DIRECTORY.] DORSETSHIRE. LYDLIXCH. 1241 in barrows, supposed to be of British origin; and on the top bart. Reginald Joseph Weld e~q. is lord of the manor anll of a perpendicular cliff of 700 feet are the ramparts of a sole landowner. The area, including West Luhvorth, is strong hill fort, commonly called RING'S Hn.L or FLOWER'S 4,339 acres of land and 25 of water; rateable yalue of East BARROW. Lulworth Castle, the seat of Reginald Joseph LUlworth, £1,788; the population in 1881 was 364. Weld esq. is an imposing and massi,'e stone structure, with Parish Clerk, William Wilson. a noble circular tower at each corner, Bnd is situated in a POST OFFICE.-George Knight, receiver. Letters arrive beautifully wooded park, surrounded by a wall, 4 miles in from Wareham at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 7 p.m. The circumference; it was built from the ruins of Mount Poyn- nearest money order office is at West Lulworth & telegraph ings and Bindon Abbey by Thomas, Visconnt Bindon ; foun- office is at Wool. Postal orders are issued here, but not. dations Ilaid 1588, and finished about the year 16°9, but paid little of the inside work was finished until it became by pur- SCHOOLS:- chase the property of the Weld family: it has been honoured National (mixed), with residence adjoining, built in 18W. by the presence of James I. Charles 11. James lI. when Duke for 80 children; average attend. 50 ; Mrs. Ann Trent, mist. of York, Ueorge Ill. and George IV. when Prince of Wales, Catholic, built in 1855, for 100 children; average attend- and has been the residence of H. R.H. the Duke of Gloucester, ance, 40; supported by the Weld family; Miss Ellen the French King Charles X. and the late Sir Robert Peei :Fanning, mistress Bridge Rev. WaIter S.J. [Catholic chap- Bates John Joseph, land steward to Lawrence Thomas, grocer lain], Lulworth castle Reginald Joseph Weld esq. & land l\1itch~ll George, clerk of works to RO' Johnson Rev. Joseph [Catholic] agent & sur\"eyor J. Weld esq Roberts Rev. Albert RA. Vicarage Homer George, 'Weld Arm'! P.H Penny Henry, farmer Weld Misses, Lulworth castle KendalI Bernard, farmer, Monastery Holls George, shoe maker Weld Reginald Joseph, Lulworth castle Knight George, baker, & post office ISearley Robert, farmer Weld-Blundell Henry, Lulworth castle WEST LULWORTH is a parish and village, situate it communicates with the sea through a deep channel, and is: on the shore of the English Channel, on the margin of Lul-I surrounded by steep and lofty cliffs. The" Arched Rock,'" worth cove, and surrounded on the land side by hIlls which or" Durdle door," about one mile from the cove, has an shelter it from the north and east winds, 9 miles south-west opening of nearly 40 feet, through which a view of the sea is from Wareham and about 6 south from Wool station on the obtained. Here is a coastguard station, with a chief officer South Western railway, in the Southern diyision of the and eight men. The land is chiefly the property of Reginald county, liberty of 13indon, locally within the hundred of Win- !Joseph Weld esq. of Lulworth Castle, East Lulworth, who is frith, petty sessional division of Wareham, union of Wareham ' lord of the manor. The soil "aries; subsoil, chiefly Bagshot. and Purbeck, county court district of 'Wareham, Dorchester I sand: and the chief crops are wheat, oats and barley, and rural deanery Purbeck portion,Dorset archdeaconry andSalis- pasture land. For area see East Lulworth; rate~\ble value. bury diocese; it is provided with pure water from the chalk. £2,044; the population in 1881 was 339. The ch~rch of the Holy ~rinity was. r~built i~ ~870, from ST. ANDftEW'S is half a mile north-east; BGRNOATE, one the deSigns ?f the late J. HlCk.s esq.: It IS a bUll~lUg of Pur- mile north-east; BINDON HILL, half a mile south; llELHUISH beck stone, III th~ Early EnglIsh style, and consists of chan- 2 miles north. Here are many barrows. eel, nave, north aisle and traJ:.lsept: the base of ~he embattled Parish Clerk Robert Clarke. tower forms a porch and pnnclpal entrance: It st.ands near ' . the west end of the church on the south side: the two re- POST & M. O. 0., S. B. & Ann~lty & Insurance ~ffice.- mainmg bells have recently (1889) been cast into one; the Edward James Randall,. receiver. Letters arrive from other one is said to have been sold to the parish of East Lul- Wa.reham at 8.10 a.~. ; dIspatched at 5· 35 p.~. ; sundays, worth many years aO'o: the tower was enlarO'ed in 1888 at arrive at 9 a.m. ; dispatched at 10.10 a.lll. fhe nearest. a cost of £600. raised by public subscriptions~ there are 300 tele~raph ofli.ce is at Wool sittings. The register dates from the 16th century. The WALL LETTER Box, cleared at 5-45 p.m.; sundays, 10.20 a.m living is a rectory, gross yearly value about £ 120, with resi- Coastguard titation, Thomas Cummings, chief officer dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held since National t:chool (mixed), built in 1862, with residence for 1887 by the Rev. William Perf'y Schuster IIl.A. of Hertford Col- mistress adjoining, for 80 children; aver,\~e attendance. lege, Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel, built in 1835. 40; )liss Emma Eckett, mistress; MISS Susan Eckett,. LULWORTH COVE, in this parish, is a greatnatural curiosity: assistant mistress Hopkins Joseph, Bindon cottage Charles Henry Martin & Son, grocers, Randall Edward Jas. grocer, Post office Howard Richard Nicholas bakers, drapers, ironmongers, beer l{iggs George, shopkeeper Schuster Rev. Wm. Percy M.A. Rectory retailers & fly proprietors ~cutt Thomas, blacksmith COMMERCIAL. Collard Avalon, Cove hotel Snelling John, jun. uaker Budden Charles & Henry, farmers, Dorey Ann Winz~r (Mrs.), Castle inn Snelling Robert~ carrier Burngate farm Dorey Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Tucker S1.& Son, farmers, St.Andrew·s Burt William, wheelwright Hookey John, coal merchant & farmer West Lulworth Hoarding Establishment. Clark Robert, tailor Legg Obadiah, farmer, East farm (Thos. Bntt, mangr.), near the Cove LYDLINCH is a parish and village, very agreeably situ- cbarities of the annual value of £92. derived from land left in 8ted on tbe river Lyd or Lyddon, a feeder of the Stour, 11 1811 and called the Homaine and Bissell chaJity, for appren­ miles west from Blandford, II south-west from Shaftesbury, ticing poor children, distribution among the poor and for­ 9 south-east from Sherborne, and 3 west from Sturminster repairs of the church. The brick and ~ile works of Robert Newton station, in the Northern division of the county, hun- English are here. Mrs. Yeatman is lady of the manor and dred and petty sessional division and union of Sturminster the chief landowner. The soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, clay. Newton, Shaftesbury county court district, rural deanery of The land is chiefly in pasture. The area is 2,446 acres;. Shaftesbury. Stalbridge portion, archdeacollry of Dorset and rateable value, £4,996, which includes that of Stock Gaylard;. diocese of Salisbury. Cnder the operation of the Divided the population III 1881 was 354. Parishes Act the parish of Stock Gaylald has been added to Parish Clerk, 'Villiam Tite. this parish for civil purposes only. The church of St. Thoma.~ STROUD is I mile north-west; HYDE, I mile south-west ;: aBecket is a small stone structure, in the Early English BLACKROW, I mile south-west; & KING STAG, which is partly style, consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, north aisle, in this parish, 2 miles south-west. south porch and square embattled western tower, with Letters through Hlandford arrive by messenger at 8.15 a.m.;' pinnacles, which contains a peal of 5 bells and a clock: there WALL Boxcleared at 5 p.m. The nearest money order &. 8-re 130 sittings. The register dates from the year 1560. telegraph office is at titurminster Newton The living is a rectory, yearly value £440, "ith 60 acres of Letters for King Stag arrive through Sherborne at 10 a.m glebe land and residence, in the gift of Mrs. Yeatman, and WALL LETTKR Box at King Stag cleared at 3.50 p.m held SlUce 1874 by the Rev. }<'rancis Ueorge Henley M.A. of National School.(mixed), built in 1874, for 70 children; aver- Trinity College, Cambridge. Attached to the church are age attendance, 45; Miss Basson, mistress Antell Mrs Cluett Henry, farmer, Holebrook I:Marsh Samuel, fanner, Stroud farm Henley Rev. Francis Geo. M.A. Rectory Cross Francis, farmer, New House frm Mogg Jesse, baker, King stag Drake Albert, fanner, Haydon farm· Mo;?g Levi, farmer, King stag COMMERCIAL. English Robert, brick &tile maker,King Mog-go SJ'denham, grocer Baker John, carpenter Stag Brick works; & farmer, Holwe.1j Pople Henry, farmer, Plumbet: house Bastable WaIter,ThreeBoars' Heads P.H [Letters through Sherborne] Roberts Jobn, farmer, PrClWers farIli­ Brown James & Samuel, carpenters Fifett Jane (:\Irs. ),farmer, Manor farm Ryall Alfred William, imJ?lemen~~ker Brown John, farmer, Hydes farm GoddardMary(Miss),shopkpr.Kingstag' &; agent, King stag Brown William, farmer, Combes farm Gould William, farmer ITimmins Benjamin, grocer &; draM~ Chapman William, farmer, Rodrnoor Jacob Joseph, farmer,Blackmoocs farm Trim John, farmer, mac~ro.,. Cluett Edgar, farmer Kingman Edgar Wm. bnilder & farmer I.
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