conviction by prayer, Martin is here shown in the hands of Shcl"iff Glenn Vandc­ board will meet on May 12 for its Rmchnl'l s::ucl lha t _as the school eon fot• lhe l'islth:··~ mayor developing plans for stores to buy Marjorie Moore, Chat·Jcs Gutz· JU. first worl\ session. Little can be becomes larger, semor tripS' will uml ot.ltel' nfficinls from J?re· samle of Shiawassee county. Rev. John Pruden is in bacl\ of the boy and Rev. L. signs and placards for Michigan kl, Cornelia Brouwer, Ray Me· done lllllll the board of super· be even harder to ar1:an~e. Larg. mont. Sclucfflel' at the right. (Archy's photo.) wee!> displays, Neal, Albert Griest, Matle Sup· visors sets equalized valuation ~r classes fwv~ a dwmdhng feel· Hugh W. Silsby, chairman of The Lions and Kiwanis clubs plee, Glen E. Leatherman, John flgures at its May 6 meeting. 1ng of compan10ns!up, he aald, tlw lnglwm board of supervisors, and the Mason Woman's club are M. Stewart, Dorothy Alagna, E. ,J. If the 27 seniors still want to hns been chosen to conduct the among the organizations· develop· Carroll, Florence Wilcox, K .T, Members of the countj' alloca· go to New York after the Thurs. visitors on tout's before and after ing special programs for the Shassbergcr, Lansing, Preachers Aid Of!icers in Capture lion boar~ clccte~l C. G. C~ml, rlay meeting, they will leave May the ll1nchcon. week, Cohn said. l~ast I~1nsmg, ch~1rman; I-Ic 1s a 7 ancl return May 10. The trip Mayor Leonard Jordan, Mrs, Lansing has invited all Mason Two clergymen not only prayed youth held the officers at bay by supcrvtsor and JS chau·ma~l of costR each $65. llinchart explained to Marlin, who climbed into the the ways and means committee. that a magazine sale conducted Jordan anrl Commissioner Charles civic organizations to inspect the for law and order Sunday night. threatening to ltlll himself. He Bowman and Mrs. Bowman of new Lansing city hall Monday Board Gets Tough they prayed and talked a 16-year· stood with I he muzzle of the shot­ car and drove away. Othe1· members are Laurence by seniors each fall helps pay for Fremont will meet. Mason's May· aitcrnoon, May 5, old youth out of shooting him· gun pointed at his chin, insisting l<'ox was taken to the Corunna Pal'ltcl', county treasurer; Alton the t1·ips. L<1st year 2 girls ~arned. or Paul Richards, Mrs. Richards, On Idle Seniors self or anybody else. that he intended to pull the trig­ hospital. I-Iis wounds proved to Stroud, county supct·inlendent of their trips· and enough left over Councilman Paul Cheney unci Rev, John Pruden of North ger if anyone attempted to dis­ be not serious, schools; Vernon D. Ebersole, for spending money. Mrs, Cheney at a restaurant on Idle hands arc tile dcv!l's worl<· Aurelius Union church and Rev. ann him. lie finally surrendered Officers immediately tool\ up membet· of Lansing board of cdu· The era of senior trips is ove1• US-16 not·th of Portland on Mon· Ingham Records shop, The Mason school br>arcl M.
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