PORTLAND DAILY Established June 1862. 0. 33, Vol. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 2, is* 7. Terms Eight Dollars per annum, in advene. THE PORXLAM) DAILY PRESS i> publish d CAStllS. IKSUUANCl, BCIiAESS miMUUXAiUiOUB. up. The Reformer* have eve v day, .Sunday excepted,) ui No. 1 Printer** heretofore complain- Commercial Portland. _ KxcJi<tu*c, street. DAILY PRESS. ed chieflv of the lavish ex; enditures of the N. A. POSTER, pBOHUKl DB. BltADBUKY* BitAOBUBT. THE REMOV A l7z ATLANTIC government; but that is always the com- 'J CRMS: ixrilarr a year in advance. poriland —Eight ot the luive this clay removed to NO. 1 GALT plaint outs, and would be taken up by Counsellors at commercial where we snail THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is at tlit Law, WEBLOCK, Street, Mutual Insurance the Tories with readiness iftl e published mutual benefit continue the Flour ami Corn buKuet-a. Company. equal Reform- si'nc pl;»c« every morning ut $2.00 u year, Uauk 51 Wat, Tii' Thursday (taring. liuildiug, Uxcbnngc 81, llio name of our lirm i* ^t, cor. William, NEW YOBK, sday 2. 1867. ers should Invariably in advance. this day changed to Morning, July succeed to power. There Is at 1 BLAKL, JoM-S & GAGE. 1867. BluD Bradbury, Jasijauy, no of Ufe & F recent question any considerable mo- Rates cf ADvr.KTiftOo.—Une inch of space,in A. W. B.adbury. ) PORTLAND. Insurance BLAKE, JONES CO. June ?7-dtf Company, July 1. d2w«&w4w lotiith oi column, constitute* * “square/* Insures against Mabine and Inland Navi- REPUBLICAN NOMINATION. ment before the people of the Dominion. Con- $'.50 per -t|*»are dally lii>t week: 75 cent? per «T. ewark, N. gation Bisks. federation is a tact and week after; tlireo insertions, or less, $1.00; contiuu- w. T. Kltows & « o.. R E MO vTl accomplished, though luii every othsr day alter first week, 50 cents. Organized in ISIS. Charter tlie as nr« General Perpetual. The whole ol the FOR MOVER disunionists they called, will hear Halt square, iluve insertions or leas, 75 cents; one Commission Merchants, profits Company revert to the NOR, Assured, and are divided Irom » is tv, el.ooj ctalft per wcult aiu-.r. No* 90 street, W. D. LITTLE & CO., annually, upon the Preui their o po ition to the Act ot tba «>i Commercial and inns Union, Under bend of "A MChumknt*,’’ $2 00 oer squart Having pa;d losses on deceased members amounting to 4(5,125,425, terminated during ho year; and lor wlilch'Cer- Block,) removed tlielr Insurance and Kail wav tiiicates »i e struggle for in pec week; three insertions or less, $1.50. (Thomas issued, hearing interest until redeemed JOSHUA L. BffAMBF.RT.ATN placo ) HAVETicket Offices from Commercial Street and Mar- Dividend ibr ten .1 Noth. fc^,,4*l.2o pci square ior the ilr»t ln- WTTLABD T. BBOW.v, l*OBTLAND. declared In Dividends to the the sum of with assets well Average vears past 33 per cent. tuk n-„w ( living $6,002,830, ket to their new office in the pabeiament ki Jou, and 25 couth pel square for each subsequent Waltek H. Bwwk, Square, Deoring dock, OF BEUNsWICK. W'll proceed on iui rhoii. Sole Wholesale Agents for the Boston Mutch Co. secured amounting to over has declared Its TWENTIETH annual Ao. 19 1-2 The Com pan has the following Assets, viz: mainly personal grounds. insorted in the “Aiaike r ier to D .na & J. $12,000,000, just Hxchange Street, Cuned Slates and state oi vUvirtisetneul* Staik for Maine. By ^permission Co., New-York i oelis Clt\ Even Mr. Joseph Howe will I e elected to the which ha? a large circulation in p; r- W in* Co., Josiaa H. Drummond. Barrets, Second ovtr store of William U. Uoliusoa. Bank and other Stocks, every Pork Dividend, belug 50 per cent. story, $6,’n'*86 6i’ Thu Druili of niuximiliau. House ot Commons qt (ite Siatsjtbr $1.00 par square for first Insertion4 Kobe* * Co. JunoEfldtt June 27. d3w Loanssoeured by Stocks and otherwise, 1,120 3.',o t.i from Nova Scotia, not- a d •Occnic lor each lieal E-date, and Bonds and per square subsequent iu»ir- Mortgages, uMAGb (X After a constant succession of rumors eon- withstanding his opposition to Confederation. tiOB. T. H. llie ft usual Income for 1866, was $4 031,855.39. interest and sundry notes and claims due HASKELL, ce R E M (JViYE~ the eoitipam estimated at 111,865 21 mining the late of Maximilian, we at length The Toronto Deader predicts that Ml. Howe It continues to issue all olasses of Life at the lowest rates consistent with Premium Notes and Bills Beceivable. 11 Policies, 3,b..7,735 have way of N®w Orleans that will he the leader ot thv 31’SISIESS & GLO. L. Cash in Bank 131,207*1 intelligence by Opposition in the C A tins. Attorney Counsellor to the members. Its features are in F.'CKETT, perfect security distinguishing economy expenditure, lecves little room tor that his life has House, llou. Brown has Successor to Stephon Gale, has removed to bis new hopo George been nomi- Over Flm National Bank, uud care iu its 112,530 304 k been management. •tors, spared. Juarez, no doubt, would have nated as a candidate to represent South On- 143 Charles P. Mattocks, Cwugre**, ueur WaihiugMii Street, rested cod Corner Middle and Plum It pays no stockholders for the use of no bonuses or commissions to officers, trustees: gli.dly tent with his overthrow tario, and Mr. McGee will undoubtedly win a Streets, oapital, Where ho will a choioo st ck of and keep Drugs John D. Jones, Wm. wi iliout his and no immoderate compensation to Medicines, English and American Goous. Sturgis, requiring blood. Such a course seat. Mr. Dor Ion will also be returned. It and Counsellor at Law, POHTLAND, ME. agents. Fancy Charles Dennis, Hem\ lv. iiogert, Attorney 23^~Physlchuw prescriptions was June careiully compound- VV. II. H. Moore, Joshua J Henry, imperatively demanded, not only by con- Is said that the Cathode priests are CAX.1L. MAXK uriLUING, All its Directors attend its and serve on its committees. Its risks are care- every- SO._dlw&eodlw* meetings, ed-__Je22dtf Henry Coit, Dennis Perkins, siderations ot but their to Wm. humanitv, by souud policv where urging people support candi- ... selected in O. Picker Jos. No 88 Middle Olreet Portland. S. FREEMAN & fully so as to secure sound lives. It is careful in adtuatlng losses and prompt LAW NOTICE. eg CalJard, Jr., CO., Lewis Curtis, J. Houry Burgy. and a wise regard for the moral sentiment oi dates for Parliament who have lavored Con- ~i.bi.du;•_ payment. Clras. H. Russell, Cornelius Grinnell, all the civilized nations of the world. and to as enemies ot J. IV. Commission Merchants l CHARLES W. Lowell Holbrook, C. A Hand, Now federation, regard the 8YMOXDS, Its GODDARD, ft. funds are invested with regard to security, never hazarding principal for interest; Warren Weston, ft. J. Howland, the Mexican republic commences a new term church and all men who 181 Broad street, Roval government may Counsellor at Law, lienee it has never lost » dollar on its investments. losses and and Phelps. Beoj. Babcock, Alter paying expenses, & Solicitor in Caleb Fleteher of Its ephemeral life under gloomy au In word or obstructions to the Middle Bank Samuel Fkseman, ) Lawyer Barstow, Westray, spices. Oder, deed, 86} 81, (Canal Building,) E. D. the of of Bankruptcy, A. P.Pillot, Rubt. B Aw. lion. I NEW VO UK. reserving value all outstanding policies, it has always made an annual dividend HAS BEHOVED TO Minturn, Jr, The United whose has con- and il-dtl 1-OUT1.AN D. Wm. K. GordonW. States, friendship governments legislatures, In their honest 1(V attention to tlie Dodge, Burnham, Q^Particular given purcliaaiug return premiums to the and them when due. Geo. G. more than to to of Flour and Oratn. members, paid No. lOO Street, Hobson, Fred’k Cbauncey, tributed everythlngelse the suc- attempts make the nuw constitution worX BBS. CUADWICK Exchange David Lane, James & FOGG <Sr Low, the can welL iey It is a “MUTUAL BENEFIT" hut one class of all life Bsnh James S. cess of liberal cause, hardly sustain 801 1-4 COWOBK88 ATttBET, T. a. Company, having members, policies, Opposite Saviubni Building. JunelBtt Bryce, Qeo. Stephenson, teroy M. Wiioy, Wm. H. Webb. the of hs toward a ANNEXATION BUuWN’i saw BLOCK. both new and old, sharing equally iu the annual division of surplus, receiving a dividend on Daniels. cordiality teclings neigh- Removal. Millor, Continues to be talked i«-dU John state oblivious of the of about. The St. May L. F, erery premium paid. D. Jokes, President boring that, weight rlNOBEK, KXHKKSS has removed to No. Charles Johns Globe “the 68 Dennis Viee-Prcaident. has so says, annexationists have C. J. Pattern sod Model and PRINCK’SExchange Street. W. H. H. 2d Vice-Prest. obligation resting upon it, obstinately BC'HdNACHGB, MaKer Machinist, It endeavors, in to aot in all as a faithful trustee for the members. Having for Jun. dil Moore, lrom a brief, respects 17,18CT. J. D. 3d grown ‘corporal's guard,' as described No. 4 l-'J Exchange etrcct, Hewlett, Vice-Prest. refused to listen while our government com- over years this it to continue it in tho and offers its J. H. Mr. In FRESCO PA HATER. Over twenty pursued course, proposes future, Ghapeak,Secretary. by TUley Montreal, to an Immense ar- janetodlcu V.
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