4828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 19 TO BE MAJOR Thy purpose and key our desires to Thy holy will. Impress Capt. Benjamin Bowering, Coast Artillery Corps, from us that a benevolent heart is more rewarding than self­ March 9, 1934. interest and allow not dreary selfishness to be the prison of TO BE CAPTAIN our souls. Almighty God, lead us just now to consecrate First Lt. Charles Theodore Skow, Air Corps, from March ourselves at the altar of our country. O clothe us with the 9, 1934. spirit of dedication that crowned and made memorable our forefathers in the establishment of the cause of good and TO BE FIRST LIEUTENANTS righteous government in a new land and in a new world. In Second Lt. John Jordan Morrow, Air Corps, from March the name of the world's Savior. Amen. 9, 1934. Second Lt. Mercer Christie Walter, Field Artillery, from The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday, March 17, March 10, 1934. was read and approved. Second Lt. Theodore John Dayharsh, Coast Artillery THE COTTON BILL Corps, from March 10, 1934. The SPEAKER. Under the special order of the House agreed to on last Saturday, the unfinished business is the CONFIRMATIONS bill H.R. 8402, to };)lace the cotton industry on a sound com­ Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate March 19 mercial basis, to prevent unfair competition and practices (legislative day of Mar. 15), 1934 in putting cotton into the channels of interstate and foreign commerce, to provide funds for paying additional benefits PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for other TO BE MEDICAL DIRECTORS purposes. Harry J. Warner. Is a separate vote demanded on any amendment? [After Robert Olesen. a pause.] If not, the Chair will put them in gross. Charles M. Fauntleroy. The amendments were agreed to. TO BE SENIOR SURGEONS The bill was ordered to be engrossed, read a third time, Knox E. Miller John H. Linson and was read the third time. Joseph G. Wilson Newton E. Wayson The SPEAKER. The question is on the passage of the bill. Mr. Clifford E. Waller Frank M. Fa.get Mr. SNELL. Speaker, on the final passage of the bill Charles V. Akin I demand the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. POSTMASTERS The question was taken; and there were-yeas 251, nays ILLINOIS 115, answered" present" 2, not voting 64, as follows; Joseph I. Kvidera, Cary. [Roll No. 109] Eugene P. Kline, East St. Louis. YEAS-251 Owen Kelly, Farmington. Adams 'Darden Jeffers Parker Clifford W. Brewer, Knoxville. Allgood Dear Jenckes, Ind. Parks Arens Deen Johnson, Minn. Parsons John H. Priepot, Mendon. Arnold Delaney Johnson, Okla. Patman Mervin N. Beecher, Yorkville. Ayers, Mont. DeRouen Johnson, Tex. Peterson Ayres, Kans. Dickinson Johnson, W.Va. Pierce MISSISSIPPI Bailey Dies Jones Polk Brooksie J. Holt, Duncan. Bankhead Dingell Kee Prall Beam Disney Keller Ramsay James W. Lucas, Moorhead. Beiter Dobbins Kelly, Ill. Ramspeck Buren Broadus, Wiggins. Berlin Dockweiler Kenney Randolph Black Douglass Kerr Rayburn MISSOURI Blanton Doxey Kloeb Reilly Bloom Drewry Kniffin Richards Leslie B. Kincaid, Braymer. Boehne Driver Kocialkowski Robertson Max Clodfelter, Dexter. Boileau Duncan, Mo. Kopplemann Robinson Rolla S. Cczean, Farmington. Boylan Dunn Kramer Rogers, N.H. Brown, Ga. Durgan, Ind. Kvale Rogers, Okla. Louis N. Bowman, King City. Brown, Ky. Eagle Lambeth Romjue Charles E. Sears, Macon. Brown, Mich. Edmiston Lanzetta Ruffin Browning Ellenbogen Larrabee Sadowski Leonard D. Dyer, Rushville. Brunner Ellzey, Miss. Lea, Calif. Sandlin William B. Maus, Schell City. Buchanan Faddis Lee, Mo. Schaefer Clarence F. Bruton, Sikeston. Bulwinkle Farley Lewis, Colo. Schuetz Burch Fernandez Lindsay Schulte Emmett S. Stewart, Sturgeon. Burke, Calif. Fiesinger Lloyd Scrugham Byrns Fitzpatrick Lozier Sears NEW JERSEY Cady Fletcher Ludlow Secrest William H. Cottrell, Princeton. Caldwell Ford Lundeen Shallenberger Cannon, Mo. Frear McC'.lrthy Shoemaker Jane L. Garland, Sea Bright. Carden, Ky. Fuller Mcclintic Sinclair TEXAS Carmichael Fulmer McCormack Sirovich Carpenter, Nebr. Gambrill McDuffie Sisson Albert A. Allison, Corsicana. Cartwright Gasque McFarlane Smith, Va. Carl W. Amberg, Lagrange. Cary Gavagan McGrath Smith, Wash. Castellow Gilchrist McMillan Snyder William H. Lyle, Sudan. Celler Gillespie McReynolds Somers, N.Y. Margaret E. Lasseter, Westbrook. Chapman Glover Mcswain Spence Chavez Granfield Maloney, Conn. Steagall Christianson Greenway Maloney, La. Strong, Tex. Church Greenwood Marland Stubbs HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Clark, N.C. Gregory Martin, Colo. Studley Coffin Griswold Martin, Oreg. Sumners, Tex. MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1934 Colden Haines May Sutphin Cole Hancock, N .C. Mead Swank The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Collins, Miss. Harlan Meeks Sweeney Colmer Hastings Mlller Tarver The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D.D., offered Condon Healey Mllligan Taylor. Colo. the fallowing prayer: Connery Henney Monaghan, Mont. Terry, Ark. Cooper, Tenn. H1ll, Ala. Montet Thom Teach us how to live, our blessed Heavenly Father. Today Cox Hill, Knute Murdock Thomason is our own; we thank Thee for its providence. 0 Spirit Cravens Hill, Samuel B. Musselwhite Thompson, Ill. Crosby Hoeppel O'Connor Thompson, Tex. divine, plead with us that we may have sweet and under­ Cross. Tex. Hoidale O'Malley Thurston standing minds. With clear seeing and straight thinking, Crosser, Ohio Howard Oliver, Ala. Truax Crump Hughes Oliver, N.Y. Umstead let us fulfill the obligations of our great calling. May our Culkin Imhoff Owen Utter back thoughts respond to Thy thoughts-harness our purpose with Cummings Jacobsen Palmisano Vinson, Ga. 1934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4829 Wallgren West, Ohio Willford Woodrum AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT Warren West, Tex. Wilson Young Weaver White Withrow Zioncheck Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Weideman Whittington Wood, Ga. The Speaker take from the Speaker's table the bill (H.R. 7478) to amend Werner Wilcox Wood, Mo. the Agricultural Adjustment Act so as to include cattle as a NAYS--115 basic agricultural commodity, and for other purposes, with Andrew, Mass. Doutrlch Lam.neck Rogers, Mass. Senate amendments thereto, disagree to the Senate amend­ Andrews, N.Y. Dowell Lehlbach Sanders Bacharach Eicher Lesinski Seger ments, and agree to the conference asked by the Senate. Ba.con Eltse, Calif. Luce Simpson The Clerk read the title of the bill. Bakewell Englebright McFadden Snell Mr. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, reserving_the right to object, Beck Evans McGugin Stalker Beedy Fish McLean Stokes if I understand this bill correctly, this is the bill that has the Biermann Foss McLeod Strong, Pa.. La Follette amendment attached to it to provide a certain Blanchard Gifford Mapes Swick Bland Gillette Marshall Taber amount for the purchase of diseased dairy cattle, and so Bolton Goodwin Martin, Mass. Taylor, Tenn. forth, the amount being $150,000,000. Britten Goss Merritt Terrell, Tex. Mr. JONES. The Senate put in everything except the Buck Griffin Millard Thomas Burke, Nebr. Hancock, N.Y. Mitchell Tinkham kitchen stove. Burnham Harter Moran Tobey Mr. SNELL. May I say in all seriousness to the gentle­ Busby Hartley Morehead Traeger I Carpenter, Kans. Hess Mott Turner man, this amendment, as understand it, is more important Carter, Calif. Higgins Nesbit Turpin than any measure that we have had before us in recent Carter. Wyo. Holmes Peavey Wadsworth times affecting the dairy interests of the country. It is the Chase Hope Pettengill Walter Clarke, N.Y. Huddleston Peyser Wearin only direct aid, as far as I can see, that would come at once Cochran, Mo. James Plumley Welch to this industry, and as far as I am concerned, and as far Cochran, Pa. Jenkins, Ohio Powers Whitley as others who are very deeply interested in the dairy situa­ Connolly Kahn Rankin Wigglesworth corning Kelly, Pa. Ransley Wolcott tion are concerned, we feel that the amendment should come Darrow Kinzer Reece Wolfenden back to the House and be agreed to. We should at least De Priest Knutson Reed, N.Y. Wolverton Dirksen Kurtz Rich Woodruff give the House a chance to express its opinion before the Dondero Lambertson Richardson House conferees insist on the Senate withdrawing the amend­ ANSWERED .. PRESENT "-2 ment. If this goes to conference I would ask the gentle­ Doughton Gray man to agree that before any such thing happened he would us NOT VOTING--64 bring it back to the House and give an opportunity to express ourselves on such an important amendment. Abernethy Crowther Ha.rt O'Brien Adair Cullen Hildebrandt O'Connell Mr. JONES. I may state to the gentleman, as I have Allen Dickstein Hollister Perkins stated to several others, that the purposes outlined in the Auf der Heide Ditter Kennedy, Md. Pou Boland Duffey Kennedy, N.Y. Reid, Ill. La Follette amendment are in the main the features that Brennan Eaton Kleberg Rudd were intended to be used under the declared purposes of the Brooks Edmonds Lanham Sabath bill as it passed the House. There was a committee of live­ Brumm Fitzgibbons Lehr Shannon Buckbee Flannagan Lemke Smith. W.Va. stock men representing both the dairy- and beef-cattle people Cannon, Wis. Focht Lewis, Md. Sullivan of the entire country who met here, and the purposes named Carley, N.Y. Foulkes McKeown Taylor, S.C. in the La Follette amendment were outlined as a part of the Cavicchia Frey Mansfield Treadway Claiborne Goldsborough Montague Underwood program that would be adopted if the House bill passed. Of Collins, Calif. Green Moynihan, Ill. Vinson, Ky. course I am not authorized to speak for the conferees, but Cooper. Ohio Guyer Muldowney Waldron Crowe Hamilton Norton Williams I think some good purposes are outlined in the amendment, and they are specified now rather than stated generally as So the bill was passed. heretofore. The Clerk announced the following pairs: Mr. SNELL. That is the main point. Furthermore, the On this vote: question of a processing tax is not involved in this amend­ Mr.
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