Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48974-4 — Sex, Law, and the Politics of Age Ishita Pande Index More Information Index abjection, 20. See also Muslims, as abject age differences in marriage, 223–26 others laws against, 156–57 abstinence, 151, 166, 167, 168, 193, 194 as unnatural and abnormal, 165 Acharya, M. K., 100, 136, 137, 167–68 age of consent, 15. See also age of Act XXIX (1925), 128, 138 marriage; consent Act XXVI (1937), 218 age of puberty and, 48–49 adolescence. See also development; boy protection and, 125 puberty feminist scholarship on, 59–71 brahmacharya as, 150–51, 154, 163, gender and, 128–38 164, 165, 177, 190–97, 200, 206, global logic of, 126–27, 137 219 rise in, 32, 36–51, 138–39, 147 as discrete stage of life, 191, 195–206 Age of Consent Act (1891), 10, 25, 262, female development and, 143, 198 265 queer temporality and, 170 Muslims and, 230 as universal, 207 law’s temporality and, 35–51, 60–71 adultery, 134, 174 Age of Consent Committee, 99, 118, 126, age, 12–20. See also age-stratification; 129, 226–27, 228–33, 238–39, 249, sex/age system 255 as abstract value, 17, 185 age of criminal responsibility, 14, 138, consummation of marriage and, 36, 145, 146, 147 44, 49, 97, 124, 129, 225, 239, 279 age of discretion, 274–76, 279 dentition as evidence of, 111–15, 291 age of majority, 35, 150, 151 development stages and, 207 in frontier provinces, 250 digits of, 19, 73, 75, 91 gender and, 56 documentation of, 117, 144, 269, legal capacity and, 15 272–73 puberty and, 272 as embodied, 33, 35–51, 108–20 sexual maturity and, 167 epistemic contract on, 19–20, 38, uniformity and, 52–59 59–71, 73, 104, 162, 251, 281–82, age of marriage. See also age of consent; 287 child marriage; marriage evidence of, 108–20, 289–92 boy protection and, 125 globalization of childhood and, 86 contemporary debates on, 129 historicity of, 19–20, 65 sexology and, 187–89 as measure of human capacity, 280–82 in United States, 290 medical evidence of, 38, 108–20, 148, age of marriage, minimum. See also Child 273 Marriage Restraint Act (CMRA, naturalization of, 16, 52, 170, 292 1929); Hindu Child Marriage Bill as paradigm of natural, 12, 68, 69 (1927) shastric stipulations on, 149–50 amended in 1949, 21 uncertainty of, 13, 91–95, 105, 132, boy protection and, 149 143–44, 289–92 in Child Marriage Restraint Act, 12, x-rays used in determining, 109, 291 86–89 311 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48974-4 — Sex, Law, and the Politics of Age Ishita Pande Index More Information 312 Index age of marriage, minimum. (cont.) Appadurai, Arjun, 89, 227 CWC and, 80, 81–82 Ariès, Philippe, 4 debates on, 95–104 Arya Press, 216 in England, 42 Arya Samajis (reformist Hindus), 7, 9, in Hindu Child Marriage Bill, 7, 96 153–54, 215–16. See also Sarda, Har Hindu sexology and, 171 Bilas Muslim law and, 250 Gurukul section, 103 in Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 22 Asad, Talal, 27, 127, 259 puberty and, 46–51 autopsy reports, 33 in Special Marriage Act, 39 autoptic child, 34–51, 59, 62–64, 71, Vedic ethics and, 26 290 Age of Marriage Bill (Britain, 1929), 81 Ayesha, 215, 223, 224–25, 227 agency, 64, 88, 288 Ayurveda, 190–91 age-stratification, 144, 148, 170, 196, 222 Ayyangar, M. S. Sesha, 166 legal personhood and, 69 Aziz Bano v. Mohammad Ibrahim Husain, in liberal sex/age system, 127–28 266–68 presumed as necessary, 65–71 rational self-conduct and, 18 backwardness, 88, 227, 233, 240, 251, sexology and, 187–89 281, 284 Agnes, Flavia, 287–88 Badal Aurat and Anr. v. Queen-Empress, Ahmad, Iqbal, 277 257–59, 260–66, 268–70, 274, Ahmad, M. Maswood, 279 278 Ahmad Husain v. Amir Bano, 277 Baines, Jervoise Athelstane, 91 Ahsan-Ullah, Nawab, 45, 230 Baksh, Malik Khuda, 252 Alarm Bell Arthat Khatre Ka Ghanta, 222 Bakshi, Rai Bahadur Sohan Lal, 128 Alexina, Herculine. See Barbin, Abel Balya Bibaha Birodhini Samiti (Society Ali, Ameer, 261–66, 267–70, 275–76, to Prevent Child Marriages), 116 277–78, 280 Banerjee, Gooroodas, 150 Ali, Maulana Mahomed, 217 Bannerji, Himani, 63 Alimuddin, 217 Barbin, Abel, 32–34, 39 All India Child Marriage Abolition Bayly, Chris, 119 League, 103 Begum Ferozuddin, Khadijah, 247–48 All India Muslim Personal Law Board Belvi, D. V., 229 (AIMPLB), 283–84, 286 Bengal, 226 All India Muslim Women’s Personal Law child protection laws, 83 Board (AIMWPLB), 286 medical debates on consent in, All India Women’s Conference (AIWC), 39–41 77, 103 Bengal Births and Deaths Registration All-India Marwari Agarwal Mahasabha, Act (1873), 91 152 Bengal Hindu Child-Marriage All-India Muslim Women’s Conference, Prevention Bill (1924), 149 248 Berlin Labor Conference, 57, 58 Alter, Joseph, 193 Bhagini Samaj (Women’s Society) of Ambedkar, B. R., 100–1, 103 Bombay, 101 Aminabai, 270–73 Bharatiya Janata Party, 285 Ananga Ranga, 172–74, 186 Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan Anderson, Benedict, 10–11 (BMMA), 286–87 Anderson, Michael R., 260, 272 Bhargava, Thakurdas, 156, 223 Angelides, Steven, 63–64 Bhondar v. Emperor, 147 Anglo-Muhammadan law, 86, 231, 259, Bhore Committee, 76 260, 261 bigamy, 257, 262 anticolonial nationalism, 3, 9 biopolitics of population, 78, 89 inner domain and, 11 Birch, E. A., 43 opposition to CMRA and, 237–44 Birla, Ritu, 153 shariat and, 252 birth control campaigns, 76, 168, 198 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48974-4 — Sex, Law, and the Politics of Age Ishita Pande Index More Information Index 313 birth registration, 18, 106 Carroll, Lucy, 259 errors in, 90–96, 108 case law, 260, 265, 271, 274 inaccuracies in, 13 cell/conjugal family, 80–81, 84–85 as proof of age, 116–20 census, 73, 74 Blackburn and District Chamber of 1911, 72 Commerce, 57 1921, 72, 77, 94 blasphemy, law on, 217 1931, 22, 232 Blum, Binyamin, 91, 109 2001, 21 bodily/biological maturity, 15. See also on child marriage, 76–78, 227 puberty communal representation and, 227 age of marriage and, 41–44 creation of colonial subjects in, biomedical signs of, 38–51 89–96 legal capacity and, 53 errors in, 72 temporality of, 174, 206–7 fears of demographic decline and, 221 Bombay, 131, 156 legal personhood and, 119–20 child protection laws, 83 creation of political minorities and Bombay Birth Control League, 76 majorities in, 227, 232 Bombay Catholic Welfare Organization, Central Provinces, 83, 116, 242–43 134 Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 22–23, 65–66, Bombay Parsi Central Organization, 134 258 Bombay riots (1992–93), 285 Chamber of Princes, 83 Bose, Juggobundo, 44 Chamupati, Pundit, 215, 225 boy protection, 123–65 Chatarpur, 133 in colonial courtrooms, 138–48 Chatterjee, J. C., 86 boys. See also age of consent; age of Chatterjee, Partha, 11, 22 marriage Chattopadhyaya, Kamaladevi, 103 global/Hindu sexology and, 166 Chevers, Norman, 40 masturbation and, 191–94 child. See also autoptic child; childhood minimum age of marriage and, 7, 136, juridical construction of, 26, 70, 75, 149 84, 88, 119–20 brahmacharya (celibate studentship), as moral category in politics, 82–83 150–51, 154, 163, 164, 165, 177, naturalization of, 33–35, 61–71 190–97, 200, 206, 208, 219 standardization of time and, 27 Brahmanas, 97, 181, 209 child labor, 56–59, 111 Brahmanism, critique of, 100–1 child marriage, 1–6. See also age of Brahmins, 150, 167 marriage; marriage Brahmo Marriage Act (1872), 41 adolescence and, 191 Brahmo Samaj (social reformist age of majority and, 56 organization), 39, 154 contemporary debates on, 283–92 Brahmos, 118 eugenics and, 171 Brewer, Holly, 68 Hindu sexology and, 178 British sexology, 166 incidence of, 20–21, 72, 75, 105, 228, Brown, Wendy, 60 238 Buckmaster, Lord, 81 Muslims and, 215–27 Buddhist Marriage and Divorce reproductive temporality and, Bill, 101 178–84 Burton, Richard, 172, 188 Vedic past and, 208 Butler, Judith, 38 child marriage legislation. See also Child Marriage Restraint Act (CMRA, Calcutta Literary Society, 230 1929); Hindu Child Marriage Bill Calcutta Medical College, 38–39 (1927) Calcutta Medical Society, 41–44 penalties on marital sex, 128–33 calendars, 15, 173–74 provincial bills, 149–65 capitalism, time and, 15–18, 185 uniformity in, 157 Carpenter, Edward, 195, 207 as unnatural, 166 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48974-4 — Sex, Law, and the Politics of Age Ishita Pande Index More Information 314 Index Child Marriage Restraint Act (CMRA, universal, 85–89 1929), 7–12 Children’s Protection Bill (1927), 85, on age differences, 155–56 126, 128–39, 143 boy protection and, 136–38 Christianity, 118 child/adult binary in, 191 Churchill, Winston, 85 compliance in princely states, 161 Civil Disobedience Movement, definition of “child,” 12, 27, 104 240–44 demonstrations against, 236–44 CMRA. See Child Marriage Restraint digits of age and, 73 Act (CMRA, 1929) exclusions and, 209 Code Napoléon, 150 extensions of, 149 Cohen, Lawrence, 14 as failure, 20–21, 22, 74, 105–6 colonial governmentality, 74, 95 Hindu orthodox opposition to, 153, 167 Indian nationalism and, 236–44 historical transitions and, 10 Islamic law and, 230, 236, 260 humanitarianism and, 251 colonial law legislative debates on, 74 chronological age and, 17 minimum age of marriage in, 197 Muslim law and, 246, 262 minor, definition of, 12 proofs of age and, 52 Muslim opposition and exemption, religious/personal law and, 55–56 217, 228–36, 245–56, 260, 276, colonialism 278–81 metaphorical childhood and, 3–4 national consensus on, 218 time and, 16–20 passage of, 73, 187 Committee for the Prevention of the patriarchal control and, 162–65 Traffic in Women and Children, 83 in postcolonial countries, 22 Committee for the Status of Women, 104 in princely states, 157 Committee on Child Welfare (CWC), proposed amendments to, 278–81 79–83, 86–88 recording of age and, 18 communalism, 217, 254–55 repeal of, 21 companionate marriages, 102–3 secularization and, 228–36, 253 conjugal rights, 130–33, 137 as success, 21 consent.
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