ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK RETA 5948 REG COMBATING TRAFFICKING OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN SOUTH ASIA COUNTRY PAPER INDIA July 2002 Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd. Helen T. Thomas, Team Leader The view expressed in this paper are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), or its Board of Directors or the governments they represent. ADB makes no representation concerning and does not guarantee the source, originality, accuracy, completeness or reliability of any statement, information, data, finding, interpretation, advice, opinion, or view presented. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of May 1, 2002) Currency Unit – Indian Rupee Rp1.0 = $ = ABBREVIATIONS A.P. Andhra Pradesh ACS Association For Care and Support in Organizing Trafficked women ADB Asian Development Bank AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome APAC Aids Prevention And Control APO Assistant Project Officer B.D.F Border Defense Force B.S.F Border Security Force BNWLA Bangladesh National Woman Lawyers Association BPL Below Poverty Line BSF Border Security Force C.M Chief Minister CAPART Council For Advancement Of Peoples Action And Rural Technology CATW Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation Of Women CBI Crime Bureau of Investigation CBO Community Based Organization CRC Convention for the Rights of the Child CSW/s Commercial Sex Workers CSWB Central Social Welfare Board CWIN Child Workers In Nepal D.W.C.D. Department of Women and Child Development DGP Director General of Police DPEP District Primary Education Program DWACRA Department of women and child Rural Agency ECE Early Childhood Education FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FIR First Information Report GAATW Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women GDP Gross Development Product GNP Gross National Product GRP General Railway Police HIV Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus ICDS Integrated Child development program IDP Internally Displaced Person IPC Indian Penal Code IRDP Integrated Rural Development Program IREDA Indian Renewable Energy Development Authority ISED Institute for Socio- Economic Development ITPA Immoral Trafficking (Prevention) Act J.W.P. Joint Women’s Program Km Kilometer M.P. Madhya Pradesh M.P.S.R.C Maharashtra Public State Roadways Corporation MCOCA Maharashtra Center Of Organized Crime Act MD Managing Director MOU Memorandum of Understanding MWCSW The Ministry of women and children and social welfare N.C.R.B. National Crime Record Bureau NACO National Aids Control Organization NACSET Network Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking NATSAP Network Against Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking NCRB National Crime Records Bureau NCW National Commission for Women NGO Non Government Organization NHRC National Human Rights Commission NNGAT National Network Against Girl Trafficking NORAD National Organization of Rural and Agriculture Development NPA National Plan of Action NPBD National Project on Bio gas Development NPIC National Program on Improved Chulah P.S. Police Station PHC Primary Health Center PIL Public Interest Litigation PITA Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act PMRY Prime Minster’s Rojgar Yojna PRI Panchayati Raj Institution Q..A. Quinquennial Average REGP Rural Employment Generation Program RETA Regional Technical Assistance RVTI Regional Vocational Training Institute SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SAP Structural adjustment Program SCRB State Crime Record Bureau SEP Socio economic Program SHG Self Help Group SJSRY Swarn jayanti Swa Rozgar Yojana SMS State Management Systems STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases STEP Support To Training and Employment STOP Stop Trafficking, Prostitution and Oppression of Children and Women SUDPR Sustainable Urban Development Poverty Reduction Program (Kerala) T.N. Tamilnadu U.P. Uttar Pradesh U.T. Union Territory UN United Nations UNHCR United Nations Commission on Human Rights UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Education Fund UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund For Women VCSE Victims Of Commercial Sexual Exploitation VDO Village Development Officer VHS Voluntary Health Services W.H.I Women Empowerment & Human Resource Development Center Of India WIP Women In Prostitution WOREC Women’s Rehabilitation Center WTO World Trade Organization CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................1 II. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................6 III. UNDERSTANDING CROSS-BORDER TRAFFICKING OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN INDIA .............................................................................................9 A. DEFINITIONS AND DEBATES ....................................................................................11 B. GENDER DIMENSIONS OF TRAFFICKING...................................................................15 C. INCIDENCE AND PATTERNS OF TRAFFICKING ...........................................................15 D. NATIONAL CRIME DATA ..........................................................................................19 E. DATA FROM INDIAN BROTHELS ...............................................................................20 F. DATA FROM SOURCE AREAS ..................................................................................21 IV. DYNAMICS OF TRAFFICKING OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN .........................32 A. SUPPLY .................................................................................................................33 B. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ....................................................................................33 C. STRUCTURAL ECONOMIC CHANGES........................................................................33 D. SOCIAL FACTORS...................................................................................................35 E. GOVERNANCE........................................................................................................38 F. DEMAND FACTORS.................................................................................................43 G. IMPACTS OF TRAFFICKING ......................................................................................45 V. ANTI-TRAFFICKING PROGRAM STRATEGIES ...................................................48 A. INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS..................................................................................48 B. TYPES OF TRAFFICKING INTERVENTIONS.................................................................54 C. CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................66 VI. RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................................67 A. DEMAND RELATED ISSUES .....................................................................................67 B. PREVENTION STRATEGIES......................................................................................67 C. INTERCEPTION / RESCUE STRATEGIES....................................................................68 D. REINTEGRATION / REHABILITATION STRATEGIES .....................................................68 E. RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADB .................................................................................68 F. RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................70 VII. CASE STUDIES...................................................................................................74 A. INNOVATIVE PROGRAM MODELS (GOVERNMENT – CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIP) ....74 APPENDIXES Appendix 1: Case Studies Appendix 2: Government Policies for Women Appendix 3: Individual Case Studies Appendix 4: Anti-Trafficking Initiatives Appendix 5: Lande Routes from Jessore and Sathbira Appendix 6: Summary of Proceedingsof Proceedings of India National Consultation Workshop Appendix 7: ADB Sector Guidelines 1 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The alarming numbers of women and children being trafficked for forced labor or slavery-like practices (including commercial sexual exploitation) is a development concern for the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Although available statistics are limited and contested, the existing data has served to highlight the issue as evidenced by increased national attention to trafficking issues. An important dimension of inclusive development and a key focus area for the ADB involves strengthening the participation of vulnerable groups in mainstream development, reducing gender discrimination and promoting the development of social capital. ADB’s involvement in combating trafficking of women and children directly addresses its strategic goals: poverty reduction and promoting gender equality. 2. Following initial investigations in the South Asia region and discussions with the governments of India, Bangladesh and Nepal, the following objectives were developed for the ADB Regional Technical Assistance (RETA): (i) To increase ADB’s understanding of how its existing country programs and regional policy dialogue can be used to support and strengthen anti-trafficking efforts in South Asia; and (ii) To contribute to capacity building and other efforts by stakeholders to develop and implement policies and programming which will effectively combat trafficking in women and children in South Asia. 3. The challenge of combating trafficking is far beyond the capacity and resources of individual organizations alone, therefore the ADB sought a collaborative approach for this RETA to learn
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