THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 ESTABLISHED 1859 WOLFEBORO, N.H. GRANITESTATENEWS.COM 75¢ Tuftonboro chief gives progress report on new fire station BY ELISSA PAQUETTE ticipated heavy rain did not department members were 12 yards of gravel at the new mentioned above who either years duration and having an Staff Writer materialize but rained drawing down the water level dry hydrant at the library at a donated their services or gave ambulance housed within 10 TUFTONBORO — Fire enough to get the grass grow- to clear out cat o nine tails and reduced cost of $909. them at cost. miles of 240 Middle Road in Chief Adam Thompson, re- ing. other items that had accumu- The chief expressed thanks Bids on the new ambulance porting on the progress of the Thompson, who said his lated over the last 20 years. for the local town contractors contract for one and three SEE FIRE STATION PAGE A14 new fire station to the Tufton- young son regularly asks to When a problem was dis- boro Board of Selectmen on visit the site, said that the cis- covered, JB & Sons Sewer and Monday evening, Sept. 24, tern is in place, the footing Drains, Inc. of Union Wharf said that Blue Ridge Land- walls are poured, the founda- Road donated its video and lo- scaping hydro-seeded the hill- tion is being filled in and the cating service to find the side gratis to the town. retention pond is installed. break in the piping eight feet Thompson estimated that This past month, the de- underground. The Burnham owner Donald Cope donated partment also discovered and Company of Conway was about $350 worth of supplies fixed a problem with a dry hy- called upon to excavate and and labor in kind. drant that serves as fire pro- replace approximately 10 feet When storms threatened tection for the Tuftonboro of the pipe. The bill for serv- that same weekend, members Neck area, while in the ices was $681. of the department covered process of drawing down the Thompson also reported ex- the area with protective net- pond of the Lawalls of Hurl- cavation work by Edwin V. ting. As it turned out, the an- burt Way.At their request, fire Moody & Sons, Inc., including COURTESY PHOTO – ADAM THOMPSON BLUE RIDGE LANDSCAPING hydroseeded the hillside at the construction site of the new Tuftonboro fire sta- tion. Green grass is growing now to prevent erosion. The company donated its services to the town. Selectmen reach decisions on three outstanding matters BY THOMAS BEELER and the free parking would kids in the school system. At Editor take business away from com- the same time the residents WOLFEBORO — Three mercial arenas. do things like patrol for mil- matters left outstanding at the Timothy Ouhrabka spoke foil. He concluded that it was last Board of Selectmen meet- on Sept., 19 on behalf of is- not fair to require islanders to ing were settled by Wolfeboro land residents, particularly pay to park elsewhere. selectmen at their Sept. 19 those on Lake Wentworth. He In a letter written to the meeting. said that island residents do board, Kathy and Dick Eaton The most controversial mat- not have practical places to on Triggs Island on Lake ter was a proposed new policy park their trailers and this Wentworth noted that Gilford HEATHER TERRAGNI allowing island residents to summer trailers parked at provides docks for town resi- HIGH SCHOOL RIBBON CUTTING. School Board Chair Stacy Trites, High School Principal Guy Donnelly, school store their boat trailers in the Mast Landing were ticketed dents only and a dumpster on- board members Jim Rines, Diane Drelick, Don Meader, Jack Widmer and Assistant Principal William Douglass auxiliary parking lot at the and towed. He said that Lake ly for islander. Use they sup- watch as high school students Katherine McCarthy and Tuckerman Jones cut the ribbon during the celebration of the completion of the Kingswood project last Saturday, Sept. 22. See story on the celebration and more pho- Pop Whalen Ice Arena from Wentworth residents don’t ported allowing only islands tos on page A8. April to October. At the Sept. have a fireboat as on Lake residents to park their boat 5 selectmen’s meeting several Winnipesaukee or police pro- trailers. objections were raised, in- tection and noted his cabin Parks and Recreation Di- cluding that it would provide had been broken into three rector Ethan Hipple reported School board hears reports on a special service to a limited times. Islanders don’t use home coming, school tours number of property owners town water or sewer or put SEE WOLFEBORO PAGE A15 Middleton asks for ni reception, Kingswood Com- the alumni association may plex open house, and new staff have liked, was hopefully just Ambulance purchase quote on sending reception – the board briefly the first of many. A catalyst 150 students to reviewed the highlights of for discussions of possibly each. making it an annual event, Kingswood At each Chef Patrick about 40 alumni, from a wide proposed for Tuftonboro Brideau and his students in array of graduating classes, the culinary arts program, attended. BY ELISSA PAQUETTE March at a minimum bid of are in the midst of budgetary BY HEATHER TERRAGNI Staff Writer Staff Writer along with the students in the School Board Chair Stacy $25,000. planning. hospitality program, proved Trites took a moment at the TUFTONBORO — Fire Such a purchase would Selectman Carolyn WOLFEBORO — On Mon- that they can more than satis- meeting to thank Alumni As- Chief Adam Thompson pro- make it possible for the fire Sundquist read off the items day evening, Sept. 24 the Gov- factorily handle the pressure sociation President Kristie vided a report on the depart- department, once the new on the list that will go to the ernor Wentworth Regional of three back-to-back events Smith for the work she and ment’s activities at the Board building is complete in 2013, Capital Improvements Pro- School Board met for its sec- such as these were. At the Fri- her fellow association mem- of Selectmen’s Sept. 24 meet- to provide 24-hour ambulance gram (CIP) committee. It in- ond time in September. day,Saturday and Monday af- bers put in to making the re- ing (see separate article) and service with either full time cludes work on Lang Pond With several major events ternoon functions elaborate ception happen. A lot of brought up the possibility of or per diem personnel. Road, playground equipment having just passed – the alum- spreads of fancy hors d’oeu- thought was put into contact- the town purchasing an am- Thompson said he realizes he requested by the Parks and vres and refreshments were ing alumni and providing spe- bulance owned and for sale by has said he wouldn’t be pur- Recreation Committee that INSIDE presented to attendees from cial touches such as display- Effingham. He said it is worth chasing equipment next year, she said needs further clarifi- ■ sandwiches to deserts. ing all of the past years’ year- at least $40,000 including the but it is an opportunity that cation, information from the Friday’s alumni reception, equipment inside and the he wanted to call to the Volume 153 • Number 39 though not as well attended as SEE GWRSD PAGE A14 town is putting it up to bid in board’s attention while they SEE TUFTONBORO PAGE A14 38 Pages in 3 Sections Tuftonboro News .........A1, A11 Wakefield News ...........A1, A11 Town urged not to Wolfeboro News.............A1-A6 Arts & Entertainment...B9-B11, ....................................B13-B14 use private contractors Business................................C2 Churches.............................A10 Classifieds .......................C5-C8 Crossword.............................C3 for plowing Editorial & Letters.......A12-A13 BY THOMAS BEELER ith to analyze town depart- Editor John Harrigan.....................B11 ments and compare them to Legal/Public Notices.......A4, C5 WAKEFIELD — Two for- five other similar communi- Obituaries...................A10-A11 mer employees and a former ties in New Hampshire and People & Places............B13, C2 town official came to the Maine with the goal of finding School News.............A1, A8-A9 Wakefield selectmen’s after- ways to improve efficiencies Sports ..............................B1-B8 noon meeting on Sept. 19 to and keep costs down. Even be- Week Ahead .........................C1 give their views on using pri- fore receiving the final MRI ©2012, Salmon Press, LLC. vate contractors to plow se- report, which is now expected Call us at (603) 569-3126 lected areas of town in place in October, selectmen decided email: [email protected] of highway department to invite independent contrac- trucks. tors to bid on plowing snow on Wakefield selectmen are selected routes that Road JOSHUA SPAULDING looking for ways to reduce Agent Fred Clough felt could town expenses without reduc- be done separately from high- Serving it up ing services. They have con- way department plows. Kingswood students (l to r), Brendan Donahue, Sam Bonenfant, Rachel Lapar and Kellie Lander man the tracted with Municipal Re- concession stand at Alumni Field during the Knights’ Homecoming game on Friday, Sept. 21. sources Inc. (MRI) of Mered- SEE WAKEFIELD PAGE A14 A2 THE GRANITE STATE NEWS, Thursday, September 27, 2012 Area nonprofit agencies submit 2013 budget requests BY THOMAS BEELER own review and evaluation. to support its tuition assis- provided mental health serv- Editor Finally the budget becomes a tance program. ices to 127 Wolfeboro patients WOLFEBORO — Repre- warrant article which is re- Paula Abraham, Commu- who do not qualify for Med- sentatives from 13 of the 14 viewed in the Deliberative nity Contact Manager for icaid and have no insurance. nonprofit organizations that Session in February and then Tri-County Community Ac- She said patients without in- provide services to approved or disapproved by tion Program, submitted an surance tend not to ask for Wolfeboro residents submit- voters in March.
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