0t1tttttl* xmm HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, EPRKSENTING THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES VOL. 22 NEW YORK, MARCH 4, 1876 NO 55a Financial. FlnanoiaL - Financial. r. J ESBBT, Preildant. S. O. CoLUaa.Caaklsr. Munroe & Co., THE John The Exchange Bank No. 8 IVall Street, TfeMr Tork, National Bank-Note Co., No. 4 Post Ofllee Square. Boston. OF DENVER, COLORADO. CHktjUKS ANU CABLK TKANSFKlCj ON (mCORPORATED NOVEMBKB, 1859.) nUNRMB Jc f!U^ PAKI!«. Capital btovk, • «3S0,000. STEKLINO CHEQUES ON OITXCX, No. 1 WAIX STREET, ALBXANDER8, CI'NLIFFBS Ac CO. Special attention Klren to CallecUoni, aad to tk Iiomdou. Inveatlng of money on artl-clau real estate lecnrliy NEW YORK. SIXTY DAY STKKLINO ON TUK for uou-retldents. OONSOIilDATED BANK, LONDON. CORRESPONDENTS. EKGSATXKS OF THX TradttsmoD National Bank, and tiUman, <-on A Co. ClBOtTLAR NOTBS AXD CrKDITB FOR TRATaLBRS nltod Stat«s Bonds, Notes, Cxavncj New York ; Wells, Kargo A Co.'t Bauk, Sao l* ranelice and National Bank Notes. BKaK^TTNO iXD PBINTDIa OF R, T. Wilson 5c Co., Morse, Kimball & Co., iHK-JHOTHS, 8TATB AND BAII.ROAD BONDS, BANKSR8 AND COMMlSeiON MERCHANT BANKERS, 18 New Street, Neiv ¥ark. POSTAQK AND RKVENTTE STAMPS, 2 EXCHANGB COVWT. Membera New York Stook and aokl Kseliaace*, iKTlnCATKS, DRAFTS. BILLS OF EXCHANGI!, Liberal ca«h ndvar.cee mnde on conglgnmenT* of Cotton and Tob&ccotoour address ;alao toourlrtemia AND COMMERCIAL PAFEBS, IB Liverpool and London. Maturin Ballou, Ugbest styl« the Qovemmani S«carttlea, Q*ltf, Stoc-ks the of art with tpteial t<tfe- mud Bonda 6 Wall Street. ardt derlwd and pataUed, to prevent coanter- Boagtat acd Sold on Commlwlon, and ting and alterations, 1NVBST.1IBNT SB0DBITIE8 I^OANfl NKUOTIATKD* SPECIALTY. rui Company engraveB and printi bonda, postage A Accounts received and Interest allowed on balance' jnpi and paper money for varions foreign The iDTcstmeot of Trnut or other funds on riiat which may be checked for at slfrht. Morlffag security eUected. Temmenta and Banking Institntiona—South Commercial paper neeotlatad. > lerican, European, West India Islands, Japan, &c. Sherman & Grant, G. BsOBxaoBas, Js. Edwajid B. Usmubiu. lofmntunteaHftnt may h« addrettett to thil mpanff in any languagt. BANKBBS, Buckingham& Underhill WASIIINUTON, D. C. (Members New York Stock Exchange.} J. H. VAN ANTTTERP, PreaH. OaiTRaAL EZOHANO* AXD PAVKtNS BVBIXasS. BROEERS IN J. ntACDONOVGH, VIce-Prea't. IJ.H.LROTKiHK .'• iLL I'OiWTB. A. D. SHEPAHD, Treasurer. STOCKS, BONDS, OOLB, JNO. £. GVItRUlR, Secretary. .A.ndrew Stuart & Co., AND OTBER SECURITIES. BANKERS, No. 16 ITall Street, New Toru. 34 PINK STRKET, NEW YORK. idward C. Fox & Co., DRAW RXCHANOE ON Co., DAVID S-rUART dc CO. Liverpool, F. W. Gilley, Jr. & Pajable in London. STOCK BROKERS, Advances inade on Consignments. BANKERS AND RROKERS, jouN KwKM, Jr.. Wiia.iAH I*. TtrrrLH., STRSBT, 30 BROAD ST., NKIV TURK. Member block & Gold Excta. Member Block Ezchauge 64 BROADWAY AND 19 NEW New Tork. tocki. Bonds and OoTemment Securities bought EWEN & TUTTLE, P. O.BOX43S9. rl sold at the New York Stook Exchange. Order Bin GoTernment Eecnrltlei, Rallxay Sharaa BANKERS AND BROKERS, Commlsslua. at tka 'e glTe and Bonds, executed strictly on Special Attention to State, New Ycrk Stock Kxchauae. Street, Inveatinents. Forelm <tr. County No. 83 Rroadwar and 31 New Particular attention nafd to and Totvn Bonds, and Rxcbaoge Bought and Sold. Depoalu received aub- inlernt allowed on dally l> rarities er defaulted Railroads for Buy BDd lell Stock!, Bonda and Gold on r.omululoo lect lo Bight chrck. »Dd balance", accore tug to the nature of the account. laterwi allowed on tfepoalta. ijollecilona and Remlt- vileh there Is no regular market. Piompt attention g.ven to tanrea. Inrorni.tlon co ceinlnga ytpcciaedaecurlty QUOTATIONS FURNISHED. will be chrerlully furstahed without charge. j Grant & Company, F. W.OlLLRT. Jr. E.S.OIIJ.BT, Member N. r. Stock Rxchangv. Spaclal. ^ansTvs J. BaowN. WALaTOK H. BBOWM. BANKERS AND BKOKKRS. J. NaLsow TAprAN. No. 33 IVALL STREET. StDSBT B. COOXB. FBBD. C. COLTOB. Vug. Brown & Son, Member N, Y. Stock Exchange. J. TRANSACT A GENERAL NANKING BCSLNESg BANKKRS, STOCKS BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION Cooke & Colton^ I n Liberty Street, Hew Tork. IHTBREBT ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. BANKERS AND BROKERS, R. StrrcAH GSAHT. 6. Bt. Jobh Sssrni*. 44 BROAD STBSBT, NEW TORK. MiClAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE NKGOTIA TION OF Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Foreign Exchange and Mla- Samuel Shaw, oellaneous SecurlUaa bought and sold atnetiy as AII.ROAI> RKOCBITIKS. BANBLEB, GommlssloB. And Dealer In Oommerelal Payer, etef Co., Charles G. Johnsen, Gargiulo & 6« IVALL STREET. BANKERS AND BBOKBBS 3EIICHASIT AND BAJWKER, G. Amsinck & Co., Nos. 4 A 6 Brvad Street, ISO Pearl Street, New Terk, NEW YORK. lee GRAVIKR STREET, ASBiiT* roa TUB Stocks, Bonds, Gold and Mlscenaneeaa Sac Mm Ordsn b LONDON AND HANSBATie BAN! ought and sold strletly on comnUaalsa. 1BW OBI.BARI, I A. (LoaraoJ.-LOMOOIl. maU or lelaciapa carsnuiy aheuoaa to. , u THE CHUONICLE [Maicb 4, 1876. Soston Baakers. Southern Bankers. Western Bankers. TUOS. P. HILLKIC, B. D. WILLIABS. JKO. W. MILLKR Parker & Stackpole, T. K. Skinker, Thos. P. Miller & Co., ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, BANKERS, 78 OKVONSIIIKK BTRKBT, BANKERS. 417 Olive Street, ST. LOVIS, BOSTON, mo niOBILE, ALABAMA, 1^" Special attention Riven to the collection o Special attention paid to collectlone,uitli prompt nillMCIPAL BONDS. Bujr and Sell 'n'eatern Cltr and reiiilttaQcesat curreut rsteB of exchange ou day of References—J. u. Llenbi^rger. fres't Third National ank, St. Louts Waters, I'res't County Bond*. payment. ; Win. H. Second Nal tl.. .. ..ID, I (irettpondeits. — Qormati American Bank, New Bank..'—u... Louis^uu.a ;, Kdward..una. u P.. Curtis.v^u. Cashiervtaoiii,., Nat.^^ a^„ BankDVUK fork; LoiiUiariH NatloDiU Bank, New Orleaus; UatiJC of tlie State oi Mo., SI. Louis ; Wui.- H. 'I'homioQ Brewster, Basset & Co., of Liverpool, Liverpool. Cashier Boatmen's Saving Bank, St. Loui^. BANKERS, James Hunter, Financial. No. 3S CONGRESS STREET, > ^ w v»KOKEB,^r ) <r ^f Dealer In Coin, Southern Sccuritlca and Exchange Boston, niaas. Loans Negotiated. Advances made on SecurRles FTSK & HATCH, placed in my hands for sale at curreut rates. Dealera in Btocka, Bonds, Gold and CommercUl Address, BANKERS, aper. Savannah, Georgia. N«. 5 NASSAC ST., Orders onented on Commission at Broken Board NRW YORK, (P. O. Box SI.) AncUons, and Private Sale. Refers to Baory Talmadge & Co., New York; Sonlb. We give particular attention to Dibkot Deaukos loTestment Securities consuntlv nn h»n i" trn Bank, SavaBuah, O*. IN QOVBRNMRNT BONDS AT CC&RRNT KARKKT HATIH. and are prepared, at all times, to buy or sell In large Kidder, Peabody Co., or small amounts, to suit all classes of investors. & K. S. Willis. Pres't. W. K.MoALPiNX.VlcePres t. 8. D. Kimball, Cashier. N.O. Lauvb, Secretary. Orders by mall or telegraph will receive careful atten- BOSTON, MASS. tion. We »hall be Texas Banking & Ins. Co. pleased to furnish information In reference to all matters connected with Investments COHHIBOtAL AKD ClBOULXB LVTIXBS OF CUDIT GALVESTON, TEXAS. In Government Bonds. We also buy and sell Gold and • STIKD ATAILABLX IN ALL PABTS 07 TBX WOBLD. ...... aou> Coupons, Canh Capital, $300,000. CoiiLROc Dividends, and Tows. County and BZOBANSB Stats DIltECTOKS : J. E. Wallis. M. Quln, E. 8. Jemison Coupons, &c.. and buy and sell, on Cokvission, ail OH liOHDOV, FABIS, AND OTBIB CONTrHBNTAt. Geo. Schneider, R. 8. WUUs.T. A. Gary, W. K. McAl- MARKITABLaSTOCEl AND BONVS. pine, D. The Ayers, J.Bernstein, J. S. Oiinuau, C. L. CiTIBS OF KtJKOPB. Cleveland, Peter H. Rthard, J. A McKee. in our Banking Department we receive deposit.' attention given to collections at Special all points and remittances subject to draft, and allow interest n tue State, and remlttaijceB promptly made, without to be credited month'y, on balances averaging, Hit New York Office, 33 Wall Street. any charge except custonfar rates of exchange. for month, from $1,000 to ts,000, at the rate of three pei cent per annum, and on balances averaging over Western Bankeri. rate Fhila. &. Ealtimore Bankers. 15,000, at the of four per cent. THE FISK & HATCH, Bell Austin, J. STOCK BROKER, Anglo-Calitornian Bank No. 319 Ixr^xNUT STREET, (LIMITED). M. K. Jesup, Paton & Co. Philadelphia. Head OfBce, 3 Angel Court. LONDON, B A N K E R S, Orders tn Stocks and Bonds promptly executed at he Philadelphia and Hew York Boards. SAN PRANCISCO Office, 423 California St. No. S3 William Street, New York, Agents, J. Seligman Co. NEW ITORK & W. & Draw Exchange on Union Bank of London. Wilson, Colston & Co., Antliorlzed Capital, > $6,000,000. Accounts of Banks, Bankers and others received BANKKKS AND BROKERS, Paid-up and Reserve, 1,55 0,000. upon favorable terms. BALTIinORE. Interest Allowed on Balances Subject to Drafts ut Transact a general Banking business. Issue Com- Sight. IMVKSTMKNT and VIRGINIA SKCUKITIB8 a mercial Credits and Bills of Exchange, available in all Advances made upon Consignments to our ad specialty. pai-ts of the world. Collections and orders for Bonds, or to our Correspondents n Europe. Correspondence solicited. '1 N. Y. CoRKKBPONDEKTS^McRlm Brothers A Co. Slocks, etc.. cxeL'uted upon the mo«t favorable terms. Investment Securities Bought and Sold. and Davidson & Jones. FKBD'K F. LOW, ! «.„,.„„ lONATZ STEISHART, J **""*"*• P. N. LILIENTHAL. Cafhler. Southern Banker?. VERMILYE & CO BACKERS, Sah'l H. Kxnnedy, Chas. I.. C. Dupuy, Pie-ldent. Cashier. 16 and 18 Nassau sfeet, Neiv Voli Capital, $850,000. Limit, $1,000,000. BANKERS AND BROKERS, DEALEliS IN ALL ISSUES OP GOVERNMENT SR0URITIE8, State National ST. LOUIS, mo. Bank NEW YORK CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. AND MISSOURI (B'ORMHULT LOITESIANA STATB BANK.) DEFAULTED COUNTY, CITY AND BROOKLYN BONDS. TOWNSHIP BONDS MADE A SPECIALTY. Transacts a General Banking Business.
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