Death Notices and Obituaries in the Buffalo News 4-22-2009 to 12-31

Death Notices and Obituaries in the Buffalo News 4-22-2009 to 12-31

Obituaries as found in the Buffalo News: April 22, 2009 to December 31, 2009 (Missing 4/25/2009) Place of Date, Page of Last Name/Maiden First Name M.I. Age Date of Death Date, Page Death/Birth/Residence detailed obit Abbinati/Arnone Sarah C. 12/5/2009 Buffalo, NY 12-7-2009: B8 Abbott Margaret T. 84 8/24/2009 Town of Boston, NY 8-27-2009: B4 Abbott William "Billy" 60 11/10/2009 Riverside, NY 11-29-2009: B4 Abell/McDavitt Muriel H. 6/21/2009 Buffalo, NY 6-23-2009: B4 Abram John B. 10/26/2009 Blasdell, NY 10-27-2009: B4 Abram/Brown Anna M. 10/22/2009 10-27-2009: B4 Abramo Samuel M. 62 8/31/2009 Buffalo, NY 9-2-2009: B4 Abramos James V. 83 12/27/2009 Kenmore, NY 12-29-2009: B4 Accardi/Kermode June 5/27/2009 WNY 5-28-2009: B4 Accardo Antoinette M. 77 5/14/2009 Niagara Falls, NY 5-16-2009: D4 Achtyl/Mekarski Victoria T. 7/16/2009 Orchard Park, NY 7-18-2009: D4 Ackerman Henry V. 94 5/17/2009 Venice, FL 9-6-2009: B4 Ackerman/Nolan Mary N. 8/20/2009 8-23-2009: C4 Ackley Albert D. 7/8/2009 7-10-2009: B4 Acquard Theodore "Ted" 11/29/2009 Lancaster, NY 11-30-2009: B8 Acquisto Anthony D. 32 12/4/2009 12-6-2009: B6 Adamczak Emily R. 14 6/15/2009 Akron, NY 6-18-2009: B4 Adams Paul D. 58 5/27/2009 Mason, Ohio 6-9-2009: B4 Adams Paul D. 5/24/2009 Getzville, NY 5-27-2009: B4 Adams Walter J. 5/31/2009 WNY 6-1-2009: B8 Adams William L. 9/2/2009 East Aurora, NY 9-7-2009: B8 Adams/Jones Zipporah T. 5/12/2009 5-18-2009: B8 Adamski Anna M. 5/28/2009 5-30-2009: D4 Adamski William D. 67 9/24/2009 Virginia Beach, VA 10-06-2009: B4 Aderhold Sylvia 74 8/15/2009 Niagara Falls, NY 8-24-2009: B8 Aderman David R. 11/13/2009 Buffalo, NY 11-15-2009: C4 Adolf Kenneth P. 55 8/19/2009 Niagara Falls, NY 8-22-2009: D4 Adornetto Laura G. 85 10/20/2009 10-22-2009: B4 Adrion Helen 10/31/2009 WNY 11-4-2009: B6 Aedo/Echeverria Benedicta "Betty" 4/29/2009 Lackawanna, NY 5-2-2009: D4 Agostini Arthur J. 4/4/2009 Orchard Park, NY 6-28-2009: B6 Agostini Arthur J. 4/4/2009 Orchard Park, NY 6-21-2009: B6 Agro Rose P. 12/29/2009 Grand Island, NY 12-30-2009: B4 Aguilar/Pratt Miriam I. 42 7/12/2009 WNY 7-14-2009: B4 Ahrens-Hover Janice E. 11/12/2009 East Aurora, NY 11-13-2009: D4 Aiken Bruce, Sr. R. 12/20/2009 12-21-2009: B8 Aiken Harvey E. 92 8/29/2009 Buffalo, NY 9-2-2009: B4 Ainsworth Margaret E. 92 12/15/2009 East Aurora, NY 12-20-2009: B6 Airth Diane S. 10/6/2009 Buffalo, NY 10-07-2009: B4 Akromas Jerome G. 5/25/2009 Buffalo, NY 6-14-2009: B4 1 Obituaries as found in the Buffalo News: April 22, 2009 to December 31, 2009 (Missing 4/25/2009) Alba Angelo V. 78 10/19/2009 Tonawanda, NY 10-22-2009: B4 Albano Lou "Captin Lou" 76 10/14/2009 Westchester County, NY 10-15-2009: B5 Albarella/Pinnavala Dorothy E. 93 6/30/2009 Blasdell, NY 7-1-2009: B4 Albert/Gemberling Penny M. 9/17/2009 9-20-2009: C6 Albrecht Margaret "Peggy" 9/19/2009 9-21-2009: C8 Albrecht/Bera Gertrude T. 7/31/2009 8-2-2009: B4 Albrecht/Mrozinski Mildred E. 78 11/21/2009 Depew, NY 11-23-2009: B8 Aldinger Kenneth R. 54 10/20/2009 Gainesville, FL 10-24-2009: D4 Aldrich Joseph K. 11/19/2009 WNY 11-22-2009: C4 Alejandro Genoveva 10/25/2009 Buffalo, NY 10-27-2009: B4 Aleksiuk/Boczkowski Regina 5/25/2009 5-27-2009: B4 Alessi Larry 5/1/2009 Buffalo, NY 5-2-2009: D4 Alexander Clifford D. 11/19/2009 Buffalo, NY 11-26-2009: C4 Alexander Irene 12/8/2009 12-10-2009: B4 Alexander Michael 58 7/30/2009 Lyons, NY 8-9-2009: C6 Alexander Nicholas A. 11/26/2009 Eden, NY 11-27-2009: D4 Alexander Nicholas 81 12/18/2009 Wilson, NY 12--22-2009:B5 Algera/Ardire Santina C. 81 9/29/2009 Buffalo, NY 9-30-2009: B4 Alguire/Wheeler Wendy J. 7/29/2009 West Seneca, NY 8-16-2009: B6 Allen Jack 95 7/11/2009 Buffalo, NY 8-1-2009: B4 Allen Sherwin B. 87 12/24/2009 Gowanda, NY 12-27-2009: C4 Allen Sherwin E. 87 12/24/2009 Gowanda, NY 12-29-2009: B5 Allen/Kaszar Barbara P. 10/31/2009 Cheektowaga, NY 11-4-2009: B6 Allen/Puglia Mary Ann 9/8/2009 Lancaster, NY 9-12-2009: D6 Allman Leonard 9/6/2009 9-8-2009: B4 Alvarez Jos é R. 44 8/3/2009 Buffalo, NY 8-5-2009: B4 Amato/ Ventresca Lucy 7/17/2009 Buffalo, NY 7-19-2009: B6 Ambellan/Matia Irene B. 82 9/1/2009 South Buffalo, NY 9-3-2009: B4 Amborski/Kargul Janet 6/2/2009 West Seneca, NY 6-5-2009: B4 Amerson Willie J. 11/16/2009 11-20-2009: D4 Amico/Kozak Mary Anne 5/23/2009 Tonawanda, NY 6-7-2009: B6 Ammer/Lever Agnes 9/10/2009 9-12-2009: D6 Amodeo/Russo Kathryn J. 83 12/23/2009 Amhesrt, NY 12-25-2009: B4 12-26-2009: B4 Amsden Richard T. 6/9/2009 7-19-2009: B6 Anderson David K. 74 8/15/2009 8-20-2009: B4 Anderson George H. 5/3/2009 Springville, NY 5-5-2009 B4 Anderson Johhn H. 10/20/2009 10-25-2009: C4 Anderson Nick 73 10/30/2009 11-8-2009: B4 Anderson Ronald C. 12/21/2009 Cheektowaga, NY 12-25-2009: B4 Anderson/Carey Patricia R. 80 5/10/2009 5-18-2009: B8 Anderson/Hill Paricia A. 9/9/2009 9-13-2009: B4 2 Obituaries as found in the Buffalo News: April 22, 2009 to December 31, 2009 (Missing 4/25/2009) Anderson/Knochenhauer Jean M. 82 9/9/2009 9-10-2009: B10 Anderson/O'Shea June "Pat" P. 5/26/2009 Black Rock, NY 7-11-2009: C4 Anderson/Weindel Agnes E. 8/1/2009 8-2-2009: B4 Andler Robert C. 81 11/27/2009 Williamsville, NY 12-1-2009: B10 12-4-2009: D5 Andolina/DiPiazza Marie 6/24/2009 North Collins, NY 6-26-2009: D4 Andres Lucille M. 7/30/2009 Holland, NY 8-1-2009: B4 Andrews Edward W. 7/17/2009 7-19-2009: B6 Andrews/Hohl Linda M. 10/18/2009 South Buffalo, NY 10-21-2009: B4 Andrezejewski (Tobiasz) Dorothy 7/4/2009 7-6-2009: B8 Andriaccio/Termine Mildred P. 93 4/27/2009 Buffalo, NY 4-29-2009: B4 Andrzejewski Daniel J. 8/21/2009 8-23-2009: C4 Andrzejewski Thaddeus "Ted" M. 8/16/2009 Cheektowaga, NY 8-18-2009: B4 Andrzejewski/Morlock Linda L. 63 5/15/2009 5-17-2009: C6 Angelino Samuel L. 59 7/1/2009 Derby, NY 7-6-2009: B8 Angelino Samuel L. 7/1/2009 Derby, NY 7-5-2009: B4 Anthon/ VanSickle Ann E. 92 5/8/2009 5-10-2009: B4 Anthon/VanSickle Ann E. 92 5/8/2009 Buffalo, NY 5-24-2009: B6 Anticola Frank J. 8/21/2009 Hamburg, NY 8-23-2009: C4 Antrodossi Umberto 6/21/2009 Buffalo, NY 6-24-2009: B4 Appenheimer John A. 8/30/2009 Lancaster, NY 9-1-2009: B4 Appleby Charles R. 11/23/2009 11-27-2009: D4 Aquila Carl L. 75 11/24/2009 Elma, NY 12-11-2009: D5 Aquilina Michael C. 46 9/10/2009 9-13-2009: B4 Archabald/Carter Mary S. 5/8/2009 Orchard Park, NY 5-10-2009: B4 Archibald James F. 89 11/14/2009 Clarence, NY 11-16-2009: B8 11-17-2009: B5 Archilla Efrain "Ed" 91 11/6/2009 11-8-2009: B4 Arcuri Joseph T. 4/22/2009 Athol Springs, NY 4-24-2009: B4 Arcuri Vito J 11/18/2009 11-19-2009: B10 Arena Salvatore K. 69 7/27/2009 Wheatfield, NY 7-28-2009: B4 Arena/Bonta Toni R. 57 9/14/2009 9-17-2009: B4 Argen Helen M. 105 6/11/2009 Amherst, NY 7-15-2009: B5 Argen Helen M. 7/11/2009 Kenmore, NY 7-19-2009: B6 Arlow William, IV J. 12/21/2009 Colden, NY 12-23-2009: B4 Armitage/Bruce Bettry 10/29/2009 11-1-2009: C6 Arndt Charles "Bud" E. 11/17/2009 Elma, NY 11-21-2009: D4 Arndt/ Eley Gertrude M. 95 7/21/2009 7-26-2009: B6 Arnold, Jr. Ernest 7/21/2009 Buffalo, NY 7-24-2009: D4 Arnold/Wahl Clara 6/5/2009 West Seneca, NY 6-7-2009: B6 Ascenzo/Morgante Adaline 6/20/2009 WNY 6-21-2009: B6 Aschieri/Bartalo Lucy 98 5/8/2009 5-10-2009: B4 Ashe John S. 5/15/2009 5-16-2009: D4 Asztalos/Dolski Pamela M. 10/2/2009 10-5-2009: B8 3 Obituaries as found in the Buffalo News: April 22, 2009 to December 31, 2009 (Missing 4/25/2009) Atkins William J.

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